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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
No planes at the World Trade Center, why the movement will always hide this fact at all costs Whilst the idea of no planes at the World Trade Center was floated as early as 2001 by Nico Haupt and others, the hypothesis wasn't taken "seriously" until around late 2004, 2005 and early 2006. Right around a year before September Clues was released. Of course, there had been many challenges to the very official idea that passenger jets collided with the World Trade Centre, usually taking the form of Plane Switch theories, Pods and Flashes, the idea the planes were real but Modified fuel tankers and suchlike. With hindsight, it is very easy to lump all these theories together, but out of respect, they were due diligently researched at the time by many dedicated researchers, and infact almost all had their own followers, they weren't all postulated by the same groups of researchers. The Pod theory came from Lets Roll Forums for example, and was in regards to the second impact. In Plane Site, released in 2004, borrowed heavily from LRF research, however went one step further and suggested Flight 11 also had a Pod, but this was debated at LRF. Many sub sets believed things ranging from a Missile hitting the North Tower, a modified DC 10, and other ideas. It must be born in mind it was much easier to suggest that a plane didn't hit the North Tower at the time, because as only one clear video of that event existed, and the plane was hardly very clear in the shot, the postulators were hardly suggesting media fakery was involved, so long as of course they suggested a missile impact or some other technology. Something physical of course. This has always been the LRF angle. Something physical as oppose to video manipulation. Of course, much good research had been done there and in other places about the idea the Naudet film was a set up, and of course watching what could only be described as a perfect swing of the camera by Jules Naudet, as well as many other perfect zoom in and zoom outs on all crash shots, and tower demolition shots, it was always presumed the cameramen or women had foreknowledge of what was about to happen. However, the idea the images were real was never challenged. That is what has been, and as I will go into further detail, what will always be, protected, at all costs. You can believe the Naudet story was a scam, you can believe there were 300 or more camera men or women out in the street who all captured the event perfectly and knew what was going to happen. As long as you didn't challenge the validity of the footage that was fine. That is as far as it was ever taken on LRF, probably the most liberal truth forum up until that point. As long as there was a camera person in the street who filmed what happened, it really did not matter if you suggested it was a passenger jet, an orb, a blimp, a hot air balloon, or even a baseball. Just as long as the film was authentic. Protect the media at all costs. Whilst it is very hard to argue anyone in 2012 who believes any planes were used at all is a serious top flight researcher, this was not always the case. Many people (myself included) were at the most 50-50 on the issue for a very long time, because we never knew any better, and there were so many rabbit trails to go down. It must be said though, people were not totally ignorant of all the issues with "planes". People understood the physics of the crashes were in the very least suspicious, the idea an aluminum plane could penetrate the aluminum cladding, steel curtain wall, thick safety glass, and with a wingspan of at least 7 floors, many layers of 4 inch thick concrete, steel decking, webs of trusses, and office furniture, going all the way from one side of the tower to the other, AND THEN, the engines having enough energy to penetrate through the safety glass, steel curtain wall and aluminum cladding (all without leaving a hole in the other side of the tower), well, the idea was far fetched in the least. So enter the Pod theory, where a bulge on the underside of the craft fired a missile at or just before impact, which I guess cleared the path for the plane. Quite bizarre in itself really given the videos showed none of this, except a small flash at impact. But this idea was taken seriously by many. LRF even went as far as to produce merchandise including but not limited to t-shirts to promote this theory. This idea was also sometimes coupled with other ideas, such as the plane was packed to the brim with explosives, and or the impact floors of the building were blown out with their own explosives, at or just prior to impact. The last two ideas are actually more plausible than the Pod idea itself, in theory anyway. But once again, all photos and videos were authentic. Enter early 2006. A new influx of "researchers" started appearing on 9/11 forums, promoting a new idea, that (at least) the second impact was fraudulent, no plane hit WTC 2. It was either a missile, or a bomb, or nothing. Subsequently, for the first time, the images were being challenged. Many of these posters were probably legit and clung on to the new refreshing idea, but many were also obvious plants designed to stir up emotions and essentially ruin the idea. LRF was notorious for banning this research or limiting it, the Admin Phil Jayhan banning MANY posters for promoting the idea no plane hit WTC 2. This was in obvious conflict with their precious Pod theory, and he was having none of it. The research was eventually allowed, however often relegated to sub sections of forums such as "No plane, No brain" sections, mocking the idea and making it clear it was a fringe theory, not to be discussed seriously.Laughable really given Jayhan himself is now a No Planer, his previous Pod theory now totally incompatible with his new empty towers stance. If Jayhan had even a modicum of respectability in the glory years of LRF, it is not totally gone. Which is ironic and deliberate given his latest stance is as close to the truth as his website has ever been in the past. His website is almost dead now with very few new threads. During my tenure there I witnessed a great many legitimate posters be banned and harassed for posting no plane research, even at the point wherehe agreed with them in theory. It was pathetic to watch and I no longer wanted any part of it. So of course, by the time September Clues came out in 2007, the idea was already viewed as hogwash by many. Every 9/11 guy out there told you not to look at it, Alex Jones made a comparison to Mental Illness, and guys like Ace Baker, Nico Haupt and others deliberately made themselves look crazy whilst promoting the "fringe idea". A real shame too that Clues was not narrated, and had an amateurish feel to it, as previously slick productions like Loose Change Second Edition trumped it in many peoples eyes. So much of the 9/11 audience simply refuse to take the idea seriously, but as I will layout, there is more motivation to protect this idea than EVEN the idea the official story is untrue. Even websites like started putting disclaimers on their site as early as 2007 saying "we do not promote no jetliner theories, or incivility." Molding the two together, assuming no planers are there to start trouble and infighting, as many of the plant posters in 2006 did. They ruined the idea before it got to the mainstream. But on with the show; For starters, no plane insults are asinine. Most 9/11 truthers have always been no planers for 2 out of 4 of the crashes that day. Including all on LRF, who practically invented the no plane no brain chant. Though there are some figureheads such as Jim Hoffman, Steven Jones etc who have not challenged the idea that four civilian planes crashed on 9/11, the vast bulk of the truth movement do not believe that Flights 11, 77, 175 and 93 took off that day and crashed where stated. So it's okay to be a no planer, as long as its for 2/4 of the events? Right. So I guess the only difference between flight 77 and 175 and 11 is that it was shown on film. After All, there are witnesses to all four crashes, so how is it witnesses in Shanksville and Washington can be discounted, but witnesses in NYC must be taken at face value, despite all reporting vastly different types of aircraft. So I guess the only thing left is the films, which have demonstrably proven as fake. From the fact that commercial jets cannot do 550mph at sea level, to the fact no black boxes were found, to the fact that the videos are all fake and show vastly different trajectories, to the fact a jet engine cannot fly 500 meters and land on a street corner with no witnesses, to countless other facts, the evidence is clear that no planes crashed in NYC. If you cannot see that, the scope of this blog is beyond you. I am not here to insult you, but direct you to other research on The Real News Online and other sites. The scope of this blog is to demonstrate WHY the movement will always protect the idea. The idea they would use any real planes it outrageous. They have to be in control of every variable, and the only way to ensure that is to fake the videos. Nothing can go wrong. They have total control of the stage. There is no proof of any planes. For the first time in aviation history, black boxes are missing, four of them. A continuous looping tape on flight 93 managed to lose the last 3 minutes of its audio, this is impossible. Don't people think that if planes really took off that day they would just release the security tapes of people boarding the flights? Nothing to lose. The news footage shows a 50-60 story fireball, a 50 story orange fireball. The soot part even higher. This is outrageous. The orange flame part of a fireball from a 767 crash would never be much higher than 3 or 4 stories at the most. Many videos of 767's crashing exist. The schematics of the crash are totally wrong. That is like a jet crashing into the street and the fireball going higher than the tallest skyscrapers. Never would happen. The plane hits floor 78 and the orange part of the fireball goes at least 10 stories beyond the roof line, the soot even higher before it molds into the existing smoke. This is laughable to believe that could ever happen, much less with 10,000 gallons of jet fuel. The reason that the movement protect this idea is two-fold. Firstly, they have to have the figure of 3000 people dying. Once you know that over 250 people did not die in plane crashes, you do tend to question the final death toll more, however the alleged flights 77 and 93 were sparsely occupied, so the finality of the toll would not be affected much. The second is that once you take the planes out of the equation, many parts of the rest of the story start to crumble. Firstly, how can the news footage of the towers burning for an hour be true if no plane hit the tower? What is creating and sustaining those fires? How could you then have people up there starting fires if the building was fully occupied? And how would they get out? If no plane it the tower, why are all those people jumping out? Even if they blew a hole in the side of the tower, this wouldn't start a massive fire or make people jump out. How would they get a perfect sized gash in the tower? If people were up there starting fires, how can the jumpers be real? How did the fires become black just like jet fuel would? Who would put themselves in that kind of danger to light those fires? If no plane hit, then why would people be trapped at all? It's not like all that plane debris would be blocking the stair cases. If the tower is full, you can't have any of this. There would be so many witnesses to these phantom guys starting fires in the building. Jayhan tries to explain this with his "smoke machines", but you can't have smoke without fire Phil, so what is causing the fires? Jim Fetzer and others have tried to explain no planes with a hologram theory, but again this doesn't advance the idea much nor explain any of the above pitfalls. Fetzer has even advanced the idea a cloaked plane 1400 feet to the right projected this hologram over NYC and into the building. The schematics of the hologram theory are outside the scope of this blog, but needless to say, it still preserves the idea of a full occupied building. How did the 25,000 people in the tower or the thousands on the street (assuming that is the case which it wasn't), not see this plane offshore? What a ridiculous risk to go to when you can just fake the videos. Fetzer promotes Richard Halls 9/11 study, however after much review and critique, I find it no more scientific than the NIST report, he draws line of data that don't even exist, much like NIST don't focus on the events after "initiation of collapse" and assume everything is automatic.Real scientists assume NOTHING and I am truly surprised a scholar like Fetzer would consider Halls study in any way scientific. Any theory as long as the buildings are full, the streets are full of witnesses, and the cameras are rolling and capturing the actual event, they don't care what advanced truthers believe. Grilled Cheese Sandwich hit the WTC? No problem, as long as they keep the media complicity out of it. Jim Fetzer was quoted on Dose of Reality with Brian S Staveley and Justin Cooke, when confronted about the absurd trajectory on the dive bomber shot and others, "Oh well, what they probably did was throw in a few tampered videos to confuse the situation". Well first off Jim, those videos were broadcast on CBS on the DAY of 9/11. Secondly, once you admit even one of the network shots might not be legit, you call into question the entire Richard Hall study, which is based solely off network and home videos. The hologram theory still has all the same pitfalls listed earlier. How do you get the fires? How do you get the Jet Engine and landing gear in the street? Must have been planted, and if so, how did they do that with thousands of people on the street? If you are forced to admit those shots are doctored too it further damages the hologram theory. The hologram theory is designed once again to keep the media out of it, to protect the idea of empty towers and floors not being complete. What of the jumpers? If they are not inhaling the toxic fumes of jet fuel than why on earth are they jumping? And obviously, if you continue to deny the media fakery than you must also account for jumpers being 50 feet out from the towers, Photoshop and so on. Good luck denying all the irrefutable evidence posted on these Photoshops at The Real News Online, Clues forum and LRF about this subject. LRF has excellent research about fake jumpers, they just reach sometimes different conclusions about how that effect was achieved, though recently they seem to have backed away from the dummies out the windows theory, to their credit. Lets Roll Forums has arguably one of the most vast and proficient research teams ever seen in the movement, it's just a shame their admin and several of their mods clearly possess an agenda to hide the final 25% of the truth being exposed at Cluesforum, The Real News Online and other outlets, as well as attack vehemently those who attempt to preach this to the public, like Brian S Staveley and Simon Shack. The only explanation for all of the above is media fakery. It is the only way for the perps to be in total control. It is provable beyond all shadow of a doubt to those who will only look. The idea they would use real planes is too risky. Also hologram technology is largely untested, and what of the risks of the image at that height reflecting off other buildings, or shadowing in as it hit the tower and reflecting off the glass of the building. The extreme risk of the shaped charges not creating the correct looking holes in the towers, the key to remember is they only had one shot at all of this. The towers do not look even remotely real in any of the moving video. The correct look was glassy and silvery, with a tinge of black. Below are two excellent scenes shot in 1991, starting at 6.47 that show the correct look of the towers. Compare this to the washed out, cardboard box looking, windowless boxes in the 9/11 footage and the result is stark. Regular cameras in 1991 show the correct look, and yet in 2001 this is the best they can manage. Notice the definition of windows in the foreground buildings and the lack thereof in the WTC. It is worth noting that around 1996 they changed the Friends intro for example, and many movies and TV shows stopped showing the correct WTC coloring, a definite and disgraceful attempt at pre programming.
Hopefully over the course of the last two years it has become very obvious why the 9/11 figureheads avoid no planes at the WTC at all costs. And a few who don't ignore it such as Phil Jayhan and Jim Fetzer, attempt to do all they can to muddy the waters and promote outrageous sub theories to distract the dedicated minority who see through the bullshit of Alex Jones, Dylan Avery and the big players in 9/11 truth. They do so because the agenda number one has always been to protect the media. Though I am sure their preference is you believe the official story, they really could care less if you think Martians from planet Zhog attacked the WTC on 9/11. Just as long as you are unaware that the MEDIA attacked the WTC on 9/11. Now, just to clarify, obviously anyone who believes that 9/11 was an inside job, does not trust the media per say. They know (hopefully) they are controlled, a propaganda machine, and they lie and deceive the public. However they still assume that as current affairs people are journalists, they will at least provide us with coverage of events, and that their news footage and videos can more or less be trusted. If they cover a war, terrorist attack or court case, whilst knowing that the motives and perps behind those events are probably not as we are told, the COVERAGE of the event is truthful and the images are real. It is this, and only this, at the bottom line, that the powers that be wish more than anything else to protect from the world. It is the WORLD media. It is far too easy to blame the 9/11 attacks on the "American Government". It is also grossly unfair on the American public. The same forces that control things behind the scenes control all our countries spare 4 or 5 in the world. No one is safe from their oppression and nobody is safe from their persecution. We at The Real News Online.Com have contributors from all over the planet and it would be naive of any of us to think we are any safer than each other from their persecution and their torment. They want you to think it's the US Government doing these things. That changes every four or 8 years. By the time their "crimes" are fully exposed that regime is often out and a new one is in. Maybe even the next one after that., but the media never really changes, nor the people behind the scenes pulling the strings, carrying out these hoaxes. Suppression of the no plane evidence definitely serves to carry out this agenda. By keeping the focus off the media, and on god knows who. We have had many callers into our radio show over the last year, all trying to argue planes hit the WTC, Pentagon etc. They always end up in the same rhetoric "We need to get Bush, Cheney and their masters, those homosexual bastards" and on and on it goes, and on and on it goes. Those guys will all be dead before too long, then what? You will have nothing more to say, and the next false flag hoax media attack will already be underway. And so the cycle repeats. James Sloan - The Real News Online.Com
JUST ADDED NEW INFO TOO!!!!! NOW PHIL ENDORSES SEPTEMBER CLUES AFTER BANNING ME IN BIG PART FOR IT! If you saw this blog just scroll down to the big red letters JUST ADDED!!! I was undecided on whether or not to ever write this blog. I was going to be the bigger man again, let shots be fired and actually not respond. Now Phil Jayhan has tried to tie my family to 9/11!! This has gone way too far. Many people out there wonder why Brian S Staveley is no longer a member of Let's Roll Forums. I was a moderator and it's top radio host. I built them their radio station from scratch which was no easy task seeing as I had to teach myself via Google and at one point I was on air on 5 days a week pushing the 9/11 messages expressed on the forum. I AM IP BANNED???!!! For the crimes off what? Too much truth? Over the course of a very short time Phil made me a moderator(I will elaborate on the reason I believe why soon) After this I setup The Last American Broadcast for them. It was rather odd after building it and seeing so much interest from everyone especially Phil being excited about having a platform for their message, that no one did any shows. They would always thank me like it was a big deal, yet never come on the air. Mike Dammann made an honest effort. He tried daily shows which I also produced, edited, uploaded, etc. Eventually he faded away and it was just me. Everyone has to work and it understandable. I had little work at the time and spent five days a week promoting the whole 9/11 message from Let's Roll Forums. Some of it was incorrect, much of it was right. Around December and January and probably later I asked Phil many times "Hey Phil wanna do a show" "We need to do a show soon together on 9/11" He showed no interest. Maybe he was busy? I hear raccoon season is booming in those months :-) Regardless I was a moderator of the board and a constant contributor. I never said I was a top researcher as Phil implies. When investigating a certain 9/11 family, I was on the ground not the internet, the ground paying for my gas and these official documents for the forum. Searching out archives buildings, town halls and much more. That along the fact with the amount I pushed the message via other mediums I would say that is someone who is a MAJOR contributor to the site. Just Google The Last American. I did hundreds of shows probably for them. Odd the name of the site is Oddd name for something that was supposed to become this 9/11 video and audio archive. Self Promotion? NO? After a while it got old. I got suspicious of some of the activities at Let's Roll So I started doing shows just once a week on my own site which was already built. (The Site) I made this move to not be so closely tied with anyone. Just be myself on my own network. A lot of people were wary of having me on due to being tied to PHil and that is a fact. I just wanted to do my own thing. 6 months ago now I started to realize that much if not all of the collapse footage we were shown on tv on 9/11 was faked. It was CGI. This is absolute. Maybe not 100% of the footage and I don't want to go to that extreme now but I'd say over 90% of what you saw was faked. So are all the photos. Well this is groundbreaking stuff. Surely Phil wants to know about it and he does. I spent 6 hours showing him clips after clip and he showed no interest in it at all even though it was rather convincing and he never started a thread!!!! Remind you this is a site with probably over 100k threads. About all types of stuff and no CGI collapse thread???? I wanted to learn how deep it went. At the time I didn't know it was so much of it. HMMMMMmmmmmm Then I found more evidence of Computer Generated Imagery on 9/11 From ANOTHER source. I tried to show Phil and he flipped on me saying "This isn't gonna be a fucking shrine to Simon Shack" I said Phil those videos aren't from Simon at all. "Well it looks like parts of his movie" I said well they are not from September Clues at all!! He went on and on about Simon and so I said"Have you even seen September Clues?" He said NO!!! Not the whole thing. LOL That's funny! You got this guy in deep in the movement all this time and he hasn't seen the movie he's so quick to shoot down. That's a blatant lie or a serious ego problem. We will go with the blatant lie. Needless to say to there was no CGI thread started. He never mentioned it in chat. For the record Phil and I had become "friends" He would call constantly on Skype and many many times on my cell. We would talk 9/11 for days. sometimes 6 hrs at a a time. For a while I thought it was great. Then after all these newer developments, with all these going down I became suspicious. Anyhow I continued my investigating over there. I would read almost every 9/11 related thread on both Let's Roll and September Clues. I have no bias. I just want the F'n Truth!! It's well known that Phil and Simon Shack have a huge feud going. That's not my problem. If I can land an interview with the guy that made the one legit in my eyes documentary of 9/11 I'm gonna get him on. Not on Phil's site but on mine. I'll have whoever I want on. The interview with Simon went very well at the time but I know it set Phil off a little. A pilot from the town next to me allegedly was killed on 9/11 so it's hard enough for me to tell this story around here but I am relentless. Phil calls again this time at like 3am " I wanted to get you before I was drunk. LEts make this quick and we will finish tomorrow. "How many people live in Dracut MA Brian?" I said IDK about 30,000 Phil. He told me I was wrong and theres only 300 houses and 1055 residents in Dracut!! 'I have been studying satelite imagery all night and your lying. I said"Phil I could name 15 streets off the top of my head with more than 300 houses. Your way off. Then I said Phil I could go to the High School and find 1055 Students tomorrow. He then said all the kids were fake residents shipped in from all the surrounding communities which he tried to name off and at this point it was laughable. I let him go and said call me tomorrow. So now it's "Hollow Dracut"? LOL. I still maintained a friendship with Phil til he called me on the phone a week or so later. Mind you this is just a guy I know from the internet. He called at like 2am! On my cell. Not that out of the norm but never the less if I don't want answer, I don't have to. This went on for 3 nights. I have NO INTEREST IN HIS NEW THEORY!! I along with anyone I know would instantly disregard anything I've said on 9/11. It felt like it was to discredit me. So I i didn't want to talk about "Hollow Dracut" anymore. Its absurd and it's basically calling me either an idiot or a liar! This is the town next to me. There are 30,000 people there. I go there everyday. See tons of traffic and people. It's a bustling town. I am not obligated to answer the phone for Phil. At all hours of the night. I ignored him for three days yes. Big Deal! How did he respond?? He attacked me on his forum where I had earned many people's respect. As a matter of fact he attacked me relentlessly for almost a week!!! EVERY NIGHT IN CHAT. pages upon pages just trashing me, calling me an asshole, saying I've never done anything for LRF, never plugged them, I'm a dickhead, yadda yadda yadda. Guess what I did? Nothing I let it go til the emails came. There 4 in a row of him cussing me out, sending me info on Simon Shack like we are buddies now or something and says I see how you attack me, you have your guests do it. There was other emails where he asked if we were enemies now!!! I remind you this is still with no response from me. Last contact was the Dracut call. All I have done to him is not returned his calls for 3 days. Big deal. I do it to my own friends. Real life friends. The next email he asked if I wanted WARFARE with him. Phil if that's the type of confrontation you want fine but this is to distract me and I won't let it. I will continue to get closer to the truth of 9/11 no matter which gatekeepers I need to hurdle. So now we are on 5-6 nights of total trashing of me and my character (a respected mod at the Lets Roll Forum) all in the chat for any member to read. Not even in his weak ass team chat. So what did I do. I let it go one more day. Me and Justin were doing a moon hoax show and I needed to prepare a lot. It was not about waitng to reply as much as putting the important things first. Well then Emails Justin to talk sh%$ about us not sticking up for him against Simon Shack. Which wasn't even a huge insult so we let it die. He made an email about Simon to send to me though. Bad mouthing him, mysteriously after I was IP banned from LRF He and Simon are now buddies. So which one is it Phil ? You gonna ban his research or go visit Rome?? Then After being a gracious host to Simon the people on his forum (not all of em there are some great ones) trash me for a week, calling me a shill. Odd timing to say the least. It should be noted that an over 5 year member and serious contributor to their other radio shows James Sloan was also banned and my co host Justin Cooke was demoted! All over this and more bickering Phil intentionally started to weed out the good people. Saturday night I think it was he actually emailed me and said Phil Jayhan Apr 24to me So, not sure what you want to do here. I have a radio show scheduled for Friday night. Are you willing to give me the log in information and send me the software link so I can figure out how to use it before Friday night? If so, please let me know ASAP. This is one of the most important witnesses of 9/11 to ever come forward IMO and just because we aren't friends anymore, don;t think it should fall through the cracks. So can you please let me know ASAP if your willing to help me or not, so I can rest, knowing I can do the show? If your not going to help, all I am asking is an email reply back right away telling me so, so I am not left hanging and dangling. Can you at least send me an email letting me know? Thanks, Phil After this week long barrage of insults and discredting I had the heart cause I love 911 truth so much I SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!! After being called an asshole, cocksucker and all this in his chat for a week. Brian Staveley Apr 25to Phil I will show you how to set it all up Phil Jayhan Apr 25to me Cool, thanks a lot Brian, I appreciate it. It's going to be a great interview. He saw it, the hollow with which we speak. He saw whats on the other side of this picture. Let me know how you want to do this and let me know. I have one more reply then look what I wake up to in the chat! Brian Staveley Apr 25to Phil Female over tonight. we will talk tomorrow sometime. So after a barrage of insults and you will see some. Threatening emails and everything else I AGREED TO HELP HIM BROADCAST HIS BULLLSH%^ SHOW WITH THE WITNESS TO THE HOLLOW TOWERS HE SAYS!!!. I agreed out of my heart. Now look at the chat overnight. That very night. Notice the date. Its one day later than our emails where I said yes. After being called a shill, an assh$#e and a cock^&cker by Phil! He tells his people I won't help and the radio show can't go on!! LOL. This is just minutes and hours after I said I'd help!. NON STOP CUSSING OUT OF MOSTLY ME AND SOME OF SIMON SHACK! Rather odd when you see what I added about his new support and endorsement of September Clues Just Days After Banning Me! Click to Zoom . Start reading From The Bottom. This Is What He Says In The Public Cause They Don't Know I Said Yes. Big Scumbag Move!!!! This was going on for a week mind you. Me accepting to help you think would end it! Hold CNTRL and Hit + to Enlarge Photos So You Can Read The Attacks! I put it off one more day til after my radio show. I needed to focus on that so I let it all pass just one more day. The night of the Moon Hoax Show Phil Jayhan an alleged friend goes on our comment wall and writes"Nice Promotion of Alex Jons" LMAO! Anyone who has heard 5 minutes of us know we hate Jones, what he stands for and his misleading of everyone.We explain to anyone who brings him up and we go through his whole agenda!!! Phil knows this. We have done countless shows on it! Just like you've never seen September Clues right Phil? He really told me that when he flipped on me on those videos, just months ago. The next day I responded. So it must have been the Monday after the moon show, I'll look it up. I made a post on the forum. I am now IP BANNED FROM LET'S ROLL FORUMS!!! ME!! MODERATOR, builder of the radio station and premiere host, just BANNED. I outgrew the gatekeeping Phil knows it, I know it and other know it! If you wish to read the post it was written by me and titled something like "In Defense of myself I needed to write this" I pretty much wrote everything that was in this email in a forum post. His crazy ass then said the following. "Now Brian is bringing this into the public" REALLY???? He's been ranting in front of any member about me for days in the chat and I will show you examples. Calling me names where if you tried it here in Lowell Phil, you'd have some serious issues. That's bringing it the public! Anything I said was on the phone or in email not of the forum, a very busy forum where a lot of researchers respected me well. You trash me and Justin on our comment wall DURING OUR LIVE SHOW. You brought it all in the public on BOTH OF OUR SITES!!!!!! Thousands saw that ah#@! So what does he do next he tells ppl I published personal phone calls we had!!! That's a strong accusation and a false one!!! His defintion of that- me quoting him from what he said to me about all this Dracut nonsense. Saying BRIAN STAVELEY PUBLISHES PERSONAL CALLS IS A STRONG LIE!!! But that's what Phil is about. Lies, Ego and gatekeeping. Have you started that CGI evidence thread yet Phil. Now after attacking me for having him on you and Simon your buddies right after I'm attacked on his forum. Very odd timing to say the least. You were a rude son of a bitch that acted like a crazed ex girlfriend because I didn't answer the phone and it was all planned. I knew It was coming. I called it to the day. People knew you were gonna attack me. You needed to get rid of a few us us, admit it. We weren't under the Jayhan mind spell anymore. What type of friend just cause they can't get in contact for days goes on the internet and trashes a friends and fellow moderator/researcher for a week on both our sites. Without a back and forth! That is the act of a snake. He said I never did anything for Lets Roll. Anyone want the archives with hundreds of hours of audio I did on The Last American for Phil. Any HONEST people left there there you know I was for real and I welcome you all to come listen to our shows and read our blogs here at Soon I will have a much better forum also. If anyone can help with that, let us know. I think we all know who the the real truth teller is here. You tell a lot of it but mix in so much bullshit and confusion your no more than another 9/11 gatekeeper. You should get that ego checked too. You went on for weeks now and still are. This response is warranted as many , many people email me asking why you attacked me. People are very wary of you Phil not me. Keep my name out your mouth and keep hiding the whole truth for the government and media. It won't stop from finding out more and more about this Hollywood style fraud hoax. JUST ADDED BTW now after this banning me off let's roll and all this suspicious activity look at the thread Phil put up!!!! So was I right the whole time?? I can not believe he is now praising Simon weeks after IP BANNING me, sounds like gatekeepping whatever I might say on it! original URL to LRF post I had to hide my IP to get on since I'm so evil!!! Here is copy and paste in case the link don't work.But it should now I altered it. I can't post the direct link so to Let's Roll Forums Let's Roll Forums > The U.S. Government Conspiracy of 9/11 > 911 For the Tired, Weary, Hustled Masses September Clues - A Must See Movie for Every Person First post by Phil! Join Date: 23 Feb 2004Location: Middle EarthPosts: 22,830Threads: 2785Blog Entries: 28Thanked 7,938 Times in 2,914 Posts This is actually from Phil Jayhan weeks after accusing me on having Simon Shack on so I could attack Phil via my guests. (Since that what I tend to do when I don't answer my phone. lol ) I want to thank Simon Shack for his time and dedication in making this most astounding 9/11 video. It is a compilation of his own research and his forum members, and other 9/11 Illuminaries who saw the hoax of 9/11 long before I, and long before most. For all of the people, in all of the world, who took millions of hours of their own time researching 911, this single video will bring you to the very edge of the 9/11 mysteries, and leave only a few questions unanswered. The first video of September Clues, was made in 2006. If a tree falls in the Forest, and there isn't a qualified 9/11 researcher or ass crawler to hear it, is it still wrong? And is it still a tree? I want to thank Simon and the Clues gang for bringing this video and making it, years ahead of it's time. (their colors are brown and yellow) Long before I was willing to open my mind to such an "outrageous conspiracy theory." Now that most of the emotional impact and drama of 9/11 have vanished, I would ask every person on the internet to please watch September Clues. It will answer nearly every single question people have had about 911 since day 1. And was created in 2005-2006. HE EVEN POSTS THE MOVIE!! HE PUT IT IN TWO CLIPS Isn't this a bit odd. First I am attacked for basically having Simon on. Phil goes on a tirade about me for a week. Sends me Stuff about Simon talking mad shit. Read the chats above. There is a lot about me and Simon. Now I'm IP banned off LRF(for trying to explain this stuff to Phil in part) and these guys are best friends now????? Then figuring I helped promote September Clues Forum and their information so much, let Simon says whatever he wanted on our show and then I'm attacked on September Clues for two weeks. Something isn't adding up here. So know after outing me for showing him CGI collapse footage, not buying his wacky theory he is down with it all and actually kissing Simon's ass???!!!!!! HAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Read the chats above from just days before. I'm the one they should be wary off?? Hahahaaha Make sure you read some comments. A lot of members are seriously doubting his intentions just as I knew was coming!! Read the thread after Phil's ass kissing post of Simon! Come join some real truthers. We are working on a better forum and could use help and we do a radio show once a week. Here is the link. |
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP