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James Sloan, Justin Cooke, and Brian S. Staveley
Why Is Everyone Talking About Flat Earth?? by Brian S. Staveley This is a blog and an issue I have wanted to address for a long time. I created this website around 2010/2011 after researching 9/11 for many years. Once I discovered that 9/11 and nearly every other major mass casualty event were merely media hoaxes, it was then that I decided to put my time and effort into researching NASA. Now before you go on, if you doubt my sanity or credibility on any other issue please feel free to click a link to a page on it where I have rationally with help of others of course non more than my co host James Sloan and the late Justin Cooke. You will, if you are open minded in the first place and you realize conspiracies exist, you will enjoy the site and especially the radio archive with tons of shows. All that being said back to NASA In about 2012 I looked into the Apollo Moon Landings. To be honest with you after becoming somewhat of what I consider let's say a good identifier of media fakery since that is basically what my website had become years ago, it was clearly easy to see NASA had faked the moon landings. No this blog is not going to be like most Facebook posts full of videos and memes. Honestly I have plenty for you to see and many you will see yourself, if you do take an interest in this topic. I'll save all that for the webpage I build for this controversial topic. For now let's just talk. Why am I talking about the moon landing? What does that have to do with you the shape of the earth? Well everything really. You see not only did they fake landing on the moon, they faked the image of Earth from space. Not one by the way. Every image of Earth from space is a fake. Simply CGI. But you have heard it before I know....all the pics of Earth from space are CGI or fakes right? Google or goto NASAs site so you know the images are the "official" pics of Earth, and really honestly look at it. Its not a picture. It's a graphic. While that is TRUE, Still HOWEVER if you doubt that, you can also with just a few minutes worth of research you can see them caught in the act clearly on video staging the shot of the earth and faking their distance saying they are halfway to the moon. They literally tell you the camera is pressed against the window and that distant object out the window is Earth but in reality the camera was at the back of the shuttle or whatever they were in and the walls AROUND that CIRCULAR window were all blacked out to appear as deep space around a distant earth since it looked so small versus the faked background. This trickery was clever but they screwed up and got their arm in the shot a few times exposing the hoax. Clearly showing the camera was not pressed against the window as they said. This and all other moon issues are adressed on my moon hoax page on this site but that documentary exposing that part of it is called a Funny thing happened on the way to the moon. I want to keep it moving though. So naturally after realizing they faked the moon landings(and its so obvious guys you can debunk Apollo in a good weekend) It's that bad. After that, obviously at least in my mind but apparently not in many others, NASA couldn't be trusted for anything. So what happened next? How about the "Mars Landing" pep rally? Johnny 5 on Mars? The press conference USA USA chanting?? You don't believe that do you? Did you see the post conference and that clown that kept looking for help in the crowd cuz he couldn't answer anything?? How do we get streaming video from Mars and much deeper in space , yet I can't get cell service down the street sometimes?? OK so what else are they faking? Turns out all but one Challenger Astronaut has been found alive and well and even using their own names for the most part. These are not look alikes. I have posted their pictures below. Then there is the "ISS". The ISS footage if filled with green screen technology glitches, CGI, Parabolic Manuevers on planes called Zero G Planes to simulate weightlesnness and much footage actually filmed in dark pools, specifically the space walks. There is undeniable evidence of all of this. Even bubbles rising in the damn pools. You just have to be open minded enough to look. Satellites? Well people photograph the moon as much as anything right?? Ever see a satellite pass by the moon? Satellites are really ground based communications. Some possibly done with high alititude balloons. One Satellite rcently crashed in S America I believe it was, and It was just a device suspended by a huge balloon. NASA owns the biggest supply of helium in the world by the way. Arthur C Clarke wrote about them in a science fiction book and several years later NASA "Launched" the first one. So how does all this tie into flat earth? Well All of it is to cover this lie. Mainly taking a picture of Earth from space. They needed a space program to do that ya know? You can't just present a picture of Earth from space and say I don't know how we got it but it's proof. Well maybe you could people don't question who the cameraman was on the moon filming Neil Armstrongs first steps on the moon. I am going to get into many proofs of a Flat Earth as well as explanations of what you believe in what science says, and what the real much more reasonable explanation is. Have you ever felt the Earth spin???? No you have not. Have you ever seen the Earth Curve?? No you have not. They also go out of their way to fake the curvature with distorted lenses that are easy to tell they are bending the horizon no better example than the Red Bull Jump which was a complete hoax and done to show a round earth. Its a joke. Watch the earth go concave, convex, flat,etc all during his decent due to the fisheye lense. When the cockpit camera sees out the door the horizon is perfectly flat. Its always flat and it always rises to your eye level. Just use some common sense. STOP TRUSTNG THE GOVERNMENT OR NASA. I can not believe I need to tell anyone of you this by this point. So you can't feel motion, yet you are told you are moving. At INSANE speeds and directions. You can't and NO ONE has ever measured the alleged curvature of this sphere. I will be posting plenty of evidence of all this if you want more on the topic but it is true, in FACT what has been happening is lets say you are on a ball, that ball has to drop obviously as things move away. There is a formula for this curvature since the Earth is said to be just under 25,000 miles around the curvature is 8 inches per mile squared. Yet people have been taking pictures across the ocean now at distances of 30, 40, 50,60 miles and more. Josh Nowicki took a picutre of Chicago from across Lake Michigan and at the distance of over 50 miles the entire skyline should have been below the curve but not only could you see Chicago you could see almost the entire thing. Then what do they do to counter his photo going viral?? A weatherman comes on TV talks about the picture blowing up the internet and tells you its a mirage!! So you aren't seeing simply what you are seeing. So what about pilots? Clearly flying around a ball they must constantly nose down the plane or they will end up in outerspace. You can't fly straight and go around a ball. It would drop under you. It's common sense. Now everytime they can't explain something like this they say Gravity. So this THEORY gravity that has never been proven not only knows how to indidually stick millions of different objects animals and people to the earth, but it is weak enough to let butterflies fly, strong enough to hold the oceans on while we spin 1038 mph at the equator, now it also makes planes curve around the ball perfectly?? NO. SIMPLY SAID PILOTS DO NOT ADJUST FOR CURVATURE! EVER!! Just that should raise an eyebrow. You wanna say it's gravity? Gravity is just density and bouyancy. If something is heavier than the air it is in, guess what it does. It falls. Helium balloons rise cuz helium is lighter than the air we breathe. What are we going to believe they are gravity defying balloons?? You also believe the Sun is 93 MILLION MILES AWAY! 93 Million. Would you have ever come to that assumption on your own or were you taught that as a kid and told to repeat it to pass your tests in school? What with your own senses would ever tell you the sun is that far? Have you ever even looked at the sun's rays? Sometimes they come in at like 45 degree angles. How does that work if they are coming from 93 MILLION MILES. If they could even reach that far wouldn't only straight rays not MISS THE EARTH ENTIRELY? Of course. Try an experiment. A Simple one I thought of. Put a quarter on your floor across your room. That's the sun (OBVIOUSLY NOT TO SCALE). Now put a dime on the other side of your room. that's the Earth. How do angled rays come outta the quarter and hit the dime? Now add millions of miles in between... HHHHMMMMM How about another impossibility. You can research all of these and it should be at least clear you have been duped. We are told the Moon reflects the suns light correct? So if I am in the sunlight and its 90 degrees and I wanna cool off I go in the shade where say its 80 degrees. Now when I say the moon emits cold light I don't mean cuz it's at night. Use your head. Lets say it is later that night and you are in direct full moonlight. 65 degrees lets say. Rays reflecting from the sun off the moon to us at night. Well if you go in the shade from the moonlight what does it drop to? 50 degrees? Cooler? NOOOOOOO! It gets hotter. The complete opposite of the Sunlight. So how the F is it reflecting sunlight when it has oppossite properties? Try another experiment. Get a light source and shine it on a ball. You cant light a sphere with another light source without leaving a hot spot. The Moon is not lit from the sun. There is not only no evidence that it does but it is impossible for it to be. Well how come when I'm at the beach I see boats go away and disappear bottom first over the curve of the earth? You don't. Its called a vanishing point. You know you can't see forever right? You aren't Superman even though Bill Nye asks if the earth is flat how come I can't see Spain from the East Coast of the USA??? It's absurd but even better let's prove it doesn't go over a curve. Watch that boat again and as it dissapears bottom first OVER THE CURVE as they say pull out a good zoom camera and guess what? You can bring the whole ship back. Watch it go over the curve again and whip out a stronger zoom say binoculars and guess what you bring it all back again!! Use your mind. Is it really going over a ball if you can zoom in and bring it back? Of course not. You should be zooming in on a hump of water. The navy uses weapons with line of sight laser targeting up to more than 60 miles. Submarines. From inches off the surface of the sea. How is it line of sight if the earth curves? There would be like half a mile of curve in the way. How would a rail gun shoot a projectile like 100 miles in a straight line? This is a deep topic I have been researching since 2014 so I have a lot to add to follow this up but I want to keep this one not too long and get you interested. If you have to cuss me out or call me stupid or insult my education that obviously means you have no reasonable rebuttal. This is all stuff you can see for yourself. EVERY PICTURE OF EARTH IS FAKE. Its even ADMITTED they photoshop them. You can see the continents change size and even see cloned copy and pasted clouds on the "photos". Well if those are faked to that degree isn't this worth looking into? I have posted some for you. Let's recap. All the pics of earth from space are fake CGI. All the pics of Satellites in space are CGI and these are obvious. Look them up. Nothing but cartoons. It's pretty insulting really. They hoaxed Apollo and The Challenger Disaster and the ISS is a complete joke. But nooooooo they'd never lie about the shape of the earth. Even though the images of that are also fake. Where is the logic in that reasoning? Well what's the motive? Well many answers really, but some tougher for others to believe whether you are faith based or not but how about lets start with money. NASA gets 20 billion a year, yes 53 MILLION PER DAY to fake outer space. They control navigation, GPS, Maps and they could be hiding more land or even bigger secrets like how we got here or by whom. Planes going east and west should take vastly different times since one is going with and one against the spin of the earth. If the earth is spinning 1000 MPH eastward and you are flying east at 500mph how would you even reach your stop? It would come up behind you. And a trip westward would take a fraction of the time cuz you and the Earth would be racing towards each other! Well here comes another bullshit argument that the Earth's atmosphere is rotating with the earth. Let's pretend it is for a second. So what about a plane flying to land on a north to south runway? Are you trlling me they can land while the earth spins sideways at 1000 MPH??? Clearly if you believe that you must believe they are not just extremely skilled at that part of flying, but there surely is a procedure to compensate for the spin. Well there absolutely isn't. I will post some material here. Interviews from pilots and a few beginner videos you should see. This is my first blog on Flat Earth and it's been three years so I don't go on forever I will stop now. I will respond to comments. Please share this. Have an open mind and just think. If you can't trust NASA and can't trust school, can you not trust your senses more than them?? I assure you it is not a crazy idea in fact I tried to debunk this for about a full year before realizing not only does the globe lack proof....IT HAS NONE. You can prove the earth is flat and does not move in hundreds of ways. Literally. Pictures they present of REAL EARTH from Space Are posted below as well as their photoshopping blunder. Pics at impossible distances on a ball. Pics of the sun I TOOK which clearly is not 93 Million Miles away and I will add a few beginner videos to ease you into this. Please just go in order. This is not bullshit. you have been programmed to think it is though. I will be doing a radio show on this soon right here on The Dose Of Reality Radio Show and building a few in depth Flat Earth pages. For now I hope you enjoyed this blog. This is for beginners mostly but no worries, you veterans of the Flat Earth Movement my webpages will have much more updated content. Use this to get people interested please. Please share this link if you like this blog. Brian S. Staveley NASA's Most used official pic now Blue Marble 2.0. Admittedlly Photoshopped by Rob Simmon Of NASA. Have a listen yourself. Clearly photshopped clouds and weather and it is even admitted he added them on and even colored the oceans as he sees fit and it is photoshopped cuz it has to be. Fact is ALL the pics of earth from space are indeed fake. Now this is a still from an even worse timelapse of the moon allegedlly orbitting the earth. This is what Joe Rogan Calls HI RESOLUTION satellite image of the earth when debating Eddie BravoYou believe this is real??? The Chicago Skyline which should be under 2400 feet of curvature clearly visible. Taken by Josh Nowicki but called a mirage by the news. Mirages are upside down by the way. Complete nonsense. No you are just seeing Chicago becuase it is across from you and you aren't on a ball!! Listen to this liar! Want another example?? Jenna Fredo took pics of Toronto from New York and The Skydome shoulda been completely under the curve. They are laughing at our ignorance. Listen to this weatherman's bullshit. Now Jenna's Video showing the Skydome. And she even uses METABUNK which is a BS site like Snopes they have a "curvature calculator" that even knocks the number down more than it should to explain away what you can see when you shouldn't and she still beats it. Beats it to really prove a point. Then Mick West comes on Joe Rogan's show and straight up says its a mirage! Here we go again...He also says look the Skydome is upside down. as you are looking at everything totally upright!! They really tell you these pictures below are really Earth from space. Come on man...Official NASA pic called Earth Rising from the moon. CLEARLY CGI Now here are my favorite videos to get anyone new started. Just give it a try. Will it kill you to have an open mind? If it's BS, simply debunk it! Please go in order as they are laid out in a specific order by me. A Great description how your eyes work and why things appear to vanish over the horizon. Click Here For Engineer Brian Mullin's Balls Out Physics Playlist. Just Let The Whole List Play. Excellent Stuff. Joe Rogan used to be a voice for the moon hoax. They got to him. When he had Neil Degrasse Tyson on his show and did a complete 180. The only guy ever to go back on the moon hoax after seeing the evidence. Now every few weeks it is just a flat earth bashing show by Rogan. Don't trust these clowns. Always use your own judgement. Don't trust anyone. Including me. Do your own research. This is just a good start for you. If a particulr person here doesn't resonate with you, you don't have to listen to them. There are so many people putting out content now but these are some great ones to start with. Unlike other conspiracies Flat Earth, to me at least can be very fun. Here is some great Flat Earth music to close out this post. Please comment and share to Facebook if possible. There is a like button right on this page but I don't think that actually shares it Please just copy and paste the link where you deem appropriate. If you enjoyed this check out my other material on media hoaxes/false flags especially 9/11 or my moon hoax information since that is so deeply intertwined with this. If you still believe in Apollo you will never get this. So I would recommend even starting there, but if you already know Apollo was hoax as I feel many people actually do, then please continue to look here. Now it will all make sense why they had to hoax the moon landings. It was not for American pride or military supremacy or anything like that. It was to support this lie. On the right hand side of this page are links to our older blogs with keywords for them. Comments for this blog are just below. Comments are open. Please just be respectful. All opinions are welcome as long as you actually read it all and give it an honest thought.
Thank you.
Brian S. Staveley
9/12/2017 06:02:52 pm
testing comments
11/6/2017 05:35:31 pm
Brian S. Staveley
9/12/2017 06:15:33 pm
testing open comments
Phillip Pardo
12/16/2019 11:16:30 pm
You know what? The funny thing is anyone can go to your fb page and indeed are for themselves see just how much of a loon you are.
Kristine Silva
9/28/2017 03:17:56 am
Good stuff Brian!! I can't wait to finish reading this tomorrow!! It's 3:15am sweet dreams!!
Brad Gollasch
10/29/2017 04:54:11 pm
WHY???.... Flat earth is NASAs new DBA strategy...DISCREDIT BY ASSOSSIATION.... WHY??.....Why does Simon Shack have the one and only honest media fakery research website???...You're not stupid...Throw me a frickin bone here... Shit heel eating shills,son....Shit heel eating shills everywhere...
10/29/2017 09:12:13 pm
So are you saying Flat Earth is a tactic by NASA and not really the actual truth?? Do you think its a globe and they just want us to push a Flat Earth and look silly??? If that is what you beleive I can GUARANTEE you haven't even gotten thru the first THREE videos I posted below.
11/10/2017 10:27:57 am
Hi sir! Do u really think NASA is the only organization on space research out there? I know American govt. Is pretty fucked up, filled with psychopathetic satanic liars. But not Indian govt. ISRO or Indian Space Research Organization is our country's Space Research Organization. We wont lie and necessarily we got no reason to lie. Earth is not flat. I agree with ither conspiracies, 911 was an insiade job, but flat earth is BS.I even agree with fake moon landings. But flat earth huh? BS**t.
Brad G
1/11/2018 10:56:18 am
I have seen plenty flat Earth videos.... They are truly pathetic.... DBA... Discredit by Association.... The oldest fucking trick in the book... NASA are total frauds...There's no getting arround that... But the flat Earth thing is just retarded...I caught on to that bullshit immediately... That has NASAs foul stench all over it...
Brad Gollasch
3/5/2018 07:50:10 pm
You assholes built this website from the ground up because of one person ..... Simon Shack.... I have seen some very pathetic attempts to discredit him....This website is no different
Peter Ericsson
10/30/2017 06:41:30 pm
Nice write up....easy introduction for many!
Brian S Staveley
11/1/2017 01:24:36 pm
Thank you Peter! Please share!
Brian S Staveley
11/10/2017 10:46:53 am
Jeree I am WELL AWARE that NASA is not the only space agency. They are however the ones leading the charge all the time. ALL the space agencies are working together on this. What do you mean India wouldn't lie about it??? lolol. Why would you make that assumption?? So you know 9/11, Sandy Hook and other huge things they lie about. You know they lied about the moon landings...the same ppl saying earth is globe yet you assume they wouldnt lie about the shape of the earth? WHY NOT?
Brian S Staveley
11/10/2017 10:48:19 am
You probably look at Americans who blindly support their govt. as ignorant no??? How do you think others view Indians who believe their govt wouldn't lie??
11/11/2017 03:28:06 am
Omg bro! Seriously dude, not trying to go straight to insults here, but you seriously can't be this ignorant, uneducated, non intuitive, or plain stooopid! #1! You have absolutely zero understanding of physics! Yet, you are essentially writing a position paper on an all Physics topic! Seriously! And asking people share and spread this nonsense!? You must be a government troll/shill! #2 your example of light reflecting off the moon? WOW, why there is "no heat from moonlight"!? LOL! You clearly have no physics knowledge or understanding! It is called albedo / absorption / infrared reflection and refraction. Almost all of the "suns rays" / Light waves, get absorbed by the dense, dark, moon rock / igneous/mantle/lava rock. Most light on a planetary /moon (natural satellite) level, gets reflected by the Atmosphere of the planetary object (the gas of the planet), then the 2nd most gets reflected/refracted by a planetary body's liquids! Our moon has neither of those! Ect. There is way more technical detail into the facts of this. But I don't have enough time to elaborate! Study science yourself! #3 your example of the airplanes!? Holy F'n F DOOD! Like WOW! I'm pretty sure we learn about inertia in elementary school. Did u even complete grade 6? Also relevant to this topic is also called centripetal force! But come on! Get a lil bit of an education b4 spewing this trash to others. #4. These are physics principles that u can test yourself in the outside world! How u can figure out the earth is round, for yourself! Go outside! Observe constellations! Do it for the period of a year and a half. This alone in movements should be enough. #5! Butt.., here's an even simpler way! Go outside, observe the sun and the moon as they rise and set on the horizons! As you will see, they are LARGEST when on the horizons! As if they were being magnified by a concave lens! U know, like a curved atmosphere! Aka round! Observe how the sun and moon are SMALLEST when directly above! It's as if, this when they are directly straight with no angle through the atmosphere, and where the atmosphere is at its thinnest! The exact opposite of what any flat earth reality or thesis requires! Flat earth to function would need the sun and moon smallest on horizons and largest when directly above! #6! Solar and lunar eclipses! What shape covers the moon or sun as it happens? That's right, a circle! And if you try and argue that the flat earth is a "disk", and that's why u c a circle appear during the eclipses. Is sunlight hours equal/equally dispersed all over the earth / land at the same time? NO! NO ITS NOT! Thus, the earth is curved, and a sphere! This should be common sense, common comprehension physics to anyone! Children get it! Why don't you!? Are u that uneducated? Or are u simply a troll!? Idk! But I do know my Planet Earth is Round, and a sphere! #7 Maybe all flat earth conspiracy traces back to langely Virginia, aka Cia head quarters for a reason!? Yes, that's actual fact! And why do they do it? Maybe there are other real conspiracies out there like ufos/aliens/secret space programs and possible hollow earth out there! But, that's just too realan isn't it?
Kevin Haltom
4/7/2018 02:13:11 pm
Your study of physics and science seriously prove you are truly indoctrinated by the same fake theories as astronomy...
3/2/2019 09:36:32 pm
Have you personally been to space? If not then you are relying on the information that the elite secret keepers have given us. You talk about physics who created physics? The people that control the world. You follow blindly and do what you are told without question. They have all the time in the world all the money and the power so what else can they take from us, knowledge. Also the earth is flat but the atmosphere is round.
12/6/2017 02:59:03 am
sunggung menarik informasinya, terimakasih banyak
1/22/2018 04:40:11 am
Brian, please see my blog. I touch on some of the issues you raise, but certainly not all of them. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mark
1/29/2018 10:23:56 am
oh my god, my nose just caved in
4/9/2018 09:25:59 am
Get a plane, fly in the same exact direction with a live camera mounted in the windshield.
Dave Kelso
5/5/2018 10:20:35 pm
I have faith in God. The Universe. Source Energy. Whatever buzz word anyone wants to use to describe that, pick your poison. What I have no faith in what so ever, is humanity and any of its systems, governmental and otherwise. Most people haven't gotten to where I'm at on it yet because too many people still view it as negativity or pessimism -- where as I don't think its negative to admit that fire burns, and I think being able to admit to a mess existing is a positive thing because if a mess can be seen, it can be cleaned up. But the vast majority of humans, regardless of the topic (it doesn't matter what topic, it truly doesn't -- pick any one you want) think they are interested in the truth but really they are not. They want to fight. They want to divide. They are materialistic and egotistical. They should use things and love people but instead they love things and use people. We are a tragically mentally ill species. We want to feel justified and righteous and shake our fists. We demand that we be understood while simultaneously refusing to be understanding. We shake our fists. We attack others. We waste time with conspiracies because we don't realize that it doesn't matter whether one conspiracy theory or another is true or not. It doesn't matter what shape the Earth is. Narcissistic self-destructive suicidal humans who just want to fight fight fight fight fight and watch the world burn around them, can do this on a flat earth. A globe earth. A holographic matrix Earth. Any kind of Earth at all. Those in power are in power because we not only choose to allow psychopaths to rule over humanity, we insist that they must and anyone who says otherwise is branded as delusional. We are like abused children who grow up to be abusive parents and pass the meme forward like the worst family heirloom ever. We refuse to learn from the mistakes of history and we revel in repeating them as we get a fleeting cheap thrill from it. I've had flat earthers tell me that they think that everyone knowing the Earth is flat is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, PERIOD. I ask "even more important than compassion and empathy and unity?" and they tell me: YES! And when I ask "how so?" they say "IF EVERYONE KNEW IT WAS FLAT THEY WOULD STOP FIGHTING AND THEY WOULD UNITE!" and I'm like ... WTF? So the fact that flouride is a neurotoxin isn't enough to get people to stop fighting and unite, and the facts about GMOs and a hundred other things that are simple and easy to prove that no one wants to fucking hear isn't enough to get people to stop fighting and unite -- and one of the most outlandish things from the perspective of most people's belief systems is supposed to get people to stop fighting and unite, but the more simple things can't?
9/11/2018 03:36:57 am
I find your post an interesting one. Thank you for sharing with us.
jake treadwell
12/8/2018 10:18:22 am
Humans have known the earth is round since 400 BC. They didn't need cameras or satellites to figure it out. This is clearly a fake conspiracy that did not develop gradually or organically but that came out of nowhere in January 2015 as seen on Google Trends. The purpose of this fake conspiracy theory is most likely to discredit valid conspiracy theories pertaining to the actions of criminal entities within the US government.
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Maircas Oflanahbra
11/17/2020 08:55:19 am
You stayed in this article that the reason why objects appear to disappear over the horizon is due to the vanishing effect and simply taking a pair of binoculars or a telephoto lens will cause the object to pop back into view. We’ve seen pictures from 60, 70, even 120 miles like the picture from mount San Jacincto. These are all very impressive distances but if the earth is truly flat let’s see some real distances
9/9/2021 11:19:26 am
The Earth was known to be a GLOBE in 240 BC. A mathematician named Erotosthenes calculated the circumference to be within 1 to 16 percent off of the actual number. He was close but would have been closer if he had known the exact distance to a landmark me was using for his calculations. And no one knows the actual length of a Stadia he used for measurement, thus the 1 to 16 percent error width. Yes, NASA has pulled some wool over our faces for sure, but this isn't one of those cases. A Flat Earth is a fun thought, but that's about all it is. Perhaps Flat Earth was an Idiom or figure of Speech? Idioms and Figures of Speech were quite common in the Bible. Satan was not a "serpent" but the Nachash according to Strong's Concordance. But perhaps he was a "snake in the grass" which was a measure of his evil character. And Lot's wife was not turned into a pillar of salt but was "frozen with fear" or in today's language, she was scared shytless." Today's snake handler cult thinks the Bible tells them to handle deadly snakes to prove their faith. Ha. But in that context, "snakes" is figurative for certain types of persons that cheat, lie, murder, and steal. It's hard to convince folks to actually look up words in the Concordance to see what they really mean in the Hebrew and Greek. They love their ignorance.
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2/8/2022 05:11:25 am
Since 400 BC, humans have understood that the planet is round. It wasn't necessary to use cameras or satellites to figure it out. As Google Trends shows, this is a blatantly fabricated conspiracy that did not emerge gradually or naturally, but rather sprang out of nowhere in January 2015. This fictitious conspiracy theory is most likely intended to debunk legitimate conspiracy theories about the behaviour of criminal groups within the US government.
4/25/2023 07:37:21 am
There is no logical reason to believe in a flat Earth, despite recent chatter. Study abroad consultants in Pakistan should focus on promoting evidence-based thinking and scientific inquiry among students.
Truth Maximalist
7/3/2023 07:53:40 am
Obviously the world is not a spinning ball falling backwards 1000 miles per hour against the sun. It's amazing the lie has been going on this long. I fear the only way the lie stops is when Jesus returns, maybe in our lifetime. Keep up the good work, Brian. This is your calling.
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AZ Clinic TX specializes in various health services and wellness treatments. Based on the details provided on their website, here’s a general overview of what they might offer. Primary Care: Comprehensive health services for routine check-ups, management of chronic conditions, and overall health monitoring. Urgent Care: Immediate care for non-life-threatening conditions that require prompt attention. Preventive Care: Services aimed at preventing diseases and maintaining health through regular screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle advice. Specialized Services: They might offer specialized treatments depending on the clinic’s focus, which could include services like weight management, hormone therapy, or pain management. Telemedicine: Online consultations for convenience and accessibility.
8/29/2024 08:23:13 am
AZ Clinic TX specializes in various health services and wellness treatments. Based on the details provided on their website, here’s a general overview of what they might offer. Primary Care: Comprehensive health services for routine check-ups, management of chronic conditions, and overall health monitoring. Urgent Care: Immediate care for non-life-threatening conditions that require prompt attention. Preventive Care: Services aimed at preventing diseases and maintaining health through regular screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle advice. Specialized Services: They might offer specialized treatments depending on the clinic’s focus, which could include services like weight management, hormone therapy, or pain management. Telemedicine: Online consultations for convenience and accessibility.
8/31/2024 02:05:31 pm
Cube Peaks is a dynamic and forward-thinking consulting firm, known for its expertise in delivering tailored solutions that drive business success. Whether in the realm of Microsoft Dynamics 365 or broader digital transformation initiatives, Cube Peaks stands out for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Their team of experts brings a deep understanding of industry challenges and crafts solutions that are both effective and sustainable. Partnering with Cube Peaks means gaining a trusted advisor dedicated to helping your business reach its full potential.
9/5/2024 12:31:22 pm
B12 shots are a popular option in Atlanta for boosting energy, improving metabolism, and supporting overall wellness. Many wellness centers and clinics in the area offer these injections, often as part of a broader health plan. If you're looking to increase your energy levels or address a B12 deficiency, consider consulting with a local provider to see if B12 shots are a good fit for your needs. Always ensure you're getting them from a licensed professional for the best results!
9/19/2024 11:38:56 am
Car Rental Dubai services provide a wide range of vehicles, from budget-friendly options to luxury cars, ensuring that there’s something for every need and budget. Enjoy hassle-free booking, competitive rates, and exceptional customer service when choosing Car Rental Dubai.
9/30/2024 10:03:17 am
I recently discovered NiftySpot, and I'm so impressed with their stationery shop online! They have a fantastic selection of unique and high-quality items that are perfect for all my crafting and organizational needs. It's so easy to browse and find exactly what I’m looking for. Plus, their prices are great! If you're in need of some fresh stationery, definitely check them out!
10/23/2024 07:34:42 am
<a href ="">One Tap Drive</a> Dubai is a top-notch car rental service offering a wide range of vehicles to suit every need and preference. Whether you're seeking luxury cars for a special occasion or practical vehicles for daily use, OneTapDrive ensures a seamless rental experience with its user-friendly platform. The service guarantees well-maintained, clean cars and provides flexible rental options, including hourly, daily, or long-term rentals. With OneTap, you can explore Dubai in comfort and style, enjoying reliable and efficient service every time.
12/3/2024 05:27:49 am
<a href=""> Snooker Betting site in India</a> offers fans an exciting way to engage with their favorite sport through betting on various matches and tournaments. These platforms provide multiple betting options, attractive odds, and up-to-date match information, enhancing the overall experience. With a focus on user convenience, they typically feature secure payment methods, easy navigation, and reliable customer support, creating a trusted environment for Indian players who enjoy adding a layer of thrill to their snooker viewing.
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Brian S Staveley
Brian S Staveley is
the founder and creator of both The Real News Online and The Dose Of Reality Radio Show. Brian began researching these matters in late 2010 and launched his first of several radio ventures shortly after. Brian also produces all the radio shows on this network as well as the work on the website. His main areas of research would be media fakery, govt. and media hoaxes, false flags, 9/11, NASA, Flat Earth, Scientism, Mandela Effect, and more. RIP