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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
This is for all the serious 9/11 researchers out there. Read this info carefully. It changes everything you have EVER learned about 9/11. This is the real story. This is what the truth community doesn't even want you to know!! This is what members in the truth community you see on TV or radio are paid to hide. This was written about 3 months ago and there has been some new information since then which I will address in comments after the story. Please share this with everyone you know. This is a complete breakdown of what really happened. No it was not the thermite controlled demolition we were told, nor was it Bin Laden, D.E.W.s, Mini Nukes, Drones, pods, or any of those other theories being floated. Its actually much more simple than that. Keep an open mind and enjoy. If you are a true researcher you will know the things I say to be true and if you are not, go look into my claims. You will be amazed!!
1. Introduction It's the event that forever changed the world we live in. From the loss of our freedoms and most of our privacy, to the invasion of nation after nation in the name of fighting terrorism. No matter what your stance is on who committed 9/11 or how it was done, there is no denying that it has forever changed our world. In this story I am going to touch on some of the most important aspects of 9/11 that have become taboo to even speak of. Some things that when brought up are attacked by people supposedly on your side. Once you know the real truth of 9/11 which I will expose in the piece, you will see how clear their agenda is and how much betrayal is really going on. That is another story all in itself so I might actually make it two pieces. We will touch on the gatekeepers of the truth movement after. First I want to tell all of you the real story of 9/11 starting with how I found the truth. After taking in this information, reflect back on your studies of 9/11. You will see how so many unanswered questions are now answered. Everything we were taught about that day besides the fact that towers are there no more was a lie. 9/11 was a 30+ year planned event along with the truth movement. The story I am going to tell you is being aggressively censored by almost ALL the so called truth organizations and websites and the mainstream media will never touch this one. One thing I want to state before we proceed is the work I am doing is the work that should have been done by our law enforcement and our media. It is not disrespectful to ask tough questions about the day that forever changed our world. It is not un-American to question your government. The one thing that really gets me is people that imply its taboo to talk of these things or I am doing something wrong by bringing them up. If you were murdered wouldn't you want every avenue explored, every last detail gone over and most of all want to know who is responsible? Of course you would. I am not going to let this act just go unanswered for. I finally have the truth of 9/11 and am going to share it with all of you. With just about every bold fact that I state I will have solid evidence backing it up. Most times in the form of a short video clip or a photograph. The things I am going to say without proof would get me laughed at, but before you do that look at my proof. You'll find it to be rock solid and undeniable. I'm not here to stir up the pot around 9/11 and make a name for myself. What kind of American would I be knowing the truth of 9/11 and not telling everyone I knew. So just remember before you call me crazy or before you put this paper down or close the window, check my proof. I don't make things up. I have done extensive research into this. It's going to be a fascinating journey into the world of real truth. I will start right off the bat by saying NO I DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT'S OFFICIAL STORY. If you still believe the governments story of 9/11 we have a long way to go. This paper is not going to be like all other 9/11 reports proving how the govt story is wrong in every way. We aren't going to go over all those points again. It's so beyond ridiculous you can read about that anywhere. You can at any time research any part of the official story and as long as you're willing to read more than headlines you will see it all to be a lie. In the end once I tell you what I am going to expose none of that will matter anyhow. I will prove them all wrong by proving this information right. If you are one of the people that still do believe the official story of 9/11 then, I warn you. You are really going to have a hard time stomaching what I am going to expose in this piece. Many of the "truthers" themselves are going to have a hard time with it. The reason being the REAL truth flies right in the face of everything we were led to believe. This includes what we were led to believe within the truth movement. Remember all the times you told a so called sheep that he or she has been lied to about everything, especially by the media? Well that goes for you and the alternative media too. After you read my explanation on what really happened on 9/11, research it before you attack me! Before anyone attacks me though, you better have your you know what together because mine will be. Everything I state as a fact I can prove. There is much more proof backing my take on 9/11 than there is for any other story whether it be official or not. All those stories have a lot of theories attached to them. Mine does not. Mine has photographic evidence and official documents like the FOIA requests. Everything we have learned about the thermite controlled demolition of the twin towers resulting in 3000 deaths is an outright lie and put out by the government to keep us from the REAL TRUTH. Yes the government put out the story about the thermite. You will see why. This doesn't mean 9/11 truth is dead. It just means the focus needs to be totally changed. Everyone has it all wrong. As a matter of fact if you bring up the things I am going to reveal you are instantly attacked, your character defamed just like people in THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA would do. I thought we were all better than that? Are we not the ones always telling people to open their minds and look at the whole story? I am giving you a much different tale than we have been told. I don't just mean what the govt. has told us either. All the documentaries we have used as our greatest tool for waking people up are false. Propaganda based on out right deception. Most of the footage in those documentaries if not all of it is staged or faked. It hurts me to say this because I bought into all of it as much as you did. It's still good that we used these films to wake us up to all sorts of issues, at least it did for me, but they have us chasing ghosts. They are set up to put you in that next mental box once you break free of the psy-op of the mainstream media. I never making baseless claims or write my theories as being fact. I have hard evidence backing all my claims and will be leaving that evidence here for you to view. To all the people who have followed me and my information on 9/11 I'm sorry. We were severely misled but I am going to right the ship today. We are still right in everything we said to people proving the government's story wrong. The Government's story is still just as false but we were wrong about the way the buildings came down and just about everything else. Yes the United States government is responsible for 9/11 along with some major corporations I will point out. Everything is much different than it seems though. First I want to tell you that even though most of the "truth" groups have been infiltrated I am not saying they are all bad or totally comprised of bad people, BUT most of the key figures at the top have some very bad intentions that I will bring into the light today after revealing to you what transpired on the day itself. Now I am not the person that uncovered all of this but the way my investigation was going, the dots I connected, and my persistence for the whole truth brought me to some information that they have tried to bury. I proceeded to dig. Although all the work isn't my personal research originally I did verify all of it. I have 100 percent read through all the related documents key to this investigation. I triple checked all the sources and the Data as I always do. I don't recite rumors. Now I will tell you my journey to the REAL truth. Part 2 The Original Wake Up Call About a year ago while searching Netflix for a 9/11 Movie after seeing the movie World Trade Center with Nicholas Cage I saw a movie called Loose Change 911 An American Coup. After seeing this I knew the government's story was a total fraud. Proven wrong in thousands of ways. Even scientifically impossible in many cases. Let me start by saying this is not going where it would have went if I wrote this a month ago. It turns out that Loose Change is not what I thought it was. Fans of the movie as I assume most of you are, please stick with me. My points will all be validated. I promise once you have the new information you will understand everything in a completely different light. It's a VERY POSITIVE thing that I saw it, even in hindsight because it did make me realize that the government story was absolutely false. It made me not trust the media either and made me keep digging and reading, studying past events and seeing what else we have been lied to about. So in that sense it was great BUT in light of what I've discovered I realize what that movie and almost all the other documentaries I have personally vouched for are. They are in sense gate keepers. They know that a large amount of people will be seeking the truth. They set up these "truth" documentaries and do give you a lot of good info to gain your trust and keep you hooked on their story BUT they keep you from the key issues. They won't even mention it. The only way it would get any airplay in the so called alternative media is if a caller manages to get it out real quick. If you start to get too close to the truth you are muted, cut off, technical diffucultied, or most commonly insulted and attacked. Anyways we will get back to that. Loose Change did wake me up and a lot of you I'm sure and showed us what the government was presenting as evidence was a total fraud. Since that day almost a year ago I have been seeking the truth. I understand if you don't think the government had anything to do with 9/11. The only reason you think that though is because you have never looked. All you need to do is YouTube or Google Tower 7. Look at it. It's a 47 story skyscraper that collapses into a pile just like the twin towers on 9/11. It came down in only 6.5 seconds, nearly free fall speed just like the towers. You know what else it has in common with the Twin Towers? It came down on 9/11. It was not hit by a plane and it came down just like the other two buildings. The news never told you this. This alone should make you want to find out what really happened on 9/11. If it came down exactly like the other two but nothing hit it, well doesn't that tell you it's most likely not the planes that made the towers collapse? C'mon guys. Just use your brain. As much as you might not want to you have to admit it. There is another common denominator we aren't seeing yet. I'm not going to repeat the same old rhetoric you have all heard on hundreds of 9/11 websites or videos. This is not about proving those same points. This isn't about proving the buildings were blown up or anything like that.. It's true the government is involved in 9/11 but the story being point forward by most of the "truth movement" is a total deception. At this point I'm assuming everyone knows their story along with the governments story. Just in case though I will briefly tell you what each side says then I will get on to all the new evidence 3. The Official Story & Part 4 The Official Conspiracy Theory In the next section after this one we will dive right into the new evidence but before we start I'll very briefly tell you the official story and the most accepted conspiracy theory. I'm not going to go point by point disproving parts of the story. That would be long and tedious to you the reader and frankly any investigators of 9/11 have heard it all before. I will let my evidence speak for itself and disprove both stories. By this point I'm sure you want to hear this new evidence so we will get on with it. The official story is 19 hijackers (18 from Saudi Arabia) hijacked four planes from the East Coast of The United States bound for California. 2 planes departed Boston, one from New Jersey, and one from Washington D.C. The hijackers took over the planes with box cutters. There was no distress signal from the pilots The first plane hit the WTC then about 15 min later the second plane hit the other tower. One hour and some minutes later the pentagon was hit with a third airliner and then the 4th crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. There was no military interception on ANY of the flights. They say it was directed from Osama Bin Laden within about 40 seconds of the first tower being hit. About an hour after being hit each tower of the World Trade Center collapsed into its own footprint. This they say was from the jet fuel in the planes melting the steel and weakening it causing the buildings to collapse. 3000 Americans lost their lives including 343 firefighters! After this we invaded Afghanistan. 9/11 was all the justification we needed to invade the whole middle east. That is fact no matter which of the three sides of this story you believe. The American people have let the government strip away many liberties in the name of protecting us from this happening again. America is scared. Our government created that fear and uses it to control us and push their war mongering agenda around the world. 4. The Truth Movement's story Now what the truth movement says. The government had advanced knowledge of the attacks at the least but could actually have pulled them off themselves or contracted someone to do it. The towers came down so fast and so uniform it was just like a controlled demolition. Many witnesses including firefighters heard multiple explosions. It is a fact there is no way jet fuel could even come close to the temperature needed to melt any of that steel never mind all of it. Lots of witnesses talked about bombs going off and explosions on the that day and the news won't play any of it any more. Tower 7 came down at 520 pm and nothing hit it so it proved that if that can come down without a plane hitting it then it's very likely that a plane isn't what took down the other two. It's just not. The plane is not a factor in all THREE collapses yet the third comes down exactly the same as the Twin Towers. That's so elementary.Regarding the Pentagon again there was no large plane parts found including the 12,000 pound engines made of steel and titanium. The hole was only about 20 feet wide. There is no way a 757 fit thru that hole. Then there is the video the pentagon released. Its five frames, that's all. Five frames and they say here is the attack on the Pentagon then boom! Just an explosion no plane! So and so forth. Dr Stephen E Jones even found thermite in the dust. For the last year I was convinced this was the truth. I have devoted my life to waking people up to this. All my followers don't worry. I will not lead you astray. I have a lot of people depending on me for real information now and this paper is especially for you guys. Don't worry all the facts we've gone over how the government story is a lie still hold true. The thermite story and all that though was all part of an intricate deception that's been THIRTY + years in the making. Dr. Stephen E Jones and the rest of the prominent truthers know what I am about to tell you and they do EVERYTHING they possibly can to steer you away from this information and any information, interviews, phone calls, videos,etc leading towards it. I'm not trying to make problems within the truth movement, but I'm sorry I must have been mistaken. I thought the truth movement was about the truth. The real truth not the convenient truth. For a year I was under the premise these people really wanted the truth. They don't! I know this doesn't sit well with many of my friends in the truth community right now. I assure you what I tell you is true. Once you read the rest of the story about what really happened you will see how they have been complicit in actually covering up the truth. This is hard on me too. I had really looked up to these guys. The information I'm going to tell you is so huge it changes the whole thing. It is going to make you go back and think about every aspect of 9/11 and how this helps it all make sense now. That's why they lead you down the road they do. To keep you running in circles and not getting close this information. Ladies and gentlemen be ready to open your mind like never before. You're going to need all of it to process this. Just remember PLEASE watch the videos I have provided when you come to a link. They are hard core proof of the things I present here. Most of them are completely mind blowing. At the end of everything I will leave an area full of other links so you can check this information out for yourself. I am a serious 9/11 investigator. Some of the people you have come to trust are an insult to people in the real movement like myself. Ready to finally learn the whole truth or at least most of it about the Psy-op called 9/11? 5 Shocking New Information: The Israeli Art Students And The 91st Floor A few months ago I made the decision to really bear down and dig into 9/11 again. Something just didn't seem right. I had heard Jesse Ventura call into The Alex Jones radio show and say "Alex It wasn't thermite that brought down the towers. It was some form of exotic weaponry, you've got to read this book by Dr. Judy Wood." Alex said Jesse, I know who she is, I know who she is." Then he let Jesse go very shortly after. Let me stop for a second and tell you this is not a paper about Judy Woods Directed Energy Weapon theory. That is what Governor Ventura was referring to. Because of this phone call though it peaked my interest and I am very open minded and wanted to hear everything possible about 9/11, so I decided to take a really good hard look at it. I listened to about 10 hrs. of interviews and lectures of hers. I looked at most of her pictures of ground zero and analyzed all her video. Although she did have some intriguing pictures it was nothing concrete in the least bit BUT still her theory was key in me finding the real truth. Now knowing the real truth it's easy to see how she was fooled into believing it was a Directed Energy Weapon that took down the towers. It actually makes all the sense in the world even though that's not what it was. Almost the whole truth movement has come out to attack her. I wanted to see who was on her side and what they had to say. When I see honest researchers with good intentions attacked it throws a red flag up for me. They are usually attacked because the information they have is actually good. It happens all the time in the mainstream media in general. They discredit someone so much just so the average viewer won't buy into their story. Jim Fetzer's name came up as someone who supported Wood and this is key. Jim Fetzer like myself is obviously a serious 9/11 investigator. He knows that the second plane was fake as do I. You could watch videos for 30 minutes and know without a doubt that it was a computer generated image(CGI). I always thought it was strange how much opposition you get on that. I never understood how the leaders of the truth movement who obviously have been doing this for ten years, could not know that. How could I realize that in a mere few months after "waking up" but they couldn't in ten years of digging with teams of researchers? I have heard no planners as they like to call us, attacked from every angle. They throw you in another group, the space beamers(people who believe Wood). They try to act like we are talking about green men from outer space or something. They don't want this information out. Soon you will see why. It is part of a much bigger agenda. Now back to Fetzer. This is where it starts to get really interesting and the whole story of 9/11 takes an unexpected twist. On Jim Fetzers website there was a radio interview. I will post the interview at the end of this document along with any other links to articles or videos for you to see. These are the clips you NEED to hear. I am giving you some of the sources of my research so you can double check anything you wish. I do NOT expect you to just take my word, I want you to research. Even if you don't research outside of this paper, please watch all the links I posted. It's a very important part of the story. These interviews and videos are so telling and so taboo amongst the "truth community". The first is this Jim Fetzer interview. He interviewed these Phil Jayhan And Larry McWilliams from who tell us the story of a group of Art students staying on the 91st floor from at least as far back as March of 2000 until 9/11/2001. These men were supposedly art students. They released a book about their project which was called Gelatin B(the project). This book they released along with some photographs in the book blow the investigation wide open. In the book they documented how they would perform a stunt. They had removed a window on the 91st floor and put a balcony out the window. They would then go out on the balcony naked, wave a shirt and a helicopter which they had flying outside the towers would film them. They also had some very telling diagrams in this book. One diagram had a picture of the face of the tower and had a person on the balcony throwing another person or dummy off the balcony, with some fire in the background. It should also be noted that the drawings certainty do not reflect the quality you would expect from art student. I'm a terrible drawer and I could have done better. Ok so what does this stunt mean? The only deaths we saw with our own eyes on 9/11 were the jumpers. Everyone remembers seeing that. Guess where almost all the jumpers came from... Right about the 91st floor. Before everyone jumped they did something very odd. They would all wave their shirt, wait a second then jump when the camera was on them. Just like the Israeli Art students little stunt. Very strange behavior for someone about to jump to their death from a burning building. Come on now. What type of art school is going to have you remove a window on the 91st floor of the trade tower and construct a balcony that would support naked people waving. Not only that but the helicopter??? That's quit the budget the art school has there. These art students were the jumpers from 9/11. It was a special effect. They filmed all that footage leading up to the jump and then just threw out mannequins or filmed in front of a green screen where they added the WTC in the background and they definitely did this in almost all of the pictures, they photoshopped them in there! This is a fact. If you blow them up you can see tons of evidence of photoshopping. There are tons of doctored jumper pics. I will leave links for the pictures. It gets even better than this. Much better. So now I have established these are the jumpers. This is why you NEED to listen to these interviews for yourself. They will tell you much better than I can. It was the exact floors, with people making the exact same motions and they even had diagrams of them out on the balcony, throwing a mannequin off while being filmed by a helicopter. It's safe to say that at least the jumpers are fake. Those are not real deaths. Why would they fake any deaths??? More dramatic if they add a few jumpers to the people that are trapped inside? Maybe just needed to add a few to bring it closer to 3000? We will get back to that shortly. First more about their other diagram and their photos which tell a story much different than what we have been told! The "art students" had another very telling diagram. It was a picture of their place of study, The World Trade Center South Tower. Now when they were to draw a diagram you would expect to see maybe office cubicles, telephones, desk, art canvases, tables, chairs, supplies, etc.. Instead we get a picture of the outside and inside of the tower which looks to be pretty accurate but a few things are weird...very weird indeed. In the middle of the tower they have accurately drawn the internal columns of the tower and even got the configuration right with the exception many of the columns are missing. Now why would they draw that? They shouldn't be able to see that! They are working in what is supposed to be a finished building. Only two answers are possible. Either someone gave them classified blueprints of the tower or that's what they saw. Nothing but the internal columns? No desks, phones, walls, nothing??? Well that can't be possible right? Well they also had a quote on there. It was something to the effect of so beautiful on the outside, so empty and desolate on the inside. I'm paraphrasing that. It was something very similar. You will get the exact quote when you listen to the interview yourself. I don't have it in front of me right now. Not only was that written on the diagram of the building but it also said something to the effect of 10 floors above us to the top and it is completely empty and depressing. Well what does that mean? It most likely means the floors above them were literally stripped bare and I will show you proof of this. A lot of proof of this. Some which I just got last night. The information now that I'm looking at this the right way just keeps pouring in. Also there was a large shipping company that they shared the 91st floor with. Guess what was missing from the diagram of the tower. That's right. No shipping company was in there even though officially they were. How many more ghost companies were in there? We will talk about it. Also I should point out the myth of the companies on the floors where the planes impacted. This is simply not true. Those floors were not only vacant. They were unfinished and bare. Not only all that but the elevators since the floors were totally bare DID NOT EVEN HAVE BUTTONS FOR ANY OF THE FLOORS!! This would include all the floors from 79-90. All those floors are inaccessible and absolutely had no companies on them. Ill provide proof of this with pictures of the elevators and a Freedom Of Information Request that shows the occupancy of the towers from 1978-2001. There was a movie on TV tonight seeing that its 9/11 weekend and it was called heroes on the 88th floor. This is outright propaganda. There were NO COMPANIES on that floor or any of the floors in the supposed impact zone! This is not debatable. They made all of that up too. Those floors were NEVER occupied. 5A The Gelatin-B Photographs The people from Gelatin-B posted more than diagrams in the book. They posted a couple of photos. In one photo you can see one the men actually standing either just outside the window on the balcony they built or he is standing right in the window frame. They photoshopped the image of a heater over the balcony so you couldn't see it. That's not even the remarkable part. Ready for this? There is a couple more pics and in that one you can see that everything is stripped down. They are supposedly renting office space in a finished building and there is no flooring, no inner walls at all, no ceiling, nothing to even hang the ceiling. Their floor was truly empty. The shipping company that was said to have been destroyed in there on 9/11 wasn't there. The people you heard about seeing the plane coming....Another dramatic bullcrap lie! There were no floors from 79-90 and a I will show you many other places throughout out the towers. They also had a bunch of boxes stacked up all the way to the ceiling so anyone that might have somehow got on that floor(remember they are on 91 the elevators next stop after 78) would not see the little stunt they were up to. Filming their little stunt called Gelatin-B was really the staging of the World Trade Center Jumpers! You will get to see all these diagrams for yourself. You will be able to see the doctored pictures of jumpers. This was all very shocking and it is very suspicious that no one is mentioning this. Needless to say this got me digging and digging. You can be ignorant and call me crazy without looking at my evidence but your only hurting yourself and your family in the long run with that attitude. Now more than ever you need to have an open mind. Just enough to look and see if my claims are true. Please. Everyone is trying to hide this from you. Almost the whole truth community is a fraud. Set up by the government to support the story from an opposing view. They reinforce the lie that planes were used and they totally rule out any media fakery which is almost all that went on. There is much more to this. I told you it's going to flip the whole story around. It's tough to tell exactly how many floors were empty and completely stripped but we do know this much from the new evidence. The 91st floor and all the floors above were already empty by March 2000 when it was put in that book. We also know the 12 floors under 91 were all empty as well. That's around 25 empty floors near the top of that tower! We also know of many floors near the bottom were empty and the floors that did officially have a company there are owned by one company. For instance floors 79-the top are missing. Well under 78 one company would have like 8 floors making it well over 30 floors in a row missing. So if they were to have ghost companies say they are occupying the tower when they really aren't, it would only take the cooperation of 3 or 4 companies per tower. That's all. I know it sounds crazy. They had emptied the towers and pre demo ed the building prior to 9/11.. The Twin Towers were close to empty on 9/11. The subway, windows on the world and the observation deck is what gave it the hundreds of thousands in foot traffic everyday.That also explains why there was such a little amount of rubble afterwards. Remember not seeing any chairs, computers, file cabinets, etc.? That's because many of the floors in the towers were bare by the time 9/11 came around. I am attaching the proof to all of this right now. Also here is the interviews here I got much of this information. Please listen to them. Don't think we are even close to done because we are not! There is much much more after the links. I am also attaching the FOIA request showing occupancy of the towers and Ill post the pictures of the elevators number panel here. This is just the tip of the iceberg too! Keep reading please. Here is the above interview with Jim Fetzer about the art students on the 91st fl and the hollow towers. This is a great interview. It's so interesting you won't be able to stop listening to it. There are two parts. Just make sure you listen to part 1 first. They go into great detail of all the things we have talked about so far. Here is the link. you will see the two parts of the hollow towers radio show. Just click it and it will play right there in the browser. Make sure you hear BOTH parts. You will see part 1 and part two right there in a blue link. Make sure you click on 1 first. I have attached after this link the photos that go along with the interview so you will want that open too. While you listen to the above clip , look at these pics(below). This is what they will be talking about. The diagrams the art students drew are here, a picture of the towers in 1978 and they are mostly HOLLOW. This is well after it has been finished. Just scroll down a little after going to the link and you'll see the pics.Theres a lot of them. Here is the Freedom Of Information Act request that PROVES the towers were mostly empty. The whole myth of those being the busiest office building around was exactly that, a myth. I can't get too far ahead but you will see what I mean soon. How's that for a twist to the 9/11 story? The jumpers were faked. Faked to toy with our emotions. Come to think of it those were the ONLY deaths we saw on 9/11. So what am I getting at? Do I think the death toll may have been lower? Well with the jumpers being faked that means the real death total is already lower right? Also I should mention that some more of the jumpers, these ones being in the still pictures were clearly photoshopped. You can see borders around some of them. One guy they really did a sloppy job with. He is like 90 ft. away from the face of the building. Looks like they took a pic of a man sitting on a bench and cut and pasted it right there and called him a jumper. Blow up the pictures and you can see clearly that the images have different resolutions. Clear evidence of cut n paste. I will leave links to show you at the end. Why fake any deaths at all? Here is a caller making all the right points til they mute him. Funny how no one in the truth movements mentions this isn't it?? Watch the treatment he gets. This is typical anytime someone hints at this information in the least bit. Well that's all over now! I am bringing this out into the limelight. We have been lied to long enough! 6. The Fake 9/11 Memorial Each year the families of 9/11 meet for a service. Much of these memorials are actually staged! They are a photoshopped mess! Lots of errors in there. Things are clearly cut out and pasted together. I will post the link. You will see a man's head from the side and its literally cut off when running into an image of a flag. Obvious photoshopping errors like this are all thru the photos. They constantly have errors with the environment. Why would they fake pictures from the memorial for the 9/11 victims' families? Why haven't the rest of the families said anything about this? I will show you why. How's this? Again why would they use photo trickery to fake any memorial service? Why are they faking any part of 9/11 or the after services at all? Why aren't the family members that were there at these memorials screaming out about this nonsense? You will find out why. First watch this very short clip please so you can see for yourself how doctored these images are! These are the official press photos going around the media and they are all doctored photoshopped images. 7. The Fake Victims and Fake Firefighters The 3000 victims of 9/11 were from a computer database. The pictures are all computer generated. You will see hard core proof of this in the videos I'm attaching. They would make a face on the computer and off of that they would make two different pictures of the victim. In every case you can tell they originate from the same photo. Their faces are all the same angle, with the same lighting, the same expression. They just change the background and the people's clothes but it is very noticeable. In some of the photos they just flipped it and changed the bg, and called it a new photo. Now with that alone I could see you not being convinced seeing that it's the same person, but how about when its two different people? Wait til you see the firefighters. We are to believe 343 of them died on 9/11 right? Well with the firefighters it is obvious that they took one picture and made two entirely different people out of it! Time after time as you go thru you will see a side by side comparison of what is supposed to be two different firefighters. They are identical except they switched maybe one feature . This is not one or two of them or some form of coincidence. Hundreds of them when side by side are clearly the same image used twice! The investigation doesn't stop there See The FAKE FireFighters right here!! The whole clip is great but if you want to see the firefighters right away go to 4:50 mark. Remember these pics side by side are supposed to be TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE!! Remember that! Now we are going to speak about Jason Bermas taking a call on the fake victims. His agenda is clear when fighting this evidence. You can't deny it. If you are still denying after looking at the clip I am providing then it's not worth my time explaining it to you. You are too close minded. I have just showed you a ton of firefighters who are fake. Made off of a computer. Go ahead look again. Your eyes are not lying to you. Look 3 times. It won't change. The pictures are a photoshopped mess. Now ask yourself this. If they faked all these deaths, what's to make you believe they didn't fake all of them? Are you getting pissed off yet?? You should be. They have been playing you off your emotions for ten years. You have lost all rationale on the matter. They have had everyone including me so busy looking into who was responsible instead of looking into if it happened in the first place. More on Bermas later. We will talk about all the prominent people in the "truth movement" I was going to save that clip for a little later in the story but I wanted you to see how right on I was with this before you kept reading. Now onto even more fakery. The Real Truth Of 9/11 Revealed Finally Revealed For people you are trying to convince the government was involved in 9/11, one of the first things they say is "Why would our government kill 3000 of its own citizens?" Well What if they didn't? What am I getting at? You thought I said the government was involved in 9/11? I did. They were involved. It was all their idea. Along with all the major media outlets in this country. The big five were all complicit in the events of 9/11. The big five being Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Our government was involved and even came up with the plan BUT they didn't kill 3000 Americans! Not even close. While it is still very wrong what they are doing in the middle east as a result of supposedly being attacked and it is so messed up the way they are using 9/11 and terrorism to take our rights, that doesn't change the fact. 3000 people DID NOT DIE on 9/11. The only deaths you saw were the jumpers which we now know were faked and If you aren't sure of that, that's just because you've only read what I said about it but have not listened to the interview I posted above regarding the jumpers. Its undeniable I will leave open the possibility that there were some deaths but if so it was very few. Under a hundred. Even if you can come out and somehow prove a death or two to me, That's doesn't disprove they faked thousands of them. There is mounds of evidence backing this up. They faked tons of victims. For anyone that might be a real family member I mean no offense to you if you do exist, but the government faked thousands of these deaths and I will prove it to you. I am very careful when addressing this sensitive issue. I would never say this if I didn't have substantial proof of faked deaths and boy do I ever. photographic proof. Pretty intrigued now aren't you? What reason can you come up with why they would make up fake firemen? Besides the fake firemen and fake jumpers what evidence do you have potraying fake victims? Well I have a lot for you to see actually. This next one shows you how they use one pic to make two photos of the same victim.Like a current picture and an older one with different clothes on. You'll notice how in every picture their faces are the same exact angle, with the `same expression, same lighting etc. Towards the end it will show you some of the firefighters again. Firefighters that are supposedly two different people. Be sure to check both clips. They are both short so don't worry. the only really long stuff is the audio interviews but they are packed with information Please Click This Link. Its VERY IMPORTANT. This is a very good breakdown on the photo-shopping and face morphing used to create the victims. This takes what we were just talking about and really expands on it. You'll see hundreds of examples of this trickery used to create the victims!! The Social Security Death Index When someone in America dies it gets entered into the SSDI. They also have a death certificate issued. For September 11th 2001 all those ppl should appear in the SSDI. Well out of the 3000 people who were said to have been killed on 9/11 only 466 appear in the SSDI. Out of those 466 only 220 have had death certificates issued! Even more glaring than that is the fact that out of the 466 listed on the Social Security Death Index only 59 are listed in the Victim Compensation Fund(VCF). Yes FIFTY NINE! That's It! They are getting paid 1.9 MILLION DOLLARS and almost no one has shown up to collect. Free money! 2 million dollars' worth maybe even more. When you add this to the fact that all the firefighters photos are doctored and the facts you learned about Gelatin-B and the jumpers I think it's fair to ask the question if anyone really died on 9/11. They have us so busy fighting over who is responsible that no one is even looking to see if it even happened. No matter your emotional state if your loved ones are killed in a terror attack and the government is giving all the families 2 million dollars, they are going to collect. All 3000 of them. For only FIFTY NINE people to collect is absurd. Before you tell me I'm wrong do some research. Take hours of the day today and plug the names on 9/11 victims into the SSDI. You will hardly find any. Many people have put all the names in and it came back only 12% of the names of 9/11 victims show up in the SSDI. 12 percent!! It should be 100 percent. The VCF should also have close to 100 percent collected. The death records don't lie. Plug your deceased great grandfather in or your uncle. They will all show up in the list. SSDI admittedly isn't 100 percent accurate but it is over 90 percent. So it is absurd that only 12 % of the names show up! If you are not in the SSDI it's because you are not dead. I can show you they faked thousands of deaths. Like I said I do leave open the possibility of some deaths but I find it very very unlikely. Now there are some people that died on that day that are not around anymore for example a pilot from around here. While I don't have all the answers and don't have the means or resources to locate a missing or hidden person that does not make me wrong. I am still correct on all the things I proved to you. I just don't have all the answers but I am looking into all of it. Now as I told you I always deal in facts. The next statement I'm going to make is opinion. The VCF is a few BILLION DOLLARS and there is also a Business Compensation Fund which few people know about. This fund is something like 36 billion dollars. Plenty of money to pay for all the actors of 911 and a few families. You could give someone 20 million dollars to relocate people and it wouldn't even phase you. Trillions are being made off these endless wars now. A few hundred million to make sure a group of people don't talk would be sufficient. Think about all the ghost companies I told you about. So the compensation fund is there. Billions upon billions of money that is supposed to go for companies that don't exist. So now they can pay the actors and producers with money that will never be known to be missing. The Prominent Family Members of 9/11 Truth As I told you the memorial photos were faked. All this fakery falls in line with all the TV fakery of that day. Any serious investigator of 9/11 knows that at the very least the second plane was fake, a special effect. Well frankly no planes at all were used on 9/11. I have plenty of proof on that. Anyone that doubts me, message me I will send you hard core proof there was no second plane. Now all of that makes even more sense. We had fake planes, moving bridges, actors playing witness, etc. Now it makes sense because the whole damn thing was a movie. Think people what planes did you see? You saw the second plane. I proved it to be a fake. What deaths did you see? Only the jumpers. Those were also fake. The only plane you saw was fake. See a pattern here yet? So what about the families? What about all those families we always see? Whenever you see a 9/11 documentary you see some family members upset talking about their loved ones lost in the towers. Out of 3000 people having tens or hundreds of thousands of family members you seem to see the same group of family members in all the movies, all the clips, and all the commercials. Why is that? Bob Macilvane is featured in the Tower 7 commercials. He was on Geraldo on FOX talking about building 7. He was on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory. He travels around the globe with two photoshopped pictures of his son(you will see them in the video!) . They all carry around the same two pics all the time. In those pics guess what? PHOTOSHOP. Both pictures have the same exact pose, in the same exact lighting, with the head angled the same way, etc. Especially on Bob Macilvanes pictures you can see how the head is VERY cut and paste. Just like the rest of his traveling actor buddies. His son Robert Macilvane Jr is NOT LISTED IN THE SSDI. Donna Marsh has been featured in all the same places except Geraldo but she has been in a few of Alex Jone's Documentaries. She is always screaming in the street about how George Bush killed her daughter. Her daughter with her two photoshopped pictures. Her daughter who....drum roll please..... IS NOT LISTED IN THE SSDI. and on and on and on. All the prominent parent's kids are not listed in the SSDI. They never died. Never existed. No one can track down any friends or coworkers or anything like that proving these people to be real. I am not saying 100 percent that no one died on 9/11. a couple people could be proven to be real BUT I am right saying they faked thousands of deaths. Why fake so many and not all of them? Seems highly unlikely. I say if they faked most of the firefighters and most of the regular victims, I say they probably faked them all. I know what you're thinking but once you see for your own eyes how the photoshopped the firefighters picks you will know I am right. Here is the next clip for you to watch. It is on the fake families of the fake victims. Here is the next clip for you. The 9/11 Actors it's called. A month ago watching these "family members" weep I would feel sad, now I'm enraged! You should be too! It's all fake! Here is another VERY important piece of information. There were ghost companies in the towers. Companies that were said to be there but we know they weren't because those floors don't exist. There isn't even anything to stand on. Two of these ghost companies Cantor Fitzgerald and Marsh Mclennan took up about the top third of each tower according tho the Freedom Of Information Act about the occupancy which I have put in this report. In both towers Marsh Mclennan supposedly is on flors 92-101. We know this to be false in many ways. Remember the Gelatin B? Well they were on 91 and they stated that all the floors above them were empty and this would also prove true when you see the picture of the Hollow Towers. Those floors aren't even there. It is empty. You could see right thru until they installed the shutter system. This is in both towers. So this company is obviously a fraud. Well they claimed to have lost 295 employees and 63 contracters. All fake! Cantor Fitzgerald was supposedly on floors 103, 104, 105 which also did not exist. There were no floors after 91 where the fake jumpers were filmed and under 91 the elevator didn't stop until 78! I have enclosed pictures of the elevator keys. So from 78 to the top there was only one floor. 91. Well Cantor Fitzgerald which is a fake company supposedly lost 658 of their 960 employees!! All fake. You add those two fake companies together and you get 1016 fake deaths! That is already a third of the total and a third of the tower and you only had to have two fake companies set up. So the idea it would take 1000's of companies to be in on this or the idea that there was thousands and thousands of people in the buildings just isn't true. Those buildings were almost completely empty for their entire life. It was all an illusion that they were these busy office buildings. They had cleverly designed it to have a very high amount of foot traffic even though the place had very little occupants. They built an extreme;y busy subway station underneath which would bring close to half a million people a day through it. Then they put the Windows on the World restaurant and observation deck at the top to keep traffic moving up and done. It was a genius plan. They had shuttters installed because as you can see in the 1978 pictures the sunlight would easily expose part of what they were doing. These shutters blocked that from happening and also threw light in different ways to make the building seem as if it had lights on in different offices. Those building were never more than like 25 percent full! They would have massive amounts of floors missing in a row and not just at the top. The first floor the elevator would normally stop should have been 7. It was one above ground level. Well it didn't stop at 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, Then Rockefellar put a Bank of America in on a few floors and who even knows if that was real now. You can see this all for yourself as well as the move in date of EVERY tenant. You'll also see in some of the pictures there were tenants listed on the walls that were not in the FOIA. The whole thing is a big farce. Look at the FOIA I enclosed. You will see how suspiciously the towers "officially go from about 25 percent full to about 95 right before 9/11. Its so absurd At the end of this paragraph is great example on how the scenery was also faked on 9/11. You can't deny this proof. If you do then you truly do not want the truth and are covering up for the government. You can see people's arms going through other people's bodies. People 9/11 was the top grossing movie of all time. It was not a terrorist attack. The buildings were empty, the blocks around the WTC were evacuated, and most of everything we saw on the TV was fake. It was all Computer Generated Images and special effects. The WTC and the Pentagon even had an elaborate smoke delivery system to produce extra smoke effects and the WTC had a special shutter system to throw light in different directions making it seem as different offices deep in the building were lit up. We will get back to the props in a bit. I have photographic and video evidence of this at both locations. For months I have known that the second plane was just a CGI effect. I knew many of the interviews were staged with actors and I already knew that the image of Manhattan we saw was CGI also. For those of you that still can't believe this I will attach extensive proof that the second plane(the one you say you saw with your own eyes) was a computer generated image. This isn't debatable. Now uncovering this information for me has taken hours and hours of deep research every day. I don't expect you to just see a few clips and believe but these clips should make you know I am right and make you want to dig more. I will leave links at the end for deeper research so you can dig and dig yourself if you don't trust my research. The things I am saying are provable unlike the official story or even the thermite story. Look at this picture. The plane is already penetrating the tower yet the tower is smooth and not broken, like a video game. Do you see now? Tht is fake. Doesn't it look fake? Well just in case here is proof flight 175 was still in the air after the south tower had already collapsed. It is a fact it did not hit the towers. The Smoke Machines and Pipes. You won't see this anywhere but one place on the web. There was actually an intricate smoke piping system installed at the WTC! You can clearly see it in the photographs I will show you. There are pipes sticking out the windows blowing off blacke smoke. It also seems it is making small fires on the inside in the piping. If that wasn't enough we have video of a smoke machine on the pentagon lawn! You can see it right when they turn it on. Once again this all makes sense know. If we saw these pipes before we might not kno what the hell is goin on. Now that we know it was all a movie, that all makes sense now, doesn't it. Let's call those what they are movie props. It was the biggest grossing movie of all time, September 11th. Here is the link for you to see it for yourself. When you're ready to open your mind to the fact this was all fake there is a movie called September Clues you need to see. This will show you so much of the TV fakery and the medias direct involvement on 9/11. It will be in the group of links at the end of the report. The only theory I am putting forth today that I cannot prove yet is that if there are some real people that are missing from their families and friends and supposedly died on 9/11 then the government paid them handsomely to relocate. Paying someone even tens of millions of dollars which would surely be enough for a lot of people and that wouldn't even be anything up against the trillions of dollars made off this event. Proving that there is a few real people missing since 9/11 would not disprove any of what I have said. It would highly interest me though and I am very doubtful that would ever be the case. I do leave open the possibility of a small number of deaths but I highly doubt it. People from my area no doubt will ask of the pilot John Ogonowski. I'm sorry. I do not know. Maybe a few people did die or maybe he relocated. You know my opinion. I would say he relocated but I am not a private investigator and if someone is really in hiding I don't have the means to track them down. That is the first thing on my list though. I do wish I had the answer to that question believe me. I do not want to be disrespectful to anyone who may have died so I am not about to say his family is not telling the truth. There are some very strange things surrounding the events of his life before 9/11. I wish I had more to tell you but I am just digging into this part of the crazy story. He was NOT scheduled to fly that plane. He was supposed to be going to an Asian Festival or something like that on the 11th. At the last minute late the night before he called the original pilot and told him to take the day because he really wanted to make that flight to Los Angeles. For what reason the last minute change? Why was John cancelling on his friends on his prior engagement. Now if that's not weird enough John picture has been taken down from a lot of memorial and replaced with an older one. Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal but in this case it is. John is a captain. In the older picture he is not and the stripes on his uniform represent that. It's actually kind of dishonorable to do that to him. He would want as any veteran would want his proper rank displayed. It's very odd. Also CNN has completely taken down his picture. Why? This was last night I checked. I have many questions on the pilot and the events related to him surrounding the 11th. The Exif Data Doesn't Lie Before doing this research I was not aware of what exif data was. I am okay on a computer but I have never had the need to use Photoshop. Exif data is data about the picture that is stored within the photograph i.e. the shutter speed, the light, the resolution, the date, etc. It stores all sorts of specs. Well when looking at the exif data on some of the 9/11 victims there are some very glaring problems. Since investigation has started on this CNN and other memorials have TAKEN DOWN MANY PICTURES. They don't want you to be able to read the exif data and catch them in a lie. It's easy and you can use and exif reader for free. It's as easy as an add on to your browser then you can right click any picture on the web and read the exif data. So what is in this data that is so glaring. Well how about the pictures were last edited before 9/11 which wouldn't be a big deal on its own but if you look at the exif data some of the better known victims such as MARK BINGHAM (hey mom it's me Mark Bingham. You believe me don't you?)lol. Yes I am Laughing. We can laugh. He is a fake victim! when you look at his exif data guess what was added on 8-30-2001 almost 2 weeks before 9/11.... HIS OBITUARY! It says he was killed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It even says which flight he was supposedly on. TWO WEEKS BEFORE HE WAS ON THE FLIGHT! This is the case with many of the victims. Some obituaries were done even 7 months in advance! Check out these links on Mark Bingham Here is the EXIF DATA. With an obituary and all. Last edited on 8-30-2001. With the events of 9/11 already including embedded in the photo! This is solid proof this was all faked! You can't even come to another conclusion. Exif data similarities on different "victims" 9/11 was the highest grossing movie of all time. For the people that don't already know that 9/11 was an inside job you probably are ready to stop reading this by now, but to all you awake people. We have been intentionally led down the wrong path. The thermite evidence isn't even valid. All that free fall collapse footage we analyzed for months and months is fake. It's a special effect done on a computer. Nothing more. It doesn't matter how fast the towers came down because that footage is not real. That also explains why Judy Wood thought they used directed energy weapons. At one point the towers do seem to disintegrate. That's not because it is evaporated from an elaborate weapon. It's because it is a sloppily done effect done on somebody computer. As a matter effect there was a lot of sloppy editing going on that day. A real amateur job I'd have to say. If you take the time like I have to sift thru hundreds of ground zero pictures. You will see they are photoshopped too. Almost all of them. The sun doesn't lie. In many photos they would add say a shot of a tower on fire to the background of some other buildings. Well when they put the two scenes together many times the pictures must not have been taken at the same time of the day thus the shadows are shooting different directions of the buildings. In other pictures shadows are missing. Dr Stephen E Jones even photoshopped a picture on his site displaying a pool of molten metal. No planes we used to hit their targets on 9/11. Most of you guys know that. Did planes even take off that day? Not sure. I'm leaning towards no but they could have. No planes was smashed into any of those building for sure though. We know there was no plane at the pentagon. We know the Harley Guy as he is called on the net, Mark Walsh was really Mark Humphries an actor. We know the second plane was done on a computer. We know images of New York City were fake. Even most of the ground zero photos are doctored. The sun doesn't lie. You have foregrounds added on top of backgrounds and the shadow from the sun will be going in the wrong direction for that time of day in Manhattan. The reason we found all these errors was the fact it was all just a movie. The streets around the trade center were empty when the towers were coming down. The police had everyone backed blocks away. All of that footage is fake. From what I now know everyone's electronics were not working. It is possible, actually it is likely that the government released an Electro Magnetic Pulse Device(EMP) to shut down everyone's mobile devices. I may be wrong as I just haven't dug deep enough yet into this one part but I believe that everyone's recording capabilities were disabled. We know the air was a no fly zone above NYC after the "hit" so no news crews were going to expose what was going on. They were in on it. This was a 30 year plan. The WTC was built specifically for the purpose of destroying them on 9/11 2001. They never had to kick too many companies out. It was never full. It was all an illusion. The designed it with the subway at the bottom and the Windows of the World restaurant at the top along with the observation deck to keep a lot of foot traffic going thru it. This gave it the appearance of being super busy. The floors that were the supposed impact zones were vacant. Not only vacant but totally bare. Never having anything on it. All the stories about the people on those floors is a joke. No one was EVER on those floors. Those floors were not built. The elevators would skip right over them. They wouldn't even have buttons for them. I have enclosed pics of the elevators buttons. I have enclosed the Freedom Of Information Act that shows the occupancy of those towers. I have proved that most of the victims were fake. There is more to the story though. This was such a well thought out plan. Now I will post the next interview you need to hear. This is all about the mechanized shutter and lighting system that was installed to help pull off the illusion the towers were at near full capacity for years. Have a listen. Welcome to the truth of 9/11. All a staged scripted television event. You can go much further than my work to. There are plenty of photos and videos to analyze on the web. They are all frauds. The more and more you look the more it gets proven to you The World Trade Center and the Mechanized Shutter and Lighting System Interview See how much evidence there is of this? Need more? Ok how about the woman who accidentally admitted she was a 9/11 actress? The "Truth" Movement This next part really hits home with me. Once I "woke up" to the supposed truth I had quickly latched onto some of the leaders of the truth movement. Little did I know The Truth Movement was set up by the same people who committed the crime. The people at the top of the pyramid of the truth movement have been lying to us all along. They have known that TV fakery was the key because the whole thing was completely made up. I use to listen to Alex Jones every day. He seemed like he was giving us so much info but he really is just a gatekeeper! He gains your trust by giving you some good info(most of which is already out, mixes it in with intentional disinformation, then he steers you in the thermite direction. You can think what you want but there is no way Alex Jones, Jason Bermas, Luke Rudowski and others who have been studying this for ten years don't know this information. You can't tell me I found this out before them. There is no way. They are hiding it and as a matter of fact let's talk about how they act when you bring it up. I'm going to repost one clip from earlier because I want you to listen to what he really says now that you know this. It's clear he has an agenda and that agenda is to deny the TV fakery at all costs. If you haven't seen September Clues, that's the movie he is crapping on. September Clues isn't full of facts you need to trust the sources on like all the other 9/11 documentaries. September Clues is just an analysis of the ACTUAL FOOTAGE from the major networks on 9/11. It proves TV fakery a million times over. Bermas sounds like a fool. He even says if there was TV fakery I think there would be some videos showing the Tower blowing up with no plane, but they don't exist! Don't exist?? I have a couple myself. Bermas goes on to tell you he has seen probably more 911 footage than anyone. My point proven! There are thousands of videos on YouTube and all over the internet showing bridges walking, buildings moving 6 blocks out of place, and all sorts of other layering issues. If he really wanted the truth he would not be denying the fact that the media was a major factor in staging 9/11. Bermas, Alex Jones, Luke Rudowski, Stephen E Jones and the rest of them all beat the thermite story down your throat and they all sound like tools when they attack people who know there was TV Fakery. This is what made me realize they were frauds. Even Alex. For a few months it never made sense to me how he never talks about the second plane being fake. Then when discovering all this, I ran into a few of his interviews where he calls people who know there was TV fakery going on that day mentally ill and a host of other insults. This is coming from the guy who says more crazier things than anyone I had ever heard. For all the people out there that don't know there were are tons of glaring errors in the video that proved it to be not live and doctored I will leave some very telling clips for you, but you really should watch September Clues. It's all about the TV fakery. A million 9/11 "truth" documentaries and only one mentions the real story. After this section I will leave a few clips you NEED to hear. Listen how they attack people getting close to the real truth. They even try and tell people you are trying to muddy the waters with bad information. Then there is the Austin Gun Rally. I don't want to make this paper all about Alex Jones but he is one the leaders if not the leader of 9/11 truth. He is a very persuasive person and a lot of people put a lot of trust in him but he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I know how powerful he is. He is so powerful that some of you might actually stop reading this in depth analysis of the real story of 9/11 just because of your allegiance to Alex. Don't have blind faith in anyone. You need to see this. He goes on the air telling everyone how he was at the Austin Gun Rally and he had cointelpro poking him in the face and disrupting him(cointelpro is govt agents sent into a movement undercover to derail it, discredit it, etc..) He goes into this big long speech about it and about how people were coming up to him thanking him etc., etc.. He actually is doing everything he says cointelpro did to him. He disrupted their whole speech, was extremely rude to protestors and really showed his true colors. One of the main reasons people like him is he seems like an incredibly honest guy willing to put his life on the line for you. Watch the clip. This is who is leading our truth movement. Alex Jones goes to Austin Gun Rally and then totally lies about it on his show! And here is Alex trashing anyone who KNOWS there was no second plane. He calls us no planers and SPACE BEAMERS!! Space Beamers????!! Ya Okay. Are you starting to see the agenda here? Once you get close, Alex is there to use his clout to insult you and hopefully others will follow him without even seeing your evidence. This is bigger than just being lied to by someone you trusted. Alex Jones. The So called patriot. The leader of 9/11 truth is really there to make sure you never get to the real truth. I'm not going to make this the Alex Jones paper but there is a lot out there that will back all of this up. How about I have two more videos where Alex tries repeatedly to incite the crowd. Then when he can't get it going he actually bumps this guy with his shoulder. When the guy comes towards him guess what Alex did.... he hides behind a cop and said that guy over there assaulted me!! Like a coward. All that screaming in the studio like a tough guy and he is a total fraud. I'm not the only one. Many people like myself who used Alex to wake them up but now see who he really is. He is a gatekeeper. Yes that is why he is not dead. He truly works for them. He wants to talk about Psy-ops and cointelpro. He is cointelpro. After a few short clips onto Luke Rudowski which could be a report all by itself! He's even dirtier! Alex telling "no planers" they have a mental illness! Bermas again trashing September Clues and the makers. He calls the guy a Meth addict and makes fun of the way he looks. Classic Cointelpro tactics. ok now listen to this whole clip from the beginning thinking about what I told you on their agenda to hide the truth of TV Fakery. I have also uncovered some more very disturbing things about Alex Jones. He has been censoring people from posting certain keywords on his site. He has been editing out phone calls so if you hear the rebroadcast you won't hear the calls that bring up the Knights of Malta or the Jesuits. I've seen him try to incite a riot several times and when it wouldn't work he shoved someone. Then Alex runs and hides behind a cop and says he assaulted me! I saw him do this more than once. If you try to type Knights of Malta and post it on his site in the comments it won't post. If a headline had to include one of these groups he disables comments on it so people can't share their knowledge of it. He purposely edited a piece by spelling Pat Buchanan's name wrong so if you search Alex Jones and Pat Buchanan the search will yield no results unless you know to spell it wrong. If you need to know more about his character then read up on the Grey family in Texas. They were in the middle of a standoff with the government and said Jones could interview them but could not release the tape til after the standoff had ended since it would give up crucial defensive positions in the house. He said it could only be used for a documentary later on. Then a few days later Alex has a strange request for the Greys. Let ABC in to have 20/20 film an interview. Grey refused and Alex conducted the interview alone as planned. Well guess what happened next. Alex betrayed that family and actually SOLD THE TAPE TO ABC for $700!!! Yes ABC the same people he swears he doesn't work for. With all the stuff I found out about my former hero I could do a whole paper just on that. I am going to post the link to my YouTube playlist exposing Alex Jones in every way. From his censoring you to him ratting out to the FBI to Lying about Bill Cooper, the man who would have been the real leader of the truth movement. Alex will do anything to discredit Bill Cooper. He even lies about predicting 9/11. He knows damn well Bill Cooper predicted it before he did. You will see it all in the videos. You will see him lie saying Bill Cooper was swearing on his show and cussing out the board op. It never happened. The Whole interview is there. We will save some of it for our report on the Truth movement. Check out this link if you are an Alex Jones fan. You NEED to see these videos. Your mind depends on it. Now onto his buddy Luke Rudowski. Luke Rudowski A Snake In The Grass If you've watched any of the popular 9/11 shows or documentaries or if you've seen some of Alex Jones' films you know who Luke Rudowski is. He is the skinny young man from NYC who always has a 9/11 was an inside job shirt on and is passing out flyers by the subway. He is known for asking really tough questions to people like Larry Silverstein. Well first off folks that is all staged. He was put into those situations to ask those very questions. He was put there by the government but it gets much worse and low down n dirty than that! Since 9/11 naturally there have been many website and organizations supposedly seeking 9/11 truth. I'm not saying there aren't good organizations with good intentions out there. Of course there are. The main faces though, all a front. I'm sorry. It hurts me as well. If there are no real victims of 9/11 that means the money you may have donated is not going to any 9/11 families. How could it when they are imaginary? It's all a huge money making, emotion toying scam. One of the best known organizations if not the best known is We Are Change. We Are Change was founded by a guy named Dan Wallace even though Luke takes credit for it. Well Luke is no longer part of We Are Change. Would you like to know why? Go to A We Are Change site. Or check out one of their Facebook pages. There is always a little donate button. You can click it and make a donation to We Are Change. I have never made a donation I'll admit even though I have thought about it. Well I'm glad I didn't. When you (previously) clicked "donate" it went right into Luke's PERSONAL BANK ACCOUNT. A lot of people from We Are Change started to ask where the money was going. people that donated wanted to know. They assumed it was going to travel expenses, video equipment, etc. Luke would actually spend thousands upon thousands of the donations on HIMSELF. Thousands of dollars in bar tabs, 13,000 in cash, and get this.... He had been paying his college tuition with the donations!! I will show you receipts in the next video!! All these Americans heartbroken over something that never happened and now they are being further ripped off by these con artists??!!! This needs to stop!! So Luke was confronted on this matter and this is what he had to say. "Sometimes my financial aid is late so I use the We Are Change money then I put it back when the check comes in" Is that acceptable people?? There are supposedly our heroes? They are nothing but conman working for the very people they swear to protect us against. I know this story of betrayal by the top people in the truth movement is hard to swallow. Like I always tell people "You need to be able to think for yourself, gather facts, and make your own decision. The story on the truth movement being infiltrated is so long and detailed that we will finish it in the next report. Since writing this I have found out a boatload more about the truth movement, the people in charge and their various connections. Just remember even if you consider yourself awake you can still be a sheep. If you blindly follow anyone whether it be Fox News, Alex Jones, or anyone at all then you are still a sheep. All the things you tell the non-believers you should apply to yourself. Do your own research, check out what people say before believing it as fact and the most important thing I can think of.....Stop disbelieving what your eyes tell you. I hope you enjoyed reading The Truth Behind The Illusion Of 9/11. Everything I have stated in this report is a fact. The firemen really are fake identities made in the computer. This is undeniable. The jumpers are fake. The prominent family members we see all the time...their kids never existed. This is all fact. Out of close to 3000 that supposedly died only 220 have had death certificates issued by the SSDI. That is a fact and that is unacceptable. There is the VCF Victim's Compensation Fund. The family of every victim is entitled to two million dollars. Only 59 claims have been made. 59! Sorry but 2900 families are not going to leave a free two million dollars on the table. Never. Not one family would leave the 2 million dollars on the table. I really hope you clicked the links along with the reading as they were such concrete proof of what I'm saying. If not please go back and watch the blatant photoshopping of the firefighters photos, victim photos, 9/11 memorials. I have included the diagrams talked about from the Gelatin B project showing how they staged the jumpers. I have also included the pictures CLEARLY showing the towers being mostly hollow in 1978 a full six years after completion! There are pictures of the elevators showing how they didn't even have buttons for the supposed impact floors. I have included a Freedom Of Information Act showing you the occupancy from 1978 all the way up to the towers destruction in 2001. I have fully exposed the main figures of the truth movement as a complete fraud, put in place by the same people who pulled off 9/11. I have left detailed interviews of the mechanized lighting and shutter system at the WTC. I have given you physical proof that some of the victim's pictures were last edited BEFORE 9/11 where they added the person's obituary, even listing the supposed flights they were to crash on in the UPCOMING event of September 11th. I have exposed to you the fact that out of all the better known 9/11 families not a single one of them has a kid that is officially dead. None of them are in the Social Security Death Index. I believe I have more than proven the statements I made here. This should be overwhelming to you. This is so deep, isn't it. Now you know what I meant when I said you need to go back over everything you learned about 9/11. A lot of things will make more sense now. We had all these errors in the video, the fake second plane, The fake witnesses that were actors, the disintegrating towers, etc. It all makes sense now that you know it was a movie doesn't it? Of course witnesses turned out to be actors its a movie! The towers disintegrating? No. It was a special effect that just wasn't realistic enough but it was pretty close. Fake plane? Of course its a fake plane crash. Its a movie. Remember all the faked amateur footage? Of course it was fake it was a movie. That is why so many people have been able to keep quiet for so long. Because it was a movie. Not a real inside job terror attack. They faked a terror attack. Its mind blowing. I know. All that footage we have studied. All the interviews. All fake! The thermite story planted. Think about the problem with the rubble pile. Remember how it was so small. Well that is because it was a movie, the towers were empty. There were no companies or just a handful in there. Therefore there were no contents. The story about the dump trucks hauling off all that steel was planted. If you look at ground zero photos from like noon on 9/11 the steel is not there. They didn't get it out that quick. It was never there. That is where studying every angle of this event has taken me. That is how you get the whole truth. You need to be willing to open your mind and hear everyone's side. Never base your opinion on someone else's review. I knew Dr. Judy Wood's theory of a Directed Energy Weapon was probably not true but because I was willing to hear all of her story and see all her evidence I know for a fact all that steel was gone. I saw her pictures from ground zero at noon on 9/11. There sure as hell were not hauling off steel two hours after the "collapse". A lot of people won't come forward i they know this information. You can't insult me. You can't make me think I'm crazy. I'm actually very smart. I got to the bottom of 9/11 in less than a year of looking into it. I might not have every detail of the whole story but this is pretty damn close. There is more information that I will let you research that is on the links I'll leave. For instance the companies involved in the coverup are all there. Its easy to find. Cantor Fitzgerald is one. There are others. A few companies claimed thousands of the fake victims as employees so they were involved. Just think all these people involved and the companies. Now doesn't it make more sense that no one died? Those companies and agencies would have a much easier time sleeping at night if no Americans were even hurt never mind killed. While there are still many questions to answer about 9/11 now we truly can start looking in the right places. For ten years they had everyone fighting over who did it and no one looked to see if it was even done. It was truly a remarkable plan. If you have any doubt about what I am saying please just go back and watch the clips again of the phtoshopped victims. Especially the that say Jason Bermas on the fake victims. Go to just before the 5 minute mark and watch the firefighters again. Those are two entirely different people side by side, supposedly. It is absurd to say that those pictures are not photoshopped. If you want to see a whole slew of TV fakery exposed including how they faked the second plane, you need to see September Clues. The movie is done by the same people who uncovered the fake victims and the photoshopping. The movie was made before they knew about all this but It exposes tons of other things as fake. Its much different than any other 9/11 documentary and its the only one even close to the truth. After seeing that, you will know why it is attacked by the fake people in the truth movement. I am a real truther. I want the whole truth. I don't care who I rub the wrong way and I don't care if they want to silence me. I'm not afraid. Every American needs to know the truth of 9/11. Its the biggest scam and biggest illusion of all time! September 11th was a thirty year plan by our government. It was not a thirty year plan to commit mass murder. Think of how many honest American agents would have came out and said something about it if they planned to kill 3000 Americans. No. Killing anyone in our own country was never the plan. As a matter of fact the events of 9/11 were not the only illusion. The whole idea that those towers were these extremely busy office buildings with 50,000 people in it on any given day was a complete myth. Set up by years of fake documentaries, newspaper write ups and tons of foot traffic. These people are highly intelligent. They designed it to have a subway at the bottom and a restaurant and observation deck at the top creating over 400,000 people in foot traffic per day. That would make it appear to anyone even a native New Yorker that these buildings were in fact extremely busy. They were built with the intention of knocking them down. They didn't have to kick a bunch of companies out before 9/11. They were never there. They couldn't have put all the companies they say were there if they wanted to. There were hardly any finished floors. These towers were mostly hollow. Just think about that. Isn't that amazing in itself. The World Trade Center Twin Towers were mostly hollow, never occupied more than like 33 percent and they even had an intricate shutter system to hide the fact they were hollow. They knew this was a problem when they brought the towers down. That is why the very next day when they should be concerned with looking for people, the Mayor made it a point to explain why there is so little debris! There is still more to learn about 9/11 but now we have somewhere to start. What can you do? It's easy. The government, the media, and the truth movement are trying to bury this information. Show your family. Show your friends. Educate the ones you love. Most importantly even if you are afraid to show people which I know some of you will be. Learn a lesson from this. See how much you have been lied to? Don't blindly trust anyone, even if they seem to tell a lot of truth. Do your own research. Have many sources. If you have just a few and they all fall under the same agenda then how will you ever really get to the truth? Everyone thank you so much for taking the time to read what turned into a mini book by me. I know its a lot to take in but I needed to cover all grounds of this event that has forever changed our world for the worst. I know how bad I am going to be attacked for this. I can't keep it in though. That is not what I am about. I can take the attacks. All the people that attack me will be the same ones that won't do a lick of research except what is put in front of them. The others will just be trying to discredit my work. We need to make everyone aware of this scam that has been played on us. They are using our emotions against us. Our fear and our sadness from this event has allowed the passing of the Patriot Act 1 & 2 which are the farthest thing from patriotic. We have lost so many liberties now all because of this event, this movie they staged framing an innocent nation. The lie needs to end and end now. They can go in your home with no warrant. They can tap your phone and read your emails also. They can arrest you, label you a terrorist. Detain you with no lawyer or judge, torture you and kill you and its all legal now! All in the name of fighting terrorists. Terrorists that do not exist. If any of the actors or actresses that played in this movie are out there and reading this I hope you feel good knowing we have murdered a million and a half innocent civilians in the war on terror in large part thanks to you. Our constitution has been basically ripped to shreds thanks to you! You can right this wrong and come out now. Tell us the truth. Let America stop greiving and let us see this war on terror for what it is. A complete fraud to cover for the fact that we are going to take over the mid east and all its resources. Come out and tell us how much the media lies. Let people become free of that mental box. This is not America anymore. Come out and tell the truth so we can have our country back. By Brian S. Staveley Founder & developer of & The Dose Of Reality Radio Show Which Airs On The Above Mentioned Site. UPDATE!!!! This Blog was written about 3 years ago and since then a lot more information was uncovered that needs to be added to this. Most of it is further evidence of media fakery on that day. At the time of this I had just started scratching the surface on the CGI used on 9/11. Sice discovering much more evidence of this we have done many radio shows exposing the 9/11 media hoax that I had on my network along with my Co Hosts Justin Cooke and James Sloan and some guest appearances on other people's network. I have also built a few webpages to go along with some of these shows or if you aren't able to listen can be viewed on their own albeit it's better when we can walk you thru the evidence. I will link a few of the best shows right here and they really expand on this greatly. I love this blog and it has a ton of great info but it is light on the media fakery which turns out to be the key to 9/11. These shows go into great detail about that and of course about the other facets of 9/11 such as fake victims, fake planes, staged memorials, WTC occupancy,etc.. Great links for further research into the REAL truth of 9/11 I was invited onto James H. Fetzer's show The Real Deal to discuss my views on 9/11. Fetzer and myself don't agree on the fakery aspect at all as he pushes a new theory every few months. From thermite, to holograms, and now mini nukes he flip flops a lot but this show he does let me speak for the most part uninterupted and he has a decent following of people I'd like to present this info to. The show went well as far as me making my points and I feel I successfully debunked his major points and so called credible witnesses rather well. As with most the shows I will post we had a webpage I built to go along with the audio walking you thru all the evidence. The audio itself is embedded near the top of the page. Just left click to play instantly in a new window or right click to save to your MP3 player, Ipod, Cell Phone, PC, Sim Card, etc..... The next show posted here again has a follow along page with the radio show right on it. This show was done here on The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. It is a 5 hour 9/11 anniversary special where we dive real deep into all aspects of the day and this was done after we pretty much learned all we know now. this is our most in depth show and if you are hardcore into 9/11 and c an't get enough I suggest this one, It is hosted by Myself,my co hosts Justin Cooke and James Sloan. We also had a special guest in Chris Kendall is very knowlegable when it comes to 9/11 and was one of the first guys that was doing shows on the media fakery. Chris has a Blogtalk Radio Show called Hoaxbusters. here is the 5 hour special exposing the ENTIRE 9/11 HOAX! All this talk about the fakery on 9/11 and all these fake witnesses do we have anyone that saw anything out of the ordinary? We sure do! Nick Orsini from New York was in Manhattan that day and even though he didn't realize it too much til we talked he saw many things that would indicate the day being a fraud INCLUDING NO INJURED PEOPLE at the makeshift triage center that he stopped at to help. As usual we have a webpage but this time its to map out Nick's walking route so you can follow along on our map of NYC as he talks us thru what he saw and where. Again the audio is also embedded on the page. More so than the others you need the auido with this one. It won't make too much sense without it and there isn't so much of the stuff we've already shown you. It's more about listening to his INCREDIBLE story and following along with the map if you like VERY interesting show! The following link is a great blog written by James Sloan SPECIFICALLY about there being no planes at the World Trade Center. His blog is much shorter than this as you can read it in a few minutes but it is packed with information proving without a doubt that real planes were not used on 9/11. James is a Co Host of mine and a big part of this Website along with Justin Cooke Now here are some more links for your research. I must warn you that although at one time I did, Phil Jayhan The Admin of the forum Lets Roll which is linked below can NOT be trusted. There were some good researchers in that circle and the following two links I can vouch for but do not refer to them for any other information as they are there to ultimately mislead you and AGAIN as all these people do the main agenda is to keep you from looking at The Computer Generated Imagery of 9/11. These two below links are useful for us though. Justin James and I were all members and I was even an Admin til we were all banned for bringing up media fakery on 9/11 for the most part. Here is the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) showing the occupancy of the towers for their whole life. 1972-2001 You will see the towers were at very low capacity for their whole life and when you look into the companies that were there a lot of them turn out to be ghost companies. They simply aren't there. These were NOT the busy buildings you thought! Now to hear the interview about the Art students and the hollow tower and it's lack of contents, that is right here. Start w part 1 for the art students then it flows into part 2, so you'll want to play both links. You will see them after you click this one. They are both at the top. Here is the link to my Youtube playlist exposing Alex Jones for the lying, rat, censoring, fear mongerer, and gate keeper for what he is. These are the type of people we do NOT want others we are trying to convince to think we support. He is a gatekeeper as are most of the names will will ever hear. How can you trust me you ask? Well you don't know me personally so I would say you can't/ What you can do is NOT follow me or anyone else blindly rather take my research and verify it on your own!! I laid it all out for you! In closing I would like to leave some contact information for all of you and my Facebook groups and places we discuss this stuff besides just on here in the comments which I encourage you to use or our live chat when we air. When we do air a radio show it is usually Wednesday Nights at 10 PM ET. We have been on a break for a few months but will be back soon. If you leave a comment here you can be emailed notifications of new comments .The next time we have a show I will post it here and anywhere I can think of but if you are already in these comments you will get an email when I do so. Main Page for the website. We have our radio show. A huge archive of old shows. This blog section. Specific pages like the ones you saw for 9/11.also the Moon Hoax, Sandy Hook and much more. Our Radio Show - The Dose Of Reality is found right on the above site but here also is the direct link to the page we air live on followed by the link to our archive. Next is our Facebook Group. This is probably the best thing to go along with the site. Just about all of our listeners and a bunch of like minded people all meet in our Facebook group to discuss all these events as they happen and we are helpful to each other for research by sharing material or having more discerning eyes upon it. We catch up on past events and much more. It's very active. No spamming. Please come join us. You will see a lot of material discussed there before I post it here. Personal Email. If you want to have a private conversation with me feel free to email me. I am the only one with access to this so it will definitely be coming from me if you message me to chat. [email protected] And Finally................. My Skype name is TheRealNewsOnline Thank you so much everyone
1/3/2012 12:28:25 am
The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog,looking forward for more contents...Great job, keep it up..
4/10/2012 06:37:44 pm
This website is actually interesting i am craving for is there the other examples? however anyway many thanks significantly as a result of I found that i was searching for.
12/7/2015 07:06:07 pm
Yes, pretty much every news story ever. 7/31/2016 12:43:37 am
VERY VERY fewexamples of ppl who will touch on this truth literally back in like 2010 2011 when we first started seeing media fakery and complete hoaxes wyou could count on one hand the researchers truthfully involved, however there is one I trust a lot and hes very thorough as well. Be sure to mention I sent you okay???!!! Hoabusters on Youtube. His name is Chris Kendall. Similar topics, great guy. Tell em Brian Staveley recommended him to you.
Brian S Staveley
6/16/2015 09:22:12 am
Weare so stupid yet provide evidence f fake deaths while you scream at your keyboard how crazy we are. Why dont you try and prove those deahsor the crash sites. 7/11/2015 03:52:20 am
So for every death you prove Ill prove two more to be fake. Wanna accept my challenge Mr. Know It All??
12/25/2015 07:13:38 am
Thank you!!
Brian S. Staveley
5/4/2016 03:16:39 am
So just because if people died somewhere and it would be offensive to call it fake means it cant happen anywhere?? Did you even look at any of the evidence. There is quite a bit to support this, and stop trying to insult people when you can barely speak proper English troll.
Brian S. Staveley
7/31/2016 12:49:58 am
Thank for presenting so mny rebuttals to my evidence. Like why are there 2600 missing death certificates and shit ppl didnt even have ss numbers? We CAn start there. Or why are there photoshopped fake pics all thru out the memorials??? Is this normal? I must be NUTS for questioning that hey? 7/31/2016 01:23:32 am
Well since you presented such a great counter argument to our points and provided sich outstanding great evidence to the contrary, WOW, I guess we should all reconsider all our research!!! hahaahah 6/4/2015 01:24:05 am
You people are so dumb and stupid i mean the people that died your saying thats fake. That breaks my heart for you to say that so get a life and SHUT UP.
Brian S Staveley
6/16/2015 09:19:17 am
Whats her name 7/11/2015 03:50:56 am
Sorry about your grandma. What company did she work for and what was her name? Which Tower or plane did she sie in? Could We see a pic of your sweet nana??
1/13/2016 04:52:44 pm
Hello. Ive been researching this for a while and 9/11 was indeed real however it was the government who caused it. the plane did crash into the building killing people. but if it was just a plane crash in the building , it would not have fallen. not sraight down as it did. not without other weak spots in the building. people believe that there were bombs placed by the government in the buildings structure that went off causing the towers to collapse because if you watch a video you will notice debris falling faster than other parts of the building and moving faster than the smoke that is also falling faster than the building indicating that the debris is falling faster than free fall. the only way that the debris could fall faster than free fall was if it had some sort of force to push, therefore only making the theory of the bombs even closer to the truth.
2/17/2016 12:15:48 pm
sure why would you be reading this if it was real
Eric Warren
4/30/2016 07:04:11 am
One thing that is real is the big hole in that building . You people think that the footage of people dying is fake and its a bunch of israli students that made a movie prior and had a platform outside wtc1 on the 94th floor . Weirdo's
6/30/2016 01:08:04 am
i believe that people might have died but I also think it is the goverments fault and they are blaming it on Osama bin laden 7/31/2016 01:29:16 am
See first off ppl lying like you mae it worse and obvious how the myth lives. What was your grandmothers name? What comapny did she work for???? Sorry to hear that but rather odd it wasnt the first thing you metioned hey???
dumbo the elephant
10/29/2016 11:54:42 pm
a bet you're granny was a fag!
1/18/2017 12:17:03 pm
Lol. Your grandmother did not die in 9-11. How dare you mock precious grandmothers everywhere? You are out numbered you liar!!!
john jones
5/9/2016 05:30:02 pm
what a load of tosh. a cgi plane even though real people saw it. i dont trust any goverment but give me a real arguement not cgi
Intelligent 9/11 discoverer
10/29/2016 10:04:45 pm
Hi, I know this is pretty late. But the reason why everyone thinks it's cgi is because planes are made of alimium and alimium is the thing that cans are made of, imagine that but bigger and thicker going through steel, using basic logic and physics you can determine that instance is impossible to even revelativly go through it even half way.
Brian S
1/3/2012 04:30:03 am
Thank you! I'm glad you read it. Please share it with some of your friends!
A open minded person
2/6/2014 04:01:05 am
I don't wanna seem ignorant but how can you set up a fake plane crash with a smoke machine. Plus I thought 9/11 was a set-up so George Bush could get everyone's mind off the 2000 presidential election because He cheated. Also he made a fake terrorist group so that he could get Iraq's oil. Just asking questions. You don't have to answer them or not. I'll take no offense.
Brian S Staveley
2/6/2014 04:40:38 am
I'll always answer any questions one might have as long as they will return the favor. I dont understand you main question here though. How can they set up a fake plane crash with a smoke machine? When did I suggest that was how they setup a fake plane crash? Did you actually read the whole blog? The fake plane crash was done with hollywood special effects. Like CGI in a movie. Not with a smoke machine. I NEVER said that fake smoke represented an airplane in the videos. Im totally confused on how you got that outta this piece.
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:42:03 pm
a open minded person.
grieg latterner
8/12/2016 12:15:39 pm
The oil everyone says we Americans got from invading Iraq is absolutely not true... The oil fields were ablaze and oil production was nil. The Towers were designed to collapse as they did without toppling which would have resulted in more damage; how much demolition would it take to destroy the Twin Towers and how would they get all that demolition devices in the Towers without it being discovered this whole website emanates from a very sick mind
7/1/2015 07:36:35 pm
Take a further step back and look bigger is it possible to stop a mega depression 9/11 was perpetrated to have an excuse to invade a foreign country for oil they could then corner the market and control inflation. Consider the Great Recession took place as soon as Obama took office and the same time gas prices went through the roof
9/9/2015 04:54:32 am
Chris, it wasn't just about the oil, sure they had to get into Iraq and change the sale back into Dollars, because Saddam was selling in Euros, but it was also about hiding and destroying evidence of mass fraud. Just the night before Cheney told the world there was $2.3tn dollars missing, unaccounted for. But weeks earlier meetings had been made for this evidence to be presented at Twin Towers and a committee in the Pentagon? It also gave them an excuse to 'paint' Muslims as the bad guys. All one elaborate plot towards One World Government, take a look around, in this 'world of globalisation', why are there no BRICS nations in the 'World Trade Agreements'? Because they wouldn't sign away their Sovereignty, they will be forced in by war..........Oh look, it's started!
John B
1/22/2016 11:46:57 am
I couldn't reply to the post that stated the missing trillions, see below link to that missing money
11/19/2015 04:32:46 pm
Absolutely brilliant article to read. When you first stated the theory I thought it was outrageous, but after reading on I have come to truly believe it. It ties together a lot of questions I had. And with the overwhelming amount of evidence provided, anyone who doesn't at least open their minds a bit more are fools. People don't necessarily have to believe every word but at the very least they must keep an open mind after reading this article. Great work!
9/11/2017 10:51:38 pm
Thank you so much. Sorry I haven't been updating the site lately. I needed a break but now I am back with more seemingly outrageous theories that make a lot of sense and have a lot of evidence in their favor.
11/19/2015 04:42:29 pm
If people don't wanna believe it, that's on them. I don't see what more could've been done to prove this theory. If you don't believe this, you've essentially taken the Government's word to be more credible than hard evidence
1/8/2012 10:55:09 pm
Really i am impressed from this post....the person who created this post is a genious and knows how to keep the readers connected..thanks for sharing this with us.i found it informative and interesting. Looking forward for more updates..
2/25/2016 10:49:03 am
I agree
7/31/2016 12:51:40 am
Thank you soooo much. Checo outour radio archive page, Surly tons of shows on lots of topics you'll love along with our interactive follow along webpages thru out the site!!!
Brian S Staveley
1/9/2012 05:22:43 am
Thank you Port Douglas! I was the one who wrote it. Please share with as many people as you can!
Linda Rich
9/11/2015 08:10:15 pm
Thank you for the info. I knew something was not right, I knew the government was involved, then blaming it on the government is so corrupted I do not trust our government at all, well you know they will all pay for this at judgement...
7/30/2016 02:59:32 pm
Thanks for the information. It shows how much you care about getting down to what really happened. Keep up the good work.
Eric Warren
4/30/2016 07:24:04 am
Hey Brian , Israli students building a platform outside WTC1 on the 94th floor 1 month prior to the attacks ? That is out there
7/31/2016 01:09:22 am
actually it was the 91st floor called the gelatin B Thang, Get tht floor level correct before trying to correct me on it lol. Ive included many diagrams and content from their book on this site due!
1/10/2012 03:18:23 am
pretty far fetched. Looks like you wrote all of the comments yourself too and deleted anything negative
Brian S Staveley
10/7/2014 11:09:16 am
Leigh are you serious?? I didnt write any of the comments myself that dont have my name on them and i certainly did not delete negative ones! Don't be mad cuz most ppl liked it. There isnt a conspiracy with me removing posts. Ppl just happen to appreciate the work!
6/13/2015 05:46:09 pm
Did everybody really get out of the 91st floor of the North Tower? Some things about the 91st floor I believe and others I don't. From some videos I saw it looked like people were either jumping or falling out of the 91st floor on the south side of the tower and even one young man in the South Tower said he saw a guy fall out of the 91st floor. It looked also like a bunch of people also jumped from the 93rd floor as well. There is just way too many contradicting statements out there regarding the 91st floor of the North Tower.
Brian S. Staveley
7/31/2016 01:05:27 am
Imagine I didnt and that's just what ppl generally thought what would you say then????? Glad u are soooo impressed with my amount of positive comments you think I staged it!! lol.
1/10/2012 09:26:25 am
WHOA HOLD ON A MINUTE!! If you think its far fetched and don't want to do the research to see that the things I say no matter how crazy are true is one thing, but to insult my integrity and say I wrote the comments myself and deleted negative one is ADSURD! Get your facts straight. Go to the very next page over This is where I originally posted the story a few months ago BEFORE I added it to the blog. READ THE COMMENTS!!! Are they all positive??? NO they are NOT!! And I didnt delete them. As a matter of fact when I changed the title of the page at one point I lost them and was frantically trying to figure out how to get them back! EVEN THO A FEW WERE PRETTY NEGATIVE!! This has been in the blog here for just a few weeks and you are only like the 3rd person to comment and guess what its negative! And its still up isnt it?? I dont delete negative comments. I WELCOME ANYONE to challenge me on any of this. So exactly which part was far fetched? Give us a specific example.
1/15/2012 05:57:51 pm
First of all i would like to thank you for the great and informative entry.I have to admit that I have never heard about this information I have noticed many new facts for me. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful and attractive information and I will be waiting for other interesting posts from you in the nearest future.keep it up.
1/30/2012 04:49:07 am
@Leigh I'm still waiting.......
1/2/2016 01:57:28 pm
Whrere are the videos of the 1,000+ people pouring out the tower doors like running mice trying not totrample each other?
2/1/2012 07:50:51 am
great article Brian ! I know most of this stuff from LRF .... good thing to put it allin one article / thread . bet this will be a shocker for many . about the time this well get the publicity in shouts for ..... four thumbs up !
2/1/2012 04:30:52 pm
Thank You Hanuri! So glad people are reading! I'm glad you liked it!
Hi Brian,
2/7/2012 02:42:38 am
Thank you Artz Girl!!! I'm very happy so many people are reading it now. Thank you for posting the links. I have radio shows on this as well if you'd ever like to hear them
2/8/2012 01:14:25 am
The Albert Pike/Illuminatti letter which predicted 3 world wars was written in about 1880. With control of the world's monetary systems through usury/gold/silver/paper/digital money the "money changers" can script the future.
9/14/2013 07:10:37 am
i say use their controlled opp against them , by supporting them !!
Ground breaking work!!
2/24/2012 03:50:08 am
DID you read the whole thing? It was a plan going way back actually closer to 40 years now if not longer. The towers were designed, built, then selectively occupied years back with the sole intention on knocking them down in a huge spectacle much later on down the line as a pretext to invade whoever they want. At the time did they have the exact target? I dont think so. Probably knew it would be somewhere in that region but just not exactly what nation. That is my opinion though. They could have had Afghanistan and Iraq picked the whole time but I'd say they left there options open on that end. The towers were never occupied anywhere near the capacity we were told. They made documentaries on the WTC to put the myth out there of 50,000 ppl per day working there. You tell ppl year after year that these are some of the busiest office buildings in the world of course they will without event thinking accept that. Now in the piece I know I addressed this part but in case you missed it the layout of the towers was one of the key elements into pulling off the greatest illusion of all time. They cleverly put a subway that brings up to 400,000 people EVERY DAY IN THE BASE OF ONE OF THE TOWERS!!! They opened up an observation deck on top of one tower and a restaurant on the other. This kept tons of foot traffic goin up and down the elevators, let ppl get a personal feeling with the towers, like a connection., They go up to the top, look at the city. The lobby is fully functional as is the subway. Maybe they go into the other tower and up top, thru the crowds of ppl and go to windows on the World to eat. As far as they knew the WTC is everything they were told
A great surprise for me is that not only you published my comment but also replied to it. I am sure that in future you wont have time to even look at all the comments if you work with this dedication. I consider myself fortunate to have conversed with you.
A great surprise for me is that not only you published my comment but also replied to it. I am sure that in future you wont have time to even look at all the comments if you work with this dedication. I consider myself fortunate to have conversed with you.
4/7/2016 07:30:15 pm
My friend don't be surprised. I try to respond to all my comments! Why wouldn't I ?? Obviously if there are thousands of them and I have to actually work to feed my familyit's little much toask but I really try to respondto EVERYONE. It's the least I could do. You just read what was 21 pages of materil so controversial I've lost so called friends and family over it cuz they are too smart to stoop to my level! lol. I appreciate everyone who visits my site and if you ever write to me and I don't reply hit up myu email. Sometimes I lose track of the comments. [email protected]
A great surprise for me is that not only you published my comment but also replied to it. I am sure that in future you wont have time to even look at all the comments if you work with this dedication. I consider myself fortunate to have conversed with you.
A great surprise for me is that not only you published my comment but also replied to it. I am sure that in future you wont have time to even look at all the comments if you work with this dedication. I consider myself fortunate to have conversed with you.
3/17/2012 09:29:04 am
Jason thank you so much. Im very happy to hear people are taking the time to follow up on the research! May I ask what is the UK news you speak of?? Can you put a link here? Id love to see the post and some comments!! BTW tomorrow night at 1030pm et. We are doing another radio show on 9/11!! Check the Real News Radio page..........................
Hi Brian, We are a group of writers and researchers who met on a forum provided by Edge media here in the UK, unfortunately the forum began to be attacked by trolls and the staff would not moderate so we set up our own forum and moved there.. We are currently in the process of setting up a news and alternative info website but at the moment the forum is all we have up and running for now. it's It requires registration but once in there are some great thinkers and writers in there.
11/12/2015 03:23:25 am
I appreciate all ur hard work, and I do believe we are not being told the truth about 9/11, BUT..... I've been to the Cantor Fitz offices at the top of the World Trade Center, and for sure they exist. Also Mr. Lutnicks brother died that day in the offices on 9/11. Mr. Lutnick is the CEO of Cantor Fitz. So I'm just wondering why u said Those offices did not exist when I'm 110% they did.
Brian S Staveley
4/7/2012 05:36:03 am
Jason thank you so much for going thru my information. It is very enlightning to know people in The UK are reading my work!! I will certainly check out your site and I apologize for not returning your message sooner! I try to reply to all comments yet somehow missed this one it seems.
Hi Brian, missed your radio show (had a busy East Star) is it archived anywhere? I'd love to link it to our forum and of course listen myself..
Brian S. Staveley
7/31/2016 01:41:51 am
JASON ALL MY SHOWS ARE ARCHIVED in order by date and all listed for content and by guest. I also interviewed Simon Shack sincxe you mentioned the movie he made sept clues. Check it out, Here is the archive of EVERY show I've Done here and on ANY NETWORK!!!!
9/17/2012 08:19:38 am
I forgot to mention I am from the UK also. I used to have a friend in the U.S whom I told my views about 9/11 being an inside job. He thought I was sick for even suggesting such a thing and shortly after we lost our friendship. Now I'm not exactly the brightest bulb in the..(whatever that saying is) but even I can tell (from my own research over the last year or so) that 9/11 is not what the media / government would have us believe. Sadly others do not share these views and I am left feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut. So it is very good to know there are people out there who are looking for the whole truth and nothing but the honest truth and will keep on researching until they find it. I would love to share your blog but know I would be ridiculed as usual. But I just wanted you to know I have definetly enjoyed your blog and hope you write more!
4/19/2012 11:43:28 pm
Philadelphia is renowned for its cuisine, arts, and historical it is easy to see why people become so enamored of the City.This means that there will continue to be a surplus of vacant industrial buildings to convert to residential, commercial, or mixed-use properties.
9/17/2012 07:59:28 am
WOW! I have read all of your extremely interesting blog but have not had chance to watch the videos yet. They are next on my list. This blog was an extreme eye opener and the fact that there were no real jumpers has certainly helped me to feel a bit better. I am so angry at the govt for the way they have lied to everyone! And the actors they used!
9/17/2012 08:17:37 am
I forgot to mention I am from the UK also. I used to have a friend in the U.S whom I told my views about 9/11 being an inside job. He thought I was sick for even suggesting such a thing and shortly after we lost our friendship. Now I'm not exactly the brightest bulb in the..(whatever that saying is) but even I can tell (from my own research over the last year or so) that 9/11 is not what the media / government would have us believe. Sadly others do not share these views and I am left feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut. So it is very good to know there are people out there who are looking for the whole truth and nothing but the honest truth and will keep on researching until they find it. I would love to share your blog but know I would be ridiculed as usual. But I just wanted you to know I have definetly enjoyed your blog and hope you write more!
9/17/2012 08:17:51 am
I forgot to mention I am from the UK also. I used to have a friend in the U.S whom I told my views about 9/11 being an inside job. He thought I was sick for even suggesting such a thing and shortly after we lost our friendship. Now I'm not exactly the brightest bulb in the..(whatever that saying is) but even I can tell (from my own research over the last year or so) that 9/11 is not what the media / government would have us believe. Sadly others do not share these views and I am left feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut. So it is very good to know there are people out there who are looking for the whole truth and nothing but the honest truth and will keep on researching until they find it. I would love to share your blog but know I would be ridiculed as usual. But I just wanted you to know I have definetly enjoyed your blog and hope you write more!
9/17/2012 08:19:03 am
I forgot to mention I am from the UK also. I used to have a friend in the U.S whom I told my views about 9/11 being an inside job. He thought I was sick for even suggesting such a thing and shortly after we lost our friendship. Now I'm not exactly the brightest bulb in the..(whatever that saying is) but even I can tell (from my own research over the last year or so) that 9/11 is not what the media / government would have us believe. Sadly others do not share these views and I am left feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut. So it is very good to know there are people out there who are looking for the whole truth and nothing but the honest truth and will keep on researching until they find it. I would love to share your blog but know I would be ridiculed as usual. But I just wanted you to know I have definetly enjoyed your blog and hope you write more!
9/17/2012 08:22:44 am
I forgot to mention I am from the UK also. I used to have a friend in the U.S whom I told my views about 9/11 being an inside job. He thought I was sick for even suggesting such a thing and shortly after we lost our friendship. Now I'm not exactly the brightest bulb in the..(whatever that saying is) but even I can tell (from my own research over the last year or so) that 9/11 is not what the media / government would have us believe. Sadly others do not share these views and I am left feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut. So it is very good to know there are people out there who are looking for the whole truth and nothing but the honest truth and will keep on researching until they find it. I would love to share your blog but know I would be ridiculed as usual. But I just wanted you to know I have definetly enjoyed your blog and hope you write more!
Brian S Staveley
9/17/2012 10:02:56 am
Jenna thanks for replying.. i am at Work but will send u a better reply after work. The blog is very accurate but a bit outdated. I need to sharr some new evidence with you. The deception is even deeper on top of all this. As far as i know the only mistake though is the gelatin project being jumpers throwin dummies. Its now been proven all jumpers were nothin more than cgi and bad photoshops. No dummies. Ill tell yoi more later tonight. As far a i know thats all i need to correct but there is even more fakery to tell you off
12/25/2015 07:22:51 am
U think 3 000 people didn't die!? Try telling their families that! Where do you think all the people went!? Did the government hide them!? How stupid do you have to be to believe this!?
Brian S Staveley
9/17/2012 10:06:46 am
Sorry for typos
10/2/2012 06:10:09 pm
Shocking new facts of 9/11, never heard about it before.
Brian S Staveley
3/16/2013 04:04:20 pm
Thank you I will check this out. Im sorry I never got a notification for this reply. I have some new evidence into some other aspects of the day and will be rewriting this soon. When I do Ill keep you all posted.
1/16/2013 04:26:28 am
Many more than 3000 was killed. But slowly, because asbestos are very dangerous to be inhaled as small particles. Enormous clouds over a whole town will kill how many ? Mass murder was very common in the factorys, to the point the owners was forced to stop. You have a long way to go...of course there are the possibility no fire protection existed in the towers ! Anyway, USA don't look like a safe country to travel to.
4/16/2013 08:44:23 pm
You blog post is just completely quality and informative. Many new facts and information which I have not heard about before. Keep sharing more blog posts.
Brian S
4/17/2013 01:10:43 pm
Thank you very much Glad you enjoyed it. We also do radio shows most Wednesday nights at 10 PM ET. Its under the page called Dose Of Reality Radio. hopefully you can check it out sometime. How did you find us anyways???
5/1/2013 11:00:06 pm
Hii...I have found your blog from Google. Thanks for radio shows info.
hamayoon shah
6/5/2013 06:46:10 am
fuck u bloody americans ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,soecially jews
Sajaad Ahmed
11/10/2014 02:32:25 am
hamayoon shah, this is exactly what they want. We argue and fight and in the meantime we forget why we are really here. The American and the Jews were all fooled like the Muslims and every one else. You should be grateful that someone is doing all the legwork to bring out the truth. Hating on everyone wont solve any problems
11/10/2014 04:27:26 am
No offence by the way. ;))
hamayoon shah
6/5/2013 06:47:09 am
specially jews
bill chinn
7/12/2013 08:28:30 am
Here it is July 12, 2013
Brian S Staveley
8/8/2013 11:03:14 am
It's just a lot of work Bill and Ive been busy doing radio shows, working, enjoying the summer a lil, but I will do a part 2. I dont wanna set a date but within next cpl months it will be all done and updated.
8/3/2013 12:08:54 am
awesome information. i applaud you Brian. i look forward to reading and viewing any additional information and evidence you uncover. TOP MAN !!!
8/8/2013 02:46:29 am
Hello. Thanks for this info, this will help a lot of people to make their decisions in easy way I really appreciate it and I wanna read and increase my knowledge more.
8/8/2013 10:52:06 am
Thank you so much for reading it guys. 9/11 is definitely my fortay and we have some great radio shows in the archive as well as interactive web pages. Also check out our exposure of the Sandy Hook Hoax. That was easy. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this. Please share it. There is so much in here most people have never been told.
5/24/2015 02:14:44 pm
5/24/2015 02:18:54 pm
I hope you have left America for whatever Lala land you came from. You and your theories are absolutely ridiculous. America was targeted on 9/11, and almost 15 years later, we are still being targeted.
8/9/2013 02:20:17 pm
It’s the best time to make some plans for the future and it’s time to be happy. I’ve read this post and if I could I wish to suggest you some interesting things or advice. Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article. I desire to read even more things about it!
W. S.
8/15/2013 11:16:04 am
Wow, you've done a great job. I appreciate your work, and to most extent I agree with it. But my head is still left with some doubts... I mean, I wonder about the holiday of Jewish workers in the WTC buildings on the day of 9/11, and what about the flight recorders of those planes? Were there any? Were they found, and if they were found what story did they show? Actually I don't have much knowledge about 9/11; I am a simple man I wanna know the facts and reasons behind that grave important incident. So many doubts, so many questions and opinions so what's the reality? Peace. Ah well, what can we do, we're just ordinary people. "All I wanna say is that, they don't really care about us..." :-D
Brian S Staveley
9/24/2013 06:17:59 pm
In the history of aviation every flight recorder has been found. How many you think they found on 9/11?? ZERO!!!
12/8/2015 05:57:20 pm
YOU ARE ABSOLUTE CRAZY!! Seriously computer graphics???? You are dumb I know people that lost their lives on that day and have done my research. Conspiracy people are all the same. They look at a tragedy and find something to make it seem false. Then they talk all smart and act like it's true and fool the dumb Americans. This is crap absolute crap I can't tell you anything more. Planes hit the freaking towers and the pentagon and crashed in that field. PEOPLE OUT THERE DONT BELIEVE CONSPIRACY!!!!! ITS ALL FALSE THEY FIND SOMETHING AND MAKE IT SEEM LIKE IT WAS A HOAX!!!
9/11/2013 05:17:59 pm
OMG, im a little late on reading this, i have always been intrigued in 9/11 and nothing ever added up to me, this has made so much sense to me and i honestly believe this is closest to the truth.
Brian S Staveley
9/24/2013 06:11:34 pm
You are very welcome!!!
9/14/2013 04:46:25 pm
I have a question, You kept on saying that the second plane is fake. Was the first one real? And what happened to the plane that "crashed" in a field? So all the stories like the red bandanna is fake? What did actually hit the pentagon? I liked this mini book very much. Thanks!
Brian S Staveley
9/24/2013 06:10:28 pm
All 4 planes were fake along as that stupid red bandana. Planes dont vaporize and neither do bodies. Not from that type of heat. Cmon this is Star Trek ppl. To the person who said use all video check out our 9/11 special pages. plenty of videos there proving my points. Thanks for reading this guys!! Nothing hit the Pentagon either. There wasnt even any wreckage or bodies!! Cmon now....
9/28/2013 05:23:53 am
I don't want to mean but this is hard to believe. They have 911 calls from the towers on 9/11. They have recordings of the hijackers saying there is a bomb on the plane. I just don't think so many people who say they were in the towers would lie about it. I have seen documentaries over the years and I know of two people that have told the same story over the years. If they were lying wouldn't the stories change? I think one of their names is Stanley. It was the guy that was getting ready to leave the tower but they told him to go back to his office. A few minutes later the plane hit.
7/31/2016 01:07:02 am
Yea 9/11 calls and a bunch of documentaries are so hard to fake with an unlimited budget and a world domination agenda right???
Brian S Staveley
9/29/2013 08:50:47 am
Everyone its been 3 days and our Real News Online Group still isnt working. I'll save it so we can see all our past posts but I guess at least til its working and maybe permanently we need a new group so here it is. I'm still missing almost 200 ppl so if u guys think of anyone I didnt add please add them for me,thanks!!! If the old ones functions again we would love to go back but its not looking good. Im real fucking pissed. My radio servers go down on 9/11 our biggest day, now this. Yes this is the new group. If your not already here reading it and I posted this elsewhere the URL is
Chuck O'Donnell
10/16/2013 09:12:47 am
First off let me give you a tip on writing. You need to draw the read in and peak their interest. Have you ever heard the term - thou protest too much? You spent several paragraphs trying to validate your ideas. You keep saying believe me but give the reader no reason to believe. A lie told well is more likely to be read and believed than the truth told poorly.
8/21/2015 05:54:09 pm
Should be pique, not peak, as in my interest was piqued.
10/23/2013 07:55:35 am
EXCELLENT write up. I myself have been looking through all information regarding 911 for years, off and on. I knew from the get go it wasn't just planes that took down the buildings, I thought nothing of it for a while. After careful study, including video, photo, and document research, I've looked at almost every crazy idea out there, not to rule out any without consideration. I think it helped that I never grew up watching the news. After I saw how deep the story went, I couldn't rule out even the craziest ideas, it was a maze of disinformation with tiny bits of truth. The 'no planes' idea really got me on the right track though. People still think it’s crazy, but simple physics show how all the plane footage is impossible, Hollywood special effects. I've heard about Dr. Wood, which I originally though she was on the right path, so her heart seemed in the right place but she hasn't thought outside the box enough. I didn't understand why AE911 truth hadn't realized the plane footage was fake, so if they really were another part trying to mislead the public, why do they still point blame at the government? The only reason I can think why they keep the real truth hidden is so people that believe the government killed 3,000+ people, and therefore continue to fear the government, and split up the movement. After looking at all the evidence, I found another site like yours I believe called 'truthin7minutes' which has much of the same information you have presented. After piecing together all of my own findings, I went with Occam's Razor to justify what was legit enough for anyone to believe, with substantial and plausible proof.
11/1/2013 11:26:08 am
I dont think the cookie cutter holes were real. I believe those were CGI images. I think they took the towers towers in a normal demolition. Maybe it was quite a project cuz the size of the towers but I certainly dont think it was any eleborate weaponry like DEWs, nukes nor do I believe stories of power downs which James has clearly debunked the Scott Forbes Tale many times. I think the building wa already rigged for demo for a long time and after 93 they moved 50,000 people out of the towers so in the years leading up to 9/11 u move a few companies out here and there or maybe most were never even there in the first place as the subway brought so much traffic in its hard to tell how many people actually worked there but Im assuming its waaaaaaayyyyyyy lower than we were told by anyone
Brian Staveley
5/19/2015 12:06:06 pm
AAC I think whatever they usually use to safely bring down a building is what they used to demo it. Maybe a little different this time due to the size but nothing exotic. As far as the cookie cutter holes. I dont think there were any. I believe that footage to be false for many reason, Edna cintron standing in one for over 20 minutes being one strong example.
8/13/2016 03:31:42 pm
Know two women who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, who died. So, you're saying they're really alive, and hiding from family? Crackpot. How do you have proof of Gelatin B?
Holly P.
11/7/2013 10:47:39 am
I I am from Washington county Pennsylvania and I want you to answer one thing I am not say u are wrong about anything but u NEVER mentioned the downed plane 32mins from my home. I SAW ALL THOSE DEAD PEOPLE...WITH MY OWN EYES, We drove there to help because my mom was a doctor......please tell me what u think happened there.
12/9/2013 05:27:54 am
So you got some pictures of all these dead people you saw. I'd like to sift thru the evidence. Thank you. How is it you saw all these dead ppl yet all the ppl allegedlly on the ground investigating didnt see any bodies and said all the bodies evaporated. Someone is not telling the truth. If you are not sure about something dont fabricate being there to make it more believable cuz I'm gonna come with some very serious and important questoions that you need t answer if Indeed you were there. If you wanna email pics or videos of the crash site u went to please email me @[email protected]
bill chinn
11/10/2013 08:38:09 pm
Brian, have you seen this:
1/26/2014 08:05:43 am
hi and thanks for the grat info :), but some of the liks are blocked :( I tried to open those links from diferent computers and locations and its not working, please help!! and Im doing this research form Ecuador, Big fan of your work :)
1/27/2014 06:06:54 am
Thanks Andrea. I'm not sure which links are blocked but I'll try n go thru all of this tomorrow as I'll have a lil more time then and I'll fix them. If you know which ones, let me know. If you have any specific questions of course you can ask here or if you'd like my email its [email protected].
1/27/2014 06:51:17 pm
Here is a good video showing that no planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11. 45 min of info. I'm only 15 min in so far so if I see blatant gatekeeping or anything coming up I'll remove it but so far I really like it. Good to show good meaning truthers who still think planes hit the WTC.
2/2/2014 06:39:48 pm
It actually quite odd but almost obvious to think of this event from this perspective. To say that it never actually happened is not really correct because the buildings are gone and you cant fake a new building being in its place. It is clearly obvious that this event was known to many people before hand, and it is hard to wrap your head around the idea that this is a plan to completely and utterly dominate a human population through the trickery and deception of the human mind in a complete and thought out plan that takes place over a very long extended period of time. There is just too much evidence and history of our government lying to us and deceiving us for whatever reason that nothing can be trusted and that fear and patriotism are manipulated into creating one of the biggest acts of international fraud ever through global domination and phycological manipulation. How did this start and how can it be stopped, we may never know.
2/4/2014 11:12:06 am
This is ridiculous.. The second plane was not fake it was seen on live television. You are a disgrace to all Americans
2/4/2014 11:53:16 am
Jeff I'm a disgrace to all Americans?? Really??? Why is that? Because I am willing to take the neccesary time to pour over the evidence and you are not? You said "The second plane was not fake. It was shown on live television". Really? What makes you so sure it was live television? I guess in 2001 it was technically impossible to simply put up a banner that says live on pre-recorded material. haha. Give me a break! Just cuz the screen says live doesn't mean it actually was.The only disgrace around here is you and your ignorance.
6/24/2016 05:30:16 am
So I'm confused so you saying all those people at ground be zero lied about seeing the planes hit the tower? The families who recieved calls from their loved ones on the plane that crashed in PA were lying?? All those families who u say didn't lose anyone lied about losing them? That doesn't make any sense to me
Hassan Lewis
2/6/2014 04:05:58 am
America is a disgrace to the world but I'd rather live here than anywhere else. What if 9/11 never happened???? Ok. I'm just fucking with you.
1/2/2016 01:52:19 pm
We'd be talking about plenty of other events. The underware bomber would've still happened and we would be forced to take off our fucking shoes.
8/9/2015 09:37:50 am
Thank you for saying what I want to say. Every word of what the idiot says is PURE crap. Don't bother talking to delusional conspiracy theorists it's not worth it.
Diante Whitaker
2/6/2014 04:40:15 am
I don't give a fuck about 9/11. It's just PLANE wrong.
Brian S Staveley
2/6/2014 04:44:52 am
Why are you trolling? You just hurt the credibility of people claiming 9/11 is what we were told. Your father was not on flight 175. Give me a break. So what was your dad's name?What is your name? So us some pictures of you with your father and some other proof to back up what your saying. If your dad died on flight 175(which is impossible) you wouldn't take this in a joking manner. Come with a real argument rather than posting bullshit how your dad was on 175
1/2/2016 01:41:29 pm
A fucking Men! You tell those shitheads who think they can tear the whole damn post by simple baby name calling! I though we have outgrown that middle school shit.
1/2/2016 01:49:30 pm
Since 9 fucking 11 I've noticed less professional trolls around. Either they feel they have completed their agenda or are pissing their pants in fear and figuring out their next dickhgeadf move to yank the economy.
Andreew Cameron
2/10/2014 10:28:18 pm
Brian S Staveley
2/11/2014 06:42:28 am
So do you care to elaborate and tell us which part is "Bullshit"??? Or are you just going to leave it at that and not discuss any of the facts?? I'd like to know exactly which part of it I made up and didn't research well. Please enlighten me. The comment "bullshit" doesn't carry much weight when you don't specify what you are talking about. If you are correct on pointing out any mistakes I will gladly correct it. I don't want this to be inaccurate.
6/13/2015 05:54:36 pm
While I am not a conspiracy theorist I am neutral about somethings that happened on 9/11 and some of these things just don't add up. From seeing what was an explosion in the South Tower I don't remember seeing a plane hit it when it exploded on the upper floors.
Jack Smirking
10/20/2015 04:55:30 pm
What part? Hard to know where to start. I'll just play devil's advocate with two things. 2/11/2014 02:13:03 am
Next time they're going to take down a WTC-like edifice in a demolition, use an aircraft to mimic the circumstances of ….. that day. Have the building wired with data collectors and compare statistics with….. that day. There will be plenty of opportunities to do this in the decades to come, hopefully in Saudi Arabia. Oops, wrong building, Mahmood! Allah Oop.
2/23/2014 01:08:29 am
Wow I would just like to say thank you very much for your information and research, it has opened my eyes to a whole different light to what really happened regarding the 9/11. I believe that this is the truth and the closest to the truth we will ever get. It all makes sense now. Big fan of your work, well done.
Brian S Staveley
2/27/2014 02:54:42 am
Thank you Camille!
2/26/2014 12:30:40 am
Enjoyed reading,it all makes sense.The only thing not explained(unless I missed it) is what happened to the buildings?If what we saw on MSM of the colapse was fake,then when & how did they really disappear? Keep up the good work.
2/27/2014 03:14:20 am
Thank you Jerry for taking the time to read it. In my opinion yes the footage we saw of the collapses was fake. What happened to the towers is simply they were demolished in the typical way they would demolish buildings(maybe slightly different due to the huge size) but we weren't allowed to see any of the actual footage. Also the buildings were demolished pretty close to the time frame we were told on TV that they came down. Now people may ask "Well why the hell would they show us fake footage if the buildings were to be taken down in reality?" Well a few reasons make a lot of sense. First off so they have complete control over exactly what we see but more importantly I think so they can send us all in so many directions and down so many rabbit trails. I'll give you a few examples. For instance they show such a speedy collapse so people are divided amongst whether the towers actually "collapsed" from impact of jetliners or they were "Blown apart" by explosives. Then the explosives angle gets further divided into if they were typical building demolition explosives or if people snuck in there and planted bombs(The power down theory). They also showed us fake videos of collapses to further divide us into even more camps with videos such as the steel spire turning into dust which people in belief of the Directed Energy Weapon theory say is evidence that that type of weapon was used to "Dustify" the buildings and so on and so forth. By showing fake videos with all these anomolies they really did successfully divide the truthers into many different camps. Most of these different theories spawned groups of people who simply will not work together. So lets say for instance just for easy math 90 percent of americans believe the official story and only ten percent doubt it. Well now by spawning all these different theories with fraudelant video they take the ten percent of doubters and further divide them. A few percent believe it was controlled demo, a few percent believe it was Directed Energy, a few percent believe it was computer Genererated Imagery, a few percent believe bombs were snuck in over the weekend, some people beleive planes were used but controlled by the govt. Others believes planes were used but were remote controlled. Others belive no planes were used. Some believe holograms were used instead of planes while others like myself believe that the videos were simply special effect CGI style like seen in Hollywood time n time again and no real planes or people were used. We could go on n on with this as the videos spawned so many theories. In short they used the fake videos to control totally what we saw and to divide all the truthers into many different camps.
1/2/2016 01:39:22 pm
Josh Harrell
2/27/2014 05:51:39 am
I am very intrigued by the facts that you presented. It s in fact the first time I have heard of them. I do have one question for you. How would the government edit and portray the planes, smoke, firefighters, and jumpers on television at the time if there were none of them present at the towers at the time?? I just want a better understanding on that part??
Josh Harrell
2/27/2014 08:25:04 am
Actually, I regret my former acknowledgement that this intrigues me. Well, it kind of does but in a way that has made me turn my back against the 9/11 conspiracy theorists/theories. Which brings me to another, more important question Mr. Staveley. If the flames, jumpers, planes, explosions, and smoke were all CGI and graphics edited on a green screen or whatever else they used to edit the footage, what about the civilians who had nothing to do with the attacks? I know there had to be plenty of people who knew nothing about the attacks that were spectating from the ground. Did they see anything?? They had to have. Something of that magnitude cannot be controlled?? Plus, people who were in their homes, apartments, and on trains that saw the impact and the devastation of the attacks. Did they just imagine it. It would not have been that widely controlled by the US government. They could not have known all the people that would be in NY that day or who would have been in the vicinity of the towers. These are points that you cannot prove to be false and no matter which way you argue it, you will be found in the wrong. Their may be some truth to your facts but as of now, you are nothing but words and your facts can only be seen as mere speculation.
2/27/2014 11:26:43 am
Josh thanks for reading it. Let me clarify a few things for you where you are actually speculating. You say you know there had to be plenty of spectators on the ground who knew nothing about the attacks. Well that is pure speculation there actually. Think of this. New York City is known as a lot of things but one of the terms we most frequently hear is what? The Media Capitol of The World correct? So how would they fake all the videos of people running from the buildings and stuff spectators would surely film?? And we also know if we are to go by the timeframe we were told the building burned for over an hour before the first collapse right? Do you know that in the "Media Capitol Of The World" Not one Network, not a SINGLE ONE has ANY FOOTAGE of people actually leaving the towers! How is that possible?? So in NYC with all the news networks based there in over an hour of time they had to get there not one reporter or cameraman had filmed ANY FOOTAGE of the so called 50,000 plus people fleeing the buildings. Isn't that just unfathomable. Some people will try and write that off and so "Oh it s too sensitive for them to show" but sorry that answer is not acceptable to me. Others will say oh the area was cordoned off, well what about the choppers?? They can't say the airspace was restricted cuz we have shots from Chopper 5 Fox 5 in NYC that try n depict what is footage of the SECOND plane hitting (Flight 175) South Tower. Well where is there footage of ppl leaving the buildings either after their shots of flight 175 or brfore their shots of 175 in the 20 minutes or so AFTER the North Tower was already struck??? None of that footage exists either!!! To further this point 2001 we were already in this digital/Youtube age where ppl film everything with their cell phone and cameras and what not. So all these spectators you presumed were on the ground what does their footage look like? Well I'll tell you. Out of all the so called amatuer footage guess what? Not one video exists of people leaving the towers! Not one!! Unacceptable if I'm to believe this event. I have a great video to further this point. It shows after the plane strikes and not only are there not 50,000 ppl fleeing the towers, not only are there not 10,000 or 1000 there is ZERO PEOPLE in the video clearly showing the area around the towers. How is this possible. The streets n sidewalks should be jammed with people! Here is that video.This is crap the History channel is pushing as footage of the area right around the towers when there should be like 100,000 people out there.
Brian S Staveley
2/27/2014 11:28:16 am
I got cut off a bit short. Thank you and here is that webpage..
Josh Harrell
2/27/2014 08:26:39 am
Actually, I regret my former acknowledgement that this intrigues me. Well, it kind of does but in a way that has made me turn my back against the 9/11 conspiracy theorists/theories. Which brings me to another, more important question Brian. If the flames, jumpers, planes, explosions, and smoke were all Computer-Generated Imagery and graphics edited on a green screen or whatever else they used to edit the footage, what about the civilians who had nothing to do with the attacks? I know there had to be plenty of people who knew nothing about the attacks that were spectating from the ground. Did they see anything?? They had to have. Something of that magnitude cannot be controlled?? Plus, people who were in their homes, apartments, and on trains that saw the impact and the devastation of the attacks. Did they just imagine it. It would not have been that widely controlled by the US government. They could not have known all the people that would be in NY that day or who would have been in the vicinity of the towers. These are points that you cannot prove to be false and no matter which way you argue it, you will be found in the wrong. Their may be some truth to your facts but as of now, you are nothing but words and your facts can only be seen as mere speculation.
Josh Harrell
2/27/2014 08:27:24 am
Actually, I regret my former acknowledgement that this intrigues me. Well, it kind of does but in a way that has made me turn my back against the 9/11 conspiracy theorists/theories. Which brings me to another, more important question Brian. If the flames, jumpers, planes, explosions, and smoke were all Computer-Generated Imagery and graphics edited on a green screen or whatever else they used to edit the footage, what about the civilians who had nothing to do with the attacks? I know there had to be plenty of people who knew nothing about the attacks that were spectating from the ground. Did they see anything?? They had to have. Something of that magnitude cannot be controlled?? Plus, people who were in their homes, apartments, and on trains that saw the impact and the devastation of the attacks. Did they just imagine it. It would not have been that widely controlled by the US government. They could not have known all the people that would be in NY that day or who would have been in the vicinity of the towers. These are points that you cannot prove to be false and no matter which way you argue it, you will be found in the wrong. Their may be some truth to your facts but as of now, you are nothing but words and your facts can only be seen as mere speculation. Thank You
3/2/2014 09:55:26 pm
Wow this is incredible, i always knew it was fake or staged, but never did i imagine that whole damn thing was all and completely an illusion. But i have tons of questions. First of the videos of the people hanging outside the windows right before they "supposedly" jumped to their deaths, it actually looks real and genuine and as i reviewed these clips for years i cant seem to find any evidence that points or proves that those people hanging out side the windows swinging shirts frantically or indeed vicsims or cgi, i mean the year was 2001 computer graphics werent that good yet to make em look that real. I mean everything looks fake as fuck like the planes nd explosions and witnesses and amateur videos. It all looks fake i know its fake. And phone calls out the planes i know wasnt possible. They did such a shitty job on covering it up , but why do those people hannging outside the windows and falling look so real ??? I mean if they did such a bad job why does that look so real? Maybe cuz the videos of the people falling are real? Maybe those are the only real deaths . Idk enlighten me.
8/9/2015 09:49:54 am
Let me tell you the TRUTH about 9/11. Not some crap spread by deluded conspiracy theorists. At 8.46am AA flight 11 struck the N-Tower of the WTC. Seventeen minutes later a second plane UA flight 175 hits the S-Tower on purpose. At 9.37am a third plane AA flight 77 damages part of the Pentagon. Just after ten am the last of the planes UA 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
Josh Harrell
3/3/2014 11:58:43 am
Hello, I appreciate the feedback and I sincerely apologize for my remarks. I did not mean to seem rude, I just wanted to see how the response would be. But I can see where you are coming from with this information and I will definitely be looking into it a whole lot more. This is really intriguing and I love that you are spreading the word. You are extremely intelligent with your knowledge of the event and one day I hope that the US government will admit to their faults. Thank you
Shennan Kasprzak
3/4/2014 11:48:52 am
Okay. I was VERY impressed with this post and support you always!
3/13/2014 09:08:29 am
you are psycho
3/31/2014 08:35:26 pm
Does anyone know what happens to the human body when it falls 100 stories? I do. I was across the streets from those buildings that morning. I watched the second plane fly right across the sky into the south tower. We all watched, standing outside, watching the north tower burn. No holograms, no CGI. You guys have great imaginations; put them to better use. Oh, by the way, the human body hitting the floor from the 100th floor....looks like a tomato hitting the floor from the same height. These people were pretty much liquified on impact. Along with an extremely loud bang, splitting concrete, and completely hammering the balconies on the lower levels. I can't ever unwatch that.
4/16/2014 09:48:45 am
I totally agree with you and if anyone wants to argue that then they can kiss my ass because I saw the jumpers on that day and trust me there was no "CGI" involved. Stop believing in something that isnt there and never occurred.
4/3/2014 06:16:16 am
Interesting "truth". I am a bit skeptical, but at the same time I just don't know. You used a lot of evidence, which is really nice if you want people to believe you.. I'm just very confused on one thing : How couldn't there have been any planes if there were actual witnesses who saw them? Now you know the witnesses had nothing to do with the government, they could've just have been tourists, or people who actually lived in New York. The terror was real, how could it all have been photo shopped?
Brian S Staveley
4/17/2014 03:33:16 am
James So you saw the Jumpers? what were u doing in NYC? Where exactly were you standing and at what time? Let's skype sometimes. Me5gan. People waste their times on fake movies all the time! Just cuz a movie was made doesn't make it real!! I hope u really don't believe it does! It's called disinformation. I didn't just go on a hunch and say lives were faked. Did you read up on the social security death index?? It's a fact that thousands of those names aren't even listed in there! Go and check 10 deceased relatives names of yours in the SSDI. I guarantee at least 9 will be listed. then enter 9/11 "victims" I bet only one out of ten will be listed if your lucky! Check out the amount of deaths in the country or New york that day. It didnt even go up from the average. In NY I believe its around 500 a day. that day supposedly 3000 died. check the numbers! It didnt even spike. I didnt say it was all photoshopped. The footage of the planes hitting the towers was Computer generated Imagery. Just like in a movie. At quick glance it is very believable especially with the shock value but there are tons of dead give a ways its not real. I suggest you analyze it a bit more. thank you for reading though
Brian S Staveley
4/17/2014 03:35:26 am
And speaking of ALL THE WITNESSES.... where the hell are they??
Brian S Staveley
4/17/2014 03:35:40 am
And speaking of ALL THE WITNESSES.... where the hell are they??
4/17/2014 09:30:36 am
I understand what your saying and I see that no one is there. Why are the buildings on fire in this video. A plane had to have hit or else no smoke would be coming out. I am really interested in this so please help me understand?? Thanks
Brian S Staveley
4/17/2014 10:50:08 am
I appreciate the questions but think about what you just said. It makes ZERO sense. You said "A plane had to have hit or else no smoke would be coming out"
1/11/2016 04:18:08 am
Hello Brian, I tried to look up the video links of youtube you posted and guess what 2 of the videos it says have been removed by the user. kind of usa govt/cia/mossad incriminating itself.
4/21/2014 08:26:43 am
i just read the whole thing plus all of the comments.
4/28/2014 07:06:53 am
The hardest thing for me to believe is that no one really witnessed the plane crash. If indeed it did happen, im sure someone would have seen it. Even if they were miles away or across on another part of the city. Im not downing the theory because I want it to be true, but its just hard to believe that if a plane did hit that no one did not see it. Or if a plane did not hit and someone saw that a plane did not hit, why didnt they say anything.
Brian S Staveley
5/9/2014 01:45:08 am
I don't know who made that last comment in my name but I did not write that!!!! This is not all ridiculous this isis what iI totally believe and I will delete that comment once I get home. I'm pretty pissed off that somebody posted in my name
rick hornick
5/10/2014 04:12:01 am
fascinating interpretation of what the real truth could be because its cetrainly not what being told as the official story
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:38:37 pm
Surely Cheney played a huge role but he is no where near the top of the chain.I'd be lying if I told you I knew who was though.
Rocky Willardson
5/31/2014 07:38:41 pm
So if you are saying the the footage of the collapse of the buildings was CGI, then what actually happened to the building? How was it demolished?
6/1/2014 01:32:27 pm
Rocky. Yes the footage was CGI but that doesnt mean the buildings weren't destroyed. They were probably just destroyed the same way they normally demolish buildings maybe slightly different due to the size of the WTC HOWEVER we were not allowed to see the real footage and instead presented with the bullshit CGI videos showing them come down at such a fast rate of speed for dramatic effect.
6/26/2014 11:40:28 pm
thank you.
6/26/2014 11:52:30 pm
If doesn't matter who you vote for they all belong to the same. Democracy is a farce designed to pacify the masses, poo!
6/29/2014 09:10:21 am
I always thought it was odd how the towers collapse up. a demolition. should expand you research and look into the "New World Order" leaders belonging to the Illuminati. ...I been doing some.research myself...
2/6/2016 08:01:31 pm
EXACTLY !!! The Illuminati has been in the background forever..along with the concept of the "New World Order"... 9/11 is just a stepping stone into this plot and a huge Farce to make the American people cower down to the Government !! I call BS on the Government !!
Jessi Johnson
7/11/2014 09:42:04 pm
Can you send the proof that you have on the government takin pat5 in it to my email cause my lil bro doesn't believe any of it thank you
7/18/2014 11:22:32 am
I was at funerals of family friends who died in that event and I know first responders who moved the debris. I know that not all the deaths were fake even if many were faked to increase the fear the event caused so Americans would give more support to the war on terror that was already being planned before 9/11 and from eye witness accounts of people I know I can actually trust there wasn't nearly as much debris as would be expected and no parts that were identifiable as plane parts so the buildings must have had several unfinished floors and if there was a plane it was too mangled to differentiate it from the building. I trust the accounts of the eye witnesses I personally know and understand why you so easily dismiss the commenters claiming to be eye witnesses who saw the plane and the jumpers or was at the site after the towers fell but I have no more reason to trust the other people you use in your arguments claiming to have heard multiple explosions and not seen any plane when neither have any unfakeable proof to support their eye witness accounts and I do not know them personally enough to take them on their word. You present the photoshopped pics as proof and say that the pictures in the news were fake but you or anyone trying to support 9/11 as an inside job could just as easily have photoshopped the pictures yourself to discredit the official story so I have no more reason to trust your video and picture evidence suggesting the 9/11 footage was photoshopped in an age where almost anyone with internet access could also access the software needed to create a CGI film than to trust that the images on the news that day were real. If I had my own recording of the news footage from that day I could double check that the images you use are actually the original images from that day and weren't later edited to support it being an inside job. And no I will not give you names or contact info of the people I know who were there; they don't have the pictures, videos, or audio recordings to prove what they saw since they were too busy evacuating the building and clearing debris to worry about collect evidence. As for the lack of pictures of people evacuating: a lack of evidence is not evidence that it did not happen. I can't prove to you that it absolutely did happen since I do not have undeniable proof but if you want to prove that it did not happen you would have the burden of either using an argument from logic that would prove it could not possibly happen or an argument from evidence using a video of the whole event or thousands of pictures capturing the whole event to show that throughout the entire event there was never anyone there. If you have a video of the entire event on the ground that shows that at no point did a crowd evacuate the building then I will have to believe that there was never any evacuation and the eye witnesses I know were lying but until then I have no reason to reject the eye witness accounts of people I trust.
Brian S Staveley
6/22/2015 02:01:42 am
Who was your closest friend that passed? How close were you? Sorry to hear that. What "flight"/floor did he die on? What company?
Brian Staveley
7/19/2014 03:06:02 am
Im on the road but as son as i get home i will send u a much better reply. One thing i wanted to address right away tho. You said you cant take photoshopped images i present as proof of the media faking it as i or anyone in support of the theory it was an inside job coulda photoshopped them. That would be a valid point IF i did not soirce all the images. But i did. So if i presented pics that are clearly photoshopped but they came from our media not from me what would i say then?? I dodmt just randomly post pic's. They all were presented to us as evidence. Now if there are photoshopped pics in our media isnt that a bit different??
Brian Staveley
7/19/2014 03:08:37 am
Sorry for the typos above. Like i said im on phone but gimmie a bit n ill send a better reply.
6/7/2016 08:23:01 pm
So i agree with you 100% that the government was involved with the aggression and the attack that happened- 9/11, But what your saying is that all the 3000 people, including 343 firefighters, that were said to be dead, were all staged?
7/25/2014 01:45:04 pm
Brian S staveley
7/30/2014 07:45:44 am
Ivan. That is exactly my point. So many of these people did not only not leave a digital footprint, they werent even listed in the social security death index. In other words never issued a death certificate. THOUSANDS OF THEM. There are also PHOTOSHOPPED pictures in the 2 major memorials where one pic is used in both but altered.
11/30/2015 07:55:37 pm
I'm just confused on somethings and please don't take this as an attack on you or any of your info and I'm also only a teenager so please don't.... But anyway I'm confused about the whole death things is it possible that they aren't claimed because the bodies weren't found . I'm also not completely sure on the whole second plane not hitting and the first plane not being real ? I just have a lot of questions I need help with . I thought this was an amazing write up and very backed up with facts so if you have the time hopefully you can answer my questions
7/27/2014 04:58:27 am
great blog. interesting argoments..but.. how do u explain the 1400 toasted cars, the strange demolition of building 7, building 6 holes, and many others fact (dustification of about 1.500.000 tons of materials)?
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:31:23 pm
Nico Nico Nico. Well the 1400 Cars comes from the evidence put forth by Judy Wood. I have serious issues with those pictures and I even called her about it twice. The calls are in my archive. sHE WOULDNT ANSWER ANY of my questions and I mentioned to her as I will you now, none of those cars had license plates. That's odd...HMMMMM. Maybe cuz they were from a junkyard and not really damaged on 9/11 like that. Go ahead and look. Besides that, her focus of many of the pictures is the lack of debris. She says the contents were dustified. No they were not. Its much more simple than that!! How about the contents werent there in the first place? You just read how unoccupied the towers may have been. Thats why there was so little debris. Many of the floors were empty BUT ON TOP OF make matters worse for that case, do you remember looking thru ground zero pics? There were a slew of photographers naturally. Did you know that all the GZ pictures in her book all come from one photographer???? Sorry that is just not credible to me.
8/7/2014 02:59:59 pm
Let's assume that everything you researched is indeed the closest explanation to what happened on 9/11 and like you say this event was orchestrated well in advance, say 30 years, then what type of human beings would put in the time and planning for something like this? It seems so bizarre and difficult to relate to that it opens the door to almost super natural speculation. Just imagine the implication if just one person involved were to spill the beans. Like a house of cards all faith would be lost in the political system. An operation of this magnitude would have to be so compartmentalized that the planner(s) would have to be endowed with super human intelligence in order to make sure that all loose strings were indeed tied.
Steve Steele
8/10/2014 08:51:28 am
If you believe in God then you would not discount the existance of the super natural. All throughout man's history God has endowed man with super natural powers. Now the only question is who is God and what is his or thier intentions. Good post Brad.
Jon Brown
8/24/2014 11:21:50 am
That's the bit that's really bugging me now, how can it all be kept under wraps? It's not logical, and like you say makes you wonder just who are these people doing it? I honestly haven't got a clue.
8/24/2014 02:40:32 pm
You say it makes you wonder just who are these people doing it. Who said they were people? I'll give you a hint. Most people have normal desires that represent the need to reproduce. But what if that need were altered. Would this altering be an indication of their identity? They could recognize their own yet still be able to pretend to be like us.
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:26:07 pm
Jon it can be kept under wraps a lot easier than you think. Let's look at it. I could NEVER EVER make money to go along with killing people, BUT the way MOST ppl will look at this is they are making money of being part of a hoax. Some of these idiots will even think they are doing it for the good of their country. Yes in reality they are signing the deaths of millions overseas over lies but most ppl wont see it that way. If 3000 ppl died your point is very valid. IF no one died its a whole new ballgame. I know plenty of ppl that would go along with a lie like that if they were to be rewarded handsomely.
8/8/2014 11:00:10 am
This and the lee rigby case and the Boston bombing as well. Looks like they are priming us all for the grand illusion of an alien invasion which was mentioned by Von Braun and also can be found under project blue beam. They have tried to pull these things off but they are now failing. Remember alien invasion you read it here before it's happened yet.
8/10/2014 04:57:44 pm
If 9/11, the Lee Rigby case and the Boston Bombings are indeed hoaxes then there would be a pattern of cui bono. All events portray Musilms as heartless villains. This would certainly benefit any Zionist belief that Muslims are the enemy. Now I don't want to cast any dispersions about some bipolar struggle for existence because it could be much more sinister than this. It could be more Club of Rome where the end goal is perpetual war. I believe the Club of Rome manifesto states that humans need to be socially engineered for a common enemy. 9/11 as a hoax would be a form of social engineering because it motivates an existential struggle. If one were ever to watch that CBS French-American documentary film 9/11 by Jules and Gadeon Naudet there is a very pertinent moment in the film where the rookie fire fighter after seeing all the devastation of 9/11 gives a final summary of his personal feelings for this event. While solemn music is playing in the background he says these exact words. "I know its either this or the army now, and I like saving lives not taking them but after what I saw, if my country decides to send me to go kill, I'll do it now". It wasn't "if my country decides to send me to go "fight" the key word was "kill". By the way, I should mention how fortuitous the Naudet film makers were in video capturing the first plane hitting the first tower as well the second plane hitting the second twin tower. Despite those astronomical odds of right place, right time, this amateur film team's movie had more viewership numbers than the Superbowl. So if 9/11 was a hoax and the film makers were in on it then the entire operation by legal definition would be murder by proxy because it manipulates American citizens to join up to "go kill". It sort of flies in the face of that commandment "Thou shall not kill"
all your writings are just beliefs, as you state. Have you been to the site of the "incidents", no. Have you interviewed anyone involved in the "incident", no. So how can you say none of this exists if you cannot prove your insinuations. If you have no proof, you have no justification of thought to spread your vile rumors and lies.
10/1/2014 12:22:36 pm
Lisa. How many of the people involved in 9/11 have you interviewed? If none then I could say the exact same thing to you!! If you have no proof, you have no justification of thought to spread your vile rumors and lies.
6/13/2015 06:17:13 pm
Do you think any of the stories from some of the victims families were credible? Some of them seem credible and others I am not that certain of.
Leslee Harding
8/28/2014 10:34:32 pm
Because I lived no where near the event, and I know no one from that area (New York City), I am more easily convinced you could be right. What I remember most is the prominent woman married to a politician who was killed. I remember a show where things from the towers were being placed in The Smithsonian as a way to remember the victims. There were things that were personal that were donated. Have you viewed that show? I would recommend viewing that show and finding those people and interviewing them. One example was a flight attendant on 93 who was killed, and her friend who misses her to this day. She spoke so highly of this coworker that I can't imagine this person taking money and losing her identity to cover up the plot. So Flight 93 seems real to me. Also did you get a reply from the man who said he saw the bodies with his Mom who was a doctor? I know the social security death toll is a big example of proof of lack of death on 9/11, but I also know records by the government that day may exclude those people as an error. We need to see gravestones. We need family members to be found. Every person who is photo shopped and has a fake name should be investigated. I realize you don't have time or money to do this, but if you are correct, you need to have as many people with reputable character to assist you in your investigation. If anyone is a true American and wants their freedom back, they should help you uncover every person who may have died and every person who was a fake. Too many American soldiers and too many middle eastern people have died for us to simply congratulate you and say thanks and not help get the truth out there. The truth is still not known because the limitations on your time and money. For everyone who says "maybe this may be true" ... They should assist you in searching every individual. This is way too important! Freedom, liberty, and value of every life lost or a victim of these wars has the right to know the truth! I hope you can create a movement for assistance in checking every person's identity so we know the truth. Was this person real? If so, are they really dead? If you can't identify the death or actually find the person alive and well, then as a Nation we need to find those who did this horrible crime above all other crimes and hold them responsible. Without America and the freedoms won in her beginning, America can no longer be a beacon of light to the world. If this corruption and betrayal of trust has penetrated our media, government and military, this is a sad day for every American. To read this and think you are correct, makes me mourn the loss of a great nation, established with no King, run by the people and for the people. Mass fake murder has made us Americans murderers without even knowing it! Just think of the young man who once hearing of this event became one of the first soldiers and gave up a multimillion dollar career playing football. Please see how we need to help you complete this work and prove or disprove your work regardless the cost or we are not Americans. I hope you are wrong, but realize the truth means everything! I hope others will join me in saying how can we find the whole truth? Best of luck creating a movement to realize finishing what you have started. God help us help you for the sake of everything we hold sacred and dear."Give me Liberty or give me death!" A lie as horrible as this, if true, calls for patriots to unite and solve the crime and to sentence its players to death for murdering our soldiers and the people we have killed in the name of justice.
2/6/2016 08:25:15 pm
I agree with you Leslee... I for one, would be happy to help investigate as I have already spent hours/days researching the data involving 9/11. While I have always thought it was the government and did not believe half of what was told/shown to us, I never thought of the possibility of what Brian is saying....Never...but I too, have read all this with an open mind and now question the possibility that this could be true. I still have a lot of questions for Brian but I agree that we, as a Nation, should help get to the truth of this. I have a lot of thoughts and have done a lot of research in other areas of our government and if you tie it all makes sense.
9/10/2014 11:59:29 am
Great Reply Leslee. I am just finishing up some cosmetic fixes to the website and then I will send you a proper reply.
Anonymous 2
9/11/2014 04:16:01 am
This is great thanks.
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:21:11 pm
You are very welcome!!! Be sure to check out my Radio Shows on this same site!
9/12/2014 12:32:53 pm
This is amazing! I couldn't stop reading it and you really opened up my brain to a whole new view of 9/11.
10/1/2014 12:20:22 pm
Thank you so much Andy! If you have any questions just email me @ [email protected]
9/15/2014 01:38:03 am
okay first off I want to thank all of you for reading this. I also want to thank everyone for their patience as we have not done any new material pretty much this year at all. I would like to let you all know we will be back on the air next Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. so not this week but next week like nine days from now the show we are doing is going to be a special on media fakery focusing on fake video and phony witnesses and or loved ones at most of you know this can go back many decades and span many events we will cover as many as we have convincing evidence for there will be a web page on this site that I am building for you to follow along as we discussed different videos so we can walk you through the fakery. please note we are going live at 8 p.m. Rather than our usual 10 p.m. Due to the anticipated length of the show. I have just gotten a new computer and my new headset and keyboard and accessories are all coming over the next few days. sorry for being a little slow with the replies in this thread . I had no computer for a few weeks today I have some free time and I will try to reply to as many questions as possible and if I missed you in the shuffle feel free to email me at if you don't already know the radio show is found on this site on the dose of reality the meantime please visit our archive page all our shows are up there and labeled by content and guest.
9/15/2014 02:46:56 am
Leslee unfortunately anyone in any type of position deemed credible by the public do not want to help. Not only will they npt attach their name to anything like this but most are so stubborn and so unwilling to admit they may have been fooled for many years they wont look at all. I agree with what you are saying but after five years of doing this and getting fairly deep in the game to the point where most ppl in the movement know exactly what my stance is , im sad to say most ppl who are allegedly awake wont ev3n entertain tjis idea. I have to disagree where u say it may hve been an error with the ssdi.maybe 10 or 20 names missing due to the scale of the event, but over 2000 names is completely unbelievable especially in a system that is isually so accurate. Then when u couple thT with other inconsistencies regarding the victims including the memorials, the fraudelant occupancy of the towers and more it all m points towards the victims being a hoax. Last week on 911 5 ppl told me within an hour that they knew someone who died. One girl even said she knew 1000 victims. Lol. Obviously absurd but this is how easily the hoax lives on. I will not stop trying to het more info and tried endessly to interview so called family members but everyone declines.
9/15/2014 01:55:24 pm
wow, i lost a lot of my life going over the events of 9/11 and i agree with what you are saying, however i never thought that all of the footage was faked but NOTHING surprises me at this point...also i never thought about another type of weaponry even though i logically thought there was more going on than i could ever imagine...towers were build to come down? yes..they were mostly empty? much craziness it is hard to wrap your head around ....and so much more going on much more...i hope i live to see the day that the real truth is exposed and the people involved are rounded up these are ill people !! so so so so so hope, st jude patron saint of miracles...! btw thanks for the work
Brian S Staveley
9/27/2014 10:14:25 am
Your welcome HoneyC. You should check out some of our radio special on this. They are alot more current than this blog and I will show you a ton of fake video. Some of the better shows have webpages with follow along evidence that we walk you thru.
Joshua Ball
9/16/2014 01:09:14 am
This is on agreement with your work. However, this link in my opinion is by far the greatest review of the events of that day. The link plus the follow up research that one does in reference to the video
9/18/2014 12:21:36 pm
Hey everyone thank you for all your comments. I must apologize for taking so many months off but we are finally coming back to doing radio shows starting this Wednesday September 24th @ 8 PM ET. I will hopefully be finishing a new 9/11 blog I'm working on in the next month or so. I have also simplified the website and added a few things to better keep us all in touch with you. I have added email alerts. IF you would like to be notified when a new upcoming show is announced and another email just before airing simply leave us your name and email address on the form. Its that easy and you will never miss a live a show. We have also ditched our old comment system which for some reason was not even funtioning. We could not see them att all. So I have added Disqus comments. Please sign up if you are not already a disqus member. It is simple as well. You dont even need to confirn your email. Just pick a username and go. There are two seperate comment walls. One under the chat on the Dose Of Reality Radio Page. So anytime you want to leave any comment related to the show and we are not on the air leave it in the comments. We will be checking them everyday. There is another comment wall right on the home page. This is for any other comment you might have for us. regarding absolutely anything.
Leah Devorah
9/24/2014 03:46:59 pm
Brian S Staveley
9/27/2014 05:16:21 pm
Who is promoting terrorism?? Not me!! I'm trying to expose the fact that the media and government are hand in hand on this hoax that has been used to justify murder all over the world.
black prince
9/30/2014 11:26:50 am
I am not sure but i read that the twin towers were insured against terrorism a couple of months before the event of 9/11.
Brian S Staveley
10/1/2014 12:50:34 pm
Yes Black Prince. That is the case about the insurance as far as I know. The motive was surely not an insurance payout though. It was a payout on a much grander scale!
10/14/2014 04:35:15 pm
After reading plenty of ideas or any proof shown in all the cospiracy stories this one as far fetched as it seems is the only one to raise my questions and answers all in one I'm a believer
10/19/2014 09:22:16 am
Thank you Kyle. We have a ton of radio shows on this and interactive webpages with audio we walk you thru all our videos and pics that u can see for yourself!.
10/19/2014 07:44:56 pm
I was in the Area when 9-11 happened there was a Major News request given out for Blood donors?
My journey of awakening began in 1978, at age 26, having become an avid seeker of wisdom and truth. Every day brings more enlightenment. A few years ago, I was having a conversation with my girlfriend about the events of September 11, 2001. I mentioned to her, that the global elite set their goals 50 years in advance, and that the World Trade Center was specifically built to be demolished many years later as part of some devised agenda. After embracing the contents of this website and its shocking expose', it looks as if my suspicions were correct. This is evidence that for those who wish to awaken from this Counterfeit Creation Illusion, the tools are available, if you would but seek and search. The LIGHT on this Prison Planet of Sorrow is much greater than Darkness, and your individual power does make a difference, even by the nature of your thoughts. Think Good Thoughts -- Good Thoughts Thunk
11/10/2014 04:56:59 am
I am fairly open minded and yes I did think that WTC bombing was carried out by Osama and co. I came across this article quite by mistake (I was researching for why the Jews got America involved in the first world war - for Palestine.) and I must admit that my eyes have been opened. I have read the complete work and I have watched the videos that are still available to watch. It seems to me that Jewish leaders have had a plan in place for a long time and it is gradually coming to fruition.
Kathryn I.
12/16/2014 10:12:33 am
It frustrates me that we can't open the minds of others. there are so many things that don't add up with this 911 event & how someone can honestly believe the media based evidence is insulting towards those of us with intelligent minds. I asked someone the other day "why are we still in irag?" they replied with "idk" & had no further interest in understanding the question or reasoning behind it. it saddens me that we will never truly know built I remain a faithful believer in the government staging the event for financial profiting. Ur part on the death records left me curious & determined 2 discover more. thank u for ur article xoxo
Brian S Staveley
12/17/2014 02:09:09 am
Thank You Kathryn!
12/16/2014 01:04:37 pm
12/16/2014 6 pm Monterey California 93940
12/17/2014 02:13:35 am
hates off to your work. you did a great research. so easy to understand. i really really thankyou for what you did.
2/16/2015 10:31:20 am
Thanks. Nice work. I have one question though. What about the "dancing israelis" that were filming the incidents and celebrated when the first plane supposedly came in ? There was a police report saying that 10-12 Mossad agents were arrested. Their cars were also loaded with explosives according to police. I knew 911 was a huge fraud, just like Nazi-Hitler and todays IS-terrorists in Syria/Iraq. The mainstream-media is so filthy I dont watch it anymore. Whenever I try to talk to people about this in my country they are so brainwashed and naive they think I have mental problems.
Mike Mathers
3/30/2015 06:42:36 pm
I am going to use the quote I object to below - but basically you sound like someone who has never been there and quite honestly doesn't know anything about the twin towers. I have been there many times from the subway to the top. The buildings had tons of offices and it was quite crowded. Your idea that it was a shell is absurd so badly that I really feel bad for your readers who think you are telling it like it is. You aren't. I also know people first hand who saw the planes hit and almost died from falling debris. This was real. Real people died. People in my town died who were in that building. My personal opinion is that our military industrial complex partnered with Israeli intelligence did this. Anyone can do a search for "four dancing israelis 911" and you will be shocked to see that Israeli intelligence was there celebrating their plan. Our country is doomed because Israel runs our country and we are now going to go to war with the rest of the 1 billion muslims whether we like it or not. Our politicians are puppets being pulled by foreign oil, the military companies (foreign and U.S.) and Israel. It is sad but true. I will post below what you wrote that I disagree with - - - - - - - -
7/31/2016 01:19:29 am
A VERY Very good comment, you got it bro.
Here's an excerpt from Wilipedia, Flight Recorders that have never been recovered.....
i saw a documentary years ago that was filmed by an independant network and there were in the WTC lobby while the "bodies" were crashing into the overhang of the building..The sound was clear but the bodies were not shown...My question is were all the jumpers fake and was the sound of their bodies hitting the building fake..??
brian staveley
4/29/2015 03:43:02 am
Yes I agree they were rigged with explosives of some sort to bring them down. This happened on 911. Did we actually see the real collapse footage? That I am not sure of but I am sure those videos depicting planes were fake. There is zero video of ppl leaving the WTC. Even in the media capitol of the world. That's a dead give away
5/19/2015 04:52:26 am
If people really think its a implosion Why have planes at all? After you review the facts its evident that the building fell from the top down pancaked and the little poofs are really large pockets of air being thrust out as whole floors filled with large volumes of air get pancaked under unimaginable force (up until that point) there are fishy facts and circumstances which don't add up to normal experience but what was normal abotu that day? over-all, the official story sums up better (though not entirely accurate it is more accurate than faking planes, videos, victims by the thousands for over a decade) SHEESH guys you wish we were that smart but none of us are. Soapbox it up all you want doesn't change the world. the facts are we don't live in a fish bowl, the whole world isn't planned out in dance-steps like some wish for but, is in fact closer to mass chaos filled with earthquakes, madmen and hurricanes which all spin clocks on independant timelines. There are many people who want to rule the world but that isn't the reality. It may be a tough truth to consider for some of you but, the world is spiraling out of control and we are all going to die only hopefully distantly in the future. The world is impossible to grasp in a short human lifespan so we make up ghost stories, exciting stories, villain stories and tales of mass deception to simplify reason. Falling victim to this line of thinking will produce no clear result. Even if you did know the truth which obviously none of us here seems to...then what difference would it make? everyone and their dog has a crackpot theory over what REALLY HAPPENED! Even if we knew exactly what happened it wouldn't change things one iota. If you want to believe everything is staged fine, then maybe you are a stage am i right? designed to confuse the masses and maybe this message is also staged and everyone is a fake right? its so crazy but that's where that line of logic leads. keep stretching reality, eventually the bubble will burst and logic will be waiting for you back down here on earth.Truth is not a singularity it is a matter of perspective.
4/29/2015 04:09:22 am
I was working in Chicago in the sears tower and the are section where many floors are empty, not leased. so it conceivable that it was the real situation during 9-11 in n.y.
5/1/2015 07:30:01 am
this made me break into tears to know everything from a survivor, witness, and/or investigator. i appreciate this info as i am acually doing a report on it.
5/9/2015 09:56:11 am
The Truth About 9/11 will come out one day i know planes inside out THIS was an INSIDE JOB WITH major LIESI Agree with you
5/18/2015 04:24:28 am
the 9/11 is totally fake I realize y government wanted to hide that....thank u very much sir see ya
5/19/2015 04:04:05 am
When reality hits hard some folks choose to hide their head in the sand while others, as demonstrated in these single-minded theories, choose their own asses. Neither is any more helpful than the other but, sand is much easier to get out of your nose. (also this is why nearly everything smells foul to a truther.)
5/19/2015 08:18:57 am
I had hoped you would comment on my statements in my 12/16/2014 posted comment. Could the license plates have been removed by authorities? I still believe in the work done by Dr. Judy Wood. Why shouldn't I. Again we see UFOs with third generation night vision goggles every night. That IS what is going on above our heads 24/7. Your comments. Bob Oliver 831 383-2676 [email protected]
5/19/2015 12:00:19 pm
Bob Oliver as you can see there are almost 200 comments. I was not ignoring your question. It simply got lost in the shuffle. You ask if the authorities could have removed the license plates....... At imagine being part of the cleanup crew in the dats after 9/11 assigned to collecting license plates while allegedly bodies are still missing! I think they had much better things to do. That wouldnt happen.
5/24/2015 02:23:13 pm
You need to find some other benign interests, because you are truly, hopelessly, batshit crazy. And trying to take a bunch oh people with you. Stop.
River and Mountain
5/20/2015 01:55:07 pm
Thanks for your research. That would explain a huge amount to me. And were the Pentagon deaths also faked? And the radar screens used by the traffic controllers must have been hacked to show imaginar y hijacked planes. Could be people disposed of also? There were some famous people on the so called hijacked planes.........
Brian S Staveley
6/16/2015 09:24:03 am
YES OF COURSE. they were all faked. No usingthat logic think how easily NOW the big wigs would go along with it. No dead americans just a huge money making scam. They'd all sign up.
5/30/2015 10:34:49 am
Brian I loved this story you have makes a lot of sense and I believe you I just got a few questions for you, if all this was a scam how did the towers fall? Cause they did fall that day! Also why would they fake all of this are they hiding something from us? or was it a ticket to war ? Just few questions I have that wasn't answered above.
6/4/2015 02:42:49 pm
The exif data theory is flawed simply asking any graphic designer would have brought you enlightenment in this regard ... designers use existing templates if I've already made an obituary in Photoshop I'm going to start there and replace the old data with the new data I will bring a photo into an existing photo (in layers) because I know the previous one I did is the correct size format etc so it may be new but the exif data is established from the when I made it new .., You are looking to prove your own beliefs in this blog this fact for your readers completely invalidates everything you say ..., You are already biased you are not an impartial investigator you have an agenda albeit even if it's just to justify your own beliefs ... it's why no one gives you credibility ... your work is flawed because it's obvious you were biased right from the get go ... just my own opinion and observation .., this what I took away after reading your blog I wasn't convinced at all ... just saying I don't believe your are achieving your objective with this blog ... thought you'd like to know that
dirk flournoy
6/7/2015 02:18:02 am
I wish you stop say how you are going to tell us, and start tell us ... Shit or get off the POT....
6/14/2015 05:04:13 pm
There are some articles out there that states, Everybody on the 92nd floor died and everyone on the 91st floor lived. So is this a false statement. The more I look into 9/11 the more sicker I become.
oswald cooper
6/15/2015 03:48:08 am
I agree with the points you've mentioned as they cannot be explained or interpreted any other way other than to suggest that the Government staged the whole thing.
6/15/2015 11:25:35 am
Bob Oliver
6/15/2015 12:35:55 pm
In my earlier comments I discussed Dr. Judy Wood and the fact that the license plates were removed on the "toasted" cars. I did locate an interview that described how small fasteners on door handles, license plates, etc were missing melted destroyed from whatever this occurrence of directed energy is and does. See Dr. Judy Wood
Brian S Staveley
6/16/2015 09:20:53 am
I've confronted her a few times and she is evasive. Won't answer direct questions without telling you to just buy her book and she even said i was running a Psy Op on Amerca. Even her photos are all from ONE SOURCE????? She is not credible. Sorry.
6/18/2015 04:01:12 am
Its only recently that iv started to look into this 9/11 stuff, i was 9 when 9/11 took place so of course believed everything i was told, but iv started to understand the truth now, this article is spot on and iv spent my hole afternoon at work reading this (much better then actually working) Its funny how the evidence can be put right in front of people and they still keep them self brain washed.
6/18/2015 11:10:17 pm
OK, so this article is a good read, it has valid points and the fact are backed up well. what i find hard to understand is the falling body's or dummies, there is live coverage/ phone videos, physical proof that people were hanging out the windows on the top floors of the towers, iv seen plenty of videos of people not falling but hanging out those windows above the 91st floor so i find it hard to understand how they managed to edit that. I'm not saying its not fake but and explanation would be nice?
Brian S Staveley
6/19/2015 05:00:21 am
Alex. Thank you for bringing up these points. I actually have alot of explanations for this if you will please just take a look forme. I will keep it shprt herecuz Im about to shower, but right after I'll attach the images and stuff.
6/19/2015 05:09:43 am
ALEX! Here is that image. I'm kinda in a rush but gimmie til tonight I'll show you a lot more that supports my theorieson this aspect of 9/11. It's just I gotta get going. Check out this pictue dude!!! Mad BS!
6/20/2015 05:19:41 pm
Brian S Staveley
6/22/2015 01:59:46 am
@Logcabin. as far as the NYPD/FD Complicity I ALSO would have a very hardtime believing they were all in on it. Do you know what compartmentalization is?? If Im captain of precint 110 and I say boys we are needed for crowd control at spsot X. Captain of precint xxx sends his boys to another spot,so on n so forth. Is every firefighter REALLY gonna have a clue who was stationed where OTHR than the guys they work with everyday then stories later on? What if you work for me and are about to head for the towers and i ssay no yo are needed to check this bridge for explosives. You wouldnt quesrttion me. You'd think I was delegating my authority
6/21/2015 04:51:12 pm
6/22/2015 01:55:39 am
@ Logcabi you said
Bob Oliver
7/2/2015 01:50:20 pm
AMEN. All the theories divide our efforts. If you can see UFOs with third generation night vision goggles, and you can, then everything else is a lie. We are being lied to about "EVERYTHING"
6/25/2015 06:06:10 am
I totally believe that what "they" told us happened was a big fat lie. Just some info: The elevator system in the towers was screwed up. I went there to visit my cousin and was told I couldn't get an elevator straight to the floor (I think it was 70) I had to take 2 elevators. I remember telling the guy how stupid it was.
7/3/2015 03:43:47 am
Your argument makes great sense.
major butt
7/7/2015 10:45:04 am
welldone Brian good job done we the muslims knew that this consepracy but the usa peoples dont want to know that
7/31/2015 10:57:14 am
8/7/2015 04:36:38 am
The much of troubles in the north American country, they became, after the 1963 year attack, at the American government, that because much of the workers for inside the American government, the got horn about money, and those deiced, to kill, to stole and to escape, but the real heavy duties for they, it is to have to sustain hide their nasty crimes, they have to stay killing to any Cain of people wondering in about the crimes inside the government, the troubles are because They got stolid money, and after they kill and scape, and they leave alone the government
8/8/2015 09:55:42 am
Where the hell did you get your "facts" from?! The "no planes" theory is NOT true. All of you are idiots I'm sorry. Read these carefully
8/8/2015 10:06:09 am
8/9/2015 10:25:50 am
Do you know how much CRAP you write?! You're a SICKO no doubt about it!!
8/17/2015 12:44:48 am
8/19/2015 06:25:05 am
@Holly I just read through your links... BULLSHIT
8/20/2015 11:05:02 am
Well sir this was simply a top post. I will try my best to spread it to limited people i have contact with. You managed to make me read it for well over 2 hours and its 3:30 am here and i have classes at 5:30 am. Lol out of context .. But i am really convinced may be little more than 59 died but i am agreeing that reallocations and hollow layers were actually there
Brian S Staveley
8/26/2015 04:41:31 am
also Holly your gonna quiz us??? yea okay. what a joke
King Crow
8/31/2015 11:07:19 am
You really did your research, very comprehensive analysis. I've never seen so much evidence and hard work put into a single post.
9/1/2015 04:35:35 am
Great write up and a lot of these I had seen before, what narks me, ALL the links from don't work. I signed up but can't access any of those links above!
Brian S Staveley
9/1/2015 05:32:00 am
9/1/2015 05:35:46 am
Bill I had a falling out with those people at That Forum about 2-3 years ago. I don't know whats up with the links. He banned me then IPBlocked me and everything. If you tell me which pieces of evidence exactly you are looking for or what the link said it would show you, i can probably get it frm another source. Hopefully in many cases the original source. Sorry about that. Idon't have a better answer for you about that. Idon't know what their situation is over there. Surprised its completely down. There was a lot of content
1/8/2016 05:51:22 am
No problem, I have all info I need, Putin data-dumped some huge intel in response to US invading Ukraine > - This proves the Thermo-Nuclear bombs, just waiting for him to confirm US used the Direct Energy Weapon on China in Tianjin. Also try here for names of phoney dead >
Mark Noreen
9/1/2015 10:29:44 pm
2/22/2016 12:25:39 am
was more of an ınsult not to question the lies or dismantle a Crime scene? worse is what 9-11 has been used to do take away freedom declare Wars on Countries that had nothing whatsoever to do with what happened this day?
9/5/2015 01:24:04 am
this is really good article
9/7/2015 02:22:11 pm
What about friends and family who were there that day and sickened by what they saw? What about friends and family who lost firefighter friends that day? Are friends and family also "fake"?
joseph arbajian
9/11/2015 08:54:14 pm
Dear Sir
Robert DeCarlo
9/7/2015 03:33:17 pm
Interesting......the bottom line, however it was arranged, prearranged, and whatever happens from her 9/11 was orchestrated by the "secret societies" that exist in government, here and abroad. This quote I found to be quite interesting @
2/22/2016 03:43:02 am
God has nothing whatsoever to do with these Psychopaths! The perpetrators who committed this atrocity are still in positions of power?!
An American
9/10/2015 08:39:33 pm
I honestly find this extremely discomforting. People come here reading your far fetched claim about how everything was set up by the government, planes crashing into the Pentagon, and both twin towers. I know people who died, families who lost loved ones. How do you explain that? Did they just decide to "fake die" and leave their families? Readers comment about how 9/11 isn't fake and how they lost loved ones, and all you do is insult them, question the harshly. It's revolting, I cringe at what your write. How awful you treat these poor people who's lives were changed for ever. You disrespect the people who risked their own lives to go into the towers and save others, to fight the hijackers so they wouldn't crash into another destination. A real writer would not fire back at readers who comment their belief. You sound like an angry teenager. It's unprofessional. -
Liz Resnolder
9/11/2015 06:20:05 pm
9/13/2015 01:29:01 am
I love how the individuals involved and having been actual witnesses have not submitted new responses when called out.
9/14/2015 12:03:08 am
Hey Brian glad I got to hear what you had to say. Wanted to know if you've got any input on this or if not I'm glad to bring it to your attention. Herman S. Sandler founder of Sandler O'Neill was a limited partner with Rothschild back in 1976. Sandler O'Neill also happened to occupy the 104th floor of the south(if I recall correctly) tower. Coincidence? I think not. I came across this after reading about Welles Remy Crowther who supposedly worked on said 104th floor and died. Wanted to pass along anything that could add on or be looked into mor .
9/14/2015 10:32:46 pm
thanks for all the new info! I was searching about just what happen to the people on plane #2- I knew one of them- Patrick J. Quigley- he is in the SSDeath list- but if there was no 2nd plane, where is he? very strange...
9/15/2015 08:03:08 am
In a search for what really happen to the people on flight 175- I came across your site- Thank you for setting this straight- I knew a guy on that plane and I am trying to figure out what happen to him. His pic was also removed from the CNN list- I also found in this blog below- a photo of his grave! That makes on sense! Why would there be a grave with no body! this is very wrong- I think he must of died before 9/11....(
GG I wish I had a better explanation for you.There is a pilot from the town next to mine and I've done tons of groudwork trying to uncover if he was a real person or not. Found some very interesting things. Email me privately if you want to inquire about that.I do think some ppl were real and took a payoff to relocate. The guy I speak of fits that mold p[rfectly. Lifelong military man. It's like another deployment for him,
Brian S Staveley
9/19/2015 05:37:25 pm
The last comment above this, the one labeled from GG where it appears he is talking to himself, that was me. I'm Sorry dude! It's asked my name and I had illion things goin on and I was addresing you and I typed GG instead of my own name. lol. The above comment is not GG talking amongst himself ppl it's me responding to GG. If I can figure out how to change it I will.
9/22/2015 02:21:13 pm
I totally want to laugh at all of this but since 9/11 is such a horrible tragedy there's nothing to laugh at. I got about 1/3 of the way through your links and videos and came upon "vicsims" most of which are pictures of people on different memorial sites that look like other pictures of the same people.... cause they are the same people. There weren't over 600 employees of Cantor Fitzgerald that died??? That was a fake company? OMG that's some of the stupidest crap I've ever seen in writing. And WTC building #7 wasn't hit by anything?? Except two 110 story buildings that crashed to the ground right next to it. There was no way that didn't damage #7? Ok thanks for wasting my time. Those pictures of smoke blowing pipes and red tubes.... umm that's a building billowing smoke that's on fire cause it was hit by a plane.
9/24/2015 11:14:18 pm
This idiot said(as he put a shitload of words in my mouth rather than address my points classic)
9/24/2015 11:33:04 pm
You guys see how obvious these people like KKA make it that they don't have the slightest clue about 9/11? Once they employ the strategy of clearly putting words in your mouth to make you look bad, don't they discredit all their following comment(s)? In my eyes they sure do. That is called an agenda. If someone is truly in quest of the truth there can be no agenda. If he/she had a legit case and was willing to back up his/her claims he or she wouldn't come on here and straight up put words in my mouth. That just proves KKA AIN"T GOT SH$%!!! U ignore all my stronger points like you mention how I doubt hundreds or even thousands of deaths in Cantor Fitzgerald and Marsh Mclennan or maybe it was just 600 in one u said I believe even tho the two accounted for 44% of all the alleged deaths on 9/11, but you DO NOT MENTION how almost all of them dont even have a death certificate.Go thru the Social Security Death Index yourself....Oh you are soooo thorough you must have already! What was I thinking??? Tons of the stronger points of mine you ignore,then made up some new ones to fit your CRAZY tower 1 and 2 knocked down 7 premise and credited those statements to me even though I don't believe them!!
k c
9/28/2015 01:30:05 pm
Very interesting theory you have. You talk of all the fakery and what did not happen, but you do not tell in your opinion what really happened .Without your explanation as to what happened and who was responsible you have no more credibility than the people you are trying to debunk.
9/28/2015 02:38:30 pm
First off I find that offensive. I have no more credibility Because I don't explain What I think happened you said!! Yes the hell I do! There is about 12 webpages that are laid out in an easy to follow fashion for you to follow. There is embedded audio to walk you thru all the photos, video and document evidence I have posted on the site. There are about 100 shows in my archive and probably 75% are on 9/11. I go into great detail on what I think happened and why. Youare the one NOT credible because you just apply whatever you want to me and my beliefs. True the 22 pge blog focused on the fake victims,the SSDI, the occupancy or lack of of the towers, how the disguise was pulled off etc but truth is I was so far AHEAD OF THE CURVE, Media Fakery wasnt even being taken seriously yet but all the work I did AFTER this blog included that.
9/28/2015 03:23:56 pm
How can you prove that your videos are not fake and your photos not photo chopped. You say I'm not credible because i apply whatever i want to you and your beliefs ,but you feel that you can apply whatever you feel to other peoples beliefs. Did you even try to contact any family members of the people that you say never died and tell them that to their faces. I have the same right to criticize you, your documentation,your photos, your audio and claim them as fake as you are criticizing all others as being fake.
9/28/2015 05:22:17 pm
Was just wondering why my last comment was not posted or replied .
9/29/2015 12:48:11 am
check this out :
9/29/2015 05:07:06 pm
Still waiting for my second comment to be posted and your reply. I was reading more of you articles.If 911 was all fakery and smoke machines, does that mean the towers are still standing? No clean up was required? Nothing new was built on the site? All
9/30/2015 01:07:34 pm
KC wrote
John Mitchell
9/29/2015 05:17:48 pm
U r pretty cool man! I believe your research; haven't heard or seen everything but going to.(data is very slow/done).Can u please on your spare time(if any?)Anything about area 51?Please if anything email it to me or maybe a website because I think The government has something in which threatens the whole world?
10/1/2015 12:20:41 am
One of my 3 Interviews with Professor James H Fetzer. Follow along evidence all over the webpage. Videos, pictures, documents, and more.The Audio is embedded near the top left and another show we did at the bottom.This was done after this blog so it focuses moreon the media fakery aspect of 9/11 as I had no discovered most of that bythe time of writing this. You Will surely enjoy this show.
10/1/2015 09:41:32 pm
Is the writer of this blog on meth? I can't fathom any other scenario that would induce such a high level of paranoia.
11/6/2015 01:30:23 pm
I'm curious Ben, what your views are, considering your feelings about these findings?
1/2/2016 01:36:35 pm
Go away and find somnewhere else to play troll! Don't like Don't fucking read!
10/3/2015 12:08:58 am
I posted here once before and thanks Brian, you took the time to address my question. Now I am raising a new question. You stated that you believe that the planner(s) were purposely making mistakes on the videos in order to divide us between our various theories and thereby create a sort of cognitive dissonance. I can agree with that. However with the video showing people hanging out of the towers and how they seem to be poking their heads out of various partitions in the seven foot tall plate glass windows, doesn't it seem more like mockery than purposeful mistakes? If the tower collapses are speculated to be CGI or a video composite layer of another tower collapse, then granted they have the technology to make things look very compelling. Why would the planner(s) risk an inferior production of something so blatantly erroneous as people poking their heads out of partitions that are half the height of the solid plate glass windows and frames? They would have to be absolutely confident that this would fly over the heads of even the most professional building engineers. How would the planner(s) be able to calculate that cognitively speaking it would not register with anyone but an extremely small percentage of the worlds population, namely yourself? I don't know about you but this is suggestive of some sort of awareness by the planner(s) of the collective consciousness of all humanity. These planner(s) would have to be tapped into all our heads in order to walk the line between full exposure of this hoax and a continued mess of non-universal speculation. And then there is the even bigger question, what if our our heads are really just part of the same head? This might explain why the hoax can't be broken no matter how hard you try.
Brian S. Staveley
5/4/2016 03:04:04 am
WHOA show me these videos!!! You need to show me the ppl before they allegedly jumpedhangiing out 7 ft windows. As they should have been but they were NOT. They were trying to squeeze out like 3 ft windows. I have a million examples showing the difference f the real WTC and its 7 ft windows. And all the videos you talk about ppl in burning towers on 9/11 ARE NOT NEAR ANY SEVEN FOOT WINDOWS!!! NONE! Watch again. They are all about 3ft. The ppl can barely crouch out them.I never called that CGI. Simply a stage set. Like a movie and it was not built well enough to scale and its very noticeable witht he window shots. Seriously look again and think how easy you passed on the info of them on 911 and the 77ft windows but in reality they werent showing 7 ft windows in those shots! Takin dog out real fast but i will answer teh rest. Seriously go look at the videos. they are all about half the size of the real pre 9/11 WTC images which i have a ton of even ones with ppl comfortably standing in the window frames. BRB
9/12/2017 09:50:26 pm
Yes ! Brian is absolutely correct. Also, their not humans. Watch as their arms, become longer and shorter. A gumby type charter. Most people were too shocked, to watch it closely, but easy to see its faked..
Brian S. Staveley
5/4/2016 03:06:58 am
Why don't you ask a specific question since your so smart nd I'm a fkn methhead? Cuase you can't. Personal insults is all you got cuz I'd bury you in a debate. Youprobably don't know the first thing about 9/11 other than what the news showed you.I dont know why I even responded to you actually. Your obviously the idiot here.
10/6/2015 08:31:23 am
I agree 100% with this theory. I am sold. Idea is take over middle east and not let russia control it. They need to create a reason to attack iraq.
10/7/2015 03:09:21 pm
Thank you for opening my mind on what truly happened that day. I have not finished the whole thing (I've been reading since yesterday) as I am at work trying to get stuff done, but everything makes complete sense... It's really a shame so many people still believe all the bs media feeds them, I just feel sorry for them I guess, I still have a couple of questions, but I guess I'll keep reading to figure it out... thanks again, great info!
10/20/2015 10:18:26 pm
Brian: This is wild. I usually look at two sides to every story, or lately, "to follow the money trail" when it comes to government, but when you pointed out the signing on with the Truthers and they may be both aligned - i could have kicked myself for not seeing this as a possibility. At least now this harbors some sense into "why and how" 911 was pulled off.
10/23/2015 04:48:22 pm
You lost me the minute you claimed that building 7 wasn't hit by anything. It was hit by the falling debris of the other towers! A fire raged inside the building for several hours before it collapsed! Several respectable organizations have carried-out investigations refuting all the main conspiracy claims, including many of yours. My favorite was the in- depth work done by Popular Mechanics. I hope you enjoy wasting your time on such frivolous conspiracy claims.
11/6/2015 03:49:27 am
11/15/2015 08:11:35 am
You are truly delusional! I PERSONALLY KNOW people who were THERE that day and it was ALL TOO REAL! Pictures can be doctored *either way* support ANYONE's agenda, including conspiracy nuts! Sorry, but I will rather believe close friends who witnessed it first hand than some conspiracy nutcase on the web with an agenda!
Brian S. Staveley
9/11/2017 10:54:41 pm
Who specifically did you know there?
I still have some unanswered questions. On April the 23rd of 2013, some surveyers have found a piece of a plane wedged between two buildings just a couple of blocks away.
11/18/2015 04:55:24 pm
Also, i think it is enlightening to finally read something that makes a little sense, off course i knew a lot, but this story puts it all together. Thanks Brian!
12/8/2015 11:19:04 am
12/11/2015 04:56:36 pm
I red all the stories that are written above and totally agree with them this is because they are real and make sense with humanitarian logic.
12/14/2015 07:59:59 am
Ok! you show the evidence where are the arrests? how many years are going to elapse? USA your Government is run by Israel hello?
1/2/2016 01:55:38 pm
As far as I'm concerned the USA IS fucking Israel. We don't have a USA no stinking morre.
12/19/2015 06:13:40 pm
But what about the people who lost family members? I don't think that even government agencies are good enough to get thousands of people to pretend that their loved ones died in 9/11. Don't get me wrong, the 9/11 commission report was far fetched, but, I think the idea of fake dead people is a little too far. Yeah maybe the jumpers were a farce to get emotions flowing more or maybe to make the "this is really happening" feeling hit with more impact. But there is no way they could have faked every death. And to be honest I don't think that there is any person or group of persons who would honestly care to spare the lives of thousands of people if they are already so malicious enough to strike so much fear and loss into the hearts of thousands.
12/20/2015 05:13:25 am
You need to go here for that information, it has been brought up before.
1/2/2016 01:35:28 pm
But wht about looking at their records and matching them to actual people?
1/2/2016 01:54:30 pm
Is this a right wing or left wing event because the 'tolerant' liberals so far have refused to 'tolerate' the truth and there is less of a movement then the Bush era despite nothing new reveled we didn't all ready knew..
1/2/2016 01:32:22 pm
Thank you for posting the truth to the best of your knowledge and you don't have wild exotic weapons or other theories that have no proof whatsoever other then 'See I'm right' in a long winded way.
1/11/2016 07:30:32 am
thanks sir :D
1/28/2016 03:03:44 pm
I absolutely hate this. It is so bogus. FYI i was a firefighter in NY during 9/11 and actually went in North Tower. There was nothing fake about it. I just can't believe this.
2/17/2016 12:26:36 pm
sure you did
Brian S. Staveley
3/3/2016 11:29:10 pm
which ladder did you work for?
Brian S. Staveley
5/4/2016 02:56:38 am
Knew that question wouldn't get an answer. Don't even bother now cuz I wont believe you Jacob this info is completely true! I can tell you the TRUTH. Yes, 9/11 was a tragedy, yes the terrorist were the ones that flew into the building, but they did not do it on their own terms. Back before 9/11 happened, the US was in need of oil, because we were running low. One of Bush's secerataries noticed that Iraq had AMAZING oil refinery. But Bush knew he couldn't go to war with them just for their oil, that would make him look bad, during the election. So, he planned 9/11 and paid members of Al Qudea to fly two planes into the north and south towers, and one into the pentagon. After 9/11, Bush declared war with Iraq for what they did to us, when really it is what President Bush planned. Everyone that works for the government, and future presidents are the only ones to know what had REALLY happened on 9/11.
1/28/2016 04:35:13 pm
For someone that absolutely hates it and says you werein the building, why did you read it for so logng considering you know its complete rubbish?? You said you were a firefighter in there. Which tower and what Ladder did you work for. How many collegues did you lose that day?
2/17/2016 12:29:58 pm
i really love this article still a little confused but ill just go back over it it really is intresting and some people that is saying they were in or their family died from it I dont believe you because why would you read about stuff like this so f off with your bullshit
Jenny from the block
2/23/2016 08:27:12 am
You are all rambling bollocks. DIE
A. Fig. W
3/1/2016 08:04:27 am
Very interesting about there being no contents and not many deaths which is plausible. But if we are to forget about thermite as being part of the controlled demolitions, given that there is a paper already published by Professor Steven E. Jones to actually prove of the existence of thermite taken from a sample retrieved from the dust by demolition on the day, how do you explain the fires under earth that burned for 3 months? Remember that thermite provides it's own oxygen.
My Daddy touches m3
3/3/2016 10:48:55 pm
You guys are stoopid
3/3/2016 11:25:18 pm
This coming from a guy whose screen name is my daddy touches me... ok gotcha. You got anything worse hearing as far as why we are so stoopid? Or is insults all you got??
Brian S. Staveley
3/3/2016 11:30:49 pm
By the way thank you to everyone in the thread that was thanking me. If I didn't get back to you I am sorry. Please feel free to contact my email if you would like to chat about this.
A. Fig. W
3/4/2016 03:39:48 am
Thank you fir the paper but how do you explain the proof of thermite to take the core columbs down? Steven E. Jones lost his job over the paper he published that proves the existence of the substance. You do not support credible evidence in the matter. Which is a shame.
7/31/2016 01:17:10 am
why is me not promoting Stephen Jones a shame???? The thermite argument is like beginner truther candy to me.Also Are you in supportof Jonessupporting a proven lair?? Cuz I am not. He supports Scott Forves power down stoytho which he KNOWS is acomplete lie.
3/3/2016 11:55:27 pm
3/4/2016 12:08:12 am
3/4/2016 03:26:02 pm
Because your question requires an in depth and much better response thanthat guy got. I can respond to his your guys are stoopid crap w a quick reply from my cell phone.. Your thermite question requires much more including showing you material that isn't in front of me while I'm on the road. Once
Caleb B. Knight
10/3/2016 01:10:12 pm
Donald, How the fuck is it fake! I was there when the towers fell!!! I lost my sister in the attack. I want to know how it was fake, send me proof that it is fake and i will take back what i said! You are an ungrateful prix!
3/20/2016 09:51:01 am
Thanks for your story,
3/21/2016 11:29:44 am
I just want to add something to what I posted yesterday in the comments. I was living and working in Ireland when all this happend. It seemed (and felt) as if the whole world went nuts. But already from the start, I and others around me said that it looked like a movie and that it looked like controled demolition. And I've always believed that. I didn't even question the fact that if that was so, it meant that there where people who on purpose killed a lot of people and didn't care about that. That's a scary thought... but I didn't think that is scary, because I believe that happens, if goverments will do it if it serves their purpose. And hell wasn't this serving a purpose. My first thought was, it's Pearl Harbor all over again. Someone needed an excuse to start mayhem, and this was the perfect excuse if I ever saw one... for a string of events that would have never needed to take place.Goverments kill people if needs be for them, thats why organizations as the FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad and many like them excist.
4/5/2016 05:55:29 pm
We must learn that they got away with it. It's been 15 years and we have accomplished nothing. They still walk around a free men.
4/6/2016 12:35:09 pm
You Said "We must learn that they got away with it. It's been 15 years and we have accomplished nothing. They still walk around a free men.
4/24/2016 10:58:57 am
Thanks Mark,
Brian S. Staveley
5/4/2016 03:14:33 am
Nice defeatist attitude.
4/7/2016 06:19:31 pm
Brian! It took me forever to read all this, but I did and all comments. Please post this and a response on your page here, I would appreciate it. First, I want to thank you for all your hard work. I am a fellow truth seeker. I just wanted to ask you a few questions, I don't need long answers unless you feel obliged to do so. It took me forever to find your website. I have internet searched MANY 9/11 topics and this NEVER came up until now. I have come across LRF and that is what lead me to my current state of 9/11. I still don't understand everything but I agree with MANY of the points you have worked on.
4/7/2016 07:41:15 pm
As far as your questions I'll answer the best I can, Im kind of in a rush right now so the ones that require me to watch video I might have to comment on when I get home.
4/8/2016 08:16:01 am
Yea! Don't mind the flat earth question. I don't wanna discredit you with people toward your 911 research. I just think the same people behind 911 are also hiding MUCH about the solar system, and shape and how the earth works. I'm amazed by all the 911 references in various media sources from the past. Well, MANY flat earth references are in the media sources as well. I'm a student and GOOD friend to the Native American community. ALMOST ALL of the tribes I studied and people I have talked to, say the earth is a flat disc. I asked a Lakota elder one day, I was embarrassed but just blurted it out and asked him. He laughed and said "We have always known we live on a flat plane."
Brian S. Staveley
7/31/2016 12:52:39 am
perfect response Well, damn... I'm still trying to like process and take this all in right now. I read through a lot of what you posted today, and checked most of the links out, not all because I didn't have the time.. What you have shown, shared, and researched seems pretty on the money. Though, being from new york myself, not the city part... but remembering it all happen, makes it so hard to grasp and take in. There was a girl I talked to when I was in school, from that area who said that her mother and her passed out sandwiches to the victims.. and so I find myself in this kinda state of shock. In 2008, I went to the site and I believe there must have still been a lot of reconstruction going on rebuilding the the place into the current monument. I remember looking over and thinking... this is crazy, and behind me was a bronze plaque in memory of the soldiers. My sister I believe still to this day has the original newspaper of it, and I remember going to visit family in long island, passing by the city we'd always point out the towers on our way, and the last time must have been in 2000 but I remember the night well as there was fire works, the fourth of july. Anywho, I guess I have a few questions for you, I apologize in advance if they offend you at all.. as i don't mean to be offending im simply just stuck trying to wrap my head around all this. Here goes... 1. I understand this was all staged, though actual witnesses that were there that day, wouldn't they have had a better insight as to what was actually happening? Would there have been any way for them to know , if someone had gone into the building.. the people going out of the windows were fake.. the plane crashing... 2. Was the entire fire squad fake? Surely, it would only seem logical there were actual firemen there trying to control the blaze or people who actually saw them go into the building. Idk.. Just things that are going through my head. Lastly, this is why im still so mixed up. I watched this video today, that literally left my gut wrenched.... the terror in this guy's voice was so hard not to believe... and the exact timing. Have you seen this, and is this also fake? Thank you for your time, hope to hear back!
4/24/2016 11:05:04 am
Hi Cassandra,
7/31/2016 01:02:36 am
Cassandra is this Cassandra Fairbanks from my Facebook?? I'd be happy to answer any questions,. What were they again??? and THANK YOU for being open minded enough to read it all ESPECIALLY being from NYC!!! As Far as firemen questin compartmentilation answers almost all the Fremen and police questions. Station them all over but not in the crime scen and tell them their counterparts are locking thatr area down. very simple to do. IF I miss questions pleaase just re ask or email me DIRECT at [email protected] Brian thank u
4/20/2016 06:13:01 pm
4/20/2016 06:33:37 pm
Brian believe what you choose but I still don't understand why anyone would need to fake such an attack when they're so many wacko's in this world willing to kill to push their agenda! Should we also believe that the wars in the Middle East are all fake? The war on drugs fake?
Brian S. Staveley
4/27/2016 11:30:45 am
So just cuz there are wackos in this world we should disregard all the bullsit they throw at us with this story? Ignore the fake phtoshopped pics of victims? Ignore the 2600 misssing death certificates. IGNORE THE FACT that in the media capitol of the world with over an hour filming on the scene already and NOT ONE PERSON has video of thousands of ppl evacuating the towers?? IN NYC. Rather than question this, I should ignore it cuz of the wackos in the world. Which wackos you know can collpase three towers to dust with two planes after photoshopping and forging memorials, making death records vanish etc....? Changing the topic is always the easy way out. We arent talking about all thoe oter topics. I am not saying they are fake so for you to try and lump me under thay umbrella really isn't fair and does nothing to address the discrepencies and outright forgery in the 9/11 story as I have addressed in depth. Plenty of questions you could ask about whay I said this or that about 9/11.Let's not change the topic to the friggin war on drugs. See how quick you recite the 3000 dead? Why won't you give us the reason they dont have death records? over 2600 of em don't? Why are their pics photoshopped in the memorials?? Its tough to admit you were fooled but its easy to just try n change the topic and avoid the tough questions.
Brian S. Staveley
7/31/2016 01:44:18 am
Mike if 10,000 of your budies all soldiers were asked to fake an attack on our own people and kill 3000 ppl would ou do it???
4/21/2016 07:29:55 pm
Brian S. Staveley
4/27/2016 10:46:27 am
I am so glad you can admit you were fooled as was I. The mistakes are sloppy aren't they?? They can't be denied. ITs so obvious. Look at the fake memorial pics they photoshopped lol. I have no idea if they plan on blowing up the new one or what. Why that date? Probably was in the timeframe they needed their excuse to invade the mideast that's all.
4/26/2016 03:38:19 pm
Thank you guys, impressive observations .. I have 3 questions
4/27/2016 10:43:46 am
Whose pictures are fake? Tons n tons of the so called victims. The 9/11 Memorials were mainly repressented on two websites. voices Of September Memorial and the CNN memorial.They would literally post a pic of an alleged victim in one memorial and in the other memorial rather than use the same pic or a different one of many most ppl have. there are tons of them that are actually fakes, complete photoshops of the other pic from the other memorial. I have examples up here on the site. Let me try to find the link but i definitely have the pics SIDE BY SIDE so you can see rigth here on my hard drive. Email me your email acct Ill send it to you. ITs very very blatant. They literally have pics witha "loved" one but in the opposite memorial you will see the exact same picture BUT WITH THE LOVED ONE PHOTOSHOPPED OUT or the Background changed but the same EXACTY image re used. Not only would it not be in good taste to fake dead ppls pics but what family outta 3000 is going to be okay with the memorials cropping loved ones in or OUT of photos? ZERO. No one would be cool with that. People want to say me questioning things is disrespectful and that's such a joke. Even if you aren't on board with my ideas view the memorial pics I'll show you and try to honestly tell me that they didnt fake a ton of memorial pics. HEre you go. Some of the ones near the bottom Im not 100 percent on but Check out ESPECIALLY the ones with the blue BG. You will notice EVERY PIC has an identical clone of it minus a person or background cropped out. The pics you see that the main person is obviously the same photo, all the lighting,shading, their hair, EVERYTHING. Blatant photoshops. Why would they be photoshopping dead victims from 9/11???? Check this link scroll about halfway down youlll see a ton of em.Its also an excellent followup page to this article. Check the other pages I have as well. You'll see FAKE VICTIM MEMORIAL PICS EVERYWHERE. On that pagfge I also have the pics of the towers PRE and AFTER completion and two years after Cantor Fitzgerald and MArsha Mclennan moved in allegedlly you can stil lsee clear thru the damn bldgs. The floors were never even complete. Im not saying none of them. But a majority. The source for that photo I got from and architectural company that worked on the towers. They have since removed ONE of the two pics off their site, but one remains, I still have em both and you can verify things like this yourself with wayback machines and what not to verify what I am saying,
4/26/2016 03:39:41 pm
Question -
Brian S. Staveley
4/27/2016 11:23:41 am
I really don't know. Obviously its not something Im gonna call around and ask but I have my theories. My guess it simply would get me more attention and make what I'm saying seem more credible to ANYONE paying attention. When I started talking about MEDIA FAKERY on 9/11 like 5 years ago there was literally like 5 of us anywhere with websites talking about it. They made a mockery of the idea and talking media fakery will get you banned from almost any of those fake ass 9/11 truth groups. Pretty crazy that every theory s welcome to be discussed. Things involving technology a lot more advanced and less known to ppl than these simple hollywood style tricks with CGI and Greenscreens. All they would do by shutting e down would be give me credibility.
Oneday I rang a talkback radio station during prime time. I made a whole 45 second phone call about war and how there was going to be one. I gave it all my strength and laid my life down. Two days later the planes hit the buildings.
Brian S. Staveley
5/10/2016 09:56:07 am
Such an excellent rebuttal.
you are all so very very blind and stupid. Your government is the most secretive one you can get. you all suppose its the muslims doing this well I hate to break it to you but your very wrong indeed. your government has killed about 30000 people which funny enough they don't give a damn crap about. they will happily kill half the world to get their point across to you. so get your stories straight and do some research you blind bats.
I think history itself is a lie:
5/16/2016 06:56:05 pm
Hi Brian. I'm from the UK and since 911 I have taken a great interest in what happened that day. I've watched endless videos from that day and personally thought not everything was quite right. I've seen all the so called conspiracy theories broadcast and were quite convinced by many. However there was always a counter active video that smashed all rumours. I've spoken to friends and family but not one will disbelieve that hijackers crashed planes into the twin towers and that I'm stupid to think any differently.
Kevin Crighton
6/6/2016 09:50:37 am
Perhaps true perhaps not, nature is beautiful and so is logic. How on this wonderful planet was it possible for a boeing to bring down such a huge PHYSICALLY strong structure. Why though, was 9/11 suppose to happen? Each and every Government in this world does not belong to the people of this world. We are unfortunately in a scenario where you can choose to be with the government or fight against it, but fighting against it will end up silencing you. Yip, you will disappear.
6/6/2016 10:32:52 am
Thank you very much. Feel Free to email me if you have any further questions. I also have a FB group of about 500 with some really good people in there obviously 9/11 was our biggest story and it was the reason I even got involved but since then all major events like that, whether hoaxes, false flags, conspiracies, etc.... we discuss them all as they unfold. If you'd like to join here is the link.
7/6/2016 03:07:20 pm
I research 9/11 for 8 years. Came up with the exact same conclusion. Good work!!!!
Andrew Trilford
7/25/2016 06:50:31 am
The real truth drives real people, facts are our only hope in living a just life, but time is running out for a generation that cared about what they thought they witnessed that day.
7/26/2016 06:31:05 am
Okay so I'm not saying everything you presented in this paper is untrue but what am I to believe after watching lose change final cut? In that video they don't deni that there were planes used. They don't mention that the networks doctored any video. They also don't deni the death totals. So then tell me how am I to believe anything when I keep hearing 3 or more versions of what really went on that day?
Brian S. Staveley
9/29/2016 01:26:58 pm
and you REALLY BELIEVE a video exposing 100 percent truth of 9/11 would be PROMOTED ON NETFLIX? Of course you are gonna hear different versions. You heard 3? I heard like 40 different versions. You have to learn to use discernment and pick the truth out from amongst the lies. I'm not even saying to trust me. Just be open minded and dedicated enough to try n debunk what I said. try n debunk loose change and other documentaries and watch what you keep coming up with. Loose change pushes the idea of real planes hitting but when you analyze the footage its clear at the VERY LEAST flight 175 was CGI if not ALL THE FLIGHTS. So right there is a huge key point of 9/11 and Loose Change is lying about it. Keep that in mind. I was fooled by them for a while as well. Yes I saw all FOUR VERSIONS of it as well as every 911 documentary you can think of.
Vernon McVety Jr.
7/30/2016 12:07:21 pm
Over 99% of the general population (or anyone ) have never seen a real jet plane crash against real buildings. That's why the lie is so easily accepted by the public. Secondly, hardly anyone now days knows any thing about crash physics and Newton's 3rd law of motion. But any one with even an ounce of knowledge of physics knows those planes are not real. Americans know what trick photography is. They don't give this proper coverage on national TV because it would expose the truth, with the exception of Dr. Morgan Reynolds.
8/18/2016 03:43:49 am
hi,,first i know 9/11 was planned and an inside job but when i read your theory i think its interesting but i have a problem with fake jumepers and no body parts becouse theare are a lot of videos and they cant be fake, they look to real, plese tell me what is wrong with this videos??
9/11/2016 07:39:05 pm
this is bull this is fake you need to just get to the fucking point
Brian S. Staveley
9/29/2016 01:28:29 pm
why cant the videos be fake? Please elaborate
Peter H.
8/25/2016 03:30:59 pm
Even after having seen "September Clues" (including the Addendum parts) I think there remain decisive (not minor) questions as to how 9/11 in NY was actually done. I accept that all images aired on that day are all fake including the collapse scenes.
Semper Fi
9/10/2016 06:57:43 am
Since comments have to be approved, I will be stunned if this appears on your page! But I hope you will read the whole thing.
9/11/2016 01:49:23 pm
9/11 was a follow up by the people who pushed USA into the first world war listen or read the speech of 1961 by Benjamin Freedman
Nivin C George
9/11/2016 04:02:20 pm
Thanks for sharing all your research work in a single article combined with solid proofs. This blog changed my perception towards the media and the Government.
9/12/2016 03:12:48 pm
Brett M
9/12/2016 06:18:12 pm
Wow! Maybe the best blog I've ever read. Well Done Brian.. I believe and agree with pretty much everything you have said in this article.. I have done my own research into this illusion for years. Even though I am Canadian... The problem is no one else believes me when I try to tell them the same thing..
Brett M
9/12/2016 06:19:02 pm
You need to spread this article around the world.. I will do my part.. Would love to hear more..
Robert B
9/18/2016 03:37:28 am
Couple questions. Do the Lets roll forum guys even endorse Judy wood? And is the implication here that much of the event was faked and recorded prior, or that all of it was? And lastly have you been able to verify that no one actually died? Enjoyed the post
9/18/2016 09:39:24 pm
Thanks for the good questions. I have to answer it in this way. I am no longer affiliated with Lets Roll Forms at all anymore. IT has been a real long time like 5 years or so however I will tell you what I currently believe and as far as I know with these few questions they have the same feeling I THINK. Don't quote me on that.
none of your business
9/19/2016 12:56:09 pm
To whoever thinks that 9/11 is fake; you are completely mental and I suggest seeing a doctor, no, I highly recommend it. Why on earth would our government stage such a demonic act? Why would you people even THINK that its fake? There is alot of evidence toward Al-Qaeda and Bin laden. Some people just have the nerve. Yes, I can say our government is not the best, but wouldn't do such a sickening act. Shame on you.
9/12/2017 10:45:46 pm
What evidence ? Bin-Laden was never even charged with the 911. It is the same as Russia and Trump are one. A rumor, does not hold up in a court of law. When you have the nerve to admit, we killed two to three million people from Vietnam ! wounded and killed tens of thousands of our own on a incident, that was faked to start a war.Gulf of Tonkin incident. Same reason for 911. Endless Wars. 50-cent out of every taxpayer dollar, is spent on war. War makes people rich, and stay rich. Now we have no draft, and non-US citizens are joining our ranks. Paid mercenaries, hired, hit men. We have no enemy, so we create them.
9/19/2016 11:13:55 pm
You guys don't have spell check, huh? You want to be taken seriously, yet there are many spelling and grammatical errors throughout your entire report. You are also incredibly redundant and your "research" goes without giving any citations. YouTube videos made by other losers obsessed with conspiracy are not reliable sources, sorry. This all makes you look like you're a few sorry, lonely virgins, passing the time obsessing over stupid shit you see online... You know internet porn is free, right? Get a job, move out of your mom's house, find a nice girl(or any girl), and get a life. Losers.
9/20/2016 09:07:03 am
Your grammar is so bad, I'd be more inclined to think you were an eight year old troll. 'eye am rite, no mttr wat!!!!!' you scream as you throw your spaghetti hoops across the room. Have the decency to check your spelling as you post nonsense about one of the most callous loses of life out there. You probably think Adolf Hitler, or the nuke America sent to Jampn was all CGI too.
Matthew R
9/22/2016 11:50:27 pm
Nice blog Brian.
9/25/2016 12:09:09 am
ok I tried posting some links but accidentally submitted my reply before I was done.
I have read EVERY single comment. I agree with Brian! I believe that 9/11 has happened, but it was not carried out by terrorist. See, the terrorists that boarded the plan, were actually bribed by the Government, in which Bush could send troops over to Iraq to gain control of their oil refinery. Once over their, they would kill anyone and everything. Only the government and future presidents to come know the TRUTH about what happened on that tragic day in american history.
11/20/2016 04:39:57 am
The article is total bullshit.They had to rebuild the towers. Why would they do that if it was a movie.? Scrap iron from it was used to build Beijing Olympics birdnest stadium. And I saw it from my truck. What you are saying is the Media would lie about it, and you're the only one stating the truth. You're full of shit!
Brian S. Staveley
9/12/2017 06:36:13 pm
You are saying my article is full of shit cuz they had to rebuild the towers??? What kind of reply is that? I NEVER said they didn't knock them down!! They came down on 9/11 but with no one inside.
12/8/2016 01:17:50 pm
what is this
12/13/2016 07:37:08 pm
12/17/2016 10:37:05 pm
It has always been a puzzle how the airplanes went right through the outer perimeter of the WTC 1 and 2 with no interference from the massive perimeter vertical and horizontal steel support beams...These aircraft would have been totally destroyed when they hit the would have fallen to the ground..they would not have totally entered the buildings as the pictures indicated.
9/12/2017 01:08:37 pm
On YouTube
Brian S. Staveley
9/12/2017 06:52:11 pm
Who was it that offered the money?
9/12/2017 07:57:49 pm
the same guy, that made the video, I posted above. The guys name is Ace Baker. He personally questions, the helicopter pilot from Fox 5, who claimed to have filmed the plane, hitting Tower 2, and calls the pilot , all but a fraud and lair.The pilot, just happens to be a expert, and owns a company, that specializes in inserting objects,in videos. Ace Baker clams to have a business that does the same thing. Common senses tells me their was no planes. With 14-inch,x14x14x14, 4-inch thick box beams every three feet apart the entire building . A plane of any kind would have been on the street below. With, the exception of a few staged parts, with zero confirmed serial numbers. A terrorist passport survived, but nobody has the name of the person, who gave it to the FBI. Outrageous story.
12/19/2016 08:48:11 am
Forgive me, I had to read this quickly. But you do not seem to explain how the empty towers were taken down and when, if the footage we see is a computer generated film?
Richards Stone
12/19/2016 08:20:49 pm
Dear Influential Individual, We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization. Maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal. We are the Illuminati. The Illuminati is a collective of prominent figures throughout the world who have united to guard the human species from extinction. Our members bear the burden of a planet’s leadership with the lives of 7 billion in their hands. As the human continues to rise above its other animal counterparts, governing of the planet has turned into a daunting task. In return for their loyalty, our ranking members are presented the opportunity for lives of limitless wealth and opportunity. Once a member, the requirements are unimposing and often spaced between many years. Our requests are simple and therefore may be hard to comprehend, but disloyalty is not tolerated. You must understand this before applying. Members must fulfill their oaths to the Illuminati under every circumstance and recognize that they are merely one part of a much larger Universal Design. For centuries, our organization has separated individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock, and established them as shepherds of the human species. Perhaps you have already proven yourself in these fields. For that, the Illuminati officially congratulates you. Your dedication gives hope to us for the future of the human species. If you would like to continue to become a member kindly contact the following for more information-
1/10/2017 07:04:58 pm
Hello Brian,
frank smith
1/16/2017 05:51:30 pm
Henry Horschel
1/19/2017 07:27:26 am
Moon landing was a movie, so I can see 9-11 was also a movie, from your report.
Brian S. Staveley
9/12/2017 06:34:27 pm
EXACTLY! All made for TV. I have a moon hoax blog I think you would enjoy as well.
mr smith
4/14/2017 12:44:38 pm
mr smith
4/14/2017 04:39:36 pm
11/17/2017 03:35:19 pm
goog job. i found this text. but this no full. it is interesting to call all 43 names.
8/13/2017 07:19:36 pm
I've often considered that perhaps 9/11 was a staged event. Mostly because of how quickly they were able to get to the bottom of what supposedly happened, and who was involved, the convenient phone calls made by the victims, etc, etc. This information was all very insightful, and while I wouldn't say I'm sold on the idea that the whole thing was fake I am leaning more in that direction now. Especially with all the other hoaxes that have recently come to light. Great research.
9/12/2017 06:33:27 pm
Thank you for taking the time and having an open mind. Please check out some of my radio shows on 9/11. Since you have this info now I would suggest our 9/11 anniversary 2012 page. It has all the evidence discussed and audio on the same page. |