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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
This blog here that I am about to write really hits home with me. I was for about 10 months completely deceived by the so called "truth movement". This applies to more than just 9/11 but that is the primary focus. The truth is the Truth Movement was setup by the same people who pulled off 9/11 in the first place. I'm not saying every Tom, Dick, And Harry are frauds but almost all of the famous "truthers" are. They were put there to control the truth. If you ask what I mean by this it's quite simple, but we are going to break it down and give you very specific examples. Are you familiar with the term controlled opposition? It's basically what it sounds like. You disguise yourself as the other side of the coin, meanwhile controlling it from the inside. Now you have probably heard a lot of people call other people dis info agents but not really back up the claims. In this piece we are going to back it up.
Before we get into specific examples there is something you need to know. I am going to get into detail on a few key people within the movement but this problem runs much deeper than these individuals. They are part of a huge network of people all placed in the alternative media to keep us away from the truth. They will present us with all sorts of stories we don't hear in the mainstream. GMOs, Unjust wars, police state, vaccines, FEMA Camps, etc, but as they gain your trust with these stories they are setting you up for a few big lies. After giving you all these stories they have earned your trust. Now when they tell you something like "We interviewed these 4 firefighters and they all heard explosions in the buildings" are you going to doubt them? No, of course not. They have your trust by giving you the stories the mainstream won't. I like to tell people it is like this. When you still get your information from the mainstream media you are inside their mental box. When you finally break free and smash your way out of that box, your not quite there yet. You are inside a another mental box now. They knew you were going to wake up or at least they knew a lot of us would. They have prepared for this. They have prepared by setting up the new people you are gonna trust. Now that you don't trust the media and the government would it make sense for them to just let you go wander around Truthville by yourself poking your head where they don't want you to? No!! They set up shop in Truthville. So know you have people to look to for this new information you seek. They tell you things you never heard anyone tell you and you start to trust and sometimes even follow them. You don't need to follow anyone. All that does is limit your options for information and cloud your ability to see through the bull-crap. It's ok to get a lot of your information from people in the alternative media but you need to treat them much like the mainstream media. Many of the larger outlets are actually owned by the same people that own much of the mainstream media. Ponder this thought. What if the people in the alternative media that talk about false flag terrorism by our country were really full of crap? What if they were there so people like us who won't believe the mainstream for a minute on this stuff have somewhere to turn? Then what if many of these events were actually just Hollywood productions complete with actors, props, and even news anchors playing themselves? This is the case most of the time. Most of the people in the alternative media are there to actually back up the US propaganda but from a different angle and very subtle like. They are their to also gain your trust to the people you will follow them and let them influence your opinions with their bull crap theories that they know are wrong. Another thing a lot of the people in the alternative media are there for is to hype up the fear. Hype up the police state. Have you been to RT lately? So many videos of the police beating people or pepper spraying them for nothing but I don't see any reporting on the controlled aspect of it we all know exists. Now enough with the generalities. Let's talk about a few of the most prominent members of the truth community. In this piece I am going to tell you with all certainty that Alex Jones, Luke Rudowski, and Jason Bermas are all not who they pretend to be. They are all there to mislead and misdirect the truth movement. Let me start by saying I was or actually still am seeing as I bought a year subscription, a member of PrisonPlanetTV. So this is coming from someone who was a huge fan. They had me totally deceived. Once I had an idea towards what was going on I started to dig. A lot of people before me did a lot of good research so I must really credit them. First of with all three of these guys they are there to hide the truth of 9/11. That is their main purpose. When you are done reading this piece go to our 9/11 section and read the paper I wrote their or actually just check my older blogs its in there as well. Luke Rudowski was the leader of We Are Change NY. He took it over after its original leader Dan Wallace died. Luke did not like to discuss with anyone the finances of We Are Change NY. They accept large amounts of donations as one of the leading 9/11 charities or at least one of the more known. Now we know the reason why. Luke was actually stealing the donations. He would pay his college tuition with it! He withdraw huge amounts of cash, one time even taking out $13,000. He is a fraud profiting off of 9/11. Imagine if you donated your hard earned money and he was running up thousands of dollars in bar tabs and it was with the donation money??? Scumbag! All that stuff with him being taunted by security saying "we are gonna say you have a bomb in your bag" thats all setup. It is part of the act. Young rebel New Yorker fighting for truth. Give me a break. He is a total fraud! He is also great buddies with the next two people we are going to talk about. Next up Alex Jones. All AJ fans need to read this and after watch the video I have provided n the website exposing this fraud. The Self Appointed Leader of 9/11 Truth- Alex Jones Alex Jones is dangerous. He has by far the most listeners and some people take what he says as gospel. One of the things I hear people say real quick in his defense is "Well if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have woken up". Not true. You were ready to take in the new information. He was just the guy that got forced down your throat. Let's get right to the lies, shall we? Alex's main claim to fame is he is the guy that predicted 9/11. First off that is a bold face lie. Bill Cooper is the guy who actually predicted it and it was a month or two prior to what Jones said. Jones knew about it too. He knew Cooper well and they monitor his show. I order to further discredit Cooper now and make that prediction his he calls Cooper a dead drunk(he was killed by govt agents) and totally lies to all of you. AGAIN! He says Cooper was on his show but he had to cut him off because Bill Cooper kept swearing. He was swearing at Alex, Swearing at the board op. Well I went back to that 1998 interview where Bill Cooper was on The Alex Jones Show when Alex was small time still just in Texas. Not only did Cooper not swear once. They never even argued. The interview went perfectly fine. So Alex just makes that up to discredit Bill Cooper. Alex not only did not predict 9/11, he was given that "prediction" to give him instant credibility. Yes they gave him that prediction. More like they gave him the script to their Hollywood production. Remember how he hypes it up? It is all part of the act. He is there to actually reinforce the government's story about the 3000 people dying and the two planes hitting the towers. Sure he throws in the whole bombs in the building stuff but he is still backing up their fairy tale.Now just in case you are not following me with the 911 stuff yet, we are going to move onto something else. I want you to know it is much more than just that. He is gate-keeping many other issues and a few key groups we need to talk about. Let's start with character issues. This guy is supposed to be our hero, our patriot. Would our hero try to incite a riot and then when unsuccessful shoulder a man and run behind the cops and actually say "This man assaulted me". Tries to start a fight and then goes and runs to the cops when the guy finally comes at him. I saw him do this twice. You can see it with your own eyes as it is with the included video playlist. Speaking off fights, he loves to start them. He goes into a restaurant and picks a fight. When the guys comes outside to fight him, Alex pretends to get a gun out of his truck. The man ends up beating him up anyways so what does Alex do? He calls the FBI on the guy and tells them he got attacked by the leader of a terrorist group and 4 other men. They jumped him with knives as they tried to silence his free speech!! That is your hero! Now if it was just this it would be enough to question his character and while I sure as hell wouldn't idolize him, I still MIGHT trust him. Well it gets a lot worse. Let's talk about him censoring you! Alex Jones is always bitching about Google and Youtube censoring him. Whether its giving him copyright notices, knocking down his view counts or blocking access to his sites, he is always complaining about censorship and how much of a NAZI tactic it is. Well what if he was censoring you? How would you feel? Betrayed? You should! He is censoring you and in more ways than one. Let's start with the call log. If you listen live and you listen to a replay, many times you will hear things live that won't be in the replay. If you call out any of his questionable connection like The John Birch Society or the Council For National policy he will ERASE YOUR CALL! First while on the air they would make an attempt to change the direction your going or just cut you off, but if they couldn't they will be sure no one hears it in the replay. Now is that practicing what he breaches? Is that fair to you? Why is he censoring anyone??!! What a fraud! Well there are a lot more censoring issues. There are certain groups he protects and whitewashes any information about them. We need to talk about these groups. First off I am no expert on secret societies or religion or any of the groups we are going to mention here, but I do know Alex, what he is about now and that he is working to shield these people. This is a fact what I am going to tell you. The Knights of Malta. Try and post it on the Prison Planet Forum. It won't post will it? It will look like it did, now refresh the page. It's not there. You are not allowed to talk about the Knights of Malta on there. Not only that get a load of this. The Vatican has only been mentioned one time on the forum in 10 years. Prison planet. Millions and millions of people. The Vatican mentioned only once. The Vatican has their hand in so much but listening to Jones you wouldn't know that would you? See how he misleads you by withholding information? Now get this if someone makes a comment on any post and it is about the Vatican, Alex then goes and disables the comments! Is that free speech? Is that honest research? No it is not. This is not the way the leader of a truth movement should act. Now all these things being said I don't know who exactly cuts his checks. The CIA, The Vatican, The FBI, The Sheen family,etc.. I just don't know. He protects the Knights Of Malta, The Vatican, The Jesuits, and he absolutely has a hand in helping out the US government and reinforcing their terrorism fear stories. He has a lifetime gig being the key figure of the alternative media. One day on his show he comes on and tells all of his listeners how he was at the Austin Gun Rally the other day and he had co intelpro all poking him and getting in his face. Disrupting the movement. Then he goes onto explain how cointelpro is people put in a movement to disrupt it and derail it from the inside. He tells us the listeners how he couldn't even talk to all the people coming up to him and thanking him for the job he is doing because he had cointelpro poking him and getting in his face. Now at the time when I heard this i thought man what a bunch of a##holes, and I picture good ole Alex trying to speak wiht people and he has people disrupting it. Well a few days later someone's home video came out of the day. This one video was very powerful to me as it made me realize he was straight up lying to us. There was no other way around it. Now if you watch just this please don't brush it off as that is Alex's personality. It goes much deeper than that. Now the seeds of doubt are planted aren't they? In this home video you see these young Americans getting politically involved giving a speech outside the Texas statehouse or some other govt. building down there. Well then you see Alex roll up with a small crowd of people and press around him. Now he is shouting "We are not your slaves" over his megaphone. Only problem is he is totally shouting over the young man speaking for gun rights. The "We are not your slaves" was so out of place. He kept doing it. Really rude! They asked him many times nicely to please stop as no one could hear the speaker on the podium over his damn megaphone. He was disrupting the movement. Then one of the women who organized the event was asking him to stop and he was so rude so things like "Lady get the hell outta my face. Ill be here in ten years you'll be nothing". This was after she told him how he was the inspiration that made her get involved with activism. Pictures speak louder than words and video even louder than that! Be sure to our page on Exposing The Fake Truthers. I have setup a video player with all these videos and more preloaded and ready to go. They will play in order and actually auto start. You don't have to hit anything. Just sit back and look at your hero in his true colors. The man is a total fraud working for the people he says he is against. He is a fear mongerer and a fraud. He did not wake you up! You were ready to take that information in no matter who was telling it. It was your time. He was put there for that exact reason. Control the new information you get. when it gets too hot like a caller calling in talking about 911. Watch once they mention the media's involvement, a fake plane or anything else that would lead people to believe it was all a Hollywood production he attacks them. Even on the most distant level. Even if the person might not be totally going down that road! That is why he is there. Shoot down any REAL 911 theories. Hype up all government attacks that are in most cases just a media deception. He will be on the scene interviewing fake witnesses.He said anyone who thinks flight 175 was a fake plane has a mental illness! Really ??? This coming from the guy with more far out theories than most people. Do you guys think its just because he does not like that theory?? NO!! It is because of the agenda. Keep everyone chases their tail on 911 and if anyone starts to get close you do whatever you can to dis-credit it. That's where Jason Bermas comes in too. He is the same way. He idolizes Alex and is a complete shill. He called the maker of September Clues a meth addict simply for the reason there was too much truth in that film. Bermas' agenda is clear as day to me. He is a total fraud. He talks down on anyone who questions his views on 9/11. He'll tell you how he has seen more 9/11 stuff than anyone and he knows the deal. Even though yes he does know the deal but that is not what he is telling us!! He is making sure we do not get near it!! After you finish reading this be sure to go to this page and watch at least the first 10-15 videos. You will see for yourself how much of a fraud this guys is. There are also a few full length movies in there that do a great job on many levels. If you are an Alex Jones fan you owe it to yourself to know this information. The best advice I can give all you researchers in order to deal with all the disinformation is be skeptical about all of them. Don't follow anyone. Be strong in your stance on your opinions. I always come shooting straight with you. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. This is a very important issue as so many "truthers" as they like to call some of us are mislead by these people. They are not heroes! They are total frauds put there to mislead you! Brian S Staveley founder of & co founder of
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP