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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
Many people do not understand why politics is complete bullshit and the Left/Right paradigm is made to keep us from knowing the real issues and gives us scapegoats and phony issues that only advance their agenda. For example Obama was a puppet from the start. Many people realized how bad Bush and the Neocons fucked up the Country ,but many don't realize it has been a long time coming. Barrack Obama like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton has his strings pulled by Zbignew Bzrezinski, Henry Kissinger and George H. W. Bush. John F. Kennedy was the last President to tell the truth. Even though JFK was from an Illuminati bloodline he was trying to break his chains, he had started printing REAL money and wanted to end the Federal Reserve. He also did not want to escalate the war in Vietnam or kill Fidel Castro. The people who planned his hit were the Dulles brothers, George Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. The assassins were the CIA and some Cuban exiles. The mafia was used to take out witnesses. The Mafiosi had helped him get into office and his brother Robert Kennedy was going after them. Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Johnny Roselli, and Santo Trafficante were all in on it. In my opinion Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and could NOT have made the "kill shot" from his viewpoint in the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Some disagree but I believe the shot was made from the "grassy knoll" by James Files. His assassination was a routine triangulation ambush with shooters in 3 places. If u watch the Zapruder film you can see the Secret Service agents stand down seconds before he was killed. They looked astonished after hearing something on there radios and jumped away from the flanks of the car leaving Kennedy a sitting duck. His brother Robert F. Kennedy wanted to end the Vietnam war and carry out his brother's unfinished tasks and most likely giving his brother's death a real investigation. Therefor he had to be killed as well by the same people. Only they used a "Manchurian Candidate" Sirhan Sirhan. The shots he fired most likely hit the pantry which was removed by the LAPD and wounded several onlookers, and I believe one of RFK's bodyguard's actually fired the "kill shot". Sirhan did not get close enough to fire that shot(s). Also not to be overlooked were the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Malcolm had left the Nation of Islam and was killed by FBI agents on orders by J. Edgar Hoover. His gunmen were members of the Nation of Islam. The powers that be were worried that King and X would get together and work peacefully in ending racism and achieving equal rights for there people. King was also killed by the FBI. They wanted only "violent" groups like the Black Panthers and NOI to make them look bad. I cannot blame them however as the Panthers did many things to help out there people and for the most part only protected themselves as the police would not protect them or help them get drugs out of the neighborhoods. I believe that Ronald Reagan meant well but did not know he was playing with so much fire. Bush made him a puppet as well after he had him shot. Reagan also was not a big fan of Secret societies but he took Bush on as VP because he had given Iran weapons for the hostages. The hostages were released within hours of Reagan's inauguration. In the Reagan years we saw Government get bigger and more ruthless. It is well known that while Ronald and Nancy Reagan were telling you to "Say No to Drugs", his regime was flying them in from South America into a small runway in Mena, Arkansas where Bill Clinton was the Governor. Heavily involved in this was Bush, Oliver North and Barry Seal. They were putting cocaine on the streets of black neighborhoods like South Central Los Angeles among others. LAPD detective Michael Ruppert exposed them. He lost his job and survived at least 3 assassination attempts. During the "Reagan years" we also had the Iran Contra affair which brought out secrets of our Govt. having plans known as REX 84 and Operation Gardenplot. These are parts of Continuity of Government but in reality are very sinister. They allow for Americans to be locked up in the time of Martial Law even if they have not been convicted of a crime. It also calls for Congress and the US Constitution to be suspended for 6 months on an Executive Order of the President. I believe these were put in place by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield. In all reality 1776 coincidentally was the starting of the United States of America and the linking of the Bavarian Illuminati with the Jesuits, and freemasons by the Rothschilds and Adam Weisshaupt. The Civil War was really about state's rights (slavery, sadly was a back issue).There were other issues too like currency but you will not find this stuff in your history books. The Rothschilds control most of the World's money and have benefitted off of every war since Napolean lost at Waterloo. They went back to London and told people that Napolean had won. Many people lost there farms and property because of the lie. British agents had infiltrated our Government to make sure we would still be under there Monarchy as well. Mayer Rothschild sent his 3 sons to different cities in Europe to make his banking dynasty bigger. They along with the Vatican control most of the World's money. Today along with the Zionists, the above groups (Illuminati, Freemasons and Shriners, Knights Templar, and The Jesuits and Knights of Malta are all part of this). Many do not realize that the Vatican is really run by the Jesuit Generals and the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas. Pope John Paul I was killed by the Jesuits after only 33 days as pope. He was sick of taking orders from the Jesuits. He was poisoned by "the cup of Borgia". The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius Loyola and Roberto Borgia. John Paul II was also almost killed by the same people who blamed it on Muslims and the KGB. The Jesuits are believed to practice Luciferianism. That is the common bond of Freemasons, Zionists, and Illuminati. People in these groups take blood oaths which are much more important to them than the Oath to Country or Religion. They believe that the ends justify the means and are out for World domination. The sinking of the Titanic helped them form the Federal Reserve. A Jesuit, Edward Smith the boatcaptain was told to drive through an iceberg field until he hit one. Powerful Illuminati like John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isa Strauss were on the boat and died. They were taken out because they were against the Federal Reserve as it would take money out of their pockets. This was also done to enable WW1 but that's a bigger story. Many do not realize the FED is a private bank. It was created on Jekyll Island by representatives of the Rothschilds, JP Morgan, and the Rockefellers. These same people were responsible for the stock market crash as they planned and benefitted greatly however the less-rich wannabee investors were bankrupted. World War II was partially a righteous war (if that is possible) but was also also done out of greed and population control. In fact most people don't realize that Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush) and others were actually charged with funding the Nazi's. The Nazi's of course were eugenicists and wanted to control the World. Many believe they had advanced technology from Extra Terrestrials as I believe as well. Anyway I believe they killed millions of people and enslaved many others. The only thing I disagree with is that the number of Jews killed was as high as it was. Regardless the Jews were rounded up along with many other groups including Christians, Poles, Russians, gypsies, and other "non desirables" and worked to death. I believe Hitler faked his death and relocated like many other Nazi's. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese had been known by FDR and other higher ups. However they did not disclose this info. They got the carriers out of Pearl Harbor and sacrificed the battleships to get Americans behind the war. I do think we should have gotten involved but it was not right to let those people die in vain with no support. It is a good thing that we won the war as Hitler would have succeeded if not with his plans for World domination. Many ardent Nazi's were brought over to the US through Operation Paperclip. There paperwork was changed to say they were normal Germans. The Vatican helped many others escape to South America through the "ratline" aka ODESSA. WWII and the Holocaust were used by Rothschilds to steal Palestine and make Israel. Israel would be used to create conflict in the Middle East. The Zionist state of Israel has continued the land-grab from the Palestinian people. They keep pushing the Palestinian people back and killing them. When I say Zionists I am not referring to Jewish people. There is a big difference. Many Jews are against Zionism. Most Jews read from the Torah while Zionists read from the Talmud or the Kabbalah. They are also Luciferians. Israel has attacked us purposely like the USS Liberty and even shot up the lifeboats after hitting the ship with bombs, napalm, and strafing it. LBJ called back the planes who were going to it's aid when it was realized it was Israel. They wanted to blame it on the Arab states and not let us know that they were stealing more land. They are not the "ally" we have been told about. In fact they also spy on us more than any other Country and even gave Nuclear secrets away to China. We have many dual-citizen Israeli's in our Government. Who's side are they REALLY on? As for 9/11 I can write a book on that itself but I will just make a few points. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset ever since the Afghanistan/Russia war. His family was tight with the Bush family. In fact his brother was talking with Bush Sr. the day of the attacks. They had a group called the Carlyle Group which was members of the Bin Laden's, Saudi royalty and Texas oilmen. 7 of the 19 alleged hijackers have turned up alive. Many lived on US Naval bases and were CIA assets as well. Bin Laden's "confession" was a fake. The man who made the confession was thicker with a broader nose and wrote with the wrong hand and wore jewelery. No Muslims were found in the vicinity that day however 5 "dancing Israeli's" were seen filming the attacks and were later pulled over on the George Washington bridge with EXPLOSIVES in their van. Also another van with a mural painted on the side of a plane flying into a city was blown up in Lower Manhattan. 2 Israeli agents were detained there as well. NIST and Popular Mechanics have said that the WTC buildings fell because of jet fuel which caused a "pancake collapse". This has been debunked. Jet fuel does NOT burn hot enough to melt steel or even soften it. Also military grade thermite was later found in the rubble pile. Building 7 also collapsed that day despite NOT being hit by an aircraft. It was also a skyscaper and collapsed into it's own footprint. All 3 buildings fell way too fast. Many people have admitted hearing bombs or exlposions going on. Many FDNY and other witnesses heard these and you can see them in any video of the collapse. 1300 Architects and Engineers have said that all 3 buildings were controlled demolitions. In fact the guy who just leased the 3 buildings admitted to "pulling" Building 7. "Pulling" is a term used in the Controlled Demolition business. Building 7 had many agencies there like the FBI, CIA, FEMA and was Rudy Giuiliani's emergency bunker. In any investigation a good thing to do would be to follow the money. There were over 700x the normal amount of "put options" on American and United Airlines. In other words many people made a lot of money off of the collapses. The German government offered some info about it but was denied by the Bush administration. AS for the Pentagon over 100 tapes were seized from nearby businesses and we have still to see a plane hit the Pentagon. As for Shanksville the Coroner on scene reported not seeing a drop of blood or any body parts. Many people have come forward but many have been gagged by the courts and many have been killed. Norman Mineta, Secretary of Transportation has proven Cheney to be a liar by proving his timeline did not match up as to when he got to the bunker and also says how Cheney refused a shootdown order. In fact just months before they had transferred the ability to shoot down planes from an Air Force General to the Presidency. Since the not to bright George Bush was tucked away reading to kids and making a fool out of himself, the job fell to Cheney who refused to shootdown the plane that was 10 minutes out of DC. In 67 times the previous year anytime a plane was off course there would be Military Jets there within minutes. Also Condoleeza Rice had warned San Francisco mayor Willie Brown not to fly. Coincidence? Also there were several power downs in the WTC in the previous weeks and 2 weeks before there the bomb sniffing dogs were taken out. I can add so much more to this but like all of the false flag attacks that have supposedly involved Muslims, the facts don't add up. They want perpetual war in the Middle East. There are many reasons but the main reasons are Population Control, opium, control of oil, and many other things. Of course the main goal of these people are on the Georgia Guidestones of Humanity. They want to get the World Population down to 500,000,000 (million) down from nearly 7,000,000,000 (billion). They also want a One World Religion and World Court. The Luciferians have the media in there pockets. Both parties are in on the agenda. Obama has promised us change but we have yet to see it. The Patriot Act has been added to instead of repealed like he promised as well as the wars. There are not enough jobs to go around and the bank bailouts and He is told what to do and was chosen by the same people who told W what to do. He is not here to help it's all a big distraction. The "other" side is just as bad. The Tea Parties for the most part believe the Republicans will change everything. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are liars and give them false info and are there to spread hate against Muslims and Mexicans. I cannot blame Mexicans for trying to come here to feed there families. Globalism has turned there Country into a shithole. I believe they are trying to get everyone to hate each other so poor people will kill other poor people. This is classic divide and conquer tactics. That is why they have 2 parties. They don't want everyone to get together and realize we are all getting shit on. They have gotten rid of all of our jobs to China and India and they are killing us slowly with many things like aspertame, fluoride (aluminum waste), Bisphenol-A, and through anti-depressants and other drugs. Also vaccines and GMO foods are killing us slowly as well. Some things are meant to keep us dumb and not caring as our Country goes down the tubes. People are more concerned with Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, American Idol, reality TV, technology and whatever gadget comes out next.The elites are building huge underground bases for a reason. They know something that we don't know. There is a lot of information out there and u will have to look for yourself, but please awaken yourselves. There are FEMA camps set up for dissidents and political enemies. Think about it, right now you may be not be a "threat" but wait until it's your turn. Henry Kissinger and the ruling "elite" call all of us "useless eaters" and don't care if you live or die. Eventually they want us all chipped with RFID chips so they can track your every move. There are many thinktanks out there now figuring out the best ways to accomplish all of this. We are poor without good healthcare yet they have money to kill and maim and other things to invade our privacy. Look at England. They already have CCTV cameras everywhere. Pretty soon that will be here. They are getting people use to seeing people tased and beaten by jack-booted cops. I can go on and on but I just want you to realize that almost everything you have been told is a lie!
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP