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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
Why do I not support Ron Paul you ask? I do not support him because he is just another false hope. Just like Obama was in 2008. He is gonna come in and save us??? Give me a break! He is cleverly marketed with this whole agenda of the media being against him. Yes they are blackballing him but it is all part of the plan to build him up amongst all the people who don't agree with the status quo. Then there are his connections. He is propped up to no end by the biggest shill dis-info agent out there, Alex Jones. Many of the Ron Paul supporters wouldn't even know who he was if it were not for Jones. Jones says jump they say how high? Now besides Alex Jones, Ron Paul has many other questionable connections. Including taking money from David Duke. Now not only did he just take money from maybe the most racist guy in America, but this is a guy who has in the past made MANY racist remarks himself! Not only racist but ignorant. Well any racist remark is ignorant I suppose. I really don't think someone that doesn't see all of us as equal deserves to be "running" the nation. He CLEARLY does not look at so called minorities as equal to whites. That does not sit well with me and never will. Then there is the whole 9/11 situation. He has NEVER spoke out for 9/11 truth. For someone that people say is so aware why does he not address this? He is NOT for finding out the truth about the biggest coverup maybe in the history of our nation. About 80 percent of the people who support him are so called 9/11 truthers. I don't like the label either but you get my point. Even though most of his supporters do fall into this category, he has never once spoke on their behalf. Never once even hinted at opening an investigation into 9/11 if he were to be elected.
I was just given a very good video on Ron Paul and this one should send all you Ron Paul supporters a powerful message. He is supposed to be all about our freedom and liberty. Ending the wars and repealing The Patriot Act right? From the actions you usually see that would seem to be his very strong stance on things. Well how could he just throw all of that aside and support other politicians who support the wars and support The Patriot Act???! You know what his explanation for supporting these war mongerers is? Because all the incumbent made a deal to support each other!! Are you serious? Shouldn't he have a no tolerance stance against people who support the Patriot Act? His reasoning is because they made a deal to support the incumbents. Does that said like your hero to you? Mr. Patriot? Or does it sound like another shady politician that has private interests and personal gains infront of the interests of the American people? You know the answer! Hear it here with your own ears. It comes from his mouth, on camera, no newsletters. This is a complete 180 from his usual stance which seemed to be unwaverable didn't it? Well I am not fooled by this clever marketing scheme. I know the things I say aren't what people want to hear. It's not the happy ending to the story. I just say it how it is. This is all a ploy from another politician that will send us off to war against sovereign nations, unprovoked. Everyone bought all the BS from the Obama campaign and I'm sad to say you are all buying into it again! There is a lot more we need to talk about though regarding Ron Paul. Here is that video just discussed where he is questioned on the email and after the video I posted the email, then please continue to read there is a lot more to this. Here is the email Ron Paul sent to his followers asking them to vote for Lamar Smith Congressman Ron Paul Dear Fellow Texan, As you know, America faces tremendous problems. I have dedicated my career to fight for solutions, but I need friends in Congress who will help and work with me in these critical times. That is why I am grateful for the friendship of Congressman Lamar Smith. Lamar Smith is a thoughtful, intelligent leader who keeps his door open to me and is always willing to listen. As the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Smith's word carries a lot of weight on Capitol Hill and I am glad to see he fights to take principled stands on important issues like Healthcare and Cap and Trade. Congressman Smith made a point of reading both of my recent books, The Revolution: A Manifesto and End the Fed and I enjoyed our discussion. True intellectual exchange has become all too rare in Washington and I appreciated his effort. Lamar is also one of the true gentlemen in Congress. I value Congressman Smith's thoughtful approach and consider him a true friend. If more leaders in Washington adopted his style of governing, I know we could break down a lot of barriers. I am proud of my friendship with Lamar Smith. I hope you will consider supporting him in his bid for re-election. In Liberty, Ron Paul So how does this make any sense???!!! Ron Paul is going to repeal the Patriot Act, remember?? He is dead set against all this war, remember?? Somewhere he forgot. He put your liberty at jeopardy because he made a "deal" with some of his incumbent buddies!! Now with all this said onto my next point. I agree a man can have questionable connections but still be honest. This does not mean endorse the person to the point you are emailing your own supporters asking them to vote for someone who believes in the exact opposite of them! I know they have to play some tricks the public doesn't agree with, if they even know about them. In politics they are surrounded by sharks if they are not one themselves anyways. I know that, but it goes much deeper than who supports Ron Paul or who gives him donations. Tell me where the logic is in this. Most of the people that support him are the same people that swear the two party system is whats wrong with the country(I generally agree) yet they are gonna put all that aside and not only buy into the election process all over again but they are actually going to go and vote Republican??? Can you imagine that? 9/11 Truthers who spent ten years cussing out G.W. Bush and his policies and now they are going to vote Republican? After years of telling all their peers that the elections don't matter, that the two party system is what is wrong with America, and that Bush and the Republicans don't give a damn about the little guy, the regular American. How can they swallow their pride and vote for another Republican?? Remember all the talk he was gonna drop The Republican Party and go independent? What happened with that? If he did that maybe it would make a little more sense, not much, but a little that all these people would support him. The other problem I have with supporting Ron Paul is its almost become the fashionable thing to do.Its like if you are somewhat awake you are supposed to automatically back this guy. So many of us support Ron Paul and 80 % of the ppl that do don't know why they are doing it. They just see his name on every alternative site. I love the whole "Ohh Ron doesn't get any attention from the media". Well he is all over the alternative media. To the point it is forced down our throats. The point is they want you all to put all your eggs in the Ron Paul basket. Have faith in good ole Ronny. He'll fix America. You have all these people chanting "End The Fed". Do they even know what that would do? The Fed could be the last thing standing in the way of our nation falling under a global currency and economy. Imagine that. This next video is a new addition to this blog if you have already read it. Here is Ron Paul actually calling for a One World Currency and telling us we have nothing to fear from Globalism! From Ron Paul's Mouth------- "There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.... The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation." In the end he is just another puppet politician. They just wrapped this one in a much different package than usual and look how it has gotten so many people that are supposedly aware to drop their morals and go support the next Republican. It's kind of pathetic. Stand up for what you believe in! You've spent months if not years preaching to everyone how screwed up the system is and they should be independent to make their own choices and now your gonna support the Republican party? How could you flip flop? Is this one man that great for our nation that your morals need not apply anymore? If we want to change the political system in this country we need to rid ourselves of both parties not elect another one. We need to get ALL the lobbyists out of Washington. We need to build our whole education system over from the ground up. If we were to finally release Tesla's papers on free energy technology you could save every family hundreds of dollars every week instantly stimulating the economy. These are the type of things that we should be looking at. We need to repeal the Patriot Act and any other legislation that has been passed related to 9/11 such as anything to do with the detention of American civilians, Military Tribunals, Warrantless wiretapping and searches. We need to abolish several alphabet agencies. The TSA and FDA are the first to come to my mind. They have nothing to do with transportation security or keeping you healthy. It is just the opposite. these agencies have failed the American people and can no longer be trusted. Other agencies like the CDC and ATF need some serious restructuring if not abolished themselves. Misleading Americans and putting their health and life at great risk, the CDC is not our friend. The ATF?? Well they arm drug cartels that kidnap and murder American citizens and law enforcement. We could do this all day. What about FEMA? They could be the worst out of all of them. They are like the presidents little goon squad. They handle the dirty work. The genocide like Katrina. They will be the ones putting you in the camps or at least they will be the ones running it when the military brings you there. Do you think Ron Paul is going to fix all these problems? Has he even addressed any of them? Maybe the TSA he has because its unavoidable and there was a stand-off in his home state of Texas so he is forced to act on that or at least speak on it. Here are some of the comments from the guy so many of you want to put in the Oval Office. These really do not sit well with me. A man that thinks like this is not fit for president. Does a guy that talks like this really make a good choice to represent all of us?? I don't think in the least bit. He sounds like a racist slave owner from hundreds of years ago. We are supposed to be past this way of thinking now as a nation. Let's not support a man who puts us back 100 years. Things are not perfect but we have come a long way in this nation. Let's not put a racist republican who thinks black people are somehow inferior and 9/11 was not an inside job in office for four painful years. Here are his thoughts. You tell me this is not the least bit racist. If I were a black man I would hate this guy.We are all equal. Anyone who doesn't get that yet has no business in the office of any power never mind The President of the United States Of America. “The Criminals who terrorize our cities – in riots and on every non-riot day – are not exclusively young black males, but they largely are.” Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. These aren’t my figures, that is the assumption you can gather from” the report.” Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action.” In the end he is just another politician. One with a very clever marketing campaign. Do you not remember how much of a figure head leader our president really is?? Don't waste too much effort on who they elect. It's the whole system that needs changing. Not the president. The only thing missing from this storybook is Anonymous coming and "hacking" the already hacked election. Getting everyone up in arms begging for new internet regulations. Ron Paul will be the one who supposedly gets hosed by Anonymous. This takes care of their agenda from all angles. All the people with their head still buried in the sand will be so outraged with their precious election being hacked they will vote for any "protection" you want to offer them on the internet. Then so many people on the other side of the coin will be outraged. The ones who are Paul supporters. They swear they were this close to saving the country then Anonymous ruined it! then once again all these people who swear they are awake will actually join the mainstream movement to push thru the new internet regulations. Ron Paul Revolution. Haha By Brian S Staveley of The Real News & The Last
11/29/2011 05:01:46 am
Everyone please leave your comments for the Ron Paul piece right here!
Jamie Sechrist
12/21/2011 11:47:47 pm
12/22/2011 03:24:46 pm
Thank you Jamie! I hope you share it with many others. So many people could be using their time more constructively than to waste it on another false hope. I'm glad there are others out there willing to go the extra mile and not stop researching. Too many "truthers" stop at a certain point just like you said.
1/11/2012 11:32:14 am
Anyone reading this must have heard of the NDAA National Defense Authorization Act ya know where America is a battlefield? Well Ron Paul who is supposedly all about our liberty and freedom gave many mspeeches on it. I saw one he was very vocal and promised if elected president he would end the NDAA. Rather odd considering he DID NOT EVEN SHOW FOR THE VOTE to vote against it!! Didnt even show.
2/4/2012 07:31:54 am
Yes, I am a Ron Paul supporter. He is better than the other trash. Yes, He will not win. The ROP will ensure that. Otherswise, I will not be voting for anyoneelse for President. It is sad that there is NO CANDIDATES to pick from. LOL, A downer no matter what.
alex jones
5/19/2012 12:03:34 pm
Brian S Staveley
5/20/2012 01:29:18 am
How insightful Alex
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Captain Obvious
5/18/2019 03:34:09 am
How ridiculous that someone purporting to be an outsider combating the system and all its lies & propaganda.....mindlessly repeats one of the system's main themes that it has beaten into us since birth: "we are all equal" and of course "it is ignorant to believe otherwise".
8/7/2020 01:37:29 am
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP