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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
Facebook was setup by the C.I.A. Try telling that to most people and they laugh at it. People seem to think its a coincidence that Facebook seems to be so intrusive over and over again. Privacy policies that would make anyone scratch their head. I'm not going to beat around the bush with this blog post. Facebook was setup by the C.I.A. as a data mining project to collect as much information on as many people as they could. Not only that but it also has very strong ties to D.A.A.R.P.A. . The purpose of this data mining project that became Facebook was to find out a boat load of things on people. Where they are going. What they are doing. What airline are they using Who do they associate with What type of books or movies have you been reading. How you feel about things politically. The list goes on and on. Before I elaborate let me say that my prior statement about Facebook being setup by the C.I.A. isn't a theory or a hunch. If you simply follow the money its quite easy to see what is going on. Before we follow this money trail, just think about this. If Facebook was setup by the C.I.A. (and it was) its a pretty brilliant plan. Never before have the people they want to watch actually given up so much information VOLUNTARILY! The C.I.A. doesn't even have to dig for most of it. People put it right out there. Think about how descriptive some people's status updates are. They tell you where they are going, who they are with sometimes, what they like. All these things. Did you know that once Facebook has you tagged in ONE PHOTO they have you identified anytime an image of you is uploaded whether it is tagged, labeled, or anything else to ID it? Facebook runs facial recognition on all photos and can even ID you by running it on some really low resolution shots, and its done for free! Does that sound like something a website would do for free? There are some much more intrusive things Facebook does to track you and every site you visit that you probably don't know about. All this without visiting Facebook or even needing to be a member!! After I tell you about the money trail and the start of Facebook we will get into more of these privacy issues and there are a lot. The facial recognition is just the tip of the iceberg. Before we do all that let's have a quick history lesson, the way I do history. With the ACTUAL TRUTH. The movie "The Social Network" was a big hit. It was supposedly all about the start of Facebook from a college dorm room to a multi billion dollar corporation in Palo Alto California. They left out some very interesting things that you all should know. That movie in itself was not about entertainment. It was propaganda to fortify the Facebook lie. Let us go back to the year 2003. 2003 is the year before Facebook officially launched outside of just the dorms at Harvard University. It launched in early 2004. Now in the movie and in the I guess what you could call the "official story" Mark Zuckerberg gets a 500,000 dollar investment from Peter Thiel some big shot exec out on the west coast. With this 500,000 investment Peter Thiel became some thing like a 7-8% owner of Facebook. So for Thiel obviously seeing as Facebook is valued at over 30 billion dollars he made quite the sound investment. This was a huge deal to Mark Zuckerberg. Now he had all the startup money he would need and then some. 500,000 dollars is a lot more than he needs to start a website, buy some servers, and hire some programmers, and it was supposed to be. It was Peter Thiel buying his way into the company. He had to pay something. Now supposedly in the process they screwed one of the other friends of Mark, gave him a tiny percentage and took his name of the mast head. Which they made a big deal about and we will talk about why. Peter Thiel made a huge investment and he wanted his name displayed on the site as one of the owners and rightfully so. Eduardo Saverin made a big stink because his name was taken off. So you see its kind of a big deal. Remember this for later. So they take the money and relocate to California. Facebook takes off so fast. This was in Early 2004. This all happened within a couple of months of Mark launching the site. So they were building it in 2003 in their dorm room and it launched in the beginning of 2004 . This 500,000 investment would also be in early 2004.That's how they got the money to move out to California. Well you know what would have been a lot better than a 500,000 dollar investment? How about a 12.7 million dollar investment? How about a 12.7 million dollar investment from Uncle Sam? Funny how we didn't hear about this one huh? That's 25 times greater of an investment than the one the make a big deal about in the movie. This huge investment of $12.7 million came from James Breyer who is closely associated with a venture capital company called InQtel established by the CIA in 1999 and he served on the board of BBN. InQtel deals in information technology and intelligence most notably “nurturing data mining technologies”. So Zuckerberg actually got an investment over 25x greater than the 500,000 dollar investment and there is no mention of it anywhere! Remember we talked about how much pride these guys took in having their names on the mast head. It makes sense. You put in all that money to help someone get a project off the ground you deserve some recognition. James Breyer's name is not mentioned anywhere. Now remember Thiel put in 500,000 and got 7% of the company. So what would almost 13 million get you? Well if my math is right it, if you used the same scale as Thiel it would be over 140% of the company. Something doesn't add up here huh? Starting to think the Thiel investment is complete BS. Either way that is certainetly not the important point. The point is they only mention Thiel and not the guy who threw in over 25 x more money. Almost 13 million put on a college kid's dreams? Sounds kinda far fetched doesn't it? Why soooooo much money? That is enough to statup a 1000 social networks! Now why would he want to invest that much? Well look at where he is coming from. He sits on the board of a C.I.A. front company that specialized in using the internet to data mine and find out what people are doing. Where they are going. Who they are with. etc,etc,etc.... What's that sound like to you? Then there is the D.A.A.R.P.A. connection. A brief summary on D.A.A.R.P.A. for those that don't know. They invented the internet. They are under the dept of defense. They are actually working on liquid metal robots like in Terminator 2. These are the types of things they do. They would be the most cutting edge inventors for the government and military. Super high tech stuff. Things we can't even imagine exist, they play with every day. D.A.A.R.P.A. is tied into all this as well. The D.A.A.R.P.A. connection: Dr. Anita Jones former Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the U.S. Department of Defense. While with D.A.A.R.P.A. her responsibilities included serving as an adviser to the Secretary of Defense. Dr. Jones was also served on the board of directors for InQtel and is now employed by BBN. This is the same board James Breyer sits on. He is also employed by BBN D.A.A.R.P.A. runs the Information Awareness Office whose task it is to collect data on as many people as possible. Their website is full of references to the war on terror, terrorism and terrorist. The IAO claims its programs are for identifying and responding to threats of terrorism. Facebook is an extension of the IOA I.A.O.’s Mission Statement: Information Awareness Office is to gather as much information as possible about everyone in a centralized location for easy perusal by the United States government. Including but not limited to: internet activity, credit card purchase history, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, drivers license, utility bills, tax returns and any other available data. Hmmmm. What website does this sound like??? Facebook has become the world largest database on people. That is admitted. But do you see how simple this is. Let's sum it up from the truth side of things. In the year 2003 James Breyer is working on a project with Anita Jones and one other Fellow for DAARPA where they are trying to find a way to use the internet to get as much information on people as possible. Things like....Where they are going. What they are doing. What airline are they using Who do they associate with What type of books or movies have you been reading. How you feel about things politically. What makes you angry. Where you vacation. They even wanted to track things like internet activity, credit card purchase history, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, drivers license, utility bills, tax returns and any other available data. now granted all those things aren't on Facebook YET but a few more of them are than you think. What do you think happens when you use Facebook to log into a site cuz its easier than remembering all your log ins? Before you answer, remember who's behind it. So in 2003 these people under DAARPA & the C.I.A. are working on this project and they just happen to throw a college kid 12.7 million dollars because they like his passion?? LMAO! Nope heres the truth and they knew you wouldn't believe that! That's why Breyer and his 12.7 million are never mentioned. You've never heard of him or any corporation he represents having any stake in Facebook. They tell you Zuckerberg is one of the richest people in the world valued over 30 billion dollars. Maybe. Its possible and I won't stick on this point to long but I doubt it. It's a CIA Project! Maybe, Maybe in the begining it was really started as his and his buddies idea and Breyer and his cohorts bought it off them right before it went viral and they (CIA,DAARPA) told them to take a hike and the CIA been running it since, but i think it was probably just the IAO project from the start and Zuckerberg is just part of the story. He's probably well payed but not in the billions. The purpose of Information Awareness Office was to gather as much information as possible about everyone in a centralized location for easy perusal by the United States government. That's exactly what Facebook does and much more. The People running the IAO gave facebook 25x more startup money than the guy they glorify in the movie. I think it's safe to say Facebook is CIA. Facebook is D.A.A.R.P.A which falls under the Dept. Of Defense. This is clear as day when you follow the money. 13 million to start a website? Look who it came from and the timing of their data mining project. This is the data mining project. Isn't it so clever? Think about it. People are dying to actually give them information. So now that you know, if it really bothers you just stay off Facebook right? Wrong! There are some serious privacy issues that should concern ANYONE using the web. Facebook has gotten so big that every site nowadays has Facebook buttons on it. Share buttons under all the articles. Like buttons on the page right? I mean it's everywhere. Do you remember how quick it caught on? You know Myspace was a lil bit younger of a crowd generally but it was huge at one point with over 100 million users before Facebook was even born and there weren't myspace share things everywhere like there are Facebook. Myspace wasn't CIA or DEPT Of Defense run. Well as far as I know. Almost any website you go to now has facebook like buttons on it. Well they do that because they know Facebook is really popular and website have tailored to their customers and visitors needs. People want to share so if you don't have these buttons they might use another site. Even I have Facebook and every other type of share option on my websites. Do you know that ANY WEBSITE that has one of these Facebook buttons on their site, just one that Facebook then uses that and tracks what website you exit to??!! This is ANY SITE with a Facebook button. So if I go to ESPN and read an article and there are Facebook buttons on that site, Facebook is going to know where I go next! It is going to actually be able to place a cookie or whatever it is on me and see where my IP address goes next!! Now first off obviously if your going to something personal like a porn site or a gambling site or whatever it is you do you don't want the world knowing, FACEBOOK KNOWS!!! Now not only that it works like links in a chain. When you leave ESPN lets say and go to Joe Smoe's Cleaning site and there are no share options chances are next site you go to isn't another Joe Smoe's type of site. The next site because Facebook is soooo big now will most likely have at the very least one of these buttons and BOOM you are being tracked again!!! You do NOT NEED TO CLICK ANY OF THE FACEBOOK BUTTONS for this to occur! Not only that you do not need to be a Facebook member! Facebook has almost taken over the web. Its Facebook vs Google Right?? Ya right. Thats one of those false sneses of choice. Sure you can choose. NSA(Google) or CIA(Facebook) Facebook is so big some companies like say a car company, I see it a lot with them, they plug their Facebook page on their commercials and not their own site. They made Facebook so cool and popular that people not even in on it are unwillingly opening back doors for the government to track their website's visitors when they leave. Now you know why Facebook is so embedded everywhere. Now think about everything I said and then look at the new timeline. See how intense the tracking is? That's a C.I.A. job my friends! Now Facebook is actually giving Politico access to your private, yes PRIVATE messages, statuses and links. I posted the story a few days ago and here is a small excerpt from it. Most notably, the Facebook-Politico data set will include Facebook users’ private status messages and comments. While that may alarm some people, Facebook and Politico say the entire process is automated and no Facebook employees read the posts. Rather, every post and comment — both public and private — by a U.S. user that mentions a presidential candidate’s name will be fed through a sentiment analysis tool that spits out anonymized measures of the general U.S. Facebook population. How does this make you feel? You think they wouldn't ever go back on your timeline and use something you said on Facebook against you legally??? I wouldn't bet on it. You know D.A.A.R.P.A. invented the internet. One of the reasons I believe they did it was to track our every thoughts. Think about it. You would think technically speaking they were not capable of tracking all your thoughts but they made this internet thing. Think about how much thought is expressed online. With people that use the computer a lot like I do you could say way more than half my thoughts are tracked. Many of those they might call anti government even though we both know its just anti tyrannical government with me.Think of how clever they are. They invent this thing to track our thoughts. We are giving into it right now! I'm expressing all this through their thought filters and you are letting them know what you like to read about. Pretty f'ed up when you think about it like that isn't? They always plan years and years ahead. They are so clever just think again about Facebook. They are literally sucking data right outta people's brains. You have people that post way too much personal stuff and they love it. You have people like me that probably express myself a lot more than most would feel safe doing. Facebook was a well thought out plan and it is basically running the world wide web. Any site with a FB button tracks where you go next. Think about all the privacy issues. Have you ever taken the time to read their privacy policies? Pretty intrusive and honestly quite absurd. Facebook is run by the CIA. Its the biggest data mining operation in the world and somehow they made that cool. I'll close this out with something I was going to save for another blog but lets throw it all out there. We talk of these clever inventions with incredible foresight that predict people's reactions years ahead of time. I'm talking about them (D.A.A.R.P.A., CIA) inventing the internet, Facebook and the other invention I know they had a part in, the smart phone. Your smartphone is awesome! It doesn't even really matter which one. They all function like computers, have apps, HAVE FACEBOOK. They have nice cameras and even video camera, GPS, and on and on right? Why do you think they are so cool? Just like they wanted to track your thoughts so they were so clever they created the internet. They wanted to track you!! Simply track you, GPS style!! Would you EVER agree to carry around a personal GPS for the government to track you? No of course you wouldn't! So they build them into the phones and make the phones so freakin cool you can't leave home with out it can you??? I know I can't. Then what do you know. Look at the stories that came out this year. I've talked about these a lot on my radio shows. It comes out that first the IPHONE then shortly after The Droid were both SECRETLY LOGGING YOUR LOCATION EVEN WHEN YOU THOUGHT YOUR GPS WAS OFF!!!!!! This was not an accident. these manufacturers left back doors open for governments from the start. See what I am saying? They were made so cool with all these apps and everything else so you would ALWAYS carry one. Then they can ALWAYS track whoever they want, whenever they want. No warrant, no hassle. Don't you wonder with all the advances in technology as the years go by how did the cell phone batteries get so much WORSE???? LOL. They didn't. they are being drained because yuor phone is secretly running GPS or at least sending reports every few minutes! As if all this wasn't bad enough it was then found out that all different phones from all the major carriers in the United States were actually running KEY LOGGING SOFTWARE on the phones! A key logger is a computer program that logs every key you press. Everything you type. Every password. Everything you look at. EVERYTHING you do. You think this is all a coincidence? I am done with coincidences. Here is a link to the video and a few articles I posted a few months back showing you the keylogging software running and logging every key pressed on the phone in the video. This isn't limited to one carrier or manufacturer. It's popping up everywhere. I can't think of a bigger invasion of privacy. EVERYTHING. Every text, everything you type, every person's picture you look at. All tracked and logged. Privacy is dead. Free speech is next. After I finished this one of my fellow researchers in my Real News Online Facebook Group posted the logo for the IAO. You're gonna love this one. Look at the picture at the bottom. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: About a month after posting this a new article was put out by Lifehacker that actually shows you how to STOP Facebook from tracking you via these other sites! It's a really good article. Here is a link to it. Thank you for reading my blog. If you enjoyed it, please share it!! Thanks Everyone, Brian S Staveley. The Real News The Real Facebook Logo(I didn't mean literally for the people that emailed me how they haven't seen this logo anywhere.)
The text below is from a link off of theintelhub. I will link the whole article if you want to read through it. My personal feeling is that ELENIN may not be real, or is being grossly overexxagerated by many in the Alternative News. Is it possible for them to fake a comet or Near Earth Object to make it look like "Natural Disasters" are really natural? Could this be a huge psy-op to cause Earthquakes with HAARP/scalar technology to set off the New Madrid fault line, and the huge Volcano at Yellowstone not to mention the many nuclear plants around the World? These "people" control every aspect of our lives. It is not hard to imagine them wanting to scare the living shit out of us to create negative energy, and make us think that there was nothing that they could do to save us all. How are they so confident in their DUMBs if this is truely an un-stoppable event that could even kill them if the worst reports that I have seen are indeed true. There is a lot of suspicious stuff about ELENIN. For starters the man who found this comet/dwarf star is barely known or even findable on the net. Leonid Elenin has only 1 or 2 images available total while Astronomers who have found other comets have many pictures of them. Is Leonid Elenin a real person? Recently on CNN Paul Krugman talked about the need for a false Alien invasion to boost the economy and unite the World. I maybe reaching on this, but what if the "New Agers" who have been promoting all of the Planet X/Nibiru stuff are just pawns in a huge game where they may fake an ET invasion like NASA's Project Bluebeam? Every You Tube video that I have seen that promises "proof" of ELENIN's arrival have not convinced me. Especially the videos where there are reportedly 2 Suns. "Sun Dogs" anyone? What if they do give us a hologram show, but instead of Jesus, Mohammed, or aliens we see a holographic comet/dwarf star? Many trusted and respected researchers are buying this, but I have trouble doing so. Something was strange about the "leaked" NASA notes as well. I believe that ELENIN is code for Eleven Nine. That translates to November 9th 2011(11/9/11) or 9/11 backwards What do you guys think? For something that has supposedly been censored for National Security there seems to be alot of information going around, and ELENIN os also an easy cop out for the Japan quake(s) for which there is alot of evidence that it was manufactured. Is thiswhat all of the distractions (Ron Paul Straw Poll and Presidential race, Casey Anthony, Quartzite, Arizona Martial Law, debt ceiling, Bin Laden, SEAL Team 6, etc.) are for? Here's the link and below this text is an excerpt from the article: Article excerpt)What seems even more suspicious is the fact that the White House was warned by NASA late last year that there was a possible threat from outer space now facing the nation and a deflection campaign would need to be implemented. This document was signed by Eric P. Holdren. The White House document was released October 15, 2010 a few months prior to the so called “discovery” of comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) discovered by Leonid Elenin with an 18″ telescope. The strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object, a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly. It appears the ELENIN is some type of advanced warning system (used in conjunction with NASA’s JPL) for the elites, upper echelon military, and people in-the-know to decipher upcoming earth change events prompted by another object (classified) that has entered our solar system. There has been manydocumented earth changes that have taken place on or near ELENIN’S alignment dates(when ELENIN is in alignment with other objects) including the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami disaster of 2011. The JPL orbital diagram and data seems to be fictitious and reverse engineered into some type of advanced encrypted database for the upcoming event anticipated. ELENIN, according to some researchers stands forExtinction Level Event Notable Impact November, also encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID (a meteor shower that peaks in November). This also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases worldwide at a rapid rate and mass graves for U.S. citizens which were exposed worldwide on March 25, 2009 on the Alex Jones Show by Shepard Ambellas Of The Intel Hub. On Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that would be catastrophic) However, this, according to our sources as well as independent researchers, is some sort of military code and ELENIN is not a physical object. IfELENIN is not a real object we might be expecting a major earth change, a solar event caused by another space object, (possibly 2005 YU55) or a staged attack. We must also be open to the idea that this is all a psyop for an event that the elites are going to purposely cause and blame on Elenin. It is equally important to take into consideration the FEMA/FCC Take over drill that is set to take place on November 9, 2011, the very same day that asteroid 2005 YU55 threatens to hit earth and/or the moon. It seems almost surreal that this information all lines up the way it does, and is still currently under a full scale investigation by The Intel Hub. Also one most ponder the fact that if there was some catastrophic event that is destined to take place in the near future, would the governments of the world plan to have us in martial law and populations under control before the event, or would they wait until after? The plan fits all to well, keep your ears to the ground.Please comment. I'd love to know what other researchers think. It's too good to be true(for them)...Out of the DUMBs after all of this mayhem, the NWO will emerge like a phoenix. I know many of you are buying this, but as you can tell I'm very suspicious. |
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP