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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
The text below is from a link off of theintelhub. I will link the whole article if you want to read through it. My personal feeling is that ELENIN may not be real, or is being grossly overexxagerated by many in the Alternative News. Is it possible for them to fake a comet or Near Earth Object to make it look like "Natural Disasters" are really natural? Could this be a huge psy-op to cause Earthquakes with HAARP/scalar technology to set off the New Madrid fault line, and the huge Volcano at Yellowstone not to mention the many nuclear plants around the World? These "people" control every aspect of our lives. It is not hard to imagine them wanting to scare the living shit out of us to create negative energy, and make us think that there was nothing that they could do to save us all. How are they so confident in their DUMBs if this is truely an un-stoppable event that could even kill them if the worst reports that I have seen are indeed true. There is a lot of suspicious stuff about ELENIN. For starters the man who found this comet/dwarf star is barely known or even findable on the net. Leonid Elenin has only 1 or 2 images available total while Astronomers who have found other comets have many pictures of them. Is Leonid Elenin a real person? Recently on CNN Paul Krugman talked about the need for a false Alien invasion to boost the economy and unite the World. I maybe reaching on this, but what if the "New Agers" who have been promoting all of the Planet X/Nibiru stuff are just pawns in a huge game where they may fake an ET invasion like NASA's Project Bluebeam? Every You Tube video that I have seen that promises "proof" of ELENIN's arrival have not convinced me. Especially the videos where there are reportedly 2 Suns. "Sun Dogs" anyone? What if they do give us a hologram show, but instead of Jesus, Mohammed, or aliens we see a holographic comet/dwarf star? Many trusted and respected researchers are buying this, but I have trouble doing so. Something was strange about the "leaked" NASA notes as well. I believe that ELENIN is code for Eleven Nine. That translates to November 9th 2011(11/9/11) or 9/11 backwards What do you guys think? For something that has supposedly been censored for National Security there seems to be alot of information going around, and ELENIN os also an easy cop out for the Japan quake(s) for which there is alot of evidence that it was manufactured. Is thiswhat all of the distractions (Ron Paul Straw Poll and Presidential race, Casey Anthony, Quartzite, Arizona Martial Law, debt ceiling, Bin Laden, SEAL Team 6, etc.) are for? Here's the link and below this text is an excerpt from the article: Article excerpt)What seems even more suspicious is the fact that the White House was warned by NASA late last year that there was a possible threat from outer space now facing the nation and a deflection campaign would need to be implemented. This document was signed by Eric P. Holdren. The White House document was released October 15, 2010 a few months prior to the so called “discovery” of comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) discovered by Leonid Elenin with an 18″ telescope. The strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object, a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly. It appears the ELENIN is some type of advanced warning system (used in conjunction with NASA’s JPL) for the elites, upper echelon military, and people in-the-know to decipher upcoming earth change events prompted by another object (classified) that has entered our solar system. There has been manydocumented earth changes that have taken place on or near ELENIN’S alignment dates(when ELENIN is in alignment with other objects) including the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami disaster of 2011. The JPL orbital diagram and data seems to be fictitious and reverse engineered into some type of advanced encrypted database for the upcoming event anticipated. ELENIN, according to some researchers stands forExtinction Level Event Notable Impact November, also encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID (a meteor shower that peaks in November). This also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases worldwide at a rapid rate and mass graves for U.S. citizens which were exposed worldwide on March 25, 2009 on the Alex Jones Show by Shepard Ambellas Of The Intel Hub. On Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that would be catastrophic) However, this, according to our sources as well as independent researchers, is some sort of military code and ELENIN is not a physical object. IfELENIN is not a real object we might be expecting a major earth change, a solar event caused by another space object, (possibly 2005 YU55) or a staged attack. We must also be open to the idea that this is all a psyop for an event that the elites are going to purposely cause and blame on Elenin. It is equally important to take into consideration the FEMA/FCC Take over drill that is set to take place on November 9, 2011, the very same day that asteroid 2005 YU55 threatens to hit earth and/or the moon. It seems almost surreal that this information all lines up the way it does, and is still currently under a full scale investigation by The Intel Hub. Also one most ponder the fact that if there was some catastrophic event that is destined to take place in the near future, would the governments of the world plan to have us in martial law and populations under control before the event, or would they wait until after? The plan fits all to well, keep your ears to the ground.Please comment. I'd love to know what other researchers think. It's too good to be true(for them)...Out of the DUMBs after all of this mayhem, the NWO will emerge like a phoenix. I know many of you are buying this, but as you can tell I'm very suspicious.
Many people do not understand why politics is complete bullshit and the Left/Right paradigm is made to keep us from knowing the real issues and gives us scapegoats and phony issues that only advance their agenda. For example Obama was a puppet from the start. Many people realized how bad Bush and the Neocons fucked up the Country ,but many don't realize it has been a long time coming. Barrack Obama like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton has his strings pulled by Zbignew Bzrezinski, Henry Kissinger and George H. W. Bush. John F. Kennedy was the last President to tell the truth. Even though JFK was from an Illuminati bloodline he was trying to break his chains, he had started printing REAL money and wanted to end the Federal Reserve. He also did not want to escalate the war in Vietnam or kill Fidel Castro. The people who planned his hit were the Dulles brothers, George Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. The assassins were the CIA and some Cuban exiles. The mafia was used to take out witnesses. The Mafiosi had helped him get into office and his brother Robert Kennedy was going after them. Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Johnny Roselli, and Santo Trafficante were all in on it. In my opinion Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and could NOT have made the "kill shot" from his viewpoint in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Some disagree but I believe the shot was made from the "grassy knoll" by James Files. His assassination was a routine triangulation ambush with shooters in 3 places. If u watch the Zapruder film you can see the Secret Service agents stand down seconds before he was killed. They looked astonished after hearing something on there radios and jumped away from the flanks of the car leaving Kennedy a sitting duck. His brother Robert F. Kennedy wanted to end the Vietnam war and carry out his brother's unfinished tasks and most likely giving his brother's death a real investigation. Therefor he had to be killed as well by the same people. Only they used a "Manchurian Candidate" Sirhan Sirhan. The shots he fired most likely hit the pantry which was removed by the LAPD and wounded several onlookers, and I believe one of RFK's bodyguard's actually fired the "kill shot". Sirhan did not get close enough to fire that shot(s). Also not to be overlooked were the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Malcolm had left the Nation of Islam and was killed by FBI agents on orders by J. Edgar Hoover. His gunmen were members of the Nation of Islam. The powers that be were worried that King and X would get together and work peacefully in ending racism and achieving equal rights for there people. King was also killed by the FBI. They wanted only "violent" groups like the Black Panthers and NOI to make them look bad. I cannot blame them however as the Panthers did many things to help out there people and for the most part only protected themselves as the police would not protect them or help them get drugs out of the neighborhoods. I believe that Ronald Reagan meant well but did not know he was playing with so much fire. Bush made him a puppet as well after he had him shot. Reagan also was not a big fan of Secret societies but he took Bush on as VP because he had given Iran weapons for the hostages. The hostages were released within hours of Reagan's inauguration. In the Reagan years we saw Government get bigger and more ruthless. It is well known that while Ronald and Nancy Reagan were telling you to "Say No to Drugs", his regime was flying them in from South America into a small runway in Mena, Arkansas where Bill Clinton was the Governor. Heavily involved in this was Bush, Oliver North and Barry Seal. They were putting cocaine on the streets of black neighborhoods like South Central Los Angeles among others. LAPD detective Michael Ruppert exposed them. He lost his job and survived at least 3 assassination attempts. During the "Reagan years" we also had the Iran Contra affair which brought out secrets of our Govt. having plans known as REX 84 and Operation Gardenplot. These are parts of Continuity of Government but in reality are very sinister. They allow for Americans to be locked up in the time of Martial Law even if they have not been convicted of a crime. It also calls for Congress and the US Constitution to be suspended for 6 months on an Executive Order of the President. I believe these were put in place by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield. In all reality 1776 coincidentally was the starting of the United States of America and the linking of the Bavarian Illuminati with the Jesuits, and freemasons by the Rothschilds and Adam Weisshaupt. The Civil War was really about state's rights (slavery, sadly was a back issue).There were other issues too like currency but you will not find this stuff in your history books. The Rothschilds control most of the World's money and have benefitted off of every war since Napolean lost at Waterloo. They went back to London and told people that Napolean had won. Many people lost there farms and property because of the lie. British agents had infiltrated our Government to make sure we would still be under there Monarchy as well. Mayer Rothschild sent his 3 sons to different cities in Europe to make his banking dynasty bigger. They along with the Vatican control most of the World's money. Today along with the Zionists, the above groups (Illuminati, Freemasons and Shriners, Knights Templar, and The Jesuits and Knights of Malta are all part of this). Many do not realize that the Vatican is really run by the Jesuit Generals and the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas. Pope John Paul I was killed by the Jesuits after only 33 days as pope. He was sick of taking orders from the Jesuits. He was poisoned by "the cup of Borgia". The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius Loyola and Roberto Borgia. John Paul II was also almost killed by the same people who blamed it on Muslims and the KGB. The Jesuits are believed to practice Luciferianism. That is the common bond of Freemasons, Zionists, and Illuminati. People in these groups take blood oaths which are much more important to them than the Oath to Country or Religion. They believe that the ends justify the means and are out for World domination. The sinking of the Titanic helped them form the Federal Reserve. A Jesuit, Edward Smith the boatcaptain was told to drive through an iceberg field until he hit one. Powerful Illuminati like John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isa Strauss were on the boat and died. They were taken out because they were against the Federal Reserve as it would take money out of their pockets. This was also done to enable WW1 but that's a bigger story. Many do not realize the FED is a private bank. It was created on Jekyll Island by representatives of the Rothschilds, JP Morgan, and the Rockefellers. These same people were responsible for the stock market crash as they planned and benefitted greatly however the less-rich wannabee investors were bankrupted. World War II was partially a righteous war (if that is possible) but was also also done out of greed and population control. In fact most people don't realize that Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush) and others were actually charged with funding the Nazi's. The Nazi's of course were eugenicists and wanted to control the World. Many believe they had advanced technology from Extra Terrestrials as I believe as well. Anyway I believe they killed millions of people and enslaved many others. The only thing I disagree with is that the number of Jews killed was as high as it was. Regardless the Jews were rounded up along with many other groups including Christians, Poles, Russians, gypsies, and other "non desirables" and worked to death. I believe Hitler faked his death and relocated like many other Nazi's. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese had been known by FDR and other higher ups. However they did not disclose this info. They got the carriers out of Pearl Harbor and sacrificed the battleships to get Americans behind the war. I do think we should have gotten involved but it was not right to let those people die in vain with no support. It is a good thing that we won the war as Hitler would have succeeded if not with his plans for World domination. Many ardent Nazi's were brought over to the US through Operation Paperclip. There paperwork was changed to say they were normal Germans. The Vatican helped many others escape to South America through the "ratline" aka ODESSA. WWII and the Holocaust were used by Rothschilds to steal Palestine and make Israel. Israel would be used to create conflict in the Middle East. The Zionist state of Israel has continued the land-grab from the Palestinian people. They keep pushing the Palestinian people back and killing them. When I say Zionists I am not referring to Jewish people. There is a big difference. Many Jews are against Zionism. Most Jews read from the Torah while Zionists read from the Talmud or the Kabbalah. They are also Luciferians. Israel has attacked us purposely like the USS Liberty and even shot up the lifeboats after hitting the ship with bombs, napalm, and strafing it. LBJ called back the planes who were going to it's aid when it was realized it was Israel. They wanted to blame it on the Arab states and not let us know that they were stealing more land. They are not the "ally" we have been told about. In fact they also spy on us more than any other Country and even gave Nuclear secrets away to China. We have many dual-citizen Israeli's in our Government. Who's side are they REALLY on? As for 9/11 I can write a book on that itself but I will just make a few points. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset ever since the Afghanistan/Russia war. His family was tight with the Bush family. In fact his brother was talking with Bush Sr. the day of the attacks. They had a group called the Carlyle Group which was members of the Bin Laden's, Saudi royalty and Texas oilmen. 7 of the 19 alleged hijackers have turned up alive. Many lived on US Naval bases and were CIA assets as well. Bin Laden's "confession" was a fake. The man who made the confession was thicker with a broader nose and wrote with the wrong hand and wore jewelery. No Muslims were found in the vicinity that day however 5 "dancing Israeli's" were seen filming the attacks and were later pulled over on the George Washington bridge with EXPLOSIVES in their van. Also another van with a mural painted on the side of a plane flying into a city was blown up in Lower Manhattan. 2 Israeli agents were detained there as well. NIST and Popular Mechanics have said that the WTC buildings fell because of jet fuel which caused a "pancake collapse". This has been debunked. Jet fuel does NOT burn hot enough to melt steel or even soften it. Also military grade thermite was later found in the rubble pile. Building 7 also collapsed that day despite NOT being hit by an aircraft. It was also a skyscaper and collapsed into it's own footprint. All 3 buildings fell way too fast. Many people have admitted hearing bombs or exlposions going on. Many FDNY and other witnesses heard these and you can see them in any video of the collapse. 1300 Architects and Engineers have said that all 3 buildings were controlled demolitions. In fact the guy who just leased the 3 buildings admitted to "pulling" Building 7. "Pulling" is a term used in the Controlled Demolition business. Building 7 had many agencies there like the FBI, CIA, FEMA and was Rudy Giuiliani's emergency bunker. In any investigation a good thing to do would be to follow the money. There were over 700x the normal amount of "put options" on American and United Airlines. In other words many people made a lot of money off of the collapses. The German government offered some info about it but was denied by the Bush administration. AS for the Pentagon over 100 tapes were seized from nearby businesses and we have still to see a plane hit the Pentagon. As for Shanksville the Coroner on scene reported not seeing a drop of blood or any body parts. Many people have come forward but many have been gagged by the courts and many have been killed. Norman Mineta, Secretary of Transportation has proven Cheney to be a liar by proving his timeline did not match up as to when he got to the bunker and also says how Cheney refused a shootdown order. In fact just months before they had transferred the ability to shoot down planes from an Air Force General to the Presidency. Since the not to bright George Bush was tucked away reading to kids and making a fool out of himself, the job fell to Cheney who refused to shootdown the plane that was 10 minutes out of DC. In 67 times the previous year anytime a plane was off course there would be Military Jets there within minutes. Also Condoleeza Rice had warned San Francisco mayor Willie Brown not to fly. Coincidence? Also there were several power downs in the WTC in the previous weeks and 2 weeks before there the bomb sniffing dogs were taken out. I can add so much more to this but like all of the false flag attacks that have supposedly involved Muslims, the facts don't add up. They want perpetual war in the Middle East. There are many reasons but the main reasons are Population Control, opium, control of oil, and many other things. Of course the main goal of these people are on the Georgia Guidestones of Humanity. They want to get the World Population down to 500,000,000 (million) down from nearly 7,000,000,000 (billion). They also want a One World Religion and World Court. The Luciferians have the media in there pockets. Both parties are in on the agenda. Obama has promised us change but we have yet to see it. The Patriot Act has been added to instead of repealed like he promised as well as the wars. There are not enough jobs to go around and the bank bailouts and He is told what to do and was chosen by the same people who told W what to do. He is not here to help it's all a big distraction. The "other" side is just as bad. The Tea Parties for the most part believe the Republicans will change everything. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are liars and give them false info and are there to spread hate against Muslims and Mexicans. I cannot blame Mexicans for trying to come here to feed there families. Globalism has turned there Country into a shithole. I believe they are trying to get everyone to hate each other so poor people will kill other poor people. This is classic divide and conquer tactics. That is why they have 2 parties. They don't want everyone to get together and realize we are all getting shit on. They have gotten rid of all of our jobs to China and India and they are killing us slowly with many things like aspertame, fluoride (aluminum waste), Bisphenol-A, and through anti-depressants and other drugs. Also vaccines and GMO foods are killing us slowly as well. Some things are meant to keep us dumb and not caring as our Country goes down the tubes. People are more concerned with Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, American Idol, reality TV, technology and whatever gadget comes out next.The elites are building huge underground bases for a reason. They know something that we don't know. There is a lot of information out there and u will have to look for yourself, but please awaken yourselves. There are FEMA camps set up for dissidents and political enemies. Think about it, right now you may be not be a "threat" but wait until it's your turn. Henry Kissinger and the ruling "elite" call all of us "useless eaters" and don't care if you live or die. Eventually they want us all chipped with RFID chips so they can track your every move. There are many thinktanks out there now figuring out the best ways to accomplish all of this. We are poor without good healthcare yet they have money to kill and maim and other things to invade our privacy. Look at England. They already have CCTV cameras everywhere. Pretty soon that will be here. They are getting people use to seeing people tased and beaten by jack-booted cops. I can go on and on but I just want you to realize that almost everything you have been told is a lie! _
Hey guys I am so sick of all the promoting of Wikileaks by everyone lately. In my opinion it is a bunch of bullshit that was put out to make Israel look good and let out some non-damaging info that we already know. They really tried to sneak in something about Iraq actually having WMD's. The "cables" that were released were just part of the game. Many of the people who were "targeted" were people who are friends to the NWO. Hillary Clinton even put on a good act. Sorry guys, nothing to see here. Let's be honest: Do u really believe that Interpol and the US government cannot find Assange? Is he the new Osama? His ties go from the Rothshilds banking family to the CIA, Pentagon, and Mossad. This is all part of the plan to take the internet down in favor of "Internet 2". They also want to make Israel look squeaky clean and as I have said the ones on the US are not very dangerous. Bill O'Reilly among others are playing along with this. Why would the lamestream media choose to give this that much coverage. They can just pretend it did not even happen like they have done with Building 7. Don't get me wrong. I am glad that people are realizing the US is committing war crimes but like I said these were hardly harmful or anything new. They earned your trust with the "Collateral Murder" video and the 9/11 text messages. Don't fall for this guys. In my opinion it stinks to high heavens! "Isn't this the guy who Bruce Willis killed in Diehard 1?" John Scott Here's a catalog of links showing Wikileaks and Assange is a big psy-op. Webster Tarpley pt. 1 (Watch all 3 parts) Wikileaks: Brought to you by the CIA These guys nailed it back in July Wikileaks Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden alive Osama bin Laden is alive and playing a key role in directing the war in Afghanistan, leaked US military files suggest. Something stinks about Wikileaks! Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family WikiLeaks founder: Netanyahu believes exposé will aid Mideast peace Wikileaks and Alex Jones preparing you to accept future internet censorship Will the real Wikileaks please stand up. (Excellent article) CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks (Awesome article)Julian Assange, CIA Agent Provocateur Governments using Wikileaks to spread disinformation ? Julian Assange on 9/11 truthers Wiki pushing WMD propaganda Wikileaks Israeli Intel Operation (1 of 3) Jeff Gates - Mark Glenn - Wiki Leaks #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} _
Has Project Bluebeam Begun? Collaboration by Trevor Davy, Chris Freedom Flowers, Justin Cooke, and Nelson Legacy This article will provide you with vast amounts of information which we believe indicate a strong progression of Project Bluebeam. The evidence provided below merely scratches the surface of what we found while researching this subject. We urge you to carefully examine the information and links provided as well as take it a step further and dig deeper into the rabbit hole for yourself. We ask truth seekers of all types to share this information as well as any you might find yourself. This could potentially be one of the most serious False Flags we ever face. A global destruction at the hands of the NWO/illuminati! PROJECT BLUEBEAM: The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region. It deals with the religious aspect of the new world order and is deception and seduction on a massive scale. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show. Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality. Technology that depicts the possibility of such an outlandish claim: Amazing Public Display of Holographic Technology in Japan TOUCHABLE HOLOGRAPHY: 5TH Video Witness of Jerusalem UFO over the Mount Zion and the Dome of the Rock-Temple.mpg HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF CRUCIFIX IN THE SKY: Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries' The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity because what they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet. To do that, they need some false 'proof' from the far past that will prove to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood. The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge. It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. Religious prophecy brought about: “2 The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” Radiation burns are known to create lesions on the skin “And I saw when it opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as hair sackcloth, and the whole moon became as blood...” reports of the anomalies with the sun as well as the moon were reported during the Japanese catastrophe Zephaniah 1:3 “I will consume the birds of the heavens and the fishes of the sea.” seen in massive animal die offs experienced in the last year As well as countless other prophecies relating to earthquakes and disasters of all kinds. MASS ANIMAL DEATHS: THE NEW AGE RELIGION: Engineered Earthquakes: JAPAN EARTHQUAKE, TSUNAMI AND NUCLEAR BREAKDOWN: Wako tower Clock reads with hands on 3 and 11 INWO playing card EX FEMA CHIEF STATES THAT ARKANSAS SHOULD PREPARE FOR QUAKES: NEW MADRID VIDEOS: SOMETHING STRANGE IS AFOOT MORE QUAKES: MYSTERIOUS CRACKS APPEAR WORLD WIDE: Archeological finds that redefine history: In the wake of the Japan earthquakes reports came from Mainstream media despite similar claims being dismissed for decades. LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS FOUND: ATLANTIS FOUND: ATLANTIS FOUND IN SOUTHERN SPAIN: NEW PYRAMID FORMATION FOUND: PYRAMIDS FROM EVERY CONTINENT: EGYPTIAN ARCHEOLOGIST SAYS UFO BUILT PYRAMIDS: ROMAN ROADS: SKELETON OF FRANKLIN EXAMINED: FULL LIST OF CAIRO MUSEAM ARTIFACTS STOLEN MISSING: Could they show up at the new found “Atlantis”? The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order. Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have been disclosed. This one god will, in fact, be the Antichrist, who will explain that the various scriptures have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, and that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, and nation against nation, therefore old religions must be abolished to make way for the new age new world religion, representing the one god Antichrist they see before them Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, each nation blaming the other for the deception, setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before. In addition, this event will occur at a time of profound worldwide political anarchy and general tumult created by some worldwide catastrophe. The United Nation even now plans to use Beethoven’s 'Song of Joy' as the anthem for the introduction for the new age one world religion. If we put this space show in parallel with the star wars program we get this: combination of electromagnetic radiation and hypnosis which has also been the subject of intensive research. In 1974, for instance, researcher G. F. Shapits, said of one of the research proposals that, ' this investigation it will be shown that the spoken words of the hypnotist may also be converted by electromagnetic energy directly and to the subconscious part of the human brain without employing any mechanical device for receiving or transcording the message, and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously. It may be expected that the rationalized behavior will be considered to have been taken out of their own free will.' The second step involves a gigantic "space show" with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new "god's" voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. Preludes to the coming night of 1000 lights ? UFO'S OVER JAPAN PREDICTED IN SECRET BRITISH ALIEN REPORT FILES: UFO IN JAPAN 2011 PRIOR TO EARTHQUAKE?: UFO FEARS REGARDING JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND NUCLEAR REACTOR FIRES AND MELTDOWN: IF ALIENS ARRIVE EXPECT ROBOTS: BIG DAWGS ROBOTS: Jellyfish robot: AquaJelly & AirJelly DARPA’S IXO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONTROL GRID: OFFICIAL VERSION (Imagine the possibilities) The third step in the NASA Blue Beam Project is called the Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication. Lt. Col Alexander's article continues: "If it is possible to feed artificial thought into the multigenic field via satellite, the mind control of the entire planet is now possible. While as of yet, this step has not been implemented on a mass scale, the fact remains that the technology is available, and testing has been well under way for some time. VOICE TO SKULL OR (V2K) NROL-32 the spy satellite which is used actually as a medium to be able to beam down frequencies that will allegedly activate nanotechnology in people and control their minds. They also have a Germanic slogan that we translated with a friend David black months ago that read: “all of your base is subservient to us or all your base belongs to us.” Base meaning earth HADRON COLLIDER TWO WAY COMMUNICATION TO THE PAST: The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means. It contains three different orientations. One is to make mankind believe that an alien invasion is about to strike down on each major city of the earth in order to push each major nation to use its nuclear weapons to strike back. This way it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament in front of the United Nations after the false attack. While there is no apparent invasion as of now, we are amidst a major global event that we’re being told threatens the entire world population, potentially a situation that could bring the next steps in fruition. SHIPMENT OF URANIUM MISSING/STOLEN: WHAT THE MEDIA IS NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT FUKUSHIMA-NUCLEAR FALL OUT: RADIATION REACHES AMERICA: PICKERING POWER PLANT LEAKING: With a simple internet search you can find numerous accounts of citizen’s from around the world expressing great concern for the use of nuclear power. Will the nations of the world look to the UN for “salvation”? Time will tell. MAP OF THE FUTURE: THE EVENT MUST SEE: This series is a blatant attempt at preparative conditioning to the masses and the 13th episode deals with Nuclear Disasters including Chernobyl and a possible meltdown in the U.S. It aired the week of the japan crisis…Propaganda hard at work. …And where will “THEY” go? Good question, here’s a few possibilities. D.U.M.B: Deep Underground Military Bases NEWLY DISCOVERED PLANET: Looking through these cards, titled the Illuminati NWO (INWO) Card Game, you see chilling resemblance to major incidences considered to be “False Flag” attacks from the past, present and likely the future. This article, however, is just scratching the surface of what we found during the process of putting this all together, and we ALL strongly urge you to research on your own and share whatever information you come across. It’s in the cards. Many have come forward to expose this as the “End Game “ plan for the Powers That Be, and have lost their lives under very questionable circumstances. Serge Monast, Bill Cooper (indirectly) Monast's colleague, possibly more Maybe Rik Clay but he was predicting a False Flag at Zion London Olympics We feel their work is important and must be perpetuated, not forgotten, they gave us their lives and it’s the least we can do. "Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War I...II breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order." ["Behold A Pale Horse"., p. 177-8] _ _
For a long time people in the "Truth Movement" have argued over Alex Jones and how he got to be where he is. He basically has no past before 1993 and for some reason I even doubt he is 36 years old as he claims(seems a lot older). I have gone back and forth and realize that the late Bill Cooper was 100% right about Jones. Offing Cooper and inserting Jones was a great way for TPTB to control the people out here who are awake to what's really going on. Here are my reasons for doubting AJ's validity. It is their way of keeping us in check. 1. I believe he is there to cause civil unrest just like he did during Y2K saying nukes were in the air and that WW3 was starting. I also believe his little hardon for the movie "machete" is another example of this. He pretty much runs the Truth movement and has a massive following. I believe on his orders millions will take to the streets which will bring in martial law. "Machete" is just anoher Rodriguez movie. We all know that the Rockefellers give money to "La Raza". AJ is pushing hate by what he is doing. I know the "border issue" is a touchy subject but let's be real, it is not some poor Mexican bringing drugs over. In reality the bulk of it comes in from the CIA. 2. I also believe Jones is a Jesuit co-adjutor. He has many Knights of Malta on as guests and will not expose the Vatican and hangs up on any caller who brings up Knights of Malta or the Jesuits. Try posting anything about the Knights of Malta on Infowars or Prison Planet it will be taken down and your IP will be flagged. I have tried it myself. The moderator will not let it through. What is he hiding? 3. Bohemian Grove. Do u really believe that anyone could sneak into this place that is so highly monitored and controversial. IMO he was let into the Grove to film a phony "Cremation of Care" for 2 reasons. The 1st is it was his way to the top of the Truth Movement. Secondly I believe a real sacrifice happens there not a mock one like Jones shows. I really don't believe he would have left intact after filming the occult ritual. He also leaves out some info about the Catholic masses that happen there as well which again shows him covering for the Vatican. 4. Austin Gun Rally. He showed up like a nut bull-horning and acting insane. Jon Bush and Catherine Bleisch tried to get him on stage to give a speech. Watch the video, he is clearly in the wrong, and even tries calling Bleisch "Co-intelpro" and even says she has a "hardon" for him. He then lied on air and flipped it so he would appear to be in the right. This is one incident that even the most ardent Jones' lover has to admit he was 100% wrong! 5. He is already a rich man yet holds $600,000 money bombs to "continue his research". He is taking money out of decent (mostly poor or working class) people in the hopes that he will expose the TRUTH. That money bomb followed another one where he asked for $300,000 for a new studio. As far as I an tell his videos are fine. Why does he need a flashy new studio? 6. Alex tells you that voting does not count(I agree). However he constantly pushes Ron and Rand Paul. There is evidence that the Pauls are Freemasons and that means they are controlled. Not to mention that Rand actually is more of a Neo-Con and is pro war and pro Israel. I believed Ron to be genuine until I found out his Dad was a mason and his wife is a member of the "Order of the Eastern Star" and his daughters are/were "Rainbow Girls". I believe he is going to get one of the Pauls to be President and that will be the biggest scam yet. Lets be honest, you don't make it to be 76 yrs. old saying the stuff that Ron Paul says. People have been killed for less.It would not be hard to off an old man with EMP technology and it would appear to be a heart attack. 7. Alex is a complete gate-keeper when it comes to 9/11. He won't talk about any other theory besides the "mainstream truther thermite theory". Other investigators like Dr. Judy Woods, John Hutchinson, Dimitri Khalezov, Phil Jayhan ( and the September Clues people have a case with what they are saying. I don't know what to believe but when people like him call certain theories "disinfo" he makes me want to believe the nuclear or no-planes theories more. 8. He has ties to the John Birch Society which any truther knows has been co-opted. His father was a member of JBS and he had it's President, John F. McManus, on his show. McManus was trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College and was involved in US Air Force Weapons Development. His network GCN also has links to ABC and uses the same satelites. Scarier than his JBS ties are his ties to uber secret "Conservative" think tank known as the Council of National Policy or CNP. I don't know that he himself is a member but I wouldn't be surprised. His good friends Stanley Monteith and Paul Craig Roberts are members along with Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Edward Teller, John McCain, Pat Buchanan and Rudy Giuliani not to mention elites from the Coors family and even some Rothschilds. 9. He also never talks about Israel's involvement in 9/11 which everyone knows is FACT who has taken the time to look! 10. His recent shows where he is trying to push Glenn Beck on us is the final straw for me. We all know Beck is the biggest shill around and still pushes the Left/right paradigm. Look at "Derek In The Midwest" on youtube where he exposes Jones on this matter. I believe the 2 of them engaged in a psy-op to discredit Debra Medina. Beck attacked her for being a 9/11 truther. She didn't really stick to her guns. Jones then threw her under the bus. I wonder why he doesn't get on Ron Paul for not admitting 9/11 was an inside job? Medina lost to Bilderberg member Rick Perry and we all know 9/11 truther or not she is way better than Perry. 11. Real solutions? Alex continues hawking Midas gold and coloidial silver and has moneybombs a few times a year. Why doesn't he use his celebrity status to push meaningful things like a "Buy Nothing Day" or encourage his listeners to withdraw their money from Rothschilds banks? 12. He hates competition. He recently told "We are Change" if they didn't take down the link to Josh Reeves he would not support them. Reeves did a show exposing Alex which I can understand that he would be mad but his threat made him look worse. I do NOT support Reeves but regardless Speaking of WACNY he still kisses there ass even though a major member is a 32 degree Freemason. To me freemasonry and the Truth Movement do not mix. We also know he hates Bill Cooper and has started problems with Jack Blood, Jeff Rense among others. I guess you can't have anyone sharing "his spotlight". 13. He completely helped cover up the S510 food bill by going on and on about the TSA. Don't get me wrong the TSA thing needed to be talked about but even the mainstream was covering it, he could have taken some time to let people know about the tyrannical food bill. At one point I saw 14 TSA articles and 1 little article on the S510 bill which was tucked into a small section of his site "science and technology". 14. The John Gray Incident. To make a long story short Jones was allowed by Gray into his house for an interview. Jones in turn sold his footage to ABC's 20/20 and compromised anything that he was trusted to keep secret. This shows him as the Judas that he is There is a link at the bottom which gets more into depth. I'm not telling you to boycott Jones entirely but be careful of his info and don't take anything as fact. The elites always try to subvert and infiltrate opposing movements. Personally i believe they killed Cooper and gave Alex the spot as "head truther". As I have said he is not complete bullshit but nobody would listen if he was. All I can say is DO NOT FOLLOW ANYONE! Use multiple sources and always double check your info. Remember there are no coincidences in the Truth movement or with the NWO. He(Jones) has made some great documentaries and opened alot of eyes but what if that was what he is there for? In the movement we cannot have leaders or heroes. In fact we are all leaders so stand up before it's too late! This link does a good job showing Alex's links to the Jesuits, ABC, and things he purposely hid about Bohemian Grove: Another good link on his JBS and Jesuit connections: Here's another one guys...A wealth of info here!: Alex sells out Texas family to ABC's 20/20: If you enjoyed this post and want more information on Alex Jones and other frauds within the movement we suggest a blog post by Brian S Staveley called The Truth Behind The Movement. The two pieces compliment each other well. Here is the link and thank you for reading our blogs at The Real News Online This blog here that I am about to write really hits home with me. I was for about 10 months completely deceived by the so called "truth movement". This applies to more than just 9/11 but that is the primary focus. The truth is the Truth Movement was setup by the same people who pulled off 9/11 in the first place. I'm not saying every Tom, Dick, And Harry are frauds but almost all of the famous "truthers" are. They were put there to control the truth. If you ask what I mean by this it's quite simple, but we are going to break it down and give you very specific examples. Are you familiar with the term controlled opposition? It's basically what it sounds like. You disguise yourself as the other side of the coin, meanwhile controlling it from the inside. Now you have probably heard a lot of people call other people dis info agents but not really back up the claims. In this piece we are going to back it up.
Before we get into specific examples there is something you need to know. I am going to get into detail on a few key people within the movement but this problem runs much deeper than these individuals. They are part of a huge network of people all placed in the alternative media to keep us away from the truth. They will present us with all sorts of stories we don't hear in the mainstream. GMOs, Unjust wars, police state, vaccines, FEMA Camps, etc, but as they gain your trust with these stories they are setting you up for a few big lies. After giving you all these stories they have earned your trust. Now when they tell you something like "We interviewed these 4 firefighters and they all heard explosions in the buildings" are you going to doubt them? No, of course not. They have your trust by giving you the stories the mainstream won't. I like to tell people it is like this. When you still get your information from the mainstream media you are inside their mental box. When you finally break free and smash your way out of that box, your not quite there yet. You are inside a another mental box now. They knew you were going to wake up or at least they knew a lot of us would. They have prepared for this. They have prepared by setting up the new people you are gonna trust. Now that you don't trust the media and the government would it make sense for them to just let you go wander around Truthville by yourself poking your head where they don't want you to? No!! They set up shop in Truthville. So know you have people to look to for this new information you seek. They tell you things you never heard anyone tell you and you start to trust and sometimes even follow them. You don't need to follow anyone. All that does is limit your options for information and cloud your ability to see through the bull-crap. It's ok to get a lot of your information from people in the alternative media but you need to treat them much like the mainstream media. Many of the larger outlets are actually owned by the same people that own much of the mainstream media. Ponder this thought. What if the people in the alternative media that talk about false flag terrorism by our country were really full of crap? What if they were there so people like us who won't believe the mainstream for a minute on this stuff have somewhere to turn? Then what if many of these events were actually just Hollywood productions complete with actors, props, and even news anchors playing themselves? This is the case most of the time. Most of the people in the alternative media are there to actually back up the US propaganda but from a different angle and very subtle like. They are their to also gain your trust to the people you will follow them and let them influence your opinions with their bull crap theories that they know are wrong. Another thing a lot of the people in the alternative media are there for is to hype up the fear. Hype up the police state. Have you been to RT lately? So many videos of the police beating people or pepper spraying them for nothing but I don't see any reporting on the controlled aspect of it we all know exists. Now enough with the generalities. Let's talk about a few of the most prominent members of the truth community. In this piece I am going to tell you with all certainty that Alex Jones, Luke Rudowski, and Jason Bermas are all not who they pretend to be. They are all there to mislead and misdirect the truth movement. Let me start by saying I was or actually still am seeing as I bought a year subscription, a member of PrisonPlanetTV. So this is coming from someone who was a huge fan. They had me totally deceived. Once I had an idea towards what was going on I started to dig. A lot of people before me did a lot of good research so I must really credit them. First of with all three of these guys they are there to hide the truth of 9/11. That is their main purpose. When you are done reading this piece go to our 9/11 section and read the paper I wrote their or actually just check my older blogs its in there as well. Luke Rudowski was the leader of We Are Change NY. He took it over after its original leader Dan Wallace died. Luke did not like to discuss with anyone the finances of We Are Change NY. They accept large amounts of donations as one of the leading 9/11 charities or at least one of the more known. Now we know the reason why. Luke was actually stealing the donations. He would pay his college tuition with it! He withdraw huge amounts of cash, one time even taking out $13,000. He is a fraud profiting off of 9/11. Imagine if you donated your hard earned money and he was running up thousands of dollars in bar tabs and it was with the donation money??? Scumbag! All that stuff with him being taunted by security saying "we are gonna say you have a bomb in your bag" thats all setup. It is part of the act. Young rebel New Yorker fighting for truth. Give me a break. He is a total fraud! He is also great buddies with the next two people we are going to talk about. Next up Alex Jones. All AJ fans need to read this and after watch the video I have provided n the website exposing this fraud. The Self Appointed Leader of 9/11 Truth- Alex Jones Alex Jones is dangerous. He has by far the most listeners and some people take what he says as gospel. One of the things I hear people say real quick in his defense is "Well if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have woken up". Not true. You were ready to take in the new information. He was just the guy that got forced down your throat. Let's get right to the lies, shall we? Alex's main claim to fame is he is the guy that predicted 9/11. First off that is a bold face lie. Bill Cooper is the guy who actually predicted it and it was a month or two prior to what Jones said. Jones knew about it too. He knew Cooper well and they monitor his show. I order to further discredit Cooper now and make that prediction his he calls Cooper a dead drunk(he was killed by govt agents) and totally lies to all of you. AGAIN! He says Cooper was on his show but he had to cut him off because Bill Cooper kept swearing. He was swearing at Alex, Swearing at the board op. Well I went back to that 1998 interview where Bill Cooper was on The Alex Jones Show when Alex was small time still just in Texas. Not only did Cooper not swear once. They never even argued. The interview went perfectly fine. So Alex just makes that up to discredit Bill Cooper. Alex not only did not predict 9/11, he was given that "prediction" to give him instant credibility. Yes they gave him that prediction. More like they gave him the script to their Hollywood production. Remember how he hypes it up? It is all part of the act. He is there to actually reinforce the government's story about the 3000 people dying and the two planes hitting the towers. Sure he throws in the whole bombs in the building stuff but he is still backing up their fairy tale.Now just in case you are not following me with the 911 stuff yet, we are going to move onto something else. I want you to know it is much more than just that. He is gate-keeping many other issues and a few key groups we need to talk about. Let's start with character issues. This guy is supposed to be our hero, our patriot. Would our hero try to incite a riot and then when unsuccessful shoulder a man and run behind the cops and actually say "This man assaulted me". Tries to start a fight and then goes and runs to the cops when the guy finally comes at him. I saw him do this twice. You can see it with your own eyes as it is with the included video playlist. Speaking off fights, he loves to start them. He goes into a restaurant and picks a fight. When the guys comes outside to fight him, Alex pretends to get a gun out of his truck. The man ends up beating him up anyways so what does Alex do? He calls the FBI on the guy and tells them he got attacked by the leader of a terrorist group and 4 other men. They jumped him with knives as they tried to silence his free speech!! That is your hero! Now if it was just this it would be enough to question his character and while I sure as hell wouldn't idolize him, I still MIGHT trust him. Well it gets a lot worse. Let's talk about him censoring you! Alex Jones is always bitching about Google and Youtube censoring him. Whether its giving him copyright notices, knocking down his view counts or blocking access to his sites, he is always complaining about censorship and how much of a NAZI tactic it is. Well what if he was censoring you? How would you feel? Betrayed? You should! He is censoring you and in more ways than one. Let's start with the call log. If you listen live and you listen to a replay, many times you will hear things live that won't be in the replay. If you call out any of his questionable connection like The John Birch Society or the Council For National policy he will ERASE YOUR CALL! First while on the air they would make an attempt to change the direction your going or just cut you off, but if they couldn't they will be sure no one hears it in the replay. Now is that practicing what he breaches? Is that fair to you? Why is he censoring anyone??!! What a fraud! Well there are a lot more censoring issues. There are certain groups he protects and whitewashes any information about them. We need to talk about these groups. First off I am no expert on secret societies or religion or any of the groups we are going to mention here, but I do know Alex, what he is about now and that he is working to shield these people. This is a fact what I am going to tell you. The Knights of Malta. Try and post it on the Prison Planet Forum. It won't post will it? It will look like it did, now refresh the page. It's not there. You are not allowed to talk about the Knights of Malta on there. Not only that get a load of this. The Vatican has only been mentioned one time on the forum in 10 years. Prison planet. Millions and millions of people. The Vatican mentioned only once. The Vatican has their hand in so much but listening to Jones you wouldn't know that would you? See how he misleads you by withholding information? Now get this if someone makes a comment on any post and it is about the Vatican, Alex then goes and disables the comments! Is that free speech? Is that honest research? No it is not. This is not the way the leader of a truth movement should act. Now all these things being said I don't know who exactly cuts his checks. The CIA, The Vatican, The FBI, The Sheen family,etc.. I just don't know. He protects the Knights Of Malta, The Vatican, The Jesuits, and he absolutely has a hand in helping out the US government and reinforcing their terrorism fear stories. He has a lifetime gig being the key figure of the alternative media. One day on his show he comes on and tells all of his listeners how he was at the Austin Gun Rally the other day and he had co intelpro all poking him and getting in his face. Disrupting the movement. Then he goes onto explain how cointelpro is people put in a movement to disrupt it and derail it from the inside. He tells us the listeners how he couldn't even talk to all the people coming up to him and thanking him for the job he is doing because he had cointelpro poking him and getting in his face. Now at the time when I heard this i thought man what a bunch of a##holes, and I picture good ole Alex trying to speak wiht people and he has people disrupting it. Well a few days later someone's home video came out of the day. This one video was very powerful to me as it made me realize he was straight up lying to us. There was no other way around it. Now if you watch just this please don't brush it off as that is Alex's personality. It goes much deeper than that. Now the seeds of doubt are planted aren't they? In this home video you see these young Americans getting politically involved giving a speech outside the Texas statehouse or some other govt. building down there. Well then you see Alex roll up with a small crowd of people and press around him. Now he is shouting "We are not your slaves" over his megaphone. Only problem is he is totally shouting over the young man speaking for gun rights. The "We are not your slaves" was so out of place. He kept doing it. Really rude! They asked him many times nicely to please stop as no one could hear the speaker on the podium over his damn megaphone. He was disrupting the movement. Then one of the women who organized the event was asking him to stop and he was so rude so things like "Lady get the hell outta my face. Ill be here in ten years you'll be nothing". This was after she told him how he was the inspiration that made her get involved with activism. Pictures speak louder than words and video even louder than that! Be sure to our page on Exposing The Fake Truthers. I have setup a video player with all these videos and more preloaded and ready to go. They will play in order and actually auto start. You don't have to hit anything. Just sit back and look at your hero in his true colors. The man is a total fraud working for the people he says he is against. He is a fear mongerer and a fraud. He did not wake you up! You were ready to take that information in no matter who was telling it. It was your time. He was put there for that exact reason. Control the new information you get. when it gets too hot like a caller calling in talking about 911. Watch once they mention the media's involvement, a fake plane or anything else that would lead people to believe it was all a Hollywood production he attacks them. Even on the most distant level. Even if the person might not be totally going down that road! That is why he is there. Shoot down any REAL 911 theories. Hype up all government attacks that are in most cases just a media deception. He will be on the scene interviewing fake witnesses.He said anyone who thinks flight 175 was a fake plane has a mental illness! Really ??? This coming from the guy with more far out theories than most people. Do you guys think its just because he does not like that theory?? NO!! It is because of the agenda. Keep everyone chases their tail on 911 and if anyone starts to get close you do whatever you can to dis-credit it. That's where Jason Bermas comes in too. He is the same way. He idolizes Alex and is a complete shill. He called the maker of September Clues a meth addict simply for the reason there was too much truth in that film. Bermas' agenda is clear as day to me. He is a total fraud. He talks down on anyone who questions his views on 9/11. He'll tell you how he has seen more 9/11 stuff than anyone and he knows the deal. Even though yes he does know the deal but that is not what he is telling us!! He is making sure we do not get near it!! After you finish reading this be sure to go to this page and watch at least the first 10-15 videos. You will see for yourself how much of a fraud this guys is. There are also a few full length movies in there that do a great job on many levels. If you are an Alex Jones fan you owe it to yourself to know this information. The best advice I can give all you researchers in order to deal with all the disinformation is be skeptical about all of them. Don't follow anyone. Be strong in your stance on your opinions. I always come shooting straight with you. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. This is a very important issue as so many "truthers" as they like to call some of us are mislead by these people. They are not heroes! They are total frauds put there to mislead you! Brian S Staveley founder of & co founder of _
Do you care about your families health? Do you know what GMO Foods are? GMO Foods are genetically modified organisms. They are unnatural and are made by splicing two genes together. These foods in most cases are resistant to anti biotics and they have NEVER been proven safe. In most tests the outcome is infertility and it is showing up in humans now in Africa and South America. It can also cause severe tissue and organ damage.The GMO food has MUCH lower nutritional value than the real food. You are EATING THIS right now. You know how you can tell? Well you can't.. The only way is if you buy Organic. Over 90 percent of the USA's Soybean, corn and canola crop are Genetically Modified. That number is getting closer and closer to 100 percent. Many countries have banned GMO alltogether and most of the ones that have not at least have labeling indicating when you are buying GMO products. In our country the FDA has actually made it illegal to label GMO foods because they are basically run by the company that makes it! They know if consumers have a choice most won't eat the GMO food.The FDA is full of former Monsanto employees. Monsanto is actually in the process of patenting all types of crops. Once your crops become infected with their GM gene they own it! Mankind has been eating the food of this planet for thousands of years and now the criminals at Monsanto have stated that they want to push all natural food out of existence! They are well on their way to acheiving this goal.They have caused the suicide of over 250,000 farmers in India. Their crops have Terminator Seed Technology. The seeds come out sterile and you CAN NOT replant them.This forces farmers to buy new seeds every season and if Monsanto was to pull the plug on a nation for a season they would all starve. They are ruining the farming industry, the food supply and the biosphere! We shouldnt be putting any money in their pockets. Do you really want to eat food that can cause mutations in your body, has very low nutritional value, can cause you to not be able to have children, will cause severe organ and tissue damage and is absolutely doused in deadly pesticides and herbicides. Round Up is Monsanto's leading pesticide and is most commonly used in the world. So since the crops are ACTUALLY ROUND UP RESISTANT, that means planes fly overhead and douse everything in ROUNDUP. It has been proven to cause birth defects, brain damage, infertility, and other serious health issues! This all from the same people who brought you Agent Orange. Monsanto is responsible for millions of birth defects and people born with brain damage and other disorders. People in Vietnam are still being born with birth defects many generations later! This is who is in charge of our food supply! You cant trust the media, FDA, the USDA or anyone but you to look after your families health. The media never talks about GMOs.The rare cases where they do they never mention the serious, serious risks!! Its not your fault, but please at least read up on this. We are leaving links to some great websites where you can always get real unbiased health information. We are in no way affiliated with any organization,govt agency, grocery store, farm, etc. Just a couple of people who recently learned of this and we need to pass this on to everyone. There is so much more behind the GMOs, Monsanto, and the FDA but its too much for this flyer. Please check out some of the links provided. If something is bad for you, you can not assume that the FDA, the USDA, or the mainstream media is going to let you know. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Anyone with ANY questions you can personally email us @ [email protected]. Here are the websites where you can get some great, real, and unbiased health information and other REAL INFO in general. New content daily! You will find a glossary of the highlighted terms at the website below We have an outstanding documentary on this whole situation called The World According To Monsanto. Its right at the top of the page. Its in depth and is very vital information which pretty much covers everything. Be sure to check out our much shorter documentary The Genetic Conspiracy. Its in 3 parts but are only 8 min each. We also have posted some other very informational clips. Be sure to check them all. Information on other foods you should NEVER consume and other related things. Now this second site is also great for health news. They break it first for the most part and have tons of resources, podcasts and other great info you can look up. Rather than leaving you confusing links we are going to leave you some keywords to research on the site. The keywords will bring up the articles you need to see. If you want more info from more sources, Google the keywords. Read up on this stuff. Its so important. SEARCH TERMS-(on the website's searchbar) GMO Infertility, Roundup, GMO soy, GMO Birth Defects, GMO,Monsanto,FDA shutting down farms, FDA, GMO Sterile,GMO Organ Damage Thank you and STAY HEALTHY! This is for all the serious 9/11 researchers out there. Read this info carefully. It changes everything you have EVER learned about 9/11. This is the real story. This is what the truth community doesn't even want you to know!! This is what members in the truth community you see on TV or radio are paid to hide. This was written about 3 months ago and there has been some new information since then which I will address in comments after the story. Please share this with everyone you know. This is a complete breakdown of what really happened. No it was not the thermite controlled demolition we were told, nor was it Bin Laden, D.E.W.s, Mini Nukes, Drones, pods, or any of those other theories being floated. Its actually much more simple than that. Keep an open mind and enjoy. If you are a true researcher you will know the things I say to be true and if you are not, go look into my claims. You will be amazed!!
1. Introduction It's the event that forever changed the world we live in. From the loss of our freedoms and most of our privacy, to the invasion of nation after nation in the name of fighting terrorism. No matter what your stance is on who committed 9/11 or how it was done, there is no denying that it has forever changed our world. In this story I am going to touch on some of the most important aspects of 9/11 that have become taboo to even speak of. Some things that when brought up are attacked by people supposedly on your side. Once you know the real truth of 9/11 which I will expose in the piece, you will see how clear their agenda is and how much betrayal is really going on. That is another story all in itself so I might actually make it two pieces. We will touch on the gatekeepers of the truth movement after. First I want to tell all of you the real story of 9/11 starting with how I found the truth. After taking in this information, reflect back on your studies of 9/11. You will see how so many unanswered questions are now answered. Everything we were taught about that day besides the fact that towers are there no more was a lie. 9/11 was a 30+ year planned event along with the truth movement. The story I am going to tell you is being aggressively censored by almost ALL the so called truth organizations and websites and the mainstream media will never touch this one. One thing I want to state before we proceed is the work I am doing is the work that should have been done by our law enforcement and our media. It is not disrespectful to ask tough questions about the day that forever changed our world. It is not un-American to question your government. The one thing that really gets me is people that imply its taboo to talk of these things or I am doing something wrong by bringing them up. If you were murdered wouldn't you want every avenue explored, every last detail gone over and most of all want to know who is responsible? Of course you would. I am not going to let this act just go unanswered for. I finally have the truth of 9/11 and am going to share it with all of you. With just about every bold fact that I state I will have solid evidence backing it up. Most times in the form of a short video clip or a photograph. The things I am going to say without proof would get me laughed at, but before you do that look at my proof. You'll find it to be rock solid and undeniable. I'm not here to stir up the pot around 9/11 and make a name for myself. What kind of American would I be knowing the truth of 9/11 and not telling everyone I knew. So just remember before you call me crazy or before you put this paper down or close the window, check my proof. I don't make things up. I have done extensive research into this. It's going to be a fascinating journey into the world of real truth. I will start right off the bat by saying NO I DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT'S OFFICIAL STORY. If you still believe the governments story of 9/11 we have a long way to go. This paper is not going to be like all other 9/11 reports proving how the govt story is wrong in every way. We aren't going to go over all those points again. It's so beyond ridiculous you can read about that anywhere. You can at any time research any part of the official story and as long as you're willing to read more than headlines you will see it all to be a lie. In the end once I tell you what I am going to expose none of that will matter anyhow. I will prove them all wrong by proving this information right. If you are one of the people that still do believe the official story of 9/11 then, I warn you. You are really going to have a hard time stomaching what I am going to expose in this piece. Many of the "truthers" themselves are going to have a hard time with it. The reason being the REAL truth flies right in the face of everything we were led to believe. This includes what we were led to believe within the truth movement. Remember all the times you told a so called sheep that he or she has been lied to about everything, especially by the media? Well that goes for you and the alternative media too. After you read my explanation on what really happened on 9/11, research it before you attack me! Before anyone attacks me though, you better have your you know what together because mine will be. Everything I state as a fact I can prove. There is much more proof backing my take on 9/11 than there is for any other story whether it be official or not. All those stories have a lot of theories attached to them. Mine does not. Mine has photographic evidence and official documents like the FOIA requests. Everything we have learned about the thermite controlled demolition of the twin towers resulting in 3000 deaths is an outright lie and put out by the government to keep us from the REAL TRUTH. Yes the government put out the story about the thermite. You will see why. This doesn't mean 9/11 truth is dead. It just means the focus needs to be totally changed. Everyone has it all wrong. As a matter of fact if you bring up the things I am going to reveal you are instantly attacked, your character defamed just like people in THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA would do. I thought we were all better than that? Are we not the ones always telling people to open their minds and look at the whole story? I am giving you a much different tale than we have been told. I don't just mean what the govt. has told us either. All the documentaries we have used as our greatest tool for waking people up are false. Propaganda based on out right deception. Most of the footage in those documentaries if not all of it is staged or faked. It hurts me to say this because I bought into all of it as much as you did. It's still good that we used these films to wake us up to all sorts of issues, at least it did for me, but they have us chasing ghosts. They are set up to put you in that next mental box once you break free of the psy-op of the mainstream media. I never making baseless claims or write my theories as being fact. I have hard evidence backing all my claims and will be leaving that evidence here for you to view. To all the people who have followed me and my information on 9/11 I'm sorry. We were severely misled but I am going to right the ship today. We are still right in everything we said to people proving the government's story wrong. The Government's story is still just as false but we were wrong about the way the buildings came down and just about everything else. Yes the United States government is responsible for 9/11 along with some major corporations I will point out. Everything is much different than it seems though. First I want to tell you that even though most of the "truth" groups have been infiltrated I am not saying they are all bad or totally comprised of bad people, BUT most of the key figures at the top have some very bad intentions that I will bring into the light today after revealing to you what transpired on the day itself. Now I am not the person that uncovered all of this but the way my investigation was going, the dots I connected, and my persistence for the whole truth brought me to some information that they have tried to bury. I proceeded to dig. Although all the work isn't my personal research originally I did verify all of it. I have 100 percent read through all the related documents key to this investigation. I triple checked all the sources and the Data as I always do. I don't recite rumors. Now I will tell you my journey to the REAL truth. Part 2 The Original Wake Up Call About a year ago while searching Netflix for a 9/11 Movie after seeing the movie World Trade Center with Nicholas Cage I saw a movie called Loose Change 911 An American Coup. After seeing this I knew the government's story was a total fraud. Proven wrong in thousands of ways. Even scientifically impossible in many cases. Let me start by saying this is not going where it would have went if I wrote this a month ago. It turns out that Loose Change is not what I thought it was. Fans of the movie as I assume most of you are, please stick with me. My points will all be validated. I promise once you have the new information you will understand everything in a completely different light. It's a VERY POSITIVE thing that I saw it, even in hindsight because it did make me realize that the government story was absolutely false. It made me not trust the media either and made me keep digging and reading, studying past events and seeing what else we have been lied to about. So in that sense it was great BUT in light of what I've discovered I realize what that movie and almost all the other documentaries I have personally vouched for are. They are in sense gate keepers. They know that a large amount of people will be seeking the truth. They set up these "truth" documentaries and do give you a lot of good info to gain your trust and keep you hooked on their story BUT they keep you from the key issues. They won't even mention it. The only way it would get any airplay in the so called alternative media is if a caller manages to get it out real quick. If you start to get too close to the truth you are muted, cut off, technical diffucultied, or most commonly insulted and attacked. Anyways we will get back to that. Loose Change did wake me up and a lot of you I'm sure and showed us what the government was presenting as evidence was a total fraud. Since that day almost a year ago I have been seeking the truth. I understand if you don't think the government had anything to do with 9/11. The only reason you think that though is because you have never looked. All you need to do is YouTube or Google Tower 7. Look at it. It's a 47 story skyscraper that collapses into a pile just like the twin towers on 9/11. It came down in only 6.5 seconds, nearly free fall speed just like the towers. You know what else it has in common with the Twin Towers? It came down on 9/11. It was not hit by a plane and it came down just like the other two buildings. The news never told you this. This alone should make you want to find out what really happened on 9/11. If it came down exactly like the other two but nothing hit it, well doesn't that tell you it's most likely not the planes that made the towers collapse? C'mon guys. Just use your brain. As much as you might not want to you have to admit it. There is another common denominator we aren't seeing yet. I'm not going to repeat the same old rhetoric you have all heard on hundreds of 9/11 websites or videos. This is not about proving those same points. This isn't about proving the buildings were blown up or anything like that.. It's true the government is involved in 9/11 but the story being point forward by most of the "truth movement" is a total deception. At this point I'm assuming everyone knows their story along with the governments story. Just in case though I will briefly tell you what each side says then I will get on to all the new evidence 3. The Official Story & Part 4 The Official Conspiracy Theory In the next section after this one we will dive right into the new evidence but before we start I'll very briefly tell you the official story and the most accepted conspiracy theory. I'm not going to go point by point disproving parts of the story. That would be long and tedious to you the reader and frankly any investigators of 9/11 have heard it all before. I will let my evidence speak for itself and disprove both stories. By this point I'm sure you want to hear this new evidence so we will get on with it. The official story is 19 hijackers (18 from Saudi Arabia) hijacked four planes from the East Coast of The United States bound for California. 2 planes departed Boston, one from New Jersey, and one from Washington D.C. The hijackers took over the planes with box cutters. There was no distress signal from the pilots The first plane hit the WTC then about 15 min later the second plane hit the other tower. One hour and some minutes later the pentagon was hit with a third airliner and then the 4th crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. There was no military interception on ANY of the flights. They say it was directed from Osama Bin Laden within about 40 seconds of the first tower being hit. About an hour after being hit each tower of the World Trade Center collapsed into its own footprint. This they say was from the jet fuel in the planes melting the steel and weakening it causing the buildings to collapse. 3000 Americans lost their lives including 343 firefighters! After this we invaded Afghanistan. 9/11 was all the justification we needed to invade the whole middle east. That is fact no matter which of the three sides of this story you believe. The American people have let the government strip away many liberties in the name of protecting us from this happening again. America is scared. Our government created that fear and uses it to control us and push their war mongering agenda around the world. 4. The Truth Movement's story Now what the truth movement says. The government had advanced knowledge of the attacks at the least but could actually have pulled them off themselves or contracted someone to do it. The towers came down so fast and so uniform it was just like a controlled demolition. Many witnesses including firefighters heard multiple explosions. It is a fact there is no way jet fuel could even come close to the temperature needed to melt any of that steel never mind all of it. Lots of witnesses talked about bombs going off and explosions on the that day and the news won't play any of it any more. Tower 7 came down at 520 pm and nothing hit it so it proved that if that can come down without a plane hitting it then it's very likely that a plane isn't what took down the other two. It's just not. The plane is not a factor in all THREE collapses yet the third comes down exactly the same as the Twin Towers. That's so elementary.Regarding the Pentagon again there was no large plane parts found including the 12,000 pound engines made of steel and titanium. The hole was only about 20 feet wide. There is no way a 757 fit thru that hole. Then there is the video the pentagon released. Its five frames, that's all. Five frames and they say here is the attack on the Pentagon then boom! Just an explosion no plane! So and so forth. Dr Stephen E Jones even found thermite in the dust. For the last year I was convinced this was the truth. I have devoted my life to waking people up to this. All my followers don't worry. I will not lead you astray. I have a lot of people depending on me for real information now and this paper is especially for you guys. Don't worry all the facts we've gone over how the government story is a lie still hold true. The thermite story and all that though was all part of an intricate deception that's been THIRTY + years in the making. Dr. Stephen E Jones and the rest of the prominent truthers know what I am about to tell you and they do EVERYTHING they possibly can to steer you away from this information and any information, interviews, phone calls, videos,etc leading towards it. I'm not trying to make problems within the truth movement, but I'm sorry I must have been mistaken. I thought the truth movement was about the truth. The real truth not the convenient truth. For a year I was under the premise these people really wanted the truth. They don't! I know this doesn't sit well with many of my friends in the truth community right now. I assure you what I tell you is true. Once you read the rest of the story about what really happened you will see how they have been complicit in actually covering up the truth. This is hard on me too. I had really looked up to these guys. The information I'm going to tell you is so huge it changes the whole thing. It is going to make you go back and think about every aspect of 9/11 and how this helps it all make sense now. That's why they lead you down the road they do. To keep you running in circles and not getting close this information. Ladies and gentlemen be ready to open your mind like never before. You're going to need all of it to process this. Just remember PLEASE watch the videos I have provided when you come to a link. They are hard core proof of the things I present here. Most of them are completely mind blowing. At the end of everything I will leave an area full of other links so you can check this information out for yourself. I am a serious 9/11 investigator. Some of the people you have come to trust are an insult to people in the real movement like myself. Ready to finally learn the whole truth or at least most of it about the Psy-op called 9/11? 5 Shocking New Information: The Israeli Art Students And The 91st Floor A few months ago I made the decision to really bear down and dig into 9/11 again. Something just didn't seem right. I had heard Jesse Ventura call into The Alex Jones radio show and say "Alex It wasn't thermite that brought down the towers. It was some form of exotic weaponry, you've got to read this book by Dr. Judy Wood." Alex said Jesse, I know who she is, I know who she is." Then he let Jesse go very shortly after. Let me stop for a second and tell you this is not a paper about Judy Woods Directed Energy Weapon theory. That is what Governor Ventura was referring to. Because of this phone call though it peaked my interest and I am very open minded and wanted to hear everything possible about 9/11, so I decided to take a really good hard look at it. I listened to about 10 hrs. of interviews and lectures of hers. I looked at most of her pictures of ground zero and analyzed all her video. Although she did have some intriguing pictures it was nothing concrete in the least bit BUT still her theory was key in me finding the real truth. Now knowing the real truth it's easy to see how she was fooled into believing it was a Directed Energy Weapon that took down the towers. It actually makes all the sense in the world even though that's not what it was. Almost the whole truth movement has come out to attack her. I wanted to see who was on her side and what they had to say. When I see honest researchers with good intentions attacked it throws a red flag up for me. They are usually attacked because the information they have is actually good. It happens all the time in the mainstream media in general. They discredit someone so much just so the average viewer won't buy into their story. Jim Fetzer's name came up as someone who supported Wood and this is key. Jim Fetzer like myself is obviously a serious 9/11 investigator. He knows that the second plane was fake as do I. You could watch videos for 30 minutes and know without a doubt that it was a computer generated image(CGI). I always thought it was strange how much opposition you get on that. I never understood how the leaders of the truth movement who obviously have been doing this for ten years, could not know that. How could I realize that in a mere few months after "waking up" but they couldn't in ten years of digging with teams of researchers? I have heard no planners as they like to call us, attacked from every angle. They throw you in another group, the space beamers(people who believe Wood). They try to act like we are talking about green men from outer space or something. They don't want this information out. Soon you will see why. It is part of a much bigger agenda. Now back to Fetzer. This is where it starts to get really interesting and the whole story of 9/11 takes an unexpected twist. On Jim Fetzers website there was a radio interview. I will post the interview at the end of this document along with any other links to articles or videos for you to see. These are the clips you NEED to hear. I am giving you some of the sources of my research so you can double check anything you wish. I do NOT expect you to just take my word, I want you to research. Even if you don't research outside of this paper, please watch all the links I posted. It's a very important part of the story. These interviews and videos are so telling and so taboo amongst the "truth community". The first is this Jim Fetzer interview. He interviewed these Phil Jayhan And Larry McWilliams from who tell us the story of a group of Art students staying on the 91st floor from at least as far back as March of 2000 until 9/11/2001. These men were supposedly art students. They released a book about their project which was called Gelatin B(the project). This book they released along with some photographs in the book blow the investigation wide open. In the book they documented how they would perform a stunt. They had removed a window on the 91st floor and put a balcony out the window. They would then go out on the balcony naked, wave a shirt and a helicopter which they had flying outside the towers would film them. They also had some very telling diagrams in this book. One diagram had a picture of the face of the tower and had a person on the balcony throwing another person or dummy off the balcony, with some fire in the background. It should also be noted that the drawings certainty do not reflect the quality you would expect from art student. I'm a terrible drawer and I could have done better. Ok so what does this stunt mean? The only deaths we saw with our own eyes on 9/11 were the jumpers. Everyone remembers seeing that. Guess where almost all the jumpers came from... Right about the 91st floor. Before everyone jumped they did something very odd. They would all wave their shirt, wait a second then jump when the camera was on them. Just like the Israeli Art students little stunt. Very strange behavior for someone about to jump to their death from a burning building. Come on now. What type of art school is going to have you remove a window on the 91st floor of the trade tower and construct a balcony that would support naked people waving. Not only that but the helicopter??? That's quit the budget the art school has there. These art students were the jumpers from 9/11. It was a special effect. They filmed all that footage leading up to the jump and then just threw out mannequins or filmed in front of a green screen where they added the WTC in the background and they definitely did this in almost all of the pictures, they photoshopped them in there! This is a fact. If you blow them up you can see tons of evidence of photoshopping. There are tons of doctored jumper pics. I will leave links for the pictures. It gets even better than this. Much better. So now I have established these are the jumpers. This is why you NEED to listen to these interviews for yourself. They will tell you much better than I can. It was the exact floors, with people making the exact same motions and they even had diagrams of them out on the balcony, throwing a mannequin off while being filmed by a helicopter. It's safe to say that at least the jumpers are fake. Those are not real deaths. Why would they fake any deaths??? More dramatic if they add a few jumpers to the people that are trapped inside? Maybe just needed to add a few to bring it closer to 3000? We will get back to that shortly. First more about their other diagram and their photos which tell a story much different than what we have been told! The "art students" had another very telling diagram. It was a picture of their place of study, The World Trade Center South Tower. Now when they were to draw a diagram you would expect to see maybe office cubicles, telephones, desk, art canvases, tables, chairs, supplies, etc.. Instead we get a picture of the outside and inside of the tower which looks to be pretty accurate but a few things are weird...very weird indeed. In the middle of the tower they have accurately drawn the internal columns of the tower and even got the configuration right with the exception many of the columns are missing. Now why would they draw that? They shouldn't be able to see that! They are working in what is supposed to be a finished building. Only two answers are possible. Either someone gave them classified blueprints of the tower or that's what they saw. Nothing but the internal columns? No desks, phones, walls, nothing??? Well that can't be possible right? Well they also had a quote on there. It was something to the effect of so beautiful on the outside, so empty and desolate on the inside. I'm paraphrasing that. It was something very similar. You will get the exact quote when you listen to the interview yourself. I don't have it in front of me right now. Not only was that written on the diagram of the building but it also said something to the effect of 10 floors above us to the top and it is completely empty and depressing. Well what does that mean? It most likely means the floors above them were literally stripped bare and I will show you proof of this. A lot of proof of this. Some which I just got last night. The information now that I'm looking at this the right way just keeps pouring in. Also there was a large shipping company that they shared the 91st floor with. Guess what was missing from the diagram of the tower. That's right. No shipping company was in there even though officially they were. How many more ghost companies were in there? We will talk about it. Also I should point out the myth of the companies on the floors where the planes impacted. This is simply not true. Those floors were not only vacant. They were unfinished and bare. Not only all that but the elevators since the floors were totally bare DID NOT EVEN HAVE BUTTONS FOR ANY OF THE FLOORS!! This would include all the floors from 79-90. All those floors are inaccessible and absolutely had no companies on them. Ill provide proof of this with pictures of the elevators and a Freedom Of Information Request that shows the occupancy of the towers from 1978-2001. There was a movie on TV tonight seeing that its 9/11 weekend and it was called heroes on the 88th floor. This is outright propaganda. There were NO COMPANIES on that floor or any of the floors in the supposed impact zone! This is not debatable. They made all of that up too. Those floors were NEVER occupied. 5A The Gelatin-B Photographs The people from Gelatin-B posted more than diagrams in the book. They posted a couple of photos. In one photo you can see one the men actually standing either just outside the window on the balcony they built or he is standing right in the window frame. They photoshopped the image of a heater over the balcony so you couldn't see it. That's not even the remarkable part. Ready for this? There is a couple more pics and in that one you can see that everything is stripped down. They are supposedly renting office space in a finished building and there is no flooring, no inner walls at all, no ceiling, nothing to even hang the ceiling. Their floor was truly empty. The shipping company that was said to have been destroyed in there on 9/11 wasn't there. The people you heard about seeing the plane coming....Another dramatic bullcrap lie! There were no floors from 79-90 and a I will show you many other places throughout out the towers. They also had a bunch of boxes stacked up all the way to the ceiling so anyone that might have somehow got on that floor(remember they are on 91 the elevators next stop after 78) would not see the little stunt they were up to. Filming their little stunt called Gelatin-B was really the staging of the World Trade Center Jumpers! You will get to see all these diagrams for yourself. You will be able to see the doctored pictures of jumpers. This was all very shocking and it is very suspicious that no one is mentioning this. Needless to say this got me digging and digging. You can be ignorant and call me crazy without looking at my evidence but your only hurting yourself and your family in the long run with that attitude. Now more than ever you need to have an open mind. Just enough to look and see if my claims are true. Please. Everyone is trying to hide this from you. Almost the whole truth community is a fraud. Set up by the government to support the story from an opposing view. They reinforce the lie that planes were used and they totally rule out any media fakery which is almost all that went on. There is much more to this. I told you it's going to flip the whole story around. It's tough to tell exactly how many floors were empty and completely stripped but we do know this much from the new evidence. The 91st floor and all the floors above were already empty by March 2000 when it was put in that book. We also know the 12 floors under 91 were all empty as well. That's around 25 empty floors near the top of that tower! We also know of many floors near the bottom were empty and the floors that did officially have a company there are owned by one company. For instance floors 79-the top are missing. Well under 78 one company would have like 8 floors making it well over 30 floors in a row missing. So if they were to have ghost companies say they are occupying the tower when they really aren't, it would only take the cooperation of 3 or 4 companies per tower. That's all. I know it sounds crazy. They had emptied the towers and pre demo ed the building prior to 9/11.. The Twin Towers were close to empty on 9/11. The subway, windows on the world and the observation deck is what gave it the hundreds of thousands in foot traffic everyday.That also explains why there was such a little amount of rubble afterwards. Remember not seeing any chairs, computers, file cabinets, etc.? That's because many of the floors in the towers were bare by the time 9/11 came around. I am attaching the proof to all of this right now. Also here is the interviews here I got much of this information. Please listen to them. Don't think we are even close to done because we are not! There is much much more after the links. I am also attaching the FOIA request showing occupancy of the towers and Ill post the pictures of the elevators number panel here. This is just the tip of the iceberg too! Keep reading please. Here is the above interview with Jim Fetzer about the art students on the 91st fl and the hollow towers. This is a great interview. It's so interesting you won't be able to stop listening to it. There are two parts. Just make sure you listen to part 1 first. They go into great detail of all the things we have talked about so far. Here is the link. you will see the two parts of the hollow towers radio show. Just click it and it will play right there in the browser. Make sure you hear BOTH parts. You will see part 1 and part two right there in a blue link. Make sure you click on 1 first. I have attached after this link the photos that go along with the interview so you will want that open too. While you listen to the above clip , look at these pics(below). This is what they will be talking about. The diagrams the art students drew are here, a picture of the towers in 1978 and they are mostly HOLLOW. This is well after it has been finished. Just scroll down a little after going to the link and you'll see the pics.Theres a lot of them. Here is the Freedom Of Information Act request that PROVES the towers were mostly empty. The whole myth of those being the busiest office building around was exactly that, a myth. I can't get too far ahead but you will see what I mean soon. How's that for a twist to the 9/11 story? The jumpers were faked. Faked to toy with our emotions. Come to think of it those were the ONLY deaths we saw on 9/11. So what am I getting at? Do I think the death toll may have been lower? Well with the jumpers being faked that means the real death total is already lower right? Also I should mention that some more of the jumpers, these ones being in the still pictures were clearly photoshopped. You can see borders around some of them. One guy they really did a sloppy job with. He is like 90 ft. away from the face of the building. Looks like they took a pic of a man sitting on a bench and cut and pasted it right there and called him a jumper. Blow up the pictures and you can see clearly that the images have different resolutions. Clear evidence of cut n paste. I will leave links to show you at the end. Why fake any deaths at all? Here is a caller making all the right points til they mute him. Funny how no one in the truth movements mentions this isn't it?? Watch the treatment he gets. This is typical anytime someone hints at this information in the least bit. Well that's all over now! I am bringing this out into the limelight. We have been lied to long enough! 6. The Fake 9/11 Memorial Each year the families of 9/11 meet for a service. Much of these memorials are actually staged! They are a photoshopped mess! Lots of errors in there. Things are clearly cut out and pasted together. I will post the link. You will see a man's head from the side and its literally cut off when running into an image of a flag. Obvious photoshopping errors like this are all thru the photos. They constantly have errors with the environment. Why would they fake pictures from the memorial for the 9/11 victims' families? Why haven't the rest of the families said anything about this? I will show you why. How's this? Again why would they use photo trickery to fake any memorial service? Why are they faking any part of 9/11 or the after services at all? Why aren't the family members that were there at these memorials screaming out about this nonsense? You will find out why. First watch this very short clip please so you can see for yourself how doctored these images are! These are the official press photos going around the media and they are all doctored photoshopped images. 7. The Fake Victims and Fake Firefighters The 3000 victims of 9/11 were from a computer database. The pictures are all computer generated. You will see hard core proof of this in the videos I'm attaching. They would make a face on the computer and off of that they would make two different pictures of the victim. In every case you can tell they originate from the same photo. Their faces are all the same angle, with the same lighting, the same expression. They just change the background and the people's clothes but it is very noticeable. In some of the photos they just flipped it and changed the bg, and called it a new photo. Now with that alone I could see you not being convinced seeing that it's the same person, but how about when its two different people? Wait til you see the firefighters. We are to believe 343 of them died on 9/11 right? Well with the firefighters it is obvious that they took one picture and made two entirely different people out of it! Time after time as you go thru you will see a side by side comparison of what is supposed to be two different firefighters. They are identical except they switched maybe one feature . This is not one or two of them or some form of coincidence. Hundreds of them when side by side are clearly the same image used twice! The investigation doesn't stop there See The FAKE FireFighters right here!! The whole clip is great but if you want to see the firefighters right away go to 4:50 mark. Remember these pics side by side are supposed to be TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE!! Remember that! Now we are going to speak about Jason Bermas taking a call on the fake victims. His agenda is clear when fighting this evidence. You can't deny it. If you are still denying after looking at the clip I am providing then it's not worth my time explaining it to you. You are too close minded. I have just showed you a ton of firefighters who are fake. Made off of a computer. Go ahead look again. Your eyes are not lying to you. Look 3 times. It won't change. The pictures are a photoshopped mess. Now ask yourself this. If they faked all these deaths, what's to make you believe they didn't fake all of them? Are you getting pissed off yet?? You should be. They have been playing you off your emotions for ten years. You have lost all rationale on the matter. They have had everyone including me so busy looking into who was responsible instead of looking into if it happened in the first place. More on Bermas later. We will talk about all the prominent people in the "truth movement" I was going to save that clip for a little later in the story but I wanted you to see how right on I was with this before you kept reading. Now onto even more fakery. The Real Truth Of 9/11 Revealed Finally Revealed For people you are trying to convince the government was involved in 9/11, one of the first things they say is "Why would our government kill 3000 of its own citizens?" Well What if they didn't? What am I getting at? You thought I said the government was involved in 9/11? I did. They were involved. It was all their idea. Along with all the major media outlets in this country. The big five were all complicit in the events of 9/11. The big five being Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Our government was involved and even came up with the plan BUT they didn't kill 3000 Americans! Not even close. While it is still very wrong what they are doing in the middle east as a result of supposedly being attacked and it is so messed up the way they are using 9/11 and terrorism to take our rights, that doesn't change the fact. 3000 people DID NOT DIE on 9/11. The only deaths you saw were the jumpers which we now know were faked and If you aren't sure of that, that's just because you've only read what I said about it but have not listened to the interview I posted above regarding the jumpers. Its undeniable I will leave open the possibility that there were some deaths but if so it was very few. Under a hundred. Even if you can come out and somehow prove a death or two to me, That's doesn't disprove they faked thousands of them. There is mounds of evidence backing this up. They faked tons of victims. For anyone that might be a real family member I mean no offense to you if you do exist, but the government faked thousands of these deaths and I will prove it to you. I am very careful when addressing this sensitive issue. I would never say this if I didn't have substantial proof of faked deaths and boy do I ever. photographic proof. Pretty intrigued now aren't you? What reason can you come up with why they would make up fake firemen? Besides the fake firemen and fake jumpers what evidence do you have potraying fake victims? Well I have a lot for you to see actually. This next one shows you how they use one pic to make two photos of the same victim.Like a current picture and an older one with different clothes on. You'll notice how in every picture their faces are the same exact angle, with the `same expression, same lighting etc. Towards the end it will show you some of the firefighters again. Firefighters that are supposedly two different people. Be sure to check both clips. They are both short so don't worry. the only really long stuff is the audio interviews but they are packed with information Please Click This Link. Its VERY IMPORTANT. This is a very good breakdown on the photo-shopping and face morphing used to create the victims. This takes what we were just talking about and really expands on it. You'll see hundreds of examples of this trickery used to create the victims!! The Social Security Death Index When someone in America dies it gets entered into the SSDI. They also have a death certificate issued. For September 11th 2001 all those ppl should appear in the SSDI. Well out of the 3000 people who were said to have been killed on 9/11 only 466 appear in the SSDI. Out of those 466 only 220 have had death certificates issued! Even more glaring than that is the fact that out of the 466 listed on the Social Security Death Index only 59 are listed in the Victim Compensation Fund(VCF). Yes FIFTY NINE! That's It! They are getting paid 1.9 MILLION DOLLARS and almost no one has shown up to collect. Free money! 2 million dollars' worth maybe even more. When you add this to the fact that all the firefighters photos are doctored and the facts you learned about Gelatin-B and the jumpers I think it's fair to ask the question if anyone really died on 9/11. They have us so busy fighting over who is responsible that no one is even looking to see if it even happened. No matter your emotional state if your loved ones are killed in a terror attack and the government is giving all the families 2 million dollars, they are going to collect. All 3000 of them. For only FIFTY NINE people to collect is absurd. Before you tell me I'm wrong do some research. Take hours of the day today and plug the names on 9/11 victims into the SSDI. You will hardly find any. Many people have put all the names in and it came back only 12% of the names of 9/11 victims show up in the SSDI. 12 percent!! It should be 100 percent. The VCF should also have close to 100 percent collected. The death records don't lie. Plug your deceased great grandfather in or your uncle. They will all show up in the list. SSDI admittedly isn't 100 percent accurate but it is over 90 percent. So it is absurd that only 12 % of the names show up! If you are not in the SSDI it's because you are not dead. I can show you they faked thousands of deaths. Like I said I do leave open the possibility of some deaths but I find it very very unlikely. Now there are some people that died on that day that are not around anymore for example a pilot from around here. While I don't have all the answers and don't have the means or resources to locate a missing or hidden person that does not make me wrong. I am still correct on all the things I proved to you. I just don't have all the answers but I am looking into all of it. Now as I told you I always deal in facts. The next statement I'm going to make is opinion. The VCF is a few BILLION DOLLARS and there is also a Business Compensation Fund which few people know about. This fund is something like 36 billion dollars. Plenty of money to pay for all the actors of 911 and a few families. You could give someone 20 million dollars to relocate people and it wouldn't even phase you. Trillions are being made off these endless wars now. A few hundred million to make sure a group of people don't talk would be sufficient. Think about all the ghost companies I told you about. So the compensation fund is there. Billions upon billions of money that is supposed to go for companies that don't exist. So now they can pay the actors and producers with money that will never be known to be missing. The Prominent Family Members of 9/11 Truth As I told you the memorial photos were faked. All this fakery falls in line with all the TV fakery of that day. Any serious investigator of 9/11 knows that at the very least the second plane was fake, a special effect. Well frankly no planes at all were used on 9/11. I have plenty of proof on that. Anyone that doubts me, message me I will send you hard core proof there was no second plane. Now all of that makes even more sense. We had fake planes, moving bridges, actors playing witness, etc. Now it makes sense because the whole damn thing was a movie. Think people what planes did you see? You saw the second plane. I proved it to be a fake. What deaths did you see? Only the jumpers. Those were also fake. The only plane you saw was fake. See a pattern here yet? So what about the families? What about all those families we always see? Whenever you see a 9/11 documentary you see some family members upset talking about their loved ones lost in the towers. Out of 3000 people having tens or hundreds of thousands of family members you seem to see the same group of family members in all the movies, all the clips, and all the commercials. Why is that? Bob Macilvane is featured in the Tower 7 commercials. He was on Geraldo on FOX talking about building 7. He was on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory. He travels around the globe with two photoshopped pictures of his son(you will see them in the video!) . They all carry around the same two pics all the time. In those pics guess what? PHOTOSHOP. Both pictures have the same exact pose, in the same exact lighting, with the head angled the same way, etc. Especially on Bob Macilvanes pictures you can see how the head is VERY cut and paste. Just like the rest of his traveling actor buddies. His son Robert Macilvane Jr is NOT LISTED IN THE SSDI. Donna Marsh has been featured in all the same places except Geraldo but she has been in a few of Alex Jone's Documentaries. She is always screaming in the street about how George Bush killed her daughter. Her daughter with her two photoshopped pictures. Her daughter who....drum roll please..... IS NOT LISTED IN THE SSDI. and on and on and on. All the prominent parent's kids are not listed in the SSDI. They never died. Never existed. No one can track down any friends or coworkers or anything like that proving these people to be real. I am not saying 100 percent that no one died on 9/11. a couple people could be proven to be real BUT I am right saying they faked thousands of deaths. Why fake so many and not all of them? Seems highly unlikely. I say if they faked most of the firefighters and most of the regular victims, I say they probably faked them all. I know what you're thinking but once you see for your own eyes how the photoshopped the firefighters picks you will know I am right. Here is the next clip for you to watch. It is on the fake families of the fake victims. Here is the next clip for you. The 9/11 Actors it's called. A month ago watching these "family members" weep I would feel sad, now I'm enraged! You should be too! It's all fake! Here is another VERY important piece of information. There were ghost companies in the towers. Companies that were said to be there but we know they weren't because those floors don't exist. There isn't even anything to stand on. Two of these ghost companies Cantor Fitzgerald and Marsh Mclennan took up about the top third of each tower according tho the Freedom Of Information Act about the occupancy which I have put in this report. In both towers Marsh Mclennan supposedly is on flors 92-101. We know this to be false in many ways. Remember the Gelatin B? Well they were on 91 and they stated that all the floors above them were empty and this would also prove true when you see the picture of the Hollow Towers. Those floors aren't even there. It is empty. You could see right thru until they installed the shutter system. This is in both towers. So this company is obviously a fraud. Well they claimed to have lost 295 employees and 63 contracters. All fake! Cantor Fitzgerald was supposedly on floors 103, 104, 105 which also did not exist. There were no floors after 91 where the fake jumpers were filmed and under 91 the elevator didn't stop until 78! I have enclosed pictures of the elevator keys. So from 78 to the top there was only one floor. 91. Well Cantor Fitzgerald which is a fake company supposedly lost 658 of their 960 employees!! All fake. You add those two fake companies together and you get 1016 fake deaths! That is already a third of the total and a third of the tower and you only had to have two fake companies set up. So the idea it would take 1000's of companies to be in on this or the idea that there was thousands and thousands of people in the buildings just isn't true. Those buildings were almost completely empty for their entire life. It was all an illusion that they were these busy office buildings. They had cleverly designed it to have a very high amount of foot traffic even though the place had very little occupants. They built an extreme;y busy subway station underneath which would bring close to half a million people a day through it. Then they put the Windows on the World restaurant and observation deck at the top to keep traffic moving up and done. It was a genius plan. They had shuttters installed because as you can see in the 1978 pictures the sunlight would easily expose part of what they were doing. These shutters blocked that from happening and also threw light in different ways to make the building seem as if it had lights on in different offices. Those building were never more than like 25 percent full! They would have massive amounts of floors missing in a row and not just at the top. The first floor the elevator would normally stop should have been 7. It was one above ground level. Well it didn't stop at 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, Then Rockefellar put a Bank of America in on a few floors and who even knows if that was real now. You can see this all for yourself as well as the move in date of EVERY tenant. You'll also see in some of the pictures there were tenants listed on the walls that were not in the FOIA. The whole thing is a big farce. Look at the FOIA I enclosed. You will see how suspiciously the towers "officially go from about 25 percent full to about 95 right before 9/11. Its so absurd At the end of this paragraph is great example on how the scenery was also faked on 9/11. You can't deny this proof. If you do then you truly do not want the truth and are covering up for the government. You can see people's arms going through other people's bodies. People 9/11 was the top grossing movie of all time. It was not a terrorist attack. The buildings were empty, the blocks around the WTC were evacuated, and most of everything we saw on the TV was fake. It was all Computer Generated Images and special effects. The WTC and the Pentagon even had an elaborate smoke delivery system to produce extra smoke effects and the WTC had a special shutter system to throw light in different directions making it seem as different offices deep in the building were lit up. We will get back to the props in a bit. I have photographic and video evidence of this at both locations. For months I have known that the second plane was just a CGI effect. I knew many of the interviews were staged with actors and I already knew that the image of Manhattan we saw was CGI also. For those of you that still can't believe this I will attach extensive proof that the second plane(the one you say you saw with your own eyes) was a computer generated image. This isn't debatable. Now uncovering this information for me has taken hours and hours of deep research every day. I don't expect you to just see a few clips and believe but these clips should make you know I am right and make you want to dig more. I will leave links at the end for deeper research so you can dig and dig yourself if you don't trust my research. The things I am saying are provable unlike the official story or even the thermite story. Look at this picture. The plane is already penetrating the tower yet the tower is smooth and not broken, like a video game. Do you see now? Tht is fake. Doesn't it look fake? Well just in case here is proof flight 175 was still in the air after the south tower had already collapsed. It is a fact it did not hit the towers. The Smoke Machines and Pipes. You won't see this anywhere but one place on the web. There was actually an intricate smoke piping system installed at the WTC! You can clearly see it in the photographs I will show you. There are pipes sticking out the windows blowing off blacke smoke. It also seems it is making small fires on the inside in the piping. If that wasn't enough we have video of a smoke machine on the pentagon lawn! You can see it right when they turn it on. Once again this all makes sense know. If we saw these pipes before we might not kno what the hell is goin on. Now that we know it was all a movie, that all makes sense now, doesn't it. Let's call those what they are movie props. It was the biggest grossing movie of all time, September 11th. Here is the link for you to see it for yourself. When you're ready to open your mind to the fact this was all fake there is a movie called September Clues you need to see. This will show you so much of the TV fakery and the medias direct involvement on 9/11. It will be in the group of links at the end of the report. The only theory I am putting forth today that I cannot prove yet is that if there are some real people that are missing from their families and friends and supposedly died on 9/11 then the government paid them handsomely to relocate. Paying someone even tens of millions of dollars which would surely be enough for a lot of people and that wouldn't even be anything up against the trillions of dollars made off this event. Proving that there is a few real people missing since 9/11 would not disprove any of what I have said. It would highly interest me though and I am very doubtful that would ever be the case. I do leave open the possibility of a small number of deaths but I highly doubt it. People from my area no doubt will ask of the pilot John Ogonowski. I'm sorry. I do not know. Maybe a few people did die or maybe he relocated. You know my opinion. I would say he relocated but I am not a private investigator and if someone is really in hiding I don't have the means to track them down. That is the first thing on my list though. I do wish I had the answer to that question believe me. I do not want to be disrespectful to anyone who may have died so I am not about to say his family is not telling the truth. There are some very strange things surrounding the events of his life before 9/11. I wish I had more to tell you but I am just digging into this part of the crazy story. He was NOT scheduled to fly that plane. He was supposed to be going to an Asian Festival or something like that on the 11th. At the last minute late the night before he called the original pilot and told him to take the day because he really wanted to make that flight to Los Angeles. For what reason the last minute change? Why was John cancelling on his friends on his prior engagement. Now if that's not weird enough John picture has been taken down from a lot of memorial and replaced with an older one. Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal but in this case it is. John is a captain. In the older picture he is not and the stripes on his uniform represent that. It's actually kind of dishonorable to do that to him. He would want as any veteran would want his proper rank displayed. It's very odd. Also CNN has completely taken down his picture. Why? This was last night I checked. I have many questions on the pilot and the events related to him surrounding the 11th. The Exif Data Doesn't Lie Before doing this research I was not aware of what exif data was. I am okay on a computer but I have never had the need to use Photoshop. Exif data is data about the picture that is stored within the photograph i.e. the shutter speed, the light, the resolution, the date, etc. It stores all sorts of specs. Well when looking at the exif data on some of the 9/11 victims there are some very glaring problems. Since investigation has started on this CNN and other memorials have TAKEN DOWN MANY PICTURES. They don't want you to be able to read the exif data and catch them in a lie. It's easy and you can use and exif reader for free. It's as easy as an add on to your browser then you can right click any picture on the web and read the exif data. So what is in this data that is so glaring. Well how about the pictures were last edited before 9/11 which wouldn't be a big deal on its own but if you look at the exif data some of the better known victims such as MARK BINGHAM (hey mom it's me Mark Bingham. You believe me don't you?)lol. Yes I am Laughing. We can laugh. He is a fake victim! when you look at his exif data guess what was added on 8-30-2001 almost 2 weeks before 9/11.... HIS OBITUARY! It says he was killed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It even says which flight he was supposedly on. TWO WEEKS BEFORE HE WAS ON THE FLIGHT! This is the case with many of the victims. Some obituaries were done even 7 months in advance! Check out these links on Mark Bingham Here is the EXIF DATA. With an obituary and all. Last edited on 8-30-2001. With the events of 9/11 already including embedded in the photo! This is solid proof this was all faked! You can't even come to another conclusion. Exif data similarities on different "victims" 9/11 was the highest grossing movie of all time. For the people that don't already know that 9/11 was an inside job you probably are ready to stop reading this by now, but to all you awake people. We have been intentionally led down the wrong path. The thermite evidence isn't even valid. All that free fall collapse footage we analyzed for months and months is fake. It's a special effect done on a computer. Nothing more. It doesn't matter how fast the towers came down because that footage is not real. That also explains why Judy Wood thought they used directed energy weapons. At one point the towers do seem to disintegrate. That's not because it is evaporated from an elaborate weapon. It's because it is a sloppily done effect done on somebody computer. As a matter effect there was a lot of sloppy editing going on that day. A real amateur job I'd have to say. If you take the time like I have to sift thru hundreds of ground zero pictures. You will see they are photoshopped too. Almost all of them. The sun doesn't lie. In many photos they would add say a shot of a tower on fire to the background of some other buildings. Well when they put the two scenes together many times the pictures must not have been taken at the same time of the day thus the shadows are shooting different directions of the buildings. In other pictures shadows are missing. Dr Stephen E Jones even photoshopped a picture on his site displaying a pool of molten metal. No planes we used to hit their targets on 9/11. Most of you guys know that. Did planes even take off that day? Not sure. I'm leaning towards no but they could have. No planes was smashed into any of those building for sure though. We know there was no plane at the pentagon. We know the Harley Guy as he is called on the net, Mark Walsh was really Mark Humphries an actor. We know the second plane was done on a computer. We know images of New York City were fake. Even most of the ground zero photos are doctored. The sun doesn't lie. You have foregrounds added on top of backgrounds and the shadow from the sun will be going in the wrong direction for that time of day in Manhattan. The reason we found all these errors was the fact it was all just a movie. The streets around the trade center were empty when the towers were coming down. The police had everyone backed blocks away. All of that footage is fake. From what I now know everyone's electronics were not working. It is possible, actually it is likely that the government released an Electro Magnetic Pulse Device(EMP) to shut down everyone's mobile devices. I may be wrong as I just haven't dug deep enough yet into this one part but I believe that everyone's recording capabilities were disabled. We know the air was a no fly zone above NYC after the "hit" so no news crews were going to expose what was going on. They were in on it. This was a 30 year plan. The WTC was built specifically for the purpose of destroying them on 9/11 2001. They never had to kick too many companies out. It was never full. It was all an illusion. The designed it with the subway at the bottom and the Windows of the World restaurant at the top along with the observation deck to keep a lot of foot traffic going thru it. This gave it the appearance of being super busy. The floors that were the supposed impact zones were vacant. Not only vacant but totally bare. Never having anything on it. All the stories about the people on those floors is a joke. No one was EVER on those floors. Those floors were not built. The elevators would skip right over them. They wouldn't even have buttons for them. I have enclosed pics of the elevators buttons. I have enclosed the Freedom Of Information Act that shows the occupancy of those towers. I have proved that most of the victims were fake. There is more to the story though. This was such a well thought out plan. Now I will post the next interview you need to hear. This is all about the mechanized shutter and lighting system that was installed to help pull off the illusion the towers were at near full capacity for years. Have a listen. Welcome to the truth of 9/11. All a staged scripted television event. You can go much further than my work to. There are plenty of photos and videos to analyze on the web. They are all frauds. The more and more you look the more it gets proven to you The World Trade Center and the Mechanized Shutter and Lighting System Interview See how much evidence there is of this? Need more? Ok how about the woman who accidentally admitted she was a 9/11 actress? The "Truth" Movement This next part really hits home with me. Once I "woke up" to the supposed truth I had quickly latched onto some of the leaders of the truth movement. Little did I know The Truth Movement was set up by the same people who committed the crime. The people at the top of the pyramid of the truth movement have been lying to us all along. They have known that TV fakery was the key because the whole thing was completely made up. I use to listen to Alex Jones every day. He seemed like he was giving us so much info but he really is just a gatekeeper! He gains your trust by giving you some good info(most of which is already out, mixes it in with intentional disinformation, then he steers you in the thermite direction. You can think what you want but there is no way Alex Jones, Jason Bermas, Luke Rudowski and others who have been studying this for ten years don't know this information. You can't tell me I found this out before them. There is no way. They are hiding it and as a matter of fact let's talk about how they act when you bring it up. I'm going to repost one clip from earlier because I want you to listen to what he really says now that you know this. It's clear he has an agenda and that agenda is to deny the TV fakery at all costs. If you haven't seen September Clues, that's the movie he is crapping on. September Clues isn't full of facts you need to trust the sources on like all the other 9/11 documentaries. September Clues is just an analysis of the ACTUAL FOOTAGE from the major networks on 9/11. It proves TV fakery a million times over. Bermas sounds like a fool. He even says if there was TV fakery I think there would be some videos showing the Tower blowing up with no plane, but they don't exist! Don't exist?? I have a couple myself. Bermas goes on to tell you he has seen probably more 911 footage than anyone. My point proven! There are thousands of videos on YouTube and all over the internet showing bridges walking, buildings moving 6 blocks out of place, and all sorts of other layering issues. If he really wanted the truth he would not be denying the fact that the media was a major factor in staging 9/11. Bermas, Alex Jones, Luke Rudowski, Stephen E Jones and the rest of them all beat the thermite story down your throat and they all sound like tools when they attack people who know there was TV Fakery. This is what made me realize they were frauds. Even Alex. For a few months it never made sense to me how he never talks about the second plane being fake. Then when discovering all this, I ran into a few of his interviews where he calls people who know there was TV fakery going on that day mentally ill and a host of other insults. This is coming from the guy who says more crazier things than anyone I had ever heard. For all the people out there that don't know there were are tons of glaring errors in the video that proved it to be not live and doctored I will leave some very telling clips for you, but you really should watch September Clues. It's all about the TV fakery. A million 9/11 "truth" documentaries and only one mentions the real story. After this section I will leave a few clips you NEED to hear. Listen how they attack people getting close to the real truth. They even try and tell people you are trying to muddy the waters with bad information. Then there is the Austin Gun Rally. I don't want to make this paper all about Alex Jones but he is one the leaders if not the leader of 9/11 truth. He is a very persuasive person and a lot of people put a lot of trust in him but he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I know how powerful he is. He is so powerful that some of you might actually stop reading this in depth analysis of the real story of 9/11 just because of your allegiance to Alex. Don't have blind faith in anyone. You need to see this. He goes on the air telling everyone how he was at the Austin Gun Rally and he had cointelpro poking him in the face and disrupting him(cointelpro is govt agents sent into a movement undercover to derail it, discredit it, etc..) He goes into this big long speech about it and about how people were coming up to him thanking him etc., etc.. He actually is doing everything he says cointelpro did to him. He disrupted their whole speech, was extremely rude to protestors and really showed his true colors. One of the main reasons people like him is he seems like an incredibly honest guy willing to put his life on the line for you. Watch the clip. This is who is leading our truth movement. Alex Jones goes to Austin Gun Rally and then totally lies about it on his show! And here is Alex trashing anyone who KNOWS there was no second plane. He calls us no planers and SPACE BEAMERS!! Space Beamers????!! Ya Okay. Are you starting to see the agenda here? Once you get close, Alex is there to use his clout to insult you and hopefully others will follow him without even seeing your evidence. This is bigger than just being lied to by someone you trusted. Alex Jones. The So called patriot. The leader of 9/11 truth is really there to make sure you never get to the real truth. I'm not going to make this the Alex Jones paper but there is a lot out there that will back all of this up. How about I have two more videos where Alex tries repeatedly to incite the crowd. Then when he can't get it going he actually bumps this guy with his shoulder. When the guy comes towards him guess what Alex did.... he hides behind a cop and said that guy over there assaulted me!! Like a coward. All that screaming in the studio like a tough guy and he is a total fraud. I'm not the only one. Many people like myself who used Alex to wake them up but now see who he really is. He is a gatekeeper. Yes that is why he is not dead. He truly works for them. He wants to talk about Psy-ops and cointelpro. He is cointelpro. After a few short clips onto Luke Rudowski which could be a report all by itself! He's even dirtier! Alex telling "no planers" they have a mental illness! Bermas again trashing September Clues and the makers. He calls the guy a Meth addict and makes fun of the way he looks. Classic Cointelpro tactics. ok now listen to this whole clip from the beginning thinking about what I told you on their agenda to hide the truth of TV Fakery. I have also uncovered some more very disturbing things about Alex Jones. He has been censoring people from posting certain keywords on his site. He has been editing out phone calls so if you hear the rebroadcast you won't hear the calls that bring up the Knights of Malta or the Jesuits. I've seen him try to incite a riot several times and when it wouldn't work he shoved someone. Then Alex runs and hides behind a cop and says he assaulted me! I saw him do this more than once. If you try to type Knights of Malta and post it on his site in the comments it won't post. If a headline had to include one of these groups he disables comments on it so people can't share their knowledge of it. He purposely edited a piece by spelling Pat Buchanan's name wrong so if you search Alex Jones and Pat Buchanan the search will yield no results unless you know to spell it wrong. If you need to know more about his character then read up on the Grey family in Texas. They were in the middle of a standoff with the government and said Jones could interview them but could not release the tape til after the standoff had ended since it would give up crucial defensive positions in the house. He said it could only be used for a documentary later on. Then a few days later Alex has a strange request for the Greys. Let ABC in to have 20/20 film an interview. Grey refused and Alex conducted the interview alone as planned. Well guess what happened next. Alex betrayed that family and actually SOLD THE TAPE TO ABC for $700!!! Yes ABC the same people he swears he doesn't work for. With all the stuff I found out about my former hero I could do a whole paper just on that. I am going to post the link to my YouTube playlist exposing Alex Jones in every way. From his censoring you to him ratting out to the FBI to Lying about Bill Cooper, the man who would have been the real leader of the truth movement. Alex will do anything to discredit Bill Cooper. He even lies about predicting 9/11. He knows damn well Bill Cooper predicted it before he did. You will see it all in the videos. You will see him lie saying Bill Cooper was swearing on his show and cussing out the board op. It never happened. The Whole interview is there. We will save some of it for our report on the Truth movement. Check out this link if you are an Alex Jones fan. You NEED to see these videos. Your mind depends on it. Now onto his buddy Luke Rudowski. Luke Rudowski A Snake In The Grass If you've watched any of the popular 9/11 shows or documentaries or if you've seen some of Alex Jones' films you know who Luke Rudowski is. He is the skinny young man from NYC who always has a 9/11 was an inside job shirt on and is passing out flyers by the subway. He is known for asking really tough questions to people like Larry Silverstein. Well first off folks that is all staged. He was put into those situations to ask those very questions. He was put there by the government but it gets much worse and low down n dirty than that! Since 9/11 naturally there have been many website and organizations supposedly seeking 9/11 truth. I'm not saying there aren't good organizations with good intentions out there. Of course there are. The main faces though, all a front. I'm sorry. It hurts me as well. If there are no real victims of 9/11 that means the money you may have donated is not going to any 9/11 families. How could it when they are imaginary? It's all a huge money making, emotion toying scam. One of the best known organizations if not the best known is We Are Change. We Are Change was founded by a guy named Dan Wallace even though Luke takes credit for it. Well Luke is no longer part of We Are Change. Would you like to know why? Go to A We Are Change site. Or check out one of their Facebook pages. There is always a little donate button. You can click it and make a donation to We Are Change. I have never made a donation I'll admit even though I have thought about it. Well I'm glad I didn't. When you (previously) clicked "donate" it went right into Luke's PERSONAL BANK ACCOUNT. A lot of people from We Are Change started to ask where the money was going. people that donated wanted to know. They assumed it was going to travel expenses, video equipment, etc. Luke would actually spend thousands upon thousands of the donations on HIMSELF. Thousands of dollars in bar tabs, 13,000 in cash, and get this.... He had been paying his college tuition with the donations!! I will show you receipts in the next video!! All these Americans heartbroken over something that never happened and now they are being further ripped off by these con artists??!!! This needs to stop!! So Luke was confronted on this matter and this is what he had to say. "Sometimes my financial aid is late so I use the We Are Change money then I put it back when the check comes in" Is that acceptable people?? There are supposedly our heroes? They are nothing but conman working for the very people they swear to protect us against. I know this story of betrayal by the top people in the truth movement is hard to swallow. Like I always tell people "You need to be able to think for yourself, gather facts, and make your own decision. The story on the truth movement being infiltrated is so long and detailed that we will finish it in the next report. Since writing this I have found out a boatload more about the truth movement, the people in charge and their various connections. Just remember even if you consider yourself awake you can still be a sheep. If you blindly follow anyone whether it be Fox News, Alex Jones, or anyone at all then you are still a sheep. All the things you tell the non-believers you should apply to yourself. Do your own research, check out what people say before believing it as fact and the most important thing I can think of.....Stop disbelieving what your eyes tell you. I hope you enjoyed reading The Truth Behind The Illusion Of 9/11. Everything I have stated in this report is a fact. The firemen really are fake identities made in the computer. This is undeniable. The jumpers are fake. The prominent family members we see all the time...their kids never existed. This is all fact. Out of close to 3000 that supposedly died only 220 have had death certificates issued by the SSDI. That is a fact and that is unacceptable. There is the VCF Victim's Compensation Fund. The family of every victim is entitled to two million dollars. Only 59 claims have been made. 59! Sorry but 2900 families are not going to leave a free two million dollars on the table. Never. Not one family would leave the 2 million dollars on the table. I really hope you clicked the links along with the reading as they were such concrete proof of what I'm saying. If not please go back and watch the blatant photoshopping of the firefighters photos, victim photos, 9/11 memorials. I have included the diagrams talked about from the Gelatin B project showing how they staged the jumpers. I have also included the pictures CLEARLY showing the towers being mostly hollow in 1978 a full six years after completion! There are pictures of the elevators showing how they didn't even have buttons for the supposed impact floors. I have included a Freedom Of Information Act showing you the occupancy from 1978 all the way up to the towers destruction in 2001. I have fully exposed the main figures of the truth movement as a complete fraud, put in place by the same people who pulled off 9/11. I have left detailed interviews of the mechanized lighting and shutter system at the WTC. I have given you physical proof that some of the victim's pictures were last edited BEFORE 9/11 where they added the person's obituary, even listing the supposed flights they were to crash on in the UPCOMING event of September 11th. I have exposed to you the fact that out of all the better known 9/11 families not a single one of them has a kid that is officially dead. None of them are in the Social Security Death Index. I believe I have more than proven the statements I made here. This should be overwhelming to you. This is so deep, isn't it. Now you know what I meant when I said you need to go back over everything you learned about 9/11. A lot of things will make more sense now. We had all these errors in the video, the fake second plane, The fake witnesses that were actors, the disintegrating towers, etc. It all makes sense now that you know it was a movie doesn't it? Of course witnesses turned out to be actors its a movie! The towers disintegrating? No. It was a special effect that just wasn't realistic enough but it was pretty close. Fake plane? Of course its a fake plane crash. Its a movie. Remember all the faked amateur footage? Of course it was fake it was a movie. That is why so many people have been able to keep quiet for so long. Because it was a movie. Not a real inside job terror attack. They faked a terror attack. Its mind blowing. I know. All that footage we have studied. All the interviews. All fake! The thermite story planted. Think about the problem with the rubble pile. Remember how it was so small. Well that is because it was a movie, the towers were empty. There were no companies or just a handful in there. Therefore there were no contents. The story about the dump trucks hauling off all that steel was planted. If you look at ground zero photos from like noon on 9/11 the steel is not there. They didn't get it out that quick. It was never there. That is where studying every angle of this event has taken me. That is how you get the whole truth. You need to be willing to open your mind and hear everyone's side. Never base your opinion on someone else's review. I knew Dr. Judy Wood's theory of a Directed Energy Weapon was probably not true but because I was willing to hear all of her story and see all her evidence I know for a fact all that steel was gone. I saw her pictures from ground zero at noon on 9/11. There sure as hell were not hauling off steel two hours after the "collapse". A lot of people won't come forward i they know this information. You can't insult me. You can't make me think I'm crazy. I'm actually very smart. I got to the bottom of 9/11 in less than a year of looking into it. I might not have every detail of the whole story but this is pretty damn close. There is more information that I will let you research that is on the links I'll leave. For instance the companies involved in the coverup are all there. Its easy to find. Cantor Fitzgerald is one. There are others. A few companies claimed thousands of the fake victims as employees so they were involved. Just think all these people involved and the companies. Now doesn't it make more sense that no one died? Those companies and agencies would have a much easier time sleeping at night if no Americans were even hurt never mind killed. While there are still many questions to answer about 9/11 now we truly can start looking in the right places. For ten years they had everyone fighting over who did it and no one looked to see if it was even done. It was truly a remarkable plan. If you have any doubt about what I am saying please just go back and watch the clips again of the phtoshopped victims. Especially the that say Jason Bermas on the fake victims. Go to just before the 5 minute mark and watch the firefighters again. Those are two entirely different people side by side, supposedly. It is absurd to say that those pictures are not photoshopped. If you want to see a whole slew of TV fakery exposed including how they faked the second plane, you need to see September Clues. The movie is done by the same people who uncovered the fake victims and the photoshopping. The movie was made before they knew about all this but It exposes tons of other things as fake. Its much different than any other 9/11 documentary and its the only one even close to the truth. After seeing that, you will know why it is attacked by the fake people in the truth movement. I am a real truther. I want the whole truth. I don't care who I rub the wrong way and I don't care if they want to silence me. I'm not afraid. Every American needs to know the truth of 9/11. Its the biggest scam and biggest illusion of all time! September 11th was a thirty year plan by our government. It was not a thirty year plan to commit mass murder. Think of how many honest American agents would have came out and said something about it if they planned to kill 3000 Americans. No. Killing anyone in our own country was never the plan. As a matter of fact the events of 9/11 were not the only illusion. The whole idea that those towers were these extremely busy office buildings with 50,000 people in it on any given day was a complete myth. Set up by years of fake documentaries, newspaper write ups and tons of foot traffic. These people are highly intelligent. They designed it to have a subway at the bottom and a restaurant and observation deck at the top creating over 400,000 people in foot traffic per day. That would make it appear to anyone even a native New Yorker that these buildings were in fact extremely busy. They were built with the intention of knocking them down. They didn't have to kick a bunch of companies out before 9/11. They were never there. They couldn't have put all the companies they say were there if they wanted to. There were hardly any finished floors. These towers were mostly hollow. Just think about that. Isn't that amazing in itself. The World Trade Center Twin Towers were mostly hollow, never occupied more than like 33 percent and they even had an intricate shutter system to hide the fact they were hollow. They knew this was a problem when they brought the towers down. That is why the very next day when they should be concerned with looking for people, the Mayor made it a point to explain why there is so little debris! There is still more to learn about 9/11 but now we have somewhere to start. What can you do? It's easy. The government, the media, and the truth movement are trying to bury this information. Show your family. Show your friends. Educate the ones you love. Most importantly even if you are afraid to show people which I know some of you will be. Learn a lesson from this. See how much you have been lied to? Don't blindly trust anyone, even if they seem to tell a lot of truth. Do your own research. Have many sources. If you have just a few and they all fall under the same agenda then how will you ever really get to the truth? Everyone thank you so much for taking the time to read what turned into a mini book by me. I know its a lot to take in but I needed to cover all grounds of this event that has forever changed our world for the worst. I know how bad I am going to be attacked for this. I can't keep it in though. That is not what I am about. I can take the attacks. All the people that attack me will be the same ones that won't do a lick of research except what is put in front of them. The others will just be trying to discredit my work. We need to make everyone aware of this scam that has been played on us. They are using our emotions against us. Our fear and our sadness from this event has allowed the passing of the Patriot Act 1 & 2 which are the farthest thing from patriotic. We have lost so many liberties now all because of this event, this movie they staged framing an innocent nation. The lie needs to end and end now. They can go in your home with no warrant. They can tap your phone and read your emails also. They can arrest you, label you a terrorist. Detain you with no lawyer or judge, torture you and kill you and its all legal now! All in the name of fighting terrorists. Terrorists that do not exist. If any of the actors or actresses that played in this movie are out there and reading this I hope you feel good knowing we have murdered a million and a half innocent civilians in the war on terror in large part thanks to you. Our constitution has been basically ripped to shreds thanks to you! You can right this wrong and come out now. Tell us the truth. Let America stop greiving and let us see this war on terror for what it is. A complete fraud to cover for the fact that we are going to take over the mid east and all its resources. Come out and tell us how much the media lies. Let people become free of that mental box. This is not America anymore. Come out and tell the truth so we can have our country back. By Brian S. Staveley Founder & developer of & The Dose Of Reality Radio Show Which Airs On The Above Mentioned Site. UPDATE!!!! This Blog was written about 3 years ago and since then a lot more information was uncovered that needs to be added to this. Most of it is further evidence of media fakery on that day. At the time of this I had just started scratching the surface on the CGI used on 9/11. Sice discovering much more evidence of this we have done many radio shows exposing the 9/11 media hoax that I had on my network along with my Co Hosts Justin Cooke and James Sloan and some guest appearances on other people's network. I have also built a few webpages to go along with some of these shows or if you aren't able to listen can be viewed on their own albeit it's better when we can walk you thru the evidence. I will link a few of the best shows right here and they really expand on this greatly. I love this blog and it has a ton of great info but it is light on the media fakery which turns out to be the key to 9/11. These shows go into great detail about that and of course about the other facets of 9/11 such as fake victims, fake planes, staged memorials, WTC occupancy,etc.. Great links for further research into the REAL truth of 9/11 I was invited onto James H. Fetzer's show The Real Deal to discuss my views on 9/11. Fetzer and myself don't agree on the fakery aspect at all as he pushes a new theory every few months. From thermite, to holograms, and now mini nukes he flip flops a lot but this show he does let me speak for the most part uninterupted and he has a decent following of people I'd like to present this info to. The show went well as far as me making my points and I feel I successfully debunked his major points and so called credible witnesses rather well. As with most the shows I will post we had a webpage I built to go along with the audio walking you thru all the evidence. The audio itself is embedded near the top of the page. Just left click to play instantly in a new window or right click to save to your MP3 player, Ipod, Cell Phone, PC, Sim Card, etc..... The next show posted here again has a follow along page with the radio show right on it. This show was done here on The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. It is a 5 hour 9/11 anniversary special where we dive real deep into all aspects of the day and this was done after we pretty much learned all we know now. this is our most in depth show and if you are hardcore into 9/11 and c an't get enough I suggest this one, It is hosted by Myself,my co hosts Justin Cooke and James Sloan. We also had a special guest in Chris Kendall is very knowlegable when it comes to 9/11 and was one of the first guys that was doing shows on the media fakery. Chris has a Blogtalk Radio Show called Hoaxbusters. here is the 5 hour special exposing the ENTIRE 9/11 HOAX! All this talk about the fakery on 9/11 and all these fake witnesses do we have anyone that saw anything out of the ordinary? We sure do! Nick Orsini from New York was in Manhattan that day and even though he didn't realize it too much til we talked he saw many things that would indicate the day being a fraud INCLUDING NO INJURED PEOPLE at the makeshift triage center that he stopped at to help. As usual we have a webpage but this time its to map out Nick's walking route so you can follow along on our map of NYC as he talks us thru what he saw and where. Again the audio is also embedded on the page. More so than the others you need the auido with this one. It won't make too much sense without it and there isn't so much of the stuff we've already shown you. It's more about listening to his INCREDIBLE story and following along with the map if you like VERY interesting show! The following link is a great blog written by James Sloan SPECIFICALLY about there being no planes at the World Trade Center. His blog is much shorter than this as you can read it in a few minutes but it is packed with information proving without a doubt that real planes were not used on 9/11. James is a Co Host of mine and a big part of this Website along with Justin Cooke Now here are some more links for your research. I must warn you that although at one time I did, Phil Jayhan The Admin of the forum Lets Roll which is linked below can NOT be trusted. There were some good researchers in that circle and the following two links I can vouch for but do not refer to them for any other information as they are there to ultimately mislead you and AGAIN as all these people do the main agenda is to keep you from looking at The Computer Generated Imagery of 9/11. These two below links are useful for us though. Justin James and I were all members and I was even an Admin til we were all banned for bringing up media fakery on 9/11 for the most part. Here is the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) showing the occupancy of the towers for their whole life. 1972-2001 You will see the towers were at very low capacity for their whole life and when you look into the companies that were there a lot of them turn out to be ghost companies. They simply aren't there. These were NOT the busy buildings you thought! Now to hear the interview about the Art students and the hollow tower and it's lack of contents, that is right here. Start w part 1 for the art students then it flows into part 2, so you'll want to play both links. You will see them after you click this one. They are both at the top. Here is the link to my Youtube playlist exposing Alex Jones for the lying, rat, censoring, fear mongerer, and gate keeper for what he is. These are the type of people we do NOT want others we are trying to convince to think we support. He is a gatekeeper as are most of the names will will ever hear. How can you trust me you ask? Well you don't know me personally so I would say you can't/ What you can do is NOT follow me or anyone else blindly rather take my research and verify it on your own!! I laid it all out for you! In closing I would like to leave some contact information for all of you and my Facebook groups and places we discuss this stuff besides just on here in the comments which I encourage you to use or our live chat when we air. When we do air a radio show it is usually Wednesday Nights at 10 PM ET. We have been on a break for a few months but will be back soon. If you leave a comment here you can be emailed notifications of new comments .The next time we have a show I will post it here and anywhere I can think of but if you are already in these comments you will get an email when I do so. Main Page for the website. We have our radio show. A huge archive of old shows. This blog section. Specific pages like the ones you saw for 9/11.also the Moon Hoax, Sandy Hook and much more. Our Radio Show - The Dose Of Reality is found right on the above site but here also is the direct link to the page we air live on followed by the link to our archive. Next is our Facebook Group. This is probably the best thing to go along with the site. Just about all of our listeners and a bunch of like minded people all meet in our Facebook group to discuss all these events as they happen and we are helpful to each other for research by sharing material or having more discerning eyes upon it. We catch up on past events and much more. It's very active. No spamming. Please come join us. You will see a lot of material discussed there before I post it here. Personal Email. If you want to have a private conversation with me feel free to email me. I am the only one with access to this so it will definitely be coming from me if you message me to chat. [email protected] And Finally................. My Skype name is TheRealNewsOnline Thank you so much everyone
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Why do I not support Ron Paul you ask? I do not support him because he is just another false hope. Just like Obama was in 2008. He is gonna come in and save us??? Give me a break! He is cleverly marketed with this whole agenda of the media being against him. Yes they are blackballing him but it is all part of the plan to build him up amongst all the people who don't agree with the status quo. Then there are his connections. He is propped up to no end by the biggest shill dis-info agent out there, Alex Jones. Many of the Ron Paul supporters wouldn't even know who he was if it were not for Jones. Jones says jump they say how high? Now besides Alex Jones, Ron Paul has many other questionable connections. Including taking money from David Duke. Now not only did he just take money from maybe the most racist guy in America, but this is a guy who has in the past made MANY racist remarks himself! Not only racist but ignorant. Well any racist remark is ignorant I suppose. I really don't think someone that doesn't see all of us as equal deserves to be "running" the nation. He CLEARLY does not look at so called minorities as equal to whites. That does not sit well with me and never will. Then there is the whole 9/11 situation. He has NEVER spoke out for 9/11 truth. For someone that people say is so aware why does he not address this? He is NOT for finding out the truth about the biggest coverup maybe in the history of our nation. About 80 percent of the people who support him are so called 9/11 truthers. I don't like the label either but you get my point. Even though most of his supporters do fall into this category, he has never once spoke on their behalf. Never once even hinted at opening an investigation into 9/11 if he were to be elected.
I was just given a very good video on Ron Paul and this one should send all you Ron Paul supporters a powerful message. He is supposed to be all about our freedom and liberty. Ending the wars and repealing The Patriot Act right? From the actions you usually see that would seem to be his very strong stance on things. Well how could he just throw all of that aside and support other politicians who support the wars and support The Patriot Act???! You know what his explanation for supporting these war mongerers is? Because all the incumbent made a deal to support each other!! Are you serious? Shouldn't he have a no tolerance stance against people who support the Patriot Act? His reasoning is because they made a deal to support the incumbents. Does that said like your hero to you? Mr. Patriot? Or does it sound like another shady politician that has private interests and personal gains infront of the interests of the American people? You know the answer! Hear it here with your own ears. It comes from his mouth, on camera, no newsletters. This is a complete 180 from his usual stance which seemed to be unwaverable didn't it? Well I am not fooled by this clever marketing scheme. I know the things I say aren't what people want to hear. It's not the happy ending to the story. I just say it how it is. This is all a ploy from another politician that will send us off to war against sovereign nations, unprovoked. Everyone bought all the BS from the Obama campaign and I'm sad to say you are all buying into it again! There is a lot more we need to talk about though regarding Ron Paul. Here is that video just discussed where he is questioned on the email and after the video I posted the email, then please continue to read there is a lot more to this. Here is the email Ron Paul sent to his followers asking them to vote for Lamar Smith Congressman Ron Paul Dear Fellow Texan, As you know, America faces tremendous problems. I have dedicated my career to fight for solutions, but I need friends in Congress who will help and work with me in these critical times. That is why I am grateful for the friendship of Congressman Lamar Smith. Lamar Smith is a thoughtful, intelligent leader who keeps his door open to me and is always willing to listen. As the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Smith's word carries a lot of weight on Capitol Hill and I am glad to see he fights to take principled stands on important issues like Healthcare and Cap and Trade. Congressman Smith made a point of reading both of my recent books, The Revolution: A Manifesto and End the Fed and I enjoyed our discussion. True intellectual exchange has become all too rare in Washington and I appreciated his effort. Lamar is also one of the true gentlemen in Congress. I value Congressman Smith's thoughtful approach and consider him a true friend. If more leaders in Washington adopted his style of governing, I know we could break down a lot of barriers. I am proud of my friendship with Lamar Smith. I hope you will consider supporting him in his bid for re-election. In Liberty, Ron Paul So how does this make any sense???!!! Ron Paul is going to repeal the Patriot Act, remember?? He is dead set against all this war, remember?? Somewhere he forgot. He put your liberty at jeopardy because he made a "deal" with some of his incumbent buddies!! Now with all this said onto my next point. I agree a man can have questionable connections but still be honest. This does not mean endorse the person to the point you are emailing your own supporters asking them to vote for someone who believes in the exact opposite of them! I know they have to play some tricks the public doesn't agree with, if they even know about them. In politics they are surrounded by sharks if they are not one themselves anyways. I know that, but it goes much deeper than who supports Ron Paul or who gives him donations. Tell me where the logic is in this. Most of the people that support him are the same people that swear the two party system is whats wrong with the country(I generally agree) yet they are gonna put all that aside and not only buy into the election process all over again but they are actually going to go and vote Republican??? Can you imagine that? 9/11 Truthers who spent ten years cussing out G.W. Bush and his policies and now they are going to vote Republican? After years of telling all their peers that the elections don't matter, that the two party system is what is wrong with America, and that Bush and the Republicans don't give a damn about the little guy, the regular American. How can they swallow their pride and vote for another Republican?? Remember all the talk he was gonna drop The Republican Party and go independent? What happened with that? If he did that maybe it would make a little more sense, not much, but a little that all these people would support him. The other problem I have with supporting Ron Paul is its almost become the fashionable thing to do.Its like if you are somewhat awake you are supposed to automatically back this guy. So many of us support Ron Paul and 80 % of the ppl that do don't know why they are doing it. They just see his name on every alternative site. I love the whole "Ohh Ron doesn't get any attention from the media". Well he is all over the alternative media. To the point it is forced down our throats. The point is they want you all to put all your eggs in the Ron Paul basket. Have faith in good ole Ronny. He'll fix America. You have all these people chanting "End The Fed". Do they even know what that would do? The Fed could be the last thing standing in the way of our nation falling under a global currency and economy. Imagine that. This next video is a new addition to this blog if you have already read it. Here is Ron Paul actually calling for a One World Currency and telling us we have nothing to fear from Globalism! From Ron Paul's Mouth------- "There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.... The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation." In the end he is just another puppet politician. They just wrapped this one in a much different package than usual and look how it has gotten so many people that are supposedly aware to drop their morals and go support the next Republican. It's kind of pathetic. Stand up for what you believe in! You've spent months if not years preaching to everyone how screwed up the system is and they should be independent to make their own choices and now your gonna support the Republican party? How could you flip flop? Is this one man that great for our nation that your morals need not apply anymore? If we want to change the political system in this country we need to rid ourselves of both parties not elect another one. We need to get ALL the lobbyists out of Washington. We need to build our whole education system over from the ground up. If we were to finally release Tesla's papers on free energy technology you could save every family hundreds of dollars every week instantly stimulating the economy. These are the type of things that we should be looking at. We need to repeal the Patriot Act and any other legislation that has been passed related to 9/11 such as anything to do with the detention of American civilians, Military Tribunals, Warrantless wiretapping and searches. We need to abolish several alphabet agencies. The TSA and FDA are the first to come to my mind. They have nothing to do with transportation security or keeping you healthy. It is just the opposite. these agencies have failed the American people and can no longer be trusted. Other agencies like the CDC and ATF need some serious restructuring if not abolished themselves. Misleading Americans and putting their health and life at great risk, the CDC is not our friend. The ATF?? Well they arm drug cartels that kidnap and murder American citizens and law enforcement. We could do this all day. What about FEMA? They could be the worst out of all of them. They are like the presidents little goon squad. They handle the dirty work. The genocide like Katrina. They will be the ones putting you in the camps or at least they will be the ones running it when the military brings you there. Do you think Ron Paul is going to fix all these problems? Has he even addressed any of them? Maybe the TSA he has because its unavoidable and there was a stand-off in his home state of Texas so he is forced to act on that or at least speak on it. Here are some of the comments from the guy so many of you want to put in the Oval Office. These really do not sit well with me. A man that thinks like this is not fit for president. Does a guy that talks like this really make a good choice to represent all of us?? I don't think in the least bit. He sounds like a racist slave owner from hundreds of years ago. We are supposed to be past this way of thinking now as a nation. Let's not support a man who puts us back 100 years. Things are not perfect but we have come a long way in this nation. Let's not put a racist republican who thinks black people are somehow inferior and 9/11 was not an inside job in office for four painful years. Here are his thoughts. You tell me this is not the least bit racist. If I were a black man I would hate this guy.We are all equal. Anyone who doesn't get that yet has no business in the office of any power never mind The President of the United States Of America. “The Criminals who terrorize our cities – in riots and on every non-riot day – are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are.” Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. These aren’t my figures, that is the assumption you can gather from” the report.” Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action.” In the end he is just another politician. One with a very clever marketing campaign. Do you not remember how much of a figure head leader our president really is?? Don't waste too much effort on who they elect. It's the whole system that needs changing. Not the president. The only thing missing from this storybook is Anonymous coming and "hacking" the already hacked election. Getting everyone up in arms begging for new internet regulations. Ron Paul will be the one who supposedly gets hosed by Anonymous. This takes care of their agenda from all angles. All the people with their head still buried in the sand will be so outraged with their precious election being hacked they will vote for any "protection" you want to offer them on the internet. Then so many people on the other side of the coin will be outraged. The ones who are Paul supporters. They swear they were this close to saving the country then Anonymous ruined it! then once again all these people who swear they are awake will actually join the mainstream movement to push thru the new internet regulations. Ron Paul Revolution. Haha By Brian S Staveley of The Real News & The Last |
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP