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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
I have written before about Dr. Ron Paul, and why he is no different than the average politician. However the difference between Ron, and the other remaining GOP candidates and current Puppet in Chief Barack Obama is that Dr. Paul has millions of fans and followers in the "Truth" and "Liberty" Movements. While I agree with most of his stances towards personal liberties, and his "non interventionist" policies, there is one glaring hole in his economic beliefs. He has made it well known that he's all for an economy based on gold and other commodities. In my research I have found this to be severely flawed, and in actuality believe that he needs to be called out on this, as very few people in the alternative media will touch on the dangers of a gold standard. The only "big names" that I have come across who have even mentioned any criticism of Paul and Austrian Economics are Webster Tarpley, Bill Still, and Henry Makow. I'm sure most of the people reading this have watched "The Money Masters" and "The Secret of Oz" by Bill Still. However most do not remember what was stated by Mr. Still., and wrongly believe that the only way to fix the economic situation we are in is to go to a gold standard, as they believe that gold and silver are equivalent to Rothschild/Jesuit kryptonite. This is far from the case. "Beware of calls to return to a gold standard. Why? Simple. Because never before has so much gold been so concentrated outside of American hands. And never before has so much gold been in the hands of international governmental bodies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. In fact, the IMF now holds more gold then any central bank. The Swiss are under intense pressure from the Money Changers to dispose of their gold. This is most likely either a prelude to the complete demonetization of gold (like silver before it), or to its monopolization and re-monetization by the Money Changers. Therefore, to return to a gold standard would almost certainly be a false solution in our case. As was repeated in the Great Depression: "In gold we trusted; by gold we're busted." Likewise, beware of any plans advanced for a regional or world currency - this is another international banker's Trojan Horse - a deception to open the national gates to more international control." Money Masters video transcript; Bill Still I believe the reasoning for the pro gold beliefs has something to do with a plan that has been in the works for at least 20 years. Many of us have read "The Secret of Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Most people don't understand that it's a ripoff of Eustace Mullins' book "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve". The only major difference is that Mullins' solution was not gold, but is actually a system based on "social credit", whereas Griffin claims that gold is the answer. I believe the reason for Griffin to write that book was so that many people would read it as they are being introduced into "Libertarian" ideals, and would falsely believe that gold/silver is the only way to stop the oligarchs. Read more of it in this link: The beliefs in all of this goes back to Ludwig Von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics. However most people are not even aware of how Austrian Economics started and don't know that Mises was actually supported by the Rockefeller Foundation for a while when he came to the US. To me this is a huge red flag, and makes me wonder if the whole thing is not an inside job. There are many other ties to famous Austrian Economics believers like Mises, Griffin, Paul, and Murray Rothbard to the Koch funded John Birch Society, the Volker Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation. Check out this quote from Mises' biographer Richard M. Ebeling, and check out the links below it from writer Anthony Migchels. “Many readers may be surprised to learn the extent to which the Graduate Institute and then Mises himself in the years immediately after he came to United States were kept afloat financially through generous grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. In fact, for the first years of Mises’s life in the United States, before his appointment as a visiting professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University (NYU) in 1945, he was almost totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller Foundation.” – Richard M. Ebeling, The Life and Works of Ludwig von Mises I think the writer does well in identifying who is ok or not in the alternative media, but as always use your own discernment, I agree with him on David Icke, but I don't believe in any of Icke's reptilian theories: Now, another point that I wanted to get to is Ron Paul's ties to PNAC member Louis Lehrman. Most of you know about PNAC, but have no idea about "the other" document by PNAC about the gold standard. Dr. Paul co-authored a book with Lehrman called "A Case For Gold". It makes you wonder why we haven't heard Alex Jones mention the other PNAC document. I believe the reasoning for that is Jones is completely controlled opposition. You can read of Jones' exploits on this site, but I'm not going to go too far in this blog, because we've already exposed AJ's cointelpro activities. The truth is that he is not the Patriotic American that many have been led to believe, but he's a snake oil salesman, and has a huge interest in gold as his assets are tied up in it heavily as are Dr. Paul's. Writer Keith Gardner does a great job of exposing this in the next link. By now you are probably thinking that I'm a believer in Keynesian Economics or Marxism, but nothing can be further from the truth. I just see this coming, and see very few people exposing it in the alternative media. I was deeply bothered when I came across Dr. Paul's statement made on Congressional Record that proves that he has no problem with a single World currency: ie "A New World Order". Only the most dedicated Paulbot can make this next statement to be positive. "There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.... The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation." Ron Paul, Congressional Record, 13 March 2001 The facts are that Dr. Paul will be the next President or VP, and most of you realize by now that the President is no more than a puppet. I have seen the mainstream media "warm up" to Paul, and I truly believe this is the next psycological operation, and the fact that so many "awake" people are falling for it drives me insane. I'm sure you realize that Presidents are selected and not elected, and yet choose to give so much of their time to a REPUBLICAN running for President amazes me. It seems that so many have traded their shepards from the MSM to the talking heads in the alternative media, and are not able to critically think, but just shout regurgitated statements like "End the FED", and talk about "fiat" money and "sound" money as if the only way to accomplish it is with Ron Paul and the gold standard. The truth is that we do need to rehaul our economy, but not the way so many people believe. In fact Dennis Kucinich's Need Act of 2011 (Zarlenga Plan) is a better way to fix the economy. Keith Gardner of "Libert Revival" states that with that plan and a few suggestions, "The only thing I would suggest for the bill is to also eliminate taxation of wages in the income tax code and promote the land value tax and citizen dividend since that is equally important. Unfortunately, for the U.S., reforming the tax code will be difficult because taxes are on the federal, national, and state level, however The Zarlenga Plan does suggest a citizen dividend, paying off national debt, funding landed infrastructure, and public option health insurance, which i agree would all be good things to do while fractional reserve banking is ending. The great part of the Zarlenga Bill is that finance of deficit spending is done with printing rather than borrowing as a default course of action. Wealthy interests would limit spending if it devalues their wealth rather than allows them to collect interest." Now I am not touting Kucininch as any type of hero either as believe that we have NOBODY left who is 100% legit in the Government as we observed him cave into Obama over the health plan, but I think this plan with Keith's suggestions would be a great start. Now there are a few things to consider before so many jump on the "gold" ship. Do you really think that the head of the World Bank, Alan Greenspan, and Louis Lehrman are thinking about us or the Country? They have all come out in support of the gold standard, and I believe that's a testament to how dangerous it really is. Louis Lehrman World Bank head calls for Gold Standard Alan Greenspan So, there you have it, my opinion is that Ron Paul is out for a free lunch, and is complete controlled opposition, and it's very easy to see that he has all of his assets tied up in gold as well. What about the rest of us? I think this has a lot to do with the Ayn Rand philosophy that the Corporation owners and elite don't need a responsibility to the rest of society. Also, I should note that Ron Paul doesn't care about American workers as he is not for tariffs, he just wants "free trade" which is basically an illusion. He also voted to repeal the "Glass Steagall Act" which helps protect us from the oligarchies. To date I've never heard him mention anything about Tesla's free energy or anything else that will truly benefit us. He is for the same old coal, oil, and nuclear energies, and also balks at putting any regulations on them. I think a big misconception is that we need to get rid of all of the alphabet agencies. That is a fallacy as the big corporations would have free reign to pollute or do what they want to do. I'm in favor of getting rid of the CIA, DHS, TSA, and a few others, but the FDA, the EPA, and the SEC need to be totally revamped with the FDA getting rid of all Monsanto, Big Pharma, and other ties that bind, the EPA needs rehauling as well, and the SEC needs to be purged of Goldman Sachs and other banking insiders who look out for there buddies every step of the way. He also claims to be anti-war, but has never called out the false flag of 9/11, and I'm sure that he would take us to war if the Israelis happened to pull off another false flag attack and blame it on Iran or Syria, as he did vote for the Afghanistan invasion after 9/11, and also was one of the few who voted against condemming Israel for an attack on Iran's nuclear reactor in 1981 Either way, the President is virtually powerless, and I believe Obama ran on an anti-war campaign as well. Maybe the days of war are over (I doubt it), and the New World Order is ready for the next chapter. Never the less, his financial policies are far from sound, and have people like Henry George, Eustace Mullins and Ezra Pound spinning in their graves. For more information check out Keith Gardner's "Liberty Revival" blog, and Anthony Migchels' "Realcurrencies" blog for more detailed information, and also check out Bill Still's blog, and his movies again, as well as reading Eustace Mullins' book about the Federal Reserve (Secrets of the Federal Reserve).
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP