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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
_ The War Drum Beats On and On. Next Stop Iran.
This piece right here is to raise awareness to the everyday American who has no idea what is going on with our international affairs particularly Iran. Many of you as I did for many years thought the United States was the world police and we need to stop worrying about everyone else. That is not the case. The truth is we are an empire now. An empire on a conquest to take over the whole world. We have been invading people unjustly for years and years. Beleive me I am all for defending ourselves when attacked or even when provoked. That I believe is the case with most Americans. The deception lies in the original attack. The attack that drags us into war is almost always staged by us to get us into the war. I could give you example after example after example. Later in this piece I will just give you a few. I will start with ones a few years back in the past where it is now public knowledge that we staged the attack on ourselves to draw us into conflict.This is the same strategy being used today with Iran. They are telling us Iran is developing Nukes. Sound familiar(Iraq). Nuclear weapons are the ultimate scare tatic. Did you know how many violations Iran has recieved due to its nuclear program? How many times has the IEAI flagged them? ZERO. Its never happened. They are not developing Nukes and as a matter fo fact Pinetta slipped up and said Iran was NOT developing a nuclear weapon. Well thats funny isnt that the opposite of what the media and the government is telling us? They tell us things like they are only a year away from having launch capabilities. ITs bogus. This is the sort of thing that would get the American people scared, then when they are scared they look to government for protection. After that they go along with the bombing of Iran because they think it is neccessary to be safe from them when in fact there never was a threat. Just another clever campaign by the establishment to demonize another nation and strike fear into its own citizens. They tried baiting Iran into conflict by flying drones over their airspace. Then we make a big deal A. when they don't return it which is LAUGHABLE and B. by saying they were somehow hostile to shoot it down! Thats a joke. Wouldnt any nation blast another countries spy drone right outta the air?? They lie to you on so many fronts to get you to support their war monger actions against another sovereign nation, Iran. They tell you their president said "He was going to wipe Israel off the map" This is ANOTHER purposely BOTCHED translation. Don't beleive everything or even anything you see on TV. Get a real translator and see what he really said. He said something to the effect of " We need to be rid of the REGIME is Israel". Now isnt that much different? Who are we to tell them if they can and can't have nukes. They let the inspectors in. They found nothing so once again just like in Iraq we don't give a damn what the inspectors say unless they found something in our favor! Isn't it funny we are the world police on nukes but we are the only ones to ever nuke a whole city and we did it twice!!!?? We spewed all this propaganda about Iraq. Said we had to remove Saddam because he had WMDs. Did you know that we have been using nuclear weapons in Iraq. Isn't that ironic. We kill him but then we radiate the battlefiled ourselves with tons of Depleted Uranium weapons. Our own troops are dying from this and getting extremely sick. Cancer and other illnesses. Still think the war is worth it? So we have decided to take the Iranian situation into our own hands. Since they won't cease on the nuclear ENERGY developement we have started ASSASINATING IRANIAN SCIENTISTS!!! Just recently they blew one up with a car bomb. Gee what is the word for that???? OOOO yeah TERRORISM! We are the terrorists! Terrorizing the entire world. As if this wasn't enough the US governemnt reached into its bag of tricks and pulled outthe o so popular 9-11 card. That's right. You didn't know. Iran was behind 9-11 now!! Haha. That is funny. If you have not seen it yet you must see the Iranian president standing up a I think it was a UN meeting and he tells everyone how much of a scam 9-11 was. The American diplomats not wanting to have to answer to any of it, got up and walked out of the meeting! We also have the situation a few months back we once again trying to get into a war we told everyone that the Iranian's actually hired an assasin who was part of the Mexican Drug Cartels we ship guns to, to actually assasinate a Saudi ambassador on US Soil. Totally bogus claim and the cartel that supposedly was contacted, the guy turned out to be an FBI informant. How convienent. Now should also mention we have been meddling in their afairs for over 60 years! In 1953 the CIA staged terror attacks and a propaganda campaign against the people of Iran. We gunned down civilians, blew up school buses and mosques! Then we blamed it on Muhammed Mossadeq and even dropped pamphlets thru the air. Down with Allah, up with Mossadeq. This started a successful coup and he was removed. Still wonder why so many people have a distain for Americans? We have been trying to drag Iran into war desperately. We will keep trying. Don't buy into any of the BS floated out by the media. They are not developing nukes,they want to remain a sovereign nation and stay financially independent and that is the main reason we want to attack them. Whenever your nations finances aren't controlled by a central controlling bank which I believe are under control of the Vatican but it maybe the Rothchild's as some would say well, then they send NATO after you. I have attached a couple of videos I'd like you to check out. The first one here is a great interview of the Iranian preident. You need to listen to this. They ask him how he feels about the way they potray him in the western media as a war monger and a terrorist. You need to hear his answer! He makes a great point. If Iran was this aggresive war hungry nation you would see Iranian forces in all other countries over the world. You can not name me one of those countries because they do not exist. Iran is not in any other country. We know who is. and here is a quick history on our relations with Iran including the coup in 1953 Operation Ajax Here is a brief timeline of events that we STAGED to draw us into war. 1941 We knew the Japanese we coming. We even knew the date and time of the attack.After Pearl Harbor we were in the war 1964 The Gulf of Tonkin incident - We staged an attack on our own ships in waters next to Vietnam. We blamed it on them even though they never fired on us , even after being fired at first. After this "attack" we were fully in the Vietnam War... 1991 We stage a news conference with a "nurse" who states Iraqi soldiers were leaving babies on the floor to die at a hospital. Then we were in Desert Storm. Trying to oust a dictator we put in place and armed to fued with Iran! 2001 9-11. This gets no justice in a quick mention so please read my blog on 9-11 as well but to make a long story short we blamed Osama Bin Laden for the attacks when it was totally impossible for him to have done what they said. The US staged this event to rol out their plan to take over the whole mid east. This event not only drew us into the Afghan War but it drove us into endless words. They have a new catchphrase, Terrorism. When in fact the terrorists don't wear turbins. They were 3 piece suits and work at places like Bank of America, Halliburton, Monsanto, the CIA, etc................. Since this event they use it as an excuse for everything. Not only invading nation after nation unjustly, but also its used as an excuse to strip us of any liberties they see fit. It's the ultimate fear monger tactic.. To read my 9-11 piece exposing the hoax click here! 2003 Iraq. Just two years after 9-11 We invaded Iraq. The public did not support it at first like the establishment thought they would. They tried to blame Iraq even though there was not a single Iraqi involved in the attacks. They tried to say Al Queda was training in Iraq. No one bought that either. Then he said Saddamm had WMDs even though the inspectors found no evidence of such. Iraq was on the short list on nations who didn't have their finances run by a central controlling(Rothchild or Vatican)bank. The terror list Fox news shows you,with the worst terror states in the world? It goes or it went I should say like this "Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, N Korea" . The list of nations left in the world that are not controlled by a central bank is a very short list. Here it is "Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, N Korea, Cuba" Sound familiar? Its the same list. They are not terror nations. They are our next targets for among other reason, finances. If you say its for oil or resources you are not wrong, but the most important agenda to them in many cases is running their economy so they can play with the numbers on a global scale. Being financially independent is what is saving some countries from ending up like Greece! 2011 Libya . This time they used a different strategy. It is very common now. It's called an attack under the guise of a humanitarian intervention. We cause some sort of chaos and then we act like the heroes bringing in the military to stop whatever forces when in fact it was us all along and we just blamed another regime for attacking its own people when it wasn't true. This is such a common method now. You see it all the time. In Libya's case not only were they financially independent but he was going to put the whole country on a gold backed currency called the Dinar. As a matter of fact Ghadafi was going to place the ENTIRE CONTINENT OF AFRICA on it. He was backing it with almost 100 billion of his own money. The US couldn't let him do that, especially since in my opinion they will be in Africa for many years tapping it dry of its resources. It will be our new middle east. We couldn't have our dollar be obsolete in all those markets. So we went on the news and told everyone that he was actually killing his own civilians with his Air Force. So here comes the heros with the "humanitarian intervention". There was nothing to intervene on! It never happened. Russian satelites and tons of witnesses on the ground and lack of ANY evidence confirms that. A few months later Ghadafi was out. Another coup in the mideast led by us, just like Egypt. I could give you many many more examples of this. Actually the hard thing would be finding an attack that was legit and unprovoked against us. So as you see on the news how Iran did this or Iran did that, don't buy into any of it. As a matter of fact we are assasinating their scientists right now! Just killed one and injured 2 others with a car bomb. What does that sound like to you? Terrorism right? This is being done by Mossad and the CIA and MEK. Those are the terrorists. The things I have said here are 100 percent true. Please look into them. Now that you know how unjust these wars are, I want you to see this video. US Marines standing over Afghans they killed, which is bad enough but they are pissing on them! Yes urinating on the dead bodies and having a good time doing it. This is despicable and while we are at war these people still represent you. Now with that being said anyone that knows me knows I support the troops 100%. Supporting the troops does not mean you have to support the unjust wars! I want them to stay home and stay healthy for their families and themselves. It is the people calling the shots I blame. Yes in this case these marines are despicable, but to some extent that blame needs to fall on the bureaucrats who made them go occupy other people's land and train them to be ruthless killers. I believe in all honesty that 90 percent of the troops believing they ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOM. The brainwashers and spin doctors got to them already just like the media got to most of you. I think there are only like 5% that know what we are doing is so wrong yet they don't care. Then I think there is another 5% that know the truth. That we are the aggressor attacking all these peaceful nations, but they are trapped. They can't go AWOL, but they know. It eats away at them everyday and to those brave men I say thank you. We know you tried to do the right thing. When you get home do your part and speak out against these attricities so we can shed some light on the matter and bring the war criminals to justice. There are millions of lives at risk here. Who's next after Iran? Syria? N. Korea? When will it end? There is no need for ANY of these wars. No one wants a piece of us. They aren't lining up to attack us even though that's what Uncle Sam wants you to think. We are constantly attacking ourselves to draw us into any war we want. WHY? $$$. There is a ton of $$$ to be made of war. It is also huge in getting elected officials a higher approval rate and backing for any legislation they want to push through. Just look at the Patriot Act or the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011. They would never have been able to even propoe these unamerican pieces of legislature 11 years ago, but 9-11 they have been able to do anything they want! They spy on us, track us, lock us up for absurd sentences even for things like videotaping the police. These are all results of these wars. The people in Iran, Syria, Yemen and anywhere else are just like you and I. They love their children. They go to work to hopefully be able to pay all their bills. Some of them watch sports or danciing with the stars. Other read books. Some like shopping. None of them want to blow you up. See there are positive things you can take out of this blog. You should know that the world is not nearly as scary of a place as they want you to believe. People don't want to take down skyscrapers with people in them, they don't want to explode your car or any of that. They just want to be free and we are all victims of our oppressive and/or corrupt governments. They are trying to censor us from speaking with people in these regions. I have talked with a few people in these nations and not only do they not want our "help". None of the stuff we here is going on over there is, no government killing protestors or kidnapping people. Turn off the television. It totally warps your perception on reality. Thank you for reading this blog. We touched on a lot of things but if you are thirsting for more, check out the rest of our blogs. We have not only myself but also Justin Cooke and Mike Dammann. Two excellent writers with a lot of good material. It's all up @ and if you use RSS Feeds here is ours That is the link and RSS to all of our blogs. You can click on any tag word on the right to find an article about that within our blogs, or you can select an author by clicking his pic or name. Thank you everyone, Brian S Staveley Founder of We Do Radio Shows Every Tuesday or Wednesday Night At 9PM ET. Click The Above link. You'll See The Show. _
Hey guys I am so sick of all the promoting of Wikileaks by everyone lately. In my opinion it is a bunch of bullshit that was put out to make Israel look good and let out some non-damaging info that we already know. They really tried to sneak in something about Iraq actually having WMD's. The "cables" that were released were just part of the game. Many of the people who were "targeted" were people who are friends to the NWO. Hillary Clinton even put on a good act. Sorry guys, nothing to see here. Let's be honest: Do u really believe that Interpol and the US government cannot find Assange? Is he the new Osama? His ties go from the Rothshilds banking family to the CIA, Pentagon, and Mossad. This is all part of the plan to take the internet down in favor of "Internet 2". They also want to make Israel look squeaky clean and as I have said the ones on the US are not very dangerous. Bill O'Reilly among others are playing along with this. Why would the lamestream media choose to give this that much coverage. They can just pretend it did not even happen like they have done with Building 7. Don't get me wrong. I am glad that people are realizing the US is committing war crimes but like I said these were hardly harmful or anything new. They earned your trust with the "Collateral Murder" video and the 9/11 text messages. Don't fall for this guys. In my opinion it stinks to high heavens! "Isn't this the guy who Bruce Willis killed in Diehard 1?" John Scott Here's a catalog of links showing Wikileaks and Assange is a big psy-op. Webster Tarpley pt. 1 (Watch all 3 parts) Wikileaks: Brought to you by the CIA These guys nailed it back in July Wikileaks Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden alive Osama bin Laden is alive and playing a key role in directing the war in Afghanistan, leaked US military files suggest. Something stinks about Wikileaks! Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family WikiLeaks founder: Netanyahu believes exposé will aid Mideast peace Wikileaks and Alex Jones preparing you to accept future internet censorship Will the real Wikileaks please stand up. (Excellent article) CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks (Awesome article)Julian Assange, CIA Agent Provocateur Governments using Wikileaks to spread disinformation ? Julian Assange on 9/11 truthers Wiki pushing WMD propaganda Wikileaks Israeli Intel Operation (1 of 3) Jeff Gates - Mark Glenn - Wiki Leaks #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} #avg_ls_inline_popup{position: absolute;z-index: 9999;padding: 0px 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;overflow: hidden;word-wrap: break-word;color: black;font-size: 10px;text-align: left;line-height: 130%;} |
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP